DOCUMENT RESUME ED 324 182 RC 017 793 AUTHOR Moss, Peter R., Comp. TITLE Twenty-Five Year Subject/Country/Author Index. Comparative Education, Volumes 1-25. REPORT NO ISSN-0305-0068 PUB DATE 90 NOTE 91p. AVAILABLE FROMCarfax Publishing Co., P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) JOURNAL CIT Comparative Education; spec iss 1990 EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Comparative Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Indexes ABSTRACT This special journal issue provides subject, country, and author indexes to all articles in Comparative Education since its inception in November 1964. The subject index contains almost 400 categories. The country index lists articles by country and, where appropriate, by world region or continent, with subject subheadings. The author index has multiple entries for articles with multiple authors. (SV) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ,o.,-,..),..a.!.;1/4:/,;4'V4 t'''''°''''"''','401P-' (/) U.1 aC 0 t Y.7. Z, 1 "T cr oz ;2 , ', k 0 0 Lr ,-, 1 , J CC . atL" L.) u. ,.; t 1 '5 - 0lil .Z aa L.) ''z'' t ? ,e 'I a z a .,-, a -^ 0 7: u., , ill-I 0 , 1: .., ,, - 0cr O I. It wel kmrg To lag I ', V.4.A.0' COMPARATIVE EDUCATION EDITOR AND CHAIRMAN Edmund King, Emerinu Professor of Educcaton, University of London King's College EDITORIAL BOARD Patricia Broadfoot, Reader in Education, University of Bristol Nigel Grant, Professor of Education, University of Glasgow Angela Little, Professor of Education in Developing Countries, Institute of Education, University of London Guy Neave, Professor of Comparative Education, Institute of Education,University of London John thenham, Fellow in Education and Development, Innituu ofDevelopment Studies at the University of Sussex David Phillips, Lecturer m Educational Studies and Fellow of St EdmundHall, University cf Oxford CONSULTANT MEMBER Jon Lauglo, Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities,Oslo, Norway This mternational journal of educational studies presents up-to-date informationwith analy-ses of sipificant problems and trends throughout the world. It especially considers theimplications of comparative suIdies for the formation and implementation of policiesnot only ineducation but in social, national and international development_ Thus It welcomes contributionsfrom associated disciplines in the fields of government, management, sociologyand indeedtechnology and communicationsas these affect educational policy deCisions. Articles submitted to the Editorial Board are read by all members and are discussed indetail at Board meetings three times a yearan unusual, if not unique, feature. In addition, expertadvice is taken on panicular papers. Over more than 25 years Comparative Education's editorial policy and presentation haveevolved to match world developments and the changing concernsof those active in education or involved in its finance, management and wider implications. Our readership has evolved tooin proportion as comparative studies of education have attracted the attention of statesmen, the commerical/industrial world, and parents arid voters. Therefore, the Editorial Board invites contributions (in three copies) dealing with international or analytically comparative aspeas of education, highlighting such themes as: Educational reform and practical problems of implementation Implications of demographic change and the distribution of resources Structural and geographical shifts in employment and professional expectations The changing `mix' of 'general' and `vocational/professional' education Occupational mobility and regional or international co-operation Post-compulsory and 'young adult' education Part-time, recurrent or alternating education/training New structures and operational patterns in higher education The management and supply of educational opportunity, and its location orperiodicny The media and new communications or technologies in education --Curricular content, and the learner's experience Teacher preparation and reorientation Education for the disadvantaged, or in neglected fields of competence Ideological and religious in:es:anions New trends and pannerbps in comparative research Suggestions of themes for articles or special issues will be welcomed. Editorial correspondence, including books for review, should be addressed to Professor Edmund King, 40 Alexandra Road, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4BT, UnitedKingdom. Business correspondence, including orders and remittances relating to subscriptions, advertisements, back numbers and offprints, should be sent to the publishers: Carfax Publishing Company, P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, Oxfordshire 0X14 3UE, UnitedKingdom. The journal is published three times a year, in March, June and October. These three Issues constitute one volume. An annual index and title-page isbound in the October issue. ISSN 0305-0068 1990, Carfax Publishing Ltd COMPARATIVE EDUCATION I WENTY-FIVE YEAR SUBJECT/COUNTRY/AUTHOR INDEX VOLUMES 1-25 Compiled by Peter R. Moss Comparative Education Librarian Institute of Education University of London The compiler would like to thank his colleague Stephen Pickles for the benefit of his computing expertise during the preparation of this index 4 Subject Index 3 Ability Grouping STAHL, Abraham. 