to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Mar. 13. 1989 APARTMENTS 19 ■a p a r t m e n t s STORE AND CARS FOR RENT I fo r r e n t OFFICE SPACE FDR SALE Eighth District votes tonight on agreement with town HEBRON. Modern, two 1977 MERCURY Cougar. MANCHESTER. Attrac­ % Spgcioli»D#tf! bedroom. Heat, hot MANCHESTER. One XR7, V8, 62,000. Excel­ By Alex GIrelll the General Assembly to fix boundaries town under the agreement. on tive 6 room duplex. IVz The agreement would fix the boun­ i « water, appliances, Buckland Square, 1075 lent condition. $450. Related editorial, page 8 Manchester Herald and to limit consolidation provisions. parking, no pets. $625. baths, first floor Tolland Turnpike, up 646-4081.______________ daries of the district for both fire The final question will ask if the 228-3245 or 646-0882. laundry, large yard. to 4225 sq. ft. Available 1976 FORD Van, E-250, protection service and sewer service One of the questions the voters face district voters will authorize the district Security, references. ■BOOKKEEPING/ ■^CARPENTRY/ (^HEATING/ |ni miscellaneous M AN CH ESTER. Beauti­ April, 1989. Call Mr. Clubwagon. Excellent The fate of a historic agreement The paper ballots to be distributed and would also involve state legislation tonight is a broad one. It will ask if the directors to sell lan(l it bought on $750 plus utilities. Call Lawrence, 643-2161. condition. $800, negotl- between the Eighth Utilities District tonight will be color-coded and serially that would prevent consolidation of the voters approve the agreement. The Tolland Turnpike as a firehouse site. liNCOWE TAX ESJ bewopeung IS S l PLUMBING I S U SERVICES ful two bedroom apart­ 647-9353. ment, eat-ln kitchen, able. 649-5007, and the town of Manchester, designed numbered'. District officials plan to use district with the town unless the district other four questions are more specific. If the district approves the agree­ self-cleaning stove, M AN CH ESTER. Small 4 evenings.____________ a voter-checkoff list to be sure that all voters consented to consolidation. Complete accounting services to resolve disputes over fire and sewer One will ask if the voters approve ment, it will not need to build a CARPENTRY WORK PJ'8 Plumblna, Hasting & Spring is coming dishwasher, disposal room apartment, se­ Dodge Dart 1973. 6 cy- jurisdiction, will be decided tonight by who cast ballots are eligible to do so. Including A/R. A/P. P/R. G/L. and refrigerator. Din­ STORE AND The district directors have already establishing fire boundaries along lines firehouse. All Phases Air Conditioning curity and references I llnder, automatic, voters of the district. P 4 L Statement and guarterly Framing, Roofs. Siding, Trim. Boilers, pumps, hot water For all your cleanup ing room, living room required. Heat In­ OFPICE SPACE power steering. $1750. Those eligible to vote are people who approved the agreement. The directors drawn on a map that is part of the Part of the agreement provides that tax returns Can design Votes on a five questions will betaken Registered & Fully Insured tanks, new and chores call Rudy, and one both. Air con­ cluded. $550 643-1577. Call 646-7788 after 6pm. are voters in the town of Manchester of the town have approved it in principle agreement. the town and the district will combine additional applications replacements. ditioned, very quiet. by paper ballot when the district vqters Vary Raaaonabla Pricas 647-9925. EAST HARTFORD. New 84 CHRYSLER Laser . 5 who have lived in the district for three and plan to take a formal vote after Another will ask if they approve adjacent properties they own and offer tailored lor your business Quality Work / Frea Ealtmatas FREE ESTIMATES Ideal tor middle aged office space In restored meet at 7:30 at Robertson School, 45 Reasonable, reliable, CONDOMINIUMS speed, air, am/fm months. tonight's vote by the district electorate. establishing sewer boundaries on lines them for sale as one parcel. Since the needs Call 644-6191 and references. or senior citizens, on I house, spectacular cassette. Excellent. North School St. 7 4 2 157 9 643-9649/228-9616 busline. Heat and hot FOR RENT The voters hold the district’s legislative dranw in another map included in the town acquired its property from the A cathedral celling, $4,000. 649-2783._______ The agreement cannot be imple­ No public opposition has been sur­ INCOME TAX GSL Building Mainte­ water Included. Only Burnside Avenue. 