Mayor Mayor Mike SAVAGE Max TAYLOR Matt WHITMAN Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 102735 11928 13497 128160 322232 39.77% Councillor District 1 Cathy DEAGLE GAMMON Stephen KAMPERMAN Steve STREATCH Arthur WAMBACK Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 3062 1005 2953 205 7225 16686 43.30% District 2 David BOYD David HENDSBEE Nicole JOHNSON Tim MILLIGAN Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 250 4379 2436 1538 8603 20609 41.74% District 3 Vishal BHARDWAJ Clinton DESVEAUX Lloyd JACKSON Becky KENT George MBAMALU Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 1818 1283 1575 4309 934 9919 22851 43.41% District 4 Ryan BURRIS Marisa DEMARCO Kevin FORAN Darryl JOHNSON Jerome LAGMAY Jamie MACNEIL Tania MELONI Chris MONT Trish PURDY Jessica QUILLAN John STEWART Caroline WILLISTON Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 144 113 858 1294 169 451 758 1039 1634 1111 597 125 8293 19709 42.08% District 5 Sam AUSTIN Mitch MCINTYRE Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 7769 1697 9466 22292 42.46% District 6 Douglas DAY Tony Mancini Ibrahim MANNA Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 474 5637 960 7071 20142 35.11% District 7 Richard ARUNDEL_EVANS Waye MASON Jen POWLEY Craig ROY Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 105 3728 1882 287 6002 18512 32.42% District 8 Virginia HINCH Dylan KENNEDY Lindell SMITH Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 2261 473 5779 8513 21100 40.35% District 9 Bill CARR Shaun CLARK Shawn CLEARY Stephen FOSTER Gerry LONERGAN Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 1846 375 3880 2913 286 9300 21511 43.23% District 10 Andrew CURRAN Mohammed EHSAN Renee FIELD Sherry HASSANALI Christoper HURRY Debbie MACKINNON Kathryn MORSE Kyle MORTON Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 1100 850 1190 372 115 1286 1924 165 7002 19154 36.56% District 11 Stephen CHAFE Matthew CONRAD Bruce COOKE Patty CUTTELL Bruce HOLLAND Kristen HOLLERY Jim HOSKINS Ambroise MATWAWANA Lisa MULLIN Hannah MUNDAY Dawn Edith PENNEY Pete ROSE Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 274 1482 781 1662 1634 150 441 310 252 465 66 972 8489 20844 40.73% District 12 John BIGNELL Eric JURY Iona STODDARD Richard ZURAWSKI Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 2243 173 3074 2675 8165 20968 38.94% District 13 Tom ARNOLD Derek BELLEMORE Tim ELMS Robert HOLDEN Nick HORNE Darrell JESSOME Pam LOVELACE Iain TAYLOR Harry WARD Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 307 78 1053 178 2164 1808 3444 144 323 9499 19845 47.87% District 14 Lisa BLACKBURN Greg FRAMPTON Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 4898 857 5755 18012 31.95% District 15 Mary Lou LEROY Anthony MRKONJIC Jay Aaron ROY Paul RUSSELL David SCHOFIELD Total Votes Cast Elector Count Participation % 644 480 916 2901 648 5589 16747 33.37% District 16 Tim Outhit - Acclaimed Mayor Councillor Mike Max Matt Cathy Stephen Steve Arthur Location Poll Label Eligible Electors Participation % Participation % SAVAGE TAYLOR WHITMAN DEAGLE GAMMON KAMPERMAN STREATCH WAMBACK Upper Musquodoboit Community Hall 0101 A-Z 576 37 8 13 10.07% 3 5 50 0 10.07% Musquodoboit Valley Bicentennial Theatre and Cultural Centre 0102 A-Z 923 72 22 20 12.35% 13 1 98 4 12.13% Meagher's Grant Community Centre 0103 A-Z 806 54 13 17 10.42% 7 8 71 2 10.67% 0104 A-K 759 32 6 7 5.93% 7 6 29 3 5.53% Dutch Settlement Elementary School 0104 L-Z 636 47 6 1 8.49% 12 8 34 0 8.49% Holiday Inn Express & Suites 0105 A-Z 