Your oca1 source since 1951. $1 Thursday, May 29, 2014 A W PPTS company ACHICAGO SUNTIMEScorn pubhcation j niles.suntimes.com I Nues Herald-Spectator STORES SUFFERING WITHOUT DOMINICK'S i « GO YOUR GUIDE TO 2014 OUTDOOR CONCERTS FOOD » FORBIDDEN A colorful tribute FRUIT IN THIS RICE PUDDING IS NUTRITION Veterans salute fallen comrades at Memorial Day ceremony i PAGE 6 ©2014 Sun-Times Media I All rights reserved Niles Herald-Spectator I Get up and Your guide to the weekend Blockbuster or flop? and beyond TheMovie Review so::--rLo9LS ii sn section has the scoop. csOOOOo :Lsio OL)4VOiaio M O96 ?000000 6T03 6TO-3LCT1 o&eïTc 2 I ThIJILSDAY, MAY 29,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION NIL eSt:hosp pago nsumer Reports. Patient safety is our top priority, anuit shows. The May2014 issue of Consumer Reports ranked us 1 and in Chicago in five key safety areas. 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CATION NIL 4 THURSDAY, MAY 29,2014 I A PIONEER PRESS PUB Nues Herald-Spectator COMMUNITY LOCAL NEWS SINCE 195L Local's shots of nature on Timothy P Knight CEO display John Biais Robert IL Oder McOecmofl Dan Elster returns to VP and General Editor in Chief, VP of Advertising Manager VP of Oigital Content 847-682-5907 his hometown for a display of his wildlife photography at the EDORIAL ADVERTISING Bu. Nsjsrs.., News Editor ciIvuI,Advertising Director Brickton Art Center. 312-321-2864 312-648-9552 PageS [email protected] [email protected] Ryu. Iîlssoui, Managing Editor for Sports DiwIar 847-486-9200 312-321-2694 cIassif.d: 847-486-9200 [email protected] EJn [email protected] Legas: [email protected] suntimesrepriniscom Obituaries847-998-3400, option 6, rIIu or [email protected] pioneerlocal.mycapture.com SDWICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS MAILING ADDRESS Phues: 877-855-7722 350 N. 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NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION THURSDAY MAY29 2014 5 ij --- EABLY OFTEN POLITICS.$UNTIME& SPONSORED BY BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois 6 I THURSDAY, MAY 29,2014 A PIONEER PRESS P ;LICATION NIL II NILES Officials salute faien veterans at Memo ial e Dayceremony BY IGOR STUDflIXOV Speaker after speaker eiphasized For Sun-flmes Media I @istudenkov the importance of honoI :Nues veterans in particular and pass- Michael Crisci, Memorial ing the memories to the future Day is a chance to remembergenerations. Forthe contributions of Nues lo- Jim Kozak, comman i er of the cals to various wars - something VFW, has been with Po t 7712 that, he feels, many residents don'tsince it was founded in i 947. He is know much about. one of the two survivin.: founding "People in Niles don't realize members, and the only 'ne who how those men have dedicated is still lives in the area. their lives to our country" said As the crowd gather : d, he was Crisci, administrative assistant at busy practicing his spe . ch. The the Niles Historical Society ceremony, he explained was as In that spirit, government important to him as ev:r. Mayor Andrew Przybylo speaks at Nues' Memorial Day ceremony. officials, police and fire depart- "It's the day when yo can ment members, local little league show respect for the darted "Today, we share a common players, Boy Scouts and members and those who are still'th us," sorrow, but we are also united in of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post said Kozak. thanks to everyone who served," No. 7712 joined together Monday There are currently 47 veter- he said. - to salute fallen troops from the ans in Nues. About hal of them He emphasized the importance village. served in World War II, while of passing on memories of what The ceremony took place at other half served dunn the Ko- veterans strove to secure for the Veterans Memorial Water- rean War, Vietnam Wa and morefuture generations. fall, on the corner of Touhy and recent conflicts like the wars in "It is p to us to make sure that Milwaukee avenues. The officials Afghanistan and Iraq. the legacy lives on," said Kozak. gave speeches paying tribute to In his speech, Kozak xplained Nues Mayor Andrew Przybylo veterans, and VFW Post members why Memorial Day was a sorrow- praised the veterans for their ac- laid down a memorial wreath. ful and joyful occasion. complishments and sacrifices, touching upon the ways the war impacted him personally. "[I honorj my father, who returned from World War II, and friends who returned from Vietnam, and some who didn't," he said. A crowd had already gathered near the Veterans Memorial Waterfall in Niles IO mm- Officials from Nues Police De- utes before the Memorial Day ceremony began Monday. SOR STIJD[NKOV/FOR SUN-TIMES M[DIA partment and Niles Fire Depart- ment spoke as well. ceremony. "This is for all those was pleased with how the event "We need to remember those who are currently serving. We turned out. She was especially who stood shoulder to shoulder know the hardships [they deal pleased to see Boy Scouts and for freedom," said Deputy Chief with]. It's almost our duty to little leaguers taking part. Vincenzo Genualdi. "Remember honor them." "I think it's wonderful that the veterans, remember their Individual VFW members wentyoung people were here," said families." over to add flowers to the wreath.Palicki. "I think it's easy to think The attention then turned to The ceremony ended with the that, just because you don't have the memorial itself as Ben Puesta,VFW's rifle squad giving the vet- a relative who is a veteran, this a VFW member and veteran of erans a three-rifle salute.
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