COMINGEVENTS Feb. 9-BB-Adams vs. Auburn (Her e) Wre stlin g Conf erence Me et wi mmin g City Meet-- Natatorium F eb. 11- Boys' In tra mur a l, 7-9 p. m . Feb . 12-Gl ee Clu b Initi ation , L. T ., 7:0 0 p . m . Feb. 12-G lee Club Rehearsa l, 7:30 p. m. Feb . 12-Freshm an BB-Adam s vs. Ril ey (H) Feb . 14-N. C. C. J. Brotherhood As embl y, 8:25 a. m . Feb. 14-Fr eshm an BB -A da ms vs. Elkh art No. id e (Her e) Feb. 15-BB-Ad ams vs. Elkhart (T h ere ) Vol. 17, No. 16 JOHN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL - SOUTH BEND, INDIANA February 8, 1957 Guidance Office Takes OPEN IN GS AVAILABLE Boo ter Club Sponsors urvey of Graduate FOR TOWER ,vRITER S Ticket Campaign for N.C. C. J. to Hold Recently the Adams guidance of­ All freshmen and any other stu­ ,vas hington Game AnnualBrotherhood fice completed its annual survey of dents who are interested in working The Booster Club sponsored a cam­ students who graduated last June . on the Tower staff for the second paign this week to sell tickets for The purpose or this survey is to learn semester should contart Miss Mary the Adams - Washington basketball BanquetFeb. 18 the post graduation plans of Adams Walsh , Joan Jacobs , or Linda Rogers. game. Homeroom representatives of "The Family of Man" is the theme students as an aid to the guidance of News and sports writers are particu­ the Booster Club took a count each of this year's third annual Brother­ future graduates. Inquiries were sent larly needed. Assignments for news, morning to see how many students hood Banquet for teenagers. The ban­ to the 225 graduates of 1956 of which features, and sports are given out to had bought ticket s for the game. quet is being co-sponsored by the l 08 were boys and 117 were girls. All writers every Thursday after school Those who bought tick ets received Hering House and the St. Joseph sent replies except one boy and one at 3:20 in room 205. If you are inter ­ signs to wear on their shirt or sweat­ County Junior Roundtable of the Na­ girl. ested in working on the Tower , please tional Conference of Christians and .., er saying, "I'm going - Washington One of the results of this survey is come to room 205 on Thursday. game - How about you?" Jews. that 47.55% or 57 boys and 50 girls The representative of the winning The banquet will be held at St. are continuing their education in homeroom and the homeroom were Mary 's College on February 18, at six some manner either by attending col­ ADAMS SELL MO T announced yesterday, February 7, in o'clock in the evening . Special guests lege or taking specialized training. TICKET FOR PROM the pep assembly. The Towe r went will be Mr. Joe Boland, Sports Di­ Of these students who are further­ The seniors are to be congratulated to press before the contest ended . recotr of WSBT-TV, and Miss Rosa ing their education, 36% or 47 boys on their fine representation at the This ticket campa ign was an effort Page Welch , internationally known and 34 girls are attending twenty­ All-City Mid-Year Prom. Adam s, the on the part of the Booster Club to folk singer. Students participating in the program are Carolyn Woolridge, nine colleges and u n i v e rs i t ie s third largest high school in South raise the attendance of the students throughout the United States in thir­ Bend , sold the most tickets to the at the Adams basketball games. Riley; Andy Mollison , St. Joseph; and Guy Curtis, Central. teen states. Among the states in which prom this year. Adams sold eighty­ Adams 1956 graduates are attending !'ix tickets for first place honors. Cen­ Decorations for the banquet are be­ schools are Indiana, Ohio , Arizona, tral followed with a close second with Two enior in Cadet ing handled by a committee headed Utah, Color ado, Michigan, California, eighty-three tickets; Riley sold eigh­ Teaching Program by Andy Dean of Adams. Other ty -one for third place; and Washing­ chairmen include ti ckets, Sue Welber , Kansas , and Connecticut. Fifty-six of Marilyn McKnight and Linda Rog­ these graduates are attending Indiana ton placed fourth with a sale of twen ­ Adams; city publicity, Ray McLane , ers, both Adams seniors, are partici­ St. Joseph ; and general chairman, colleges and universities. Three of ty-nine tickets. Adams will receive a pating in the Cadet Practice Teach ing Andy Mollison, St. Joseph. these fifty-six are taking full sched­ small percentage of the profits ac ­ cording to the number of tickets sold. Program offered to those seniors in­ Ticket s which are one dollar