USOO6459969B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,459,969 B1 Bates et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 1, 2002 (54) APPARATUS, PROGRAM PRODUCT AND 5,916.286 A 6/1999 Seashore et al. .............. 701/29 METHOD OF PROCESSING DAGNOSTIC 5,938,721 A 8/1999 Dussell et al. .............. 701/211 DATA TRANSFERRED FROM A HOST 6,016,476 A 1/2000 Maes et al. .................... 705/1 COMPUTER TO A PORTABLE COMPUTER 6,067.290 A * 5/2000 Paulraj et al. .............. 370/329 6,167.255 A * 12/2000 Kennedy et al. ............ 455/404 6,177,905 B1 1/2001 Welch ............ ... 342/357.13 (75) Inventors: Cary Lee Bates; Michael Thomas 6,226,739 B1 5/2001 Eagle ............................ 713/1 Schmitt, both of Rochester, MN (US) 6,308,120 B1 10/2001 Good ......................... 340/438 6,330,499 B1 12/2001 Chou et al. ................... 701/32 (73) Assignee: International Business Machines 2002/OOO4694 A1 1/2002 McLeod et al. .... ... 701/29 Corporation, Armonk, NY (US) 2002/0007225 A1 1/2002 Costello et al. ............... 700/99 Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 “Introducing the most flexible Vehicle/Fleet Management U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Product on the market”, http://www.mill-auto.com/fleet management.htm, Fleet Management, Date Unknown, Jun. (21) Appl. No.: 09/882,990 13, 2001. (22) Filed: Jun. 15, 2001 * cited by examiner (51) Int. Cl............................. G06F 7/00; G06F 19/00 Primary Examiner Yonel Beaulieu (52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 701/29: 701/33; 701/31; ASSistant Examiner Ronnie Mancho 701/35; 701/32; 701/101; 701/114; 701/115; (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Matthew J. Bussan 340/439; 340/438; 340/459; 340/988; 340/426; 340/955; 370/329; 370/328; 370/401; 455/457; (57) ABSTRACT 455/404; 455/99; 123/436; 702/187; 702/184; A diagnostic mechanism for processing diagnostic data 73/23.34 transferred from a host computer (e.g., a motor vehicle (58) Field of Search .............................. 701/35, 33, 32, computer) to a portable computer (e.g., a personal digital 701/101, 29, 31, 102, 114, 115; 340/439, assistant (PDA), cellular phone, etc.) An alert is provided 438,459, 988, 426,955, 632; 370/329, based on a comparison in the portable computer of a 328, 401, 313; 455/457, 404, 99,563, 414, threshold variable (e.g., generated from a desired threshold 419; 123/436; 702/187, 184, 185; 705/4, value input into the portable computer by the user) and a 9, 29, 8, 26, 400; 324/663, 667; 73/23.34 diagnostic variable (e.g., fuel remaining, Service interval, etc.) generated from the diagnostic data. Preferably, the alert (56) References Cited includes a calendar entry displayed on a PDA. The alert may U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS further include an alarm at a time-of-day preceding an alarm clock Setting of the PDA. Consequently, the user does not 4,602,127 A * 7/1986 Neely et al. .................. 360/53 have to rely on his/her memory to arise earlier in the 5,479,479 A * 12/1995 Braitberg et al. ........... 370/271 morning to fill up with gasoline, for example. Preferably, the 5,537,343 A 7/1996 Kikinis et al. ........... 364/708.1 5,604,441. A * 2/1997 Freese et al. ............... 324/663 PDA receives the diagnostic data in response to being placed 5,727.202 A 3/1998 Kucala ............. ... 395/610 in a cradle mounted in a vehicle passenger compartment. 5,732,074 A * 3/1998 Spaur et al. .. ... 370/313 5,819,227 A 10/1998 Obuchi .......................... 705/1 26 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets 502 GENERATE DIAGNOSTIC 53 WARIABLE 505 U.S. Patent Oct. 1, 2002 Sheet 1 of 5 US 6,459,969 B1 User Input Devi Ce - - - - - Calendar Appl. ROM Alarm Clock Appl. 18T HDiagnostic Appl. U.S. Patent Oct. 1, 2002 Sheet 2 of 5 US 6,459,969 B1 68 SenSOr 60 HOSt Computer USer Input Mass St0rage DeVice 64 HI/O POrt 66 FG. 2 U.S. Patent Oct. 1, 2002 Sheet 3 of 5 US 6,459,969 B1 FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Oct. 1, 2002 Sheet 4 of 5 US 6,459,969 B1 SELECT SERVICE EVENTS TO BE l,01 MONITORED SELECT WHETHER DEFAULT VALUE OR l,02 DESIRED WALUE TO BE USED CUSTOM JRESHOLDVARIABLE INPUT DESIRED THRESHOLD WALUE GENERATE AND lO5 STORE THRESHOLD VARIABLE FG. 4 U.S. Patent Oct. 1, 2002 Sheet 5 of 5 US 6,459,969 B1 START-500 TRANSFER 5O1 DIAGNOSTIC DATA READ THRESHOLD 1502 WARIABLE GENERATE 503 DIAGNOSTIC WARIABLE THRESHOLDNNO MET 504 YES 507 505 PROVIDE ALERT PROVIDE STATUS MESSAGE END 508 END 506 F.G. 5 US 6,459,969 B1 1 2 APPARATUS, PROGRAM PRODUCT AND serviced, but the vehicle may in the interim be driven under METHOD OF PROCESSING DAGNOSTIC conditions that are less than ideal. DATA TRANSFERRED FROM A HOST Therefore, there exists a need to provide an enhanced COMPUTER TO A PORTABLE COMPUTER diagnostic mechanism that better alerts and reminds a driver to the need for refuelling, routine maintenance and unsched FIELD