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' , ~ '" f " esnow '0' " BY ~ALE DICKEY 't'res· would have overpoweredChantlcleer~scr~wanyhow ­ Editor 'cavse there's no rooster.alive as can compete with tires singing Chanticleer's muffled crow didn't ring out over the valley. on wet.bla·c;ktop at aspeedo.meter reading of 80, and no forward Friday morning - no Chanticleers with crows to be muffled by progress being made ~y s~me vehicle, not to mention the' the six Inch snow fall blanketing Ruidoso. disgruntled drIver of same. , Now that six' Inches of snow depends upon where you were. And the word gQt out that skIIng wasbooming. About midtown" and at the airpOrt, that's a reasonably close measurement - 'cause that's what the official measurer at the Early Friday morn an endless string ofcars- with skits In .. airport measured. '. .carriers, as well as sticking out of windows -were en route to . the ski area. With the lineup at the service stations, to have Up toward Alto Hill, the snow was deeper than'the four.. buckle chains Installed, lust about as long as the IIhes forming at the overshoes on a four-year-old reach toward his knees. various lifts at the ski area. , --- - ' Dachshunds were having problems keeping their nose above \ the fluffy blanket, though their owners had no trouble tracking And there' was" a change in the atmosphere In Ruidoso -:­ them. ,cause, for a change, fhere was change to be made at the business houses. Depends upon who you listened to at Sierra Blanca Ski Area - guestlmates ranged from a foot to two feet to guesses you Down at the RIo RUidoso, the barely gurgling stream of the wouldn't believe. past several weeks'took a new lease on life. The.small stretches of rapids, w~re once again rapids - with the turbutence cutting What It all adds u'p to Is the skIIng on Sierra Blanca Is fan­ meandering paths through the coverlet of snow, giving the fat tastic. Been a long time com,lng, but It came! , trout a new out'look from their vantage potnt In the eddies. ~l~ . THE SCENERY DIDN'T attract the attention of these chair 'Cou'rse, down In the valley, until along about noon Friday, About noon Friday, as the temperature rose above the riders nearly as much as ogling the photographer. there was an Influx of fender benders and the whine of spinning [SEE PAGE TWO] , . s~udents regional,competitio~ , J DECA sweep 1 ) Ruidoso High School· Distributive Carlsbad. are: Debbie Johnson and Shirley April. - Petroleum. owner/manager: Mike Also traveling to the state convention for Named this w..eekend to compete in the Education Clubs of America (DECA) Apparel and accessories. - Food service. master/employe: John Pritchett. Lee Burrows, Josh Ensor and competition Inspeclal categoriesare: statewide Pepsi Learn .and Earn cont~t. students made a sweep of the regional master/employe: Tracy Cole. Julle Page. Whitlock. Alicia PlrelU and Krlstl SteveShaffer. - Advertising services, Rick Pritchett was Van Patton. competition this weekend in Las Cruces. Susan Miller and Kelly Taylor. Perryman. lIThey are all going to work these next and Kim Leskovlansky. Other students competing this weekend ' winning 42 of 60 positions. Apparel and accessories. - Food service, owner/manager: Steve weeks," Parker said. "We hope to repeat - Finance and credit, Donna Clarke, and receiving honorable mention were:· owner/manager: Patricia Reaves, Yvette Cox. Larry Sunnlck. Terry Payne and these resull'lln Carlsbad.tt Lee AM Jones and Twila Clements. Don Dale. Vicki Baca, Cindy Montoya, "It was so exciting:' sponsor Eddie Seelbach. Treva Kelly. Kenna Newton. Mike Sisson. - Apparel and accessories, written Annette I"opez, Teresa .Rue, David Parker said Sunday. "We had Utem out­ Jayme Racher and Patti Neal. - General merchandise, master/em­ Also at the competition, (our Ruidoso event, Sara Wimberly and l)1lcbeUne Calderon, Debbie Clair, Trwnan Bob, numbered, but our kids were better - Food and marketing. master/em­ ploye: Steve Romero, Rick Mound. Tracy DECA students were elected as regional Cooper. •• I,ynn Holly, Jacob salas, Greg Griffin, prepared. knew what to do and didn't miss ploye: Jerry Romero. Brad Brotherton, Johnson, Karri Searsand Debbie Ford. officers. They are Alfred Romero, - Food marketing. written event, Chuck Easley, Bryan Cupp "and Pam Utelr events. Mike Buckley, Kelly Thomason and Rick General merchandise, president; JaM Brown, vice president; Tammy Isaacsand KarenHernandez. Parker. "I'm sure we set a record. I've never Ford. owner/manager: John Brown. Sterling DaMB Clarke, secretary/treasurer, and Ruidoso High School DECA chapter Parker thanked Wayne and Gladys heard of another school doing th.Ls well." Food and marketing. Rehmert and PattiHall. Jerry Garcia, director of publicity. sweetheart Patti Hall was named as Gipson, principal Tom