per ules of classes at Indiana Exten sion terested in teaching as a career. Both Center. person can be obtained from the fol­ girls attend the classes in their prac­ lowing Adams representatives: Sandy Graduates who are taking special­ Brotherhood Assembly tice schools from 1:15 to 3:30. Marilyn Mitchell , senior; Andy Dean and Sue ized training courses from eighteen To Be Pre sented By is doing her practice teaching at Per­ Welber , juniors; Jo Dobecki and Ca­ months to thre e years are 11.55% or Junior Roundtable ley School on the 2B grade level and rol Ann Schiller , sophomores; and ten boys and sixteen girls. Three boy s her helping teaching is Mrs. Esther Wilma Stewart, fre shman. For more are taking an apprenticeship, and The John Adams representatives of Beutter, while Linda helps out at information , see Mrs. E 1 i z a be th three girls are in nurses' training. The the St. Joseph County Junior Round­ McKinley School on the 3A- 4B grade Schmidt in room 201. other ten are attending technical tab le of National Conference of leve l with Mrs. Bernita Walton as her All teenagers in every St. Joseph schools . Christians and Jews will present a helping teacher . County high school are urged to at­ Some of the graduates are em ­ Brotherhood Assembly to the Adams Th ere are seniors in all four city tend this Brotherhood Banquet. It is -r ployed full-time and are taking from student body and faculty on the high schools participating in the pro­ an excellent opportunity to meet two to eight hours of classes per morning of Thur sday, February 14. gram in the elementary schools and teenagers from all over the city and week at Indiana Extension Center. The student chairman of this pro­ some of those participating in the county, and to gain many new and Five girls and nine boys or 6.22% are gram will be Edgeir Benum, Adams' program at Washington do their cadet worthwhile ideas about "The Family furthering their education in this Norwegian exchange student. A read­ teaching at Washington. of Man." Adams has always support­ manner. ing of the Ten Commandments of ed these affairs, so let's have a good Good Will will be given by ten Adams A total of 101 boys and girls are Fifteen Girls Work representation of Adams students at students. Those who will participate the banquet this year . now employed full-time of which all in this part of the program are Bruce In Attendance Office except three are employed in the Feldman, Carol Ann Schiller, Gail Among the many students who do­ South Bend - Mishawaka area. Of Levy, Linda Hamme s, Brian Hedman , nated their services to the school but TICKETS ON SALE FOR these graduates, 32% or eight boys Pat Soellinger, Wilma Stewart, Sandy usually are unre cognized are the at­ \VINGHEART SWAY and sixty-four girls are employed in Mitchell, Drude Koren , and Dennise tendance clerks in the attendance of­ Last year you admired the photo business firms. Twenty-eight boys Grim shaw . fice. For the second semester, there taken at the Swingheart Sway. Now, and one girl have entered industrial Sue Welber will discuss the mean­ are filteen girls who work in the at­ YOU TOO can be in that picture! and service wo rk. ing of brotherhood after which a tendance office every day during For a limit ed time only tickets can be Twenty-one boys or 9.33% have panel discussion given by three St. their study halls. purchased at $1.75 per couple from enlisted in a branch of military serv­ Jo seph High School students will fol­ These fifteen girls who work some ­ Hi-Y members. Mark the date in your ice. The Air Forc e has claimed three low. Mary Jane Anthony will talk time during the six periods each day calendar - Frida y, February 15. boys, the Army, four; the Marines, about the practical things, and Mike are J ane Weidler, Judy Johnson , Ca­ Thi s year the Adams Hi- Y is in three; the Navy, ten; and one boy did Maggert will tell the group about the rolyn Winslow, Sherry Longbreak , cha rge of decorations for the dan ce. not specify which branch he was in. purpose and work of the J u n i o r Kathy Aaron, Sandy Robaska , Kay The committee is composed of Bob Nineteen graduates have married Roundtable of NCCJ. Rosemary Ver­ Jamieson, Nancy Carley , Sue Wilson, chairman, Tom Horn, Don of which three are boys. Eight of the slype will discuss the need for broth­ Schwanz, Janice Conrey, Barbara Marquardt, Tony Evans, Dennis Mor­ sixteen married girls are housewi ves, erhood in the world today.
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