3800 powers. agreement. state for highway use orginally, it will RENOVATIONS M & M O IL $640 per month. Come MANCHESTER. Two square feet with base­ 78 MONTE CARLO. Runs mented unless the district voters cast faced to the agreement, under which PREPARATION nance Co. Commercl- good $750. or best offer. affirmative votes on all five of the the district would buy a town-owned fire Certain other conditions will have to One will ask if the voters want to buy have to get state permission to keep the PLUS PLUMBING & HEATING al/ResIdentlal building see why we rarely have bedroom Townhouse ment. Can be divided. the town fire station for $750,000 with proceed from selling the property. It is In Your Homo 0 vacancy. One bed­ with family room In Terms negotiable. For 644-2042 after 6._______ questions, according to John D. LaBelle station and sell the toWn certain sewer be met before the agreement can Complete Home • OH Burner Service A Sales repairs and home Im­ $700,000 of that sum coming from the not needed for road purposes. Inicuding: Rental and Sola room apartment avail­ convenient area. $695 Information, call Ruth 77 ASPEN, slant 6 engine. Jr., the district’s legal counsel. assets and engineering plans. become final. One of them is action by • Automatic Oil Delivery provements. Interior Proprlatorahlp. Call Jim Wheeler Maintenance and exterior painting, able at $605. Agent, per month. Call D.W. FIske, 282-0651. $600 or best offer. 646- • Well Pumps Sales & Service 247-5030. Fish, 871-1400 or 643- 0160 after 6:30 pm. “ 7 4 2 -1 0 0 9 Repair / Renew light carpentry. Com­ Ceilings, Walls, Painting, • Water Heaters (EKetne s O ui plete lanltorlal ‘ ser­ MANCHESTER. Two 1591. Papering, Carpentry bedroom flat, first M AN CH ESTER. Beacon ITRUCKS/VANS • Bathroom & Kitchen vice. Experienced, rei- INDUSTRIAL L U . MANAGEMENT Iniurad • Sanlor DIaeount Remodeling iabie, free estimates. floor, air conditioning, Hill. Two bedroom I FDR SALE SERVICES 643-0304. fully appllanced kit­ Ranch style condo. $795 PROPERTY • Senior Citizen Discounts chen, basement, gar­ per month Includes Tax Return 646-2253 • Electric work by DODGE 1979 3/4 ton. Preparation/Payrolls age. $700 per month, heat and hot water. MANCHESTER. 3400 and Good shape. VB auto­ Precision Electric plus security, plus utili­ Call D.W. Fish, 643-1591 2400 sq. ft. Industrial Bookkeeping FREE ESTIMATES LANDSCAPING matic. Moving must i r 7 J ROOFING/ ties. Available April or 871-1400. space, loading dock. sell $1000. or best offer. Mirk P. Morneauli 1st. No pets. 649-5678 Woodland Industrial 289-4573 lO'IsiOING Phone: 6 4 9 -2 8 7 1 SOUTH WINDSOR. Call after 5 p.m. 742- PHIL’S LAWN CARE after 7pm. Three bedroom Condo, Park. Prlnlclpals only. 9813. 643-2121. Spring Cleanup. IMMACULATE, Plea­ available April 1. Fire­ I MISCELLANEOUS sant, quiet, tour room I CARPENTRY/ LEAKY ROOF? Weekly services. place, pool, washer- Moot roofs can bo ropairod. SERVICES apartment. Lots more. AUTDSFDR REMODELING dryer. No pets. Call in piaca of total rarooflng axpanaoi Call for free estimates Mature, working fe­ Sue, days, 521-0610, ev­ Merchandise RENT/LEASE manrhpBlpr MrralJi Complat# rorooflng of all typoa. HAWKES TREE SERVICE male preferred. Non- enings, 675-6303. FREE ESTIMATES Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump 742-7476 smoker. No pets. 649- FREE Mileage on low FARRAND REMODELING Manchester Roofing removal. Free estimates. DON’S LAWN SERVICE AND 5897. cost auto rental. Vil­ Room additions, decks, roof­ iq a i HOMES 645-8830 Special consideration lor 6ARDENIIN MANCHESTER. Four lage Auto Rental, 643- ing, siding, windows and gutt­ Call now for: l«f*lF0R RENT 2979 or 646-7044. ers. All types of remodeling and elderly and handicapped. rooms, first floor, Yard clean-up 30 Cents repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. parking, near 384, bus, FURNITURE Tuesday, March 14, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 647-7553 Shrub & hedge trimming shopping. $550. 645- BOLTON. Beautiful, six |CARS Bus. 647-8509 ELECTRICAL Rototllling and mowing 8251. room Ranch, three SOFA bed, excellent con­ FDR SALE Res. 645-6849 DISTRIBUTION 10% Smisr CItlim dlscMiit bedrooms, T/a baths, dition, $100. Dinette set M AN CH ESTER. Second garage, many extras. with 4 swival chairs, DUMAS ELECTRIC LABELS 646-7011 floor, 2 bedrooms, Two months security very good condition Service changes, addi­ Tired of manually addressinp heat, appliances. No PAINTING/ distribution mail — we can and references. No $90. Call 647-8874 be­ tional wiring and repairs on I AUTO pets. $600 plus security. pets. $950 per month. tween 5:15 but no later PAPERING existing homes. Ouslity automate this process providinp SERVICES 646-3979. Quality service for a reasonable Available March 15. than 7 pm, Monday - VOLUME Feud grows work at affordble prices. price Cali 644-6101 NEWER Three bedroom 649-7725.______________ Friday. Entirely owner operated. 27 Duplex, wall to wall, all GCF PAINTING years exp. Call Joseph MANCHESTER. Five PRICING TIERINNI’S appliances, I ’/z bath. room Ranch with gar­ l7rJTV/STERE0/ Painting, Staining, Home Dumas 846-5ZS3. Angelic Home Automotivi Englmirlna. Inc. $750. per month. 643- Repair. Large Jobs, Small age, centrally located. I'® [ a p p lia n c es SmCAR Care Registry 276 Hartford Rd., Manchattar 1823.
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