OF THE INVENTION uled maintenance. The present invention relates in general to computer Systems. More particularly, the present invention relates to SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION an apparatus, program product and method of processing An object of the present invention is to provide an diagnostic data transferred from a host computer, Such as a enhanced diagnostic mechanism that addresses these and motor Vehicle computer, to a portable computer, Such as a other problems associated with the prior art. personal digital assistant, cellular phone, etc. These and other objects of the present invention are BACKGROUND achieved by providing an apparatus, program product, and 15 method of processing diagnostic data transferred from a host Motor vehicles, no matter how fuel efficient, require computer, Such as a motor vehicle computer, to a portable frequent Visits to refuelling Stations. Similarly, motor computer, Such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), cellular vehicles require routine maintenance, Such as engine oil and phone, etc. A visual and/or audio alert is provided to a user filter changes, chassis lubrication, tire rotation, air filter based on a comparison in the portable computer of a replacement, Spark plug replacement, engine coolant threshold variable and a diagnostic variable. The diagnostic replacement, transmission fluid replacement, engine belt variable is based on the diagnostic data transferred to the replacement, brake pad replacement, and the like. In portable computer from the host computer. The diagnostic addition, motor vehicles Sometimes require unscheduled variable may be, for example, indicative of an amount of maintenance for replacement of failed components, Such as fuel remaining in a motor vehicle, and/or the time elapsed headlamps. There is presently no effective way for a driver 25 and/or distance driven Since a previous maintenance event to be reminded of these events. For example, drivers typi for a motor Vehicle, Such as an engine oil change. The cally depend on a fuel gauge and/or a warning indicator light present invention can more effectively alert and remind the and/or audio alert fixedly installed in the vehicle to time user of the need for Service events, Such as refuelling, visits to refuelling stations. Often drivers are reminded of the routine maintenance and unscheduled maintenance of a need to refuel their vehicle, but at the moment they have no motor vehicle, for example. Because the portable computer Spare time to accomplish the refuelling. Once the driver exits is removable from a motor vehicle, for example, a driver can the vehicle, the need for refuelling is forgotten. This proceSS be reminded of the need for the service event throughout the may be repeated Several times until the vehicle is eventually day, rather than only when he or she is in the motor vehicle refuelled or runs out of fuel. as is the case with a conventional fixed installed diagnostic With regard to routine maintenance, drivers typically 35 Systems. depend on maintenance Schedules Set forth in their vehicle The threshold variable is preferably generated from a owner's manual. These maintenance Schedules are typically desired threshold value input into the portable computer by based on time and mileage intervals, which are often the user. Consequently, the threshold variable may be adjusted for different driving conditions. Keeping to these adjusted based on the individual needs of the user. For maintenance Schedules is difficult at best. Failure to accom 40 example, a driver may desire to change his or her engine plish timely completion of the various maintenance Service motor oil at a different interval than a conventional fixedly events can unfortunately lead to denied warranty claims. installed diagnostic System would dictate, or to receive an More recent vehicles often have fixedly installed diagnostic alert to change his or her engine motor oil earlier than a Systems that typically include a warning indicator light conventional fixedly installed diagnostic System would dic and/or audio alert to make the driver aware that a mainte 45 tate. nance Service event is due. However, this presents the same Preferably, the alert comprises a new calendar entry in a problem as encountered in the refuelling situation described Viewable calendar displayed on the portable computer. above. Namely, drivers have no spare time to have the Consequently, time is provided in the user's Schedule to vehicle Serviced when alerted, and forget about the need to address the Service event. have the vehicle serviced after exiting the vehicle. This 50 proceSS may be repeated Several times until the vehicle is The alert preferably further comprises an alarm at a eventually Serviced, but often at a date much later than time-of-day preceding an alarm clock Setting of the portable called for in the maintenance Schedule.
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