'Closing the educational gap': See also: Se lecnon inferences from the educational experience of DIXON,R.T.Differentiatededucationin European Jews. 23,2, 1987, pp. 145-59.. Czechoslovakia. 4,1, November 1967, pp. 3-8. TROYNA, Barry. Paradigm regained: a critique TSUKADA, Mamoru. Institutionalised supple- of 'cultural deficit' perspectives in contem- mentary education in Japan: the Yobiko and porary educational research. 24,3, 1988; pp. Bonin student adaptations. 24,3,1988; pp. 273-83. 285-303. Administration see Educational Administra- Academic Freedom tion MacKENZIE, Clayton G. Prisoners of fortune: Admission Commonwealth Africanuniversities and See also: Entrance Examinations their political masters. 22,2, 1986, pp. 111-21. DANSKIN, Edith. Quality and quantity in higher education in Thailand and Philippines. 15,3, Access to educatiorhee Educational opportu- October 1979, pp. 313-23. nity GUNAWARDENA, Chandra. Ethnic representa- tion, regional imbalance and univenity ad- Achievement missions in Sri Lanka. 15,3, October 1979, BAGLEY, Chnstopher A comparative perspec- pp.301-12. tive on the education of black children in HIGGINS, Janet M.D. Problems of selection and Britain. 15,1, March 1979, pp. 63-81. professional orientation of Soviet pedagogical CH ENG, S.C. & EDWARDS, R. Individual versus students. 12,2, June 1976, pp. 157-62. co-operative research in comparative educa- LITTLE, Alan and KALLEN, Dents. Westem tion: an extension of the I.E.A. enquiry to European secondary school systems and Hong Kong. 7,3, December 1971, pp 107-19. higher education: a warning for comparative DUNDAS-GRANT, Valerie. Attainment at 16+: education. 4,2, March 1968, pp. 135-53. the French perspective. 11,1, March 1975, pp. LUKACS, Peter. Changes in selection policy in 13-22. Hungary: the case of the admission system In FAASSE, J.H., BAKKER, B., DRONKERS, J. & higher education. 25,2, 1989, pp. 219-28. SCH1JF, H. The impact of educational reform: NEAVE, Guy. The development of Scottish edu- empirical evidence from two Dutch genera- cation 1958-1972. 12,2, June 1976, pp. 129-44. tions. 23,3, 1987, pp. 261-77. RICHTER, Ingo. Selection and reform in higher HALEVY, Zvi and ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva. The education in Western Europe. 24,1, 1988, pp. 'religious factor' and achievement in educa- 53-60. tion. ;0,3, October 1974, pp. 193-99. SIDEL, Mark. University enrolment in the Pe- HEYNEMAN, StephenP. Why impoverished ople's Republic of China, 1977-1981: the ex- children do well in Ugandan schools. 15,2, amination model returns.18,3,1982,pp. June 1979, pp. 175-85. 257-69. LINDSEY, J.K.and CHERKAOUt, M. Some SPENCE, Jill. Access to higher education in the aspects of social class differences in achieve- Federal Republic of Germany: the Numerus ments among 13-year olds. 11,3, October 1975, Clausus issue. 17,3, 1981, pp. 285-92. pp. 247-60. STOYLE, Peter. Problems of student mobility MWAMWENDA, Tuntufye S. & MWAMWENDA, within Latin America at the level of univer- Bernadette B. School facilities and pupils' sity entry. 15,2, Jure 1979, pp. 197-207. academic achievement. 23,2, 1987, pp. 225-35. WILLIAMS, Shirley. Unesco European Ministers ORTAR, Gina R. Educational achievements of of Education Conference 20-25 November, primary school graduates in Israel as relat".1 1967. 4,2, March 1968, pp 81-85. to their socio-cultural background. 4,1, No- vemtzr 1967, pp. 23-34. Adult Education POLYDORIDES, Georgia. Women's participation See also: Adult Lueracy, Banc Education, Community in the Greek educational system. 11,3, 1985, pp Education, Lifelong Education, Workers' Education 229-40. BECKER, Hellmut. Education for adults and PRESTON, Rosemary. Education and migration workers today. 5,1, February 1969, pp. 9-16. in highland Ecuador. 23,2, 1987, pp. 191-207. CROSSLEY, Brian. The future of higher or SHEL1NE, Yvonne E., PAPAGIANN1S, George j university adult education in Britain and the & GRANT, Sydney R. The effect of school USA. 12,1, March 1976, pp. 3-12. sponsorship on academic achievement: a CURZON, A.J. Correspondence education in comparison of Catholic, Protestant and gov- England and in the Netherlands. 13,3, October ernment secondary schools
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