PP3739/12/2002 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM3.00 / 2002:Vol.22No.10 Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(10) Page 1 COVER STORY Beyond UMNO vs PAS Elections as opportunity by Philip Khoo “Is Any Opposition Better Than No Opposition” - the lead story in Aliran Monthly last month - raises many important issues about the future of this country. Everyone would benefit from read- ing the article with an open mind, taking to heart the serious ques- tions it raises about PAS’ direc- tion, and asking themselves where they would like to see Ma- laysia headed — and then think about how one might go about achieving it. This is especially true of those sympathetic to PAS and its agenda of an Islamic Malaysia. Does PAS’ programme and ac- tions go towards achieving its dream? Or, looking at real histori- cal experiences elsewhere, will it instead realise a condition that is only Islamic in name and diktat, but will, in fact, be as distant from the civilization that produced an ibn Khaldun and an al- Khwarizmi, a Rumi and an ibn Rushd, as the Malaysia of today’s is? Sadly, responses to criticisms by some senior PAS figures indicate that such reflection is unlikely to happen. This is tragic, indeed un- conscionably blind, for it is clear that the most celebrated Islamist revolution of our age, the Iranian, is in trouble and resorting to Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(10) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE Our cover story is a continuation of last month’s theme: is any opposition better than no opposition? CONTENTS Philip Khoo appreciates the issues raised last month but suggests that the question and argument are wrongly posed. Like it or not, opposition to BN rule COVER STORY and its policies is growing. He reminds us our op- ••• Beyond UMNO vs PAS 222 tions are not limited to either UMNO or PAS; there ••• The Role Of The Opposition 777 are other oppostion parties too. We can also learn from our women activists who have built a strong movement for change. FEATURES ••• To Serve With Love 999 Accompanying the lead are the views of reformasi ••• Evicted Ex-workers 111111 activist Raja Petra. For him, an opposition, warts and all, is better than no opposition whatsover. A ••• Loyalty To The People's Needs 151515 pragmatist, he argues that an opposition with a com- ••• Remembering Azmi Khalid 232323 mon concern for justice can cooperate and effect po- ••• Against US Plans To Attack Iraq 33 litical changes. ••• Why Can't They Sort Thing Out? 404040 The independent stance of two MCA state repre- sentatives over the PORR issue grabbed headlines. P Ramakrishnan congratulates them for upholding REGULARS public interest though another Aliran member re- ••• Thinking Allowed 191919 gards the duo’s stand as opportunism. ••• LettersLettersLetters 303030 Another debate surrounds the national service pro- ••• Current Concerns 363636 posal. Mustafa K Anuar wonders if national service will be used to shore up public support for the rul- OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS ing coalition. Andrew Aeria meanwhile asks why ••• Subscription Form 171717 Malaysia and Singapore cannot sort out their bilat- eral differences over water, CPF, KTM etc when they • AppealAppeal• 181818 can cooperate over security issues. ••• Poem: Them & US 343434 ••• Government (a la Malaysia) 393939 We also pay tribute to the late Azmi Khalid, univer- sity lecturer, law academic and Aliran exco mem- ber, on the tenth anniversary of his passing. We re- produce extracts from a newly launched book re- calling his contribution to the struggle for human rights and justice. Finally, we extend our warmest festive greetings to all our readers and peace and blessings for the New Published by Year. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Penang, Malaysia. Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.malaysia.net/aliran all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Angkatan Edaran Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. Lot 6, Jalan Tukang 16/4, Seksyen 16, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(10) Page 3 ‘Islamically’ disguised secular These Oppositions did not come intends. As he notes, he has al- instruments of repression and out of nowhere. Nor is their char- ways found himself to be in the control to extend its life a little acter, even more the nature of their Opposition. Still, the posing of the more. support, the product of the imagi- issue does result in the unintended nation of a few individuals. outcome of casting the choices as Wrong Question… Rather, they have been deeply if one were in a supermarket And Argument shaped by the actions, policies choosing between brands, rather and dominance of the Alliance than that one is instead a partici- Nevertheless, the article is and of the BN. Not least, they have pant in one way or another pro- wrongly titled and argued. It falls been shaped by the largely suc- ducing those very brands and not into a serious trap and is, in fact, cessful actions and policies of the some others. guilty of the same enclosed mind- BN to suppress multi-ethnic class- set, turning away from both based secular oppositions, even This leads to the third issue, in present realities and from history. ethnically-based secular opposi- some ways related to the first: The In doing so, it is illustrative of how tions. terms of the argument in effect turn successful the rulers of this coun- dynamic realities into static enti- try have been in shaping our The well-springs of discontent are ties, almost cast in stone. In addi- thinking, constricting perspec- no mystery. They range from the tion, the argument collapses what tives and stunting our ability to continuing, possibly widening is a diverse Opposition into a sin- imagine options. An example of gap, between rich and poor and gular one, unwittingly adopting this is the recent and on-going the corresponding quality of life the BN model where UMNO is controversy about English — with and life chances, to the hugely re- clearly and evidently dominant its imagined “golden age” of Eng- stricted and heavily policed space and what UMNO says, goes. lish in the past, when in fact that for democratic expression and past was one in which a lower dissent. They relate to the re- In fact, however, the options are percentage of the population read, stricted opportunities for the av- greater than, and will always be wrote or spoke English. So also in erage citizen, rural and urban, and greater than “any Opposition” or the case of the present issue of the continuing sharp divide be- “no Opposition at all”, or, put “any Opposition” or “no Oppo- tween the ethnic groups and be- more starkly, PAS and UMNO. In- sition”. tween classes. If anything, they are deed, the options are greater than likely to get worse in a world of what exists within the world of It is hardly a question of “any rising inequalities and inequities, party politics, although admit- Opposition” or “no Opposition”. one in which many find them- tedly party politics still remain An Opposition, or rather, Oppo- selves marginalised, their noses primary, at least in this country, sitions, exist and have existed, pressed to the glass dividing them when an election looms. and they are not about to disap- from the cornucopia of consump- pear no matter the dissatisfactions tion possibilities which they can To fail to see this, and to fall into with them. Even if they were to see but not enjoy, while simulta- the trap into which the writer of disappear, other Oppositions neously many on the other side of “Is any Opposition better than no would spring up, for the simple the glass divide toss about in Opposition at all?” has fallen is reason that the well-springs of vague discontent. to end up backing the present rul- discontent and disenchantment ing party, thus locking us into a are not about to disappear. Excluding Oneself situation which is the source of From The Equation our present predicament. Indeed, Growing Discontent the ruling party is precisely count- The second issue: Posing the ques- ing upon such a narrowing of per- Hence, the first issue has to be: tion as one of “any Opposition” spectives as this leads to the view, What are these well-springs of dis- and “no Opposition at all” is, in “better the devil we know” or “the content, and why is discontent effect, to exclude oneself from the lesser of two evils”. This perspec- channelled into the Oppositions equation altogether. This is not tive induces paralysis and iner- we see today? something the writer of the article tia, and perpetuates a situation Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(10) Page 4 which many say they wish to end. Rather, it should be cast in wider the issue is not one of “any Oppo- terms of opposition to an unac- sition” or “no Opposition at all”, And this is the fourth, perhaps ceptable situation, with effort di- and restricting that to political most important issue: The need to rected towards changing that situ- parties. Rather, it is one of choos- adopt a broader perspective than ation, with the result that what is ing where and what one pursues that of party politics; the need to changed includes the framing of in an imperfect world where noth- have a perspective in which party party politics itself. ing is ever as one would wish it, politics is just one component of a instead of perpetual complaints broader context and situation.
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