PAGE FORTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Wed., May 5. 1976 The weather Inside today Increasing cloudiness, warm, today, Area news .. .20-21 Editorial ..............4 high in 70s to near 80. Cloudy tonight, Business ...............9 Gardening.........23 Special Announcement !| IT’S A GREAT Classified___ 24-26 F am ily............10-11 showers, lows upper 40s and low SOs. Com ics................25 O hituaries......... 14 National weather forecast map on O m ^ Page 25. JWpTY.EI^TdPAGI^-a r:« ^ Dear Abby........25 Sports..............15-17 WALDBAUM'S ^ Here are just WEEKAT VOL XCV, t4o l|»- ’ 'K f c E ; ; WALDBAUM'S a few of the Food Mart' FOOD MART! tiilHUrihlirFood Mart many,many Long summer ahead ___ everyday low Check the Food Mart circular you received this week . it’s Jammed full of great food buys! for Reagan and Ford prices you*ll find through* Here are just a few of the wonderful bargains By LETiVIS LORD Wallace, said they would support m August's GOP convention at Kan­ I'niled Press International Carter if he’s nominated. It was the sas City. Reagan expressed doubt you’ll find! Suddenly, in a reversal of nearly all first such declaration from Wallace, that either will win on the first ballot. out the store at Food Mart! campaign predictions. Democratic who earlier termed the former “If neither of them maKes it on the U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED GRADE "A" presidentiai candidates are taiking Georgia governor “a warmed-over first or second ballot,” predicted party unity whiie President Ford and (Sen. George) McGovern.” Sen. Howard Baker, R-Tenn., “you Ftonaid Reagan knuckle down for. a Udall, still struggling to keep his can looK for .the awfullest bloodlet­ ting you’ve seen at a Republican con­ Layer -sV* ■' summer-long fight for the .GOP chances alive, told a Washington Food Club Whole nomination. news conference Wednesday there vention in years and years and Jimmy Carter, way out front in the will be “no blood on the floor” once decades and decades.” Cake Mixes Democratic race, is calling for unity the nomination is decided. BaKer, who gained wide attention Mayonnaise in talks with party leaders. He has “We’re not going to screw it up the as vice chairman of the Senate DUNCAN HINES-ALL VARIETIES talked by telephone this week with way we did in ‘68 and ‘72,” Udall Watergate Committee, said he will IS'/iOZ.PKG. QUART JAR Chickens Sen. Hubert Humphrey, New YorK said. “We’re going to win one for a enter the race himself if a nominee \, Gov. Hugh Carey and New. York change.” isn’t produced on an early ballot. Mayor Abe Beame. While the Democrats talKed peace. Ford — now trailing Reagan in T^o of Carter's remaining op­ Ford forecast a ‘‘tough race” but committed delegate votes as a result stressed he was confident of victory JpT! 2'/. TO c ponents, Morris Udall and George See Pape Fourleen ^ 3 LBS. -A AVERAGE LB. M U.S.O.A. CHOICE - CRYOVAC Gov. Grasso tells liegislators ar U S D A CHOICE 6 MILK CHOC. MORSELS 97c WELCH’S GRAPE JELLY ^ °^ FOOD CLUB Tenderloin w h o l e b e e f . ♦ 2.59 CHOCOUTE MORSELS 97c PEANUT BUHER '^RUNoS'' ■ JAR future is bright for state VERMONT MAID SYRUP BOniE 99c MUSHROOM SOUP CLUB T aSV Veal Patties breadV d l b . 69* HARTFORD (UPI) - Connec­ business and industry.” proved by the legislature, and regula­ FOOD CLUB ticut’s future is so bright she's The budget is $120 million higher tion on the shipment of nuclear (Herald photo by Dunn) COOKING SAUCE raguitauan 2j°z 89c CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP ?aS^ iMUULUtK SMOKED (WATER ADDED) named the state entry in the than this year’s $1.68 billion, but the wastes through the state had been only tax increase will be $14.5 million tightened. CAINS MAYONNAISE quart jar 99c TOMATO SOUP FOOD CLUB 10.7 OZ. CAN Pork Shoulder Picnic lb ^ Calaveras County Frog Jumping con­ It was smiles all around 67 test ‘‘New Hope,” Gov. Ella T. on the gasoline levy, from 10 to 11 In the area of employment, Mrs. CAMPBELL'S cents per gallon. Another $100 million Grasso said, the legislature provided William Johnson, master of ceremonies at Wednesday night’s annual meeting of the VLASIC POLISH DILLS “ a°r" 99c TOMATO SOUP REGULAR Grasso said in closing the 1976 Food Club Bacon ub pko* legislative session. will be generated through several state funding for a mini-job program Chamber of Commerce, escorts Dr. John Rogers to the head table to receive the 1.29 bookeeping changes. The legislature has weathered the ' ' See Pane Fourleen Chamber’s “M” Award. financial storm that led her to name Revitalization base prepared Kraft I Light Chunk U.S D A