friday 30 november 2012 / 16 Kislev 5773 volume 16 - number 43 news opinion letters tapestry community columns youth sports south african One of the world’s best orchestras is coming to town! (page 6) jewish report www.sajewishreport.co.za Livni unveils new party for run in the upcoming Israeli elections ISRAEL HAYOM/EXCLUSIVE TO JNS.ORG “Instead of focusing on their [Likud- Beytenu] ultra-extreme Knesset list, now After months of speculation, former Israeli we’re focusing on the fact that there is anoth- Foreign Minister and Opposition Leader Tzipi er little party in the centre. Livni on Tuesday announced her candidacy in “Anyone who believes that Israel should Israel’s January 22 general elections, unveiling have a fair economy and just society, protect her new party Hatnuah (“The Movement”). democracy and the rule of law and be able to According to media reports, Livni delayed promote a diplomatic [peace] process, should launching her new party until after hostilities unite behind the leadership of Shelly Yachi- with Hamas in Gaza had ceased. Antje Wildgrube/Wikimedia Commons. movich, who is leading the centre bloc with “It was difficult for me to return to poli- confidence and stability. tics,” Livni told a packed roomful of reporters “Next week, the Labour Party will present at a media conference in Tel Aviv. “I came to an economic-social plan that, when imple- fight for our shared vision; to fight for peace. I mented, will give Israeli citizens better, more will not lend a hand to those who are trying to decent lives.” turn the word ‘peace’ into a bad word. I came The other main Centre-Left Israeli party, to fight for Jewish Israel, for democratic Isra- Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid (“There is a Future”), el. I came to fight against social gaps.” also issued a statement, saying: “The ma- Livni said she “didn’t return to politics to noeuvre that Tzipi Livni instigated this morn- be in this or that party”. ing is an embodiment of the old politics, the “My return was motivated by a void that quintessential monster, motivated solely by has emerged,” she said. “When I thought her ego. that [former Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert “It is unfortunate that Livni refused to be may run, I was relieved, because I thought he a partner in making a real change in the lives Tzipi Livni has been criticised for fragmenting the political centre with her new party. would pose a viable alternative to the prime of Israel’s citizens.” minister (Benjamin Netanyahu). Ultimately, Dubbed “Mrs Clean” by one Israeli news- Reactions quickly followed Livni’s media Lapid had also asked Livni to join his par- I stepped in because the political arena re- paper columnist, a reference to her unmarred conference. Labour Chairman Shelly Yachi- ty, and had been refused. mained empty.” integrity while her colleagues were plagued movich, who had asked Livni to join the party Meanwhile, the results of the Likud pri- Livni initially entered politics just over a with criminal investigations, the usually dour but had been rejected, issued a statement say- maries, which ended on Monday after two decade ago, following a stint in the Mossad in- former foreign minister is widely seen as the ing: “Tzipi Livni, who is a worthy woman and days of voting due to glitches in the computer- telligence service - as a legal adviser, some say, antithesis of former Prime Minister Ehud politician, is making a terrible mistake. She is ised voting system, indicated that the party’s while others speculate that she helped hunt Olmert, a glad-handing veteran politician establishing a party of double refugees and list for the next Knesset includes Members of Arab enemies abroad - and then a career as a embroiled in a corruption scandal that forced giving Netanyahu and [Avigdor] Lieberman a Knesset considered as belonging to the right- corporate attorney. him from office. reason to smile. wing side of the party. Jewish leadership positive of Pretoria anti-Israel billboards Building of Muslim-Jewish ties Special MILNER: SA teams highlight the an open door to government rankle city’s Jewish community brings hope for Mideast Jewish art of how not to lose The meeting was a welcome return When Jews and Muslims meet flesh- Report All sports are made up of offence and to the kind of open, constructive and-blood members of the other com- supplement defence. It is vital to have a balanced dialogue that until recently had munity for the first time, it transforms – MEDical share of both. However, defence is always characterised the relationship the previous dynamic of fear and mis- Matters seemingly quickly becoming what between the Jewish leadership and trust into something far more uplifting. South African sport is all about. government. 