Hansen and Mrs. WLnners in their categories. who will go owncrlManager: Alfred Romero, Tony - Petroleum, IIlMter/employe: Lacee The fOUf regional officers will compete regional sweetheart and will compete for M. C. Pritchett for their auiatance in to the stat~ competition March 14-16 In Lathan. Jerry Garcia. Susan Blank, Lamphere and BnJd Maddox. for state tlUes atthe MarchcompeUUon. themtetitle. drivlng and m. apanaonng thegroup. Mansell enters Federal airport grant approved School ski progralD.set the New Mexico state AvIaUon Depart... lIloyor's race in The Village or Ruidoso will receive a United States Department of Tran­ ment with a $8,025 grant; to be matchedby the village. , The annual Bid program sponsored by sportation grant In tlle amount of $1«,450 we will continue the program as planned," Studen,ts participating will be excused The project, totalling the Ruidoso Municipal Schools begins to improve facilities at Ruidoso Municipal $160,500, includes Ruidoso Downs he said. from their classes at noon on Tuesday to rehabllitation and ramp January 24 at Sierra Blanca Ski Area, Airport; Senator Pete Domemcl told The, of taxiways Open to students in grades three through allow time (or parents to pick them up and parking and reconstruction of hanger , Harrold Mansell. serving Ruidoso superintendent of schools Pat Valliantsaid 12. the pro~ram is offered by the Ruldoso take to the NewsThursday. them area. Alsa participating In the' project will be apronq Downs as a trustee by interim ap­ today. schools In conjunction with the ski school IIAll first time beginners will be required • pointment. 'Friday annouoced he Is 8 at the area. Parental permission Is to take Instruction for the first two days. at candidate for mayor in the March 7 Scheduled to start last Tuesday. the required for reJrtstration. a char~e of$1," Valliant said. C.O. Rominger election. program was postponed due to snowy ItAll students participating in this Fortuna A Ruidoso Downs property owner since weather and poor road conditions. A fee of $2 will be paid at the ski area and pro~ram are subject to the rules ofSierra enters county 1971. Mansell has owned and operated ..After checklDJ~ with Roy Parker (area ski rental from downtown ski shops will be Blanca Ski Area and may be suspended for· HollyWood Food Mart since October, 1976. manager). If conditions J:lrtJI satisfactory $2. violations." . "Durin~ my tenure as trustee," he said, to operate '~88essor's race "I instigated the new programmed billing is system here to handle payroll, water and Lovelace c. o. ,"Chuck" Rominger hasannounced sewer accounts; a system that can be County liquor dealers his candidacy for Democratic nomination . for Uncoln County Assessort subjecttothe enla~ed as the village grows." candidate for Downs track 6 Mansell listed as issues to be confronted June primaryelection. He holds B certificate as Certified New by the mayor in the immediate future as. The New Mexico Rachlg Com­ Mexico Appraiser, is a senior member of "water and sewer extension, land county clerk form association mlssloD; by • «·1 vo'te Friday acquisition. street Improvements, new eveniDg, authorized Forlwia Cor­ the American Association of Certified Barbara Lovelace has announced she Is Appraisers. the National Association cl ~rba~e trucks and working for the Win. Place and Show; Van Nonnan, Rusty poration operate the Ruldoso a candidate for the·office of Lincoln County The Lincoln County Retail Liquor to Review Appraisers the development of the proposed Regional Anchor and Outpost bars; Floyd Caufield, Downs Race Track during the 1978 and International Oerk on the Republican ticket. Dealers Association was organized Association of AsseSsing Officers. Heholds Airport near Fort Stanton. OJ Thursday to ICpromcte the interest and Inncredible; Jerry Bigham, COl18ins;; meeting. in Background experience. "qualifying me She served that post from 1973-76 and Dorthea Trimble,Win, PlaceandShow. a deRree in business administration. has been employed in the county clerk's better the understanding of the retail With his (amlly. he now lives in to bold the office of mayor, includes: liquor industry." an association Also. Stonny Edwards, Cree Meadows CaRting the dluentlng vote was Carrizozo, where operates B, - IISeveral years as regional manager office six and one-hall years. spokesman said. Golf and Country Club; Andy Rue, George Maloof, (!ommfllloD he real estate of Dayton Tire and Rubber Company in Her husband, Gary, owns and operates Buckaroo l.ounJ~e; Eddie O'Brien, Nike dlalrman. and property appraisal office. Hehas lived Carrizozo Ready Mix and their children Oklahoma City. toun~e: Marie Vaughn, Hollywood Inn; in Ruidoso and operated a business and Gary Joe, 17. Maurita, 15 and Jerry.
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