CHOICE BONELESS Child Mild Franks i> 79^ last year's entry "Austerity,” and ‘‘The responsibility demonstrated has passed measures helping con­ by the state will provide the Shoulder sumers and business, she told the necessary foundation on which we Miracle Whip 1. Italian Sausage "we?t lb. final meeting of the House and can build to revitalize the Connec­ Coveted Chamber of Commerce 1.19 Senate Wednesday. ticut economy,” said Mrs. Grasso. QUARTJAR CHICKEN QFTHESEA-6'/20Z. CAN "Austerity” was hot among the She faulted the legislature only for Roast winners of the annual contest in Sliced Beef Liver DEVE^NED LB. * rejecting her proposal for a shakeup 59 California. of the Special Revenue Commission, 2 LB. Law makers praised in charge of- legalized gambling. She ‘M’ Award presented Dr, Jtogers WALDBAUM'S bAG urged legislators to study the Sauerkraut 39* In a brief speech not once in­ booklet, “Inner City Bicentennial acceptance speech with the simple •1 .1 3 terrupted by applause, the governor overhaul for possible action nrat Dr. John E. Rogers, civic and until the announcement. Booklet: 1776-1976.” ■ declaration: “This is too much.”-. praised lawmaKers for setting a $1.8 year. church leader and an authority on The honored guest had already "The people must be assured of ef­ history of blacKs in New England, made an acceptance speech, in He was escorted back to the head With the modesty that has come to billion budget for next fiscal year and table by William Johnson, master of be regarded as characteristic of him. closing a $36 million shortage this ficiency, expert management and received the "M” award Wednesday effect. Earlier he had been given a S c x t s l. GRAPE protection against abuses,” she said, night at the 75th annual meeting of special award by the Chamber for his ceremonies, and began another Dr. Rogers disclaimed personal COFFEE MATE 16 OUNCE JAR 99c Tomato Paste TSJ'ST year despite sagging tax revenues. MUSHROOM SOUP campbells I8c referring to the Republican- the Chamber of Commerce. credit for his accomplishments and CAMpnci I * “Despite difficult fiscal con­ lauded the nation, the community, 10.7 OZ. C l / \ i i v PILLSBURY-HECKERS controlled commission she has Dr. Rogers had left the room at CAN 17c COFFEE m a x w e l l HOUSE 1 f a v A C X A N $1.69 straints, a budget has been enacted his friends. CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP n u ll I or GOLD MEDAL S LB. BAG 6 9 ^ JELLY battled for nearly a year. Fiano’s briefly and re-entered just in that will not raise the overall tax “We have been the beneficiaries of 14 OZ. CANS e<t O O GAYLORD-2LB. JAR time tp hear William Hale, outgoing CADILLAC 5 in i DOG FOOD 6 PACK 9 1 . ^ INSTANT C O F F E E $1.78 burden on our citizens,” she said. The governor said $4.5 million in FOOD c l u b 160Z. Chamber president, announce the our country,” he said. “We get out of “Some of the burden has been shifted extra state aid to financially Sweet Peas VERY YO UN G CAN * name of the winner. It is Kept secret it what we put in, but some of us want GRAVY TRAIN 10 LB. BAG $2.49 INSTANT COFFEE NESCAFE 10OZ. JAR $2.3» 25 to offer a degree of relief for beleaguered cities had been ap­ News summary to taKe it out before we put it in.” SCOTT Dr. Rogers made that observation^ SWIRL CAKES-^l^sburt $1.19 JOHNSON a JOHNSON A BATHROOM TISSUE ASMRTED SHeV t ROLL 24c 7 0 Z . after receiving his first award of the Compiled from United Press International VARIETY 90Z.PKG. ALL VARIETIES BOTTLE evening. Ironically, he said, “I’m 59c BREAD MIXES PILLSBURY Baby Shampoo 89* KELLOGG’S CEREAL PACK OF 10 14V^OZ.PKG. / 9 C Wholesale prices up 0.8% getting too many honors, I don’t want any more." Apple Juice SENECA BOniE 5 9 ^ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Wholesale policies can defuse inflation. Metal prices began to heat up slightly State labor propositions are removed “What I have done, if anything, I C&CCOLA prices leaped 0.8 per cent in April, Led by livestock, eggs and green in April, but wood prices dropped. from the June ballot. Both have done by faith,” Dr. Rogers said. INSTANT I Marshmallow coffee, farm prices rose a heafty 4.2 propelled by the biggest increase in The Wholesale Price Index in April HARTFORD — Henry sides in New York City’s four- Presentation of the awards to Dr, REGULAR QR DIET farm and food prices in a year, the per cent after declining sharply the Jackson planned stops in day apartment striKe have Rogers was the highlight of the annual ' c a n stood at 181.3, up 5.3 per cent from a Baked Pea Beans Labor Department report^ today.
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