3 2 4 7-14 20 INGUZ 41 2ND AVE A HOP, SKIP AND JUMP TO SHUL! ILLOVO Brand new, spacious and secure 3 and 4 bed clusters with modern contemporary finishes and large gardens 011 731 0300 Priced from R6 999 000 (VAT incl.) No transfer duty www.firzt.co.za Ryan Chaitowitz 082 902 6622 [email protected] Web Ref 11063 WE KNOW PROPERTY 2 SA JEWISH RREPORTEPORT CommunityNews 30 November01 – - 7 08 December June 2012 2012 Shabbat Times Nov 30 / 16 Kislev Whole, complete and unscathed Dec 1 / 17 Kislev Every challenge brings casualties. lihood in a crooked and unsavory How can this be? How can PARSHAT VAYISHLACH Parshat Vayishlach Whether on the sports field, stock environment, was confronted by we see our individual, collec- Reverend Ilan Herrmann, Doornfontein Hebrew 18:15 19:21 Johannesburg market or battlefield, the result is a his wicked brother Esau and had to tive state as one in which we 18:15 20:21 Cape Town Congregation combination that includes victories endure a battle with Esau’s angel in are whole, with no injury or 18:15 19:19 Durban and defeats. The same can be said of which he wrestled for his very life. loss? Rashi elaborates: Jacob for generations to all times, in all 18:20 19:36 Bloemfontein 18:05 19:52 Port Elizabeth our individual life experience. It is therefore a seeming para- arrives complete in three areas: In circumstances and in every place 18:15 19:40 East London This is true on a national level as dox that in the book of truth, which himself, his assets and in his Torah. and will have emerged full in its well. The Jewish people have expe- is an accurate model for life and “Complete in himself” - The uncompromised originality. KASHRUT ALERT rienced both sides of the pendulum. guides the process we are to strive Jewish people will have elevated The perspective is clear. We are PIE WOrks OFFers Chalav The many moments of success are to follow, we are told Jacob arrives their soul components on every not victims of an exile, we are in YIsrael ON reQuest coupled with moments of pain. unscathed, uncompromised. How dimension; centuries of heartfelt the process of creating and shap- Both are entertained in the national can this be? commitment to truth and the devo- ing a destiny. The seeming setback The kashrut department of the Union psyche of our people. The description of Jacob is tion to a moral and ethical code, is a mechanism to firstly reveal a of Orthodox Synagogues advises Enter this week’s Torah portion, explained to be metaphorical of the bringing the resultant soul perfec- strength within and thus elevate that Pie Works offers Chalav Yisrael describing Jacob’s arrival home in Jewish people as a whole. Jacob, the tion that is realised through this. our soul dimension yet further; to on request only, as it is produced on the Holy Land at the end of his 20- patriarch who most acutely reflects “Complete in assets” - For mil- accumulate a more valuable asset dedicated equipment. year sojourn. Jacob arrived whole the collective destiny of the people lennium the Jewish people have through elevating creation and fi- The shape of the Chalav Yisrael and complete, unscathed. of Israel, so that his emergence been engaging the world through nally to further deepen and extract pizza is square. Other milchik products are clearly So, what’s surprising about and arrival after the lengthy exile mitzvoth and have thereby elevated a Divine wisdom of the Torah that marked to indicate whether or not this? The dilemma here is that this is explained to be symbolic of the and sublimated it, to such extent resonates with our time, place and they are Chalav Yisrael. comes after he had fled the wrath of emergence of Israel; his state of that they have accrued great spir- circumstance. All three are linked. Esau, engaged the deceptive Lavan completion is the metaphor for the itual wealth.” Jacob arrived whole. The des- TEMPOrary ‘fix’ TO for two decades, was engrossed in state of wholeness and complete- “Complete in Torah” - The Torah tiny of every Jew and of the Jewish LINKSFIeld-SenderwOOD commerce and in the pursuit of live- ness that the Jewish people reflect. given at Sinai will have been applied people is no less. eruv Although the Linksfield-Senderwood eruv remains down on the eastern side towards Senderwood, as a result Pretoria anti-Israel billboards rankle of ongoing construction in the area, the Union of Orthodox Synagogues among the city’s Jewish community Eruv Team has managed to construct a temporary fix further to the east, so DIANE WOLFSON Nowosenetz pointed out. that John Road and Gibbs Lane are PRETORIA There had already been a size- now included in the eruv.
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