2 I f ' CENSUS OF 1941 VILLAGE DIRECTORY COCHIN STATE Price Re. 1/.. PREFACE The Imperial and State Census Tables to be published along with the Census Report will not give specific information relating to the villages and hence it is usual here to publish the village statistics in a separate volume. This practice was commended at the Census Conference held in New Delhi early in 1940 and it was , . also suggested then that fuller details in addition' to population figures should be incorporated in this volume. Agreeably to this suggestion the scope of this publication has been considerably enhanced this time. Thus the area, number of shops, medical (Government-owned or aided) and educational institutions and places of worship, population by main religions and communities and sects therein such as Ezhuvas, Nairs, Viswakarmalas, Depressed Classes, etc., among Hindus,, and" Ramo. Syrians, Latin Catholics, etc., among Christians, the nearest Railway station and distance thereto, important festivals, industries or other local details are all shown this time. In fact the ideal has been not to leave out any' important or interesting detail pertaining to any village. To limit space a number of symbols and abbreviations have been used. A list of these is ,;iven at the next page. It IS hoped that this volume will be found useful and interesting. " B. V. K. MENON Census Commissioner List of Abbreviations used in this volume Column No. Column No. (C) Coastal tract which is usually a centre of coir and 23 S Synagogue. coir yam manufacture. T Temple. (F) Festival. Number of people attendink is shown AD Aided Dispensary. within brackets in column 27. 24 AH Ayurvedic Hospital. (S) Sathram. AV Ayurvedic V~idyasala. (SQ) Staff Quarters. GO Government Dispensary. {TB) Travellers' Bungalow. H Hospital. 22 BS School for the I:3lind. MH Mental Hospital. C College. MIDH Municipal Infectious Diseases Hospital. DDS School for the Deaf and Dumb. MIH Municipal Isolation Hospital. HS High School. MLC Municipal Leper Clinic. IS Industrial School. VD Veterinary Dispensary LS Lower Secondary School. VB Veterinary Hospital. PS Primary School. QS Quran School. 26 The figure shown within brackets against the name of SC Sanskrit College. the Railway Station denotes the distance in miles to the Station from the village. SS Sanskrit School. TI Training Institute. 27 W Water scarcity. , 23 C Church. * Place where caves, dolmens or other" things ( M Mosque. * * archaeological interest exist. CONTENTS Page Cochin~ Kanayannur T aluk Cranganur " 7 Mukundapuram 8 Trichur " 13. Talappilly ~- , ' 19 Chittur " .~ 24 COCHIN.KANAYANNUR POPULATION HINDUS Area in ~------~~------~~-------------~-------------~ Village or Town acres Houses Occupied Shops Total Males Females Viswa- Depressed houses Ezhuvas Nairs Brahmins Karmalas Classes Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1J 12 13 14 ERNAKULAM MUNICIPAL TOWN Ward I 104 504 463 29 2,964 1,509 1,455 268 47 21 27 8 1.221 Ward II 72 336 265 26 1,783 856 927 480 58 28 40 23 47 Ward III 250 805 625 70 4,460 2,365 2,095 1,149 224 105 46 64 312 Ward IV 124 341 316 4 1,970 1,033 937 635 160 9 35 73 105 Ward V 106 496 421 33 3,060 1,610 1,450 272 59 49 44 7 454 Ward VI 101 296 260 27 1,721 840 881 218 172 88 18 21 2')5 Ward VII 41 394 180 131 1,495 846 649 42 6 8 23 Ward VIII 83 560 433 67 3,498 ],741 1,757 262 73 763 48 375 Ward IX 125 498 445 29 2,958 1,529 1,429 252 223 190 39 63 323 Ward X (SQ) 40 387 164 176 1,465 736 729 118 73 % 67 Ward XI (F) 116 592 487 74 3,520 1,841 1,679 282 .. 272 1,380 49 528 Ward XII 91 278 243 18 1,770 896 874 63 193 422 44 82 105 Ward XIII (TB) 77 190 149 32 1,401 793 608 149 340 140 29 12 56 Ward XIV 132 416 359 13 2,450 1,275 1,175 224 484 359 176 95 288 Ward XV (F) 70 232 159 37 1,193 745 448 39 475 409 10 4 149 Ward XVI' 62 249 208 26 1,565 916 649 23 648 514 3 268 Ward XVII 110 234 174 32 1,277 717 560 82 390 138 37 31 233 TALUK CHRISTIANS ~------~~------~ Educational Places Libraries Nearest Latin Romo Other MUSLIMS JEWS OTHERS Institu- of Medical or Reading Railway Remarks Catholics Syrians Syrians Others tions worship Institutions Rooms Station 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 1,302 35 4 31 T3 T ata Oil Mills Co. Ltd. PS 1 { CI Ernakulam North 938 56 3 2 108 HS 1 do. LS 1 1,006 403 69 7 { Railway Station for Goods T raff1c- Ram Mohan 466 9 T 1 do. Palace-Diwan's House 747 66 4 136 PS 1 do. 1,428 386 48 50 255 8 IS 1 (2 VH 1 do. 2 .Poor houses 713 63 49 22 102 IS 1 Tl do. J C 2 805 238 18 13 83 258 PS 2 MI do . • LSI 565 154 36 803 88 HS2 do. 328 2 { PS 1 1,078 143 33 14 598 2 PS 1 do. r C1 r C 2 356 177 61 28 113 374 i HS 1 i M 1 Ernakulam South St. Teresa's College L PS 1 L S 1 f F-Thirumala Devaswam T emple- 160 307 167 37 264 9 { LS 1 T 1 do. i Utsavom, Kumbham-February-March IS 1 l (8,000) 394 37 68 24 338 T1 do. 171 227 154 15 106 2 C1 HI do. 570 . 173 54 13 14 do.' r F -Ernakulam T emple- I Arattu, Makmam- January-February CI 41 14 38 14 { T2 do. i (15,000) HS 1 I Durhar Hall-Secretariat and High Court Build- Lings-Maharaja's College 53 2 31 4 18 IS 1 T 1 do. 329 19 12 5 HS 1 { PS 1 C1 do. 2 COCHIN .. KANAYANNUR POPULATION HINDUS ~------~~-----~~-------------~~-------------~ Village or Town Area in Houses Occupied Shops Viswa- Depressed acres houses Total Males Females Ezhuvas Nairs Brahmins Karmalas Classes Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ward XVIII 98 427 342 30 2,392 1,276 1,116 119 783 234 38 644 Ward XIX 91 280 238 21 1,558 794 764 115 475 150 35 39 131 Ward XX 185 676 595 52 3,762 1,930 1,832 524 21 161 17 443 Floating Population 528 425 103 85 41 20 26 41 44 TOTAL ., 2,078 8,191 6,526 927 46,790 24,673 22,117 5,401 5,217 5,124 906 649 6,071 MATTANCHERI MUNICIPAL TOWN Ward I 47 910 469 286 3,785 2,021 1,764 291 3 54 16 4 67 Ward I~ 49 883 286 435 3,138 1,726 1,412 121 52 87 6 197 Wan! III 43 630 409 105 2,437 1,352 1,085 127 126 982 19 626 Ward IV 45 632 397 143 3,429 1,797 /,632 476 13 50 41 55 78 Ward V 46 393 • 317 57 2,156 1,087 1,069 20 47 1,252 2 617 Ward VI 65 812. 504 96 3,771 1,966 1,805 497 395 102 9 '6 268 Ward VII 43 279 180 24 1,703 896 807 49 7 109 Ward VIII 58 404 292 16 2,471 1,281 1,190 163 9 3 64 Ward IX (TB) 70 504 329 19 2,866 1,745 1,121 164 238 1,007 26 46 831 Ward X (F) 81 575 415 49 2,512 ],292 1,220 24 48 1,681 26 20 550 2a TALUK.-(cont.) CHRISTIANS ,.------_....,,__-------, Educational Places Libraries Nearest Latin Romo Other Others MUSLIMS JEWS OTHERS Institu- of Medical or Reading Railway Remarks Catholics Syrians Syrians tions worship Institutions Rooms Station 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 13 5 11 T J 359 185 LS J { C 1 Emakulam South 577 20 13 2 IS J T J do. 25 LS J 1,906 650 5 7 2 { PS 1 Cl do. Poor House 121 18 8 3 121 r C2 , HS6 r T 12 13,982 3,784 1,022 285 3,594 722 33 LS4 J Cll HI i ) M2 { VH 1 5 I PS 9 L IS 5 L S 2 315 12 25 2,877 110 C 3 { Cochin Harbour { M3 Terminus T 1. 205 21 2 2,432 13 PS J C J H J do. rL M3 11 326 HS J ., 49 13 158 { PS J T 5 do. 2 2,021 HS J 676 6 11 { LS 1 T2 do. 153 17 20 14 13 T2 do. T J 675 192 48 6 1,211 362 • r C J do. { Dutch Palace-White Jews Synagogue- M2 Town Hall l S3 ** * 43 8 1,487 PS J M4 do. 30 9 11 2,182 MJ do. 182 61 29 3 266 12 T 6 VD 1 do. 19 99 39 6 PS J T 5 do. { F Thirumala Devaswam T emple- Utsavom, MeJam-April-May (15,000) COCHIN.KANAYANNUR POPULATION HINDUS ,--______-4- ______-" ,-------.~------.....}_--------- ------~ Villa~e o~ Town Area in Houses Occupied Shops Vis\\a- Depressed acres houses Total Males Females Ezhuvas Nairs Brahmins Karmalas Classes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MATlANCHERI MUNICIPAL TOWN-(eont.) Ward XI 52 601 462 25 3,205 1,683 1,522 274 266 524 185 47 557 Ward XII 83 412 370 10 2,482 1,285 !,197 98 31 331 40 133 192 Ward XIII 128 540 426 92 2,766 1,483 1,283 510 80 22 47 17 449 Ward XIV 99 358 245 69 1,642 861 781 208 9 6 ~ 658 Ward XV 114 378 317 54 2,142 1,095 1,047 448 67 7 41 121 Ward XVI 180 507 416 81 2,513 1,267 I,24G 576 190 184 5 24 452 Ward XVII 142 391 307 53 1,921 961 960 323 61 64 43 24 Ward XVIII 1liD 424 392 24 2,196 1,111 1,085 144 4 58 145 Ward XIX 163 804 687 68 3,939 2,037 1,902 lIS 3 13 43 Ward XX 50 299 252 9 1,773 936 837 592 18 10 32 10 90 Floating Population 499 252 247 5 TOTAL 1,718 10,736 7,472 1,715 53,346 28,134 25,212 5,225 1,660 6,292 536 524 6,139 COCHIN-KANAYANNUR TALUK T rippunittura Town (F) 836 2,665 1,947 312 12,577 6,361 6,216 1,424 3,382 2,551 412 234 2,250 Narakkal Town CC) 6E4 1,621 1,298 204 7,972 3,890 4,082 673 308 86 173 933 809 TALUK-(cont.) ,--______CHRISTIANS.._J\..- ______ ___..._ Educational Places Libraries Nearest Latin Romo Other MUSLIMS JEWS OTHERS Institu- of Medical or Reading Railway Remarks Catholics Syrians Syrians Others tions worship Institutions Rooms Station /5 16 /7 /8 19 20 2/ 22 21 24 25 26 27 388 .
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