509 33 3 6 8.25% 12 11 16 4 7.66% 0106 A-D 804 62 14 9 10.57% 29 22 26 5 9.58% 0106 E-L 861 72 3 7 9.52% 31 26 28 1 9.87% Fire Station #42 - Wellington - Lake Fletcher 0106 M-P 732 64 5 9 10.66% 29 32 17 1 10.66% 0106 Q-Z 775 53 6 17 9.81% 23 15 35 4 9.42% 0107 A-CA 913 71 8 13 10.08% 51 11 25 4 9.53% 0107 CB-FE 896 68 8 8 9.38% 44 6 35 4 9.49% 0107 FG-H 918 54 7 6 7.30% 46 7 17 0 7.63% Gordon R. Snow Community Centre 0107 I-MAC 1016 60 6 11 7.58% 52 6 19 0 7.58% 0107 MAD-PA 883 53 8 5 7.47% 37 6 19 5 7.02% 0107 PB-SP 894 63 6 4 8.17% 39 8 24 2 7.94% 0107 SQ-Z 859 56 8 9 8.50% 42 4 26 1 8.38% 0108 A-F 903 78 12 12 11.30% 42 18 38 3 10.85% Royal Canadian Legion Branch 90 0108 G-M 1081 85 8 12 9.71% 53 18 33 4 9.62% 0108 N-Z 932 66 9 12 9.33% 41 15 28 4 9.01% Braeside Musquodoboit Valley Home for Special Care 0109 A-Z 10 Less than 10 0.00% Less than 10 0.00% Musquodoboit Valley Bicentennial Theatre and Cultural Centre 01AP1 A-Z 1499 56 11 9 5.07% 32 15 29 0 5.07% Gordon R. Snow Community Centre 01AP2 A-Z 12467 52 6 13 0.57% 30 12 28 2 0.56% Carrolls Corner Community Centre 01AP3 A-Z 2710 35 2 2 1.44% 2 8 27 2 1.37% E-Vote E-Vote A-Z 16686 4418 475 555 33.20% 2385 737 2201 150 32.80% 16686 5741 660 777 43.02% 3062 1005 2953 205 43.30% Mayor Councillor Mike Max Matt David David Nicole Tim Location Poll Label Eligible Electors Participation % Participation % SAVAGE TAYLOR WHITMAN BOYD HENDSBEE JOHNSON MILLIGAN Samuel R. Balcom Recreation Centre 0201 A-Z 529 53 13 20 16.26% 7 62 7 12 16.64% 0202 A-J 544 38 7 7 9.56% 2 41 8 1 9.56% Eastern Shore Wildlife Association 0202 K-Z 580 39 7 7 9.14% 1 42 7 4 9.31% Fire Station #30 - Tangier 0203 A-Z 438 31 8 9 10.96% 0 34 7 8 11.19% Ship Harbour Community Centre 0204 A-Z 844 100 19 20 16.47% 4 84 31 20 16.47% 0205 A-J 706 48 14 16 11.05% 5 42 19 12 11.05% St. James Anglican Church Hall 0205 K-Z 663 53 5 14 10.86% 5 38 18 11 10.86% 0206 A - K 853 55 5 13 8.56% 0 44 21 10 8.79% Eastern Shore Community Centre 0206 L-Z 902 77 13 9 10.98% 4 61 24 11 11.09% 0207 A-J 791 63 15 8 10.87% 7 39 19 21 10.87% Chezzetcook & District Lions Club Community Centre 0207 K-Z 869 93 13 15 13.92% 10 63 27 24 14.27% 0208 A-C 1000 89 15 13 11.70% 5 67 27 18 11.70% 0208 D-H 963 76 10 17 10.70% 0 53 31 21 10.90% Porters Lake Commmunity Centre 0208 I-MAY 876 64 15 10 10.16% 2 40 18 30 10.27% 0208 MAZ-ROMO 979 69 13 15 9.91% 4 42 23 32 10.32% 0208 ROMP-Z 892 73 9 14 10.76% 3 58 16 19 10.76% 0209 A-COLL 749 94 24 21 18.56% 3 21 111 10 19.36% 0209 COLP-HA 882 45 9 14 7.71% 1 16 51 2 7.94% East Preston Recreation Centre 0209 HB - MARL 767 58 10 12 10.43% 1 33 37 10 10.56% 0209 MARM-ROSE 792 68 11 10 11.24% 3 13 59 14 11.24% 0209 ROSF-Z 954 35 11 5 5.35% 2 8 35 5 5.24% 0210 A-DO 800 68 7 7 10.25% 3 48 25 6 10.25% 0210 DP-LA 765 59 16 14 11.63% 3 38 36 14 11.90% Lawrencetown Community Centre 0210 LB-PL 782 68 10 15 11.89% 5 37 34 17 11.89% 0210 PM-Z 895 68 11 11 10.06% 3 49 25 14 10.17% North Preston Community Centre 0211 A-Z 760 76 19 18 14.87% 4 12 66 0 10.79% Harbourview Lodge Continuing Care Centre 0212 A-Z 14 Less than 10 0.00% Less than 10 0.00% The Birches Home for Special Care 0213 A-Z 20 Less than 10 0.00% Less than 10 0.00% 02AP1 A-HI 6428 50 15 14 1.23% 4 12 65 0 1.26% North Preston Community Centre 02AP1 HJ-Z 6428 26 4 4 0.53% 2 11 19 2 0.53% Eastern Shore Wildlife Association 02AP2 A-Z 2091 75 8 17 4.78% 2 81 12 6 4.83% Chezzetcook & District Lions Club Community Centre 02AP3 A-Z 5628 88 13 18 2.11% 2 80 25 13 2.13% E-Vote E-Vote A-Z 20609 4461 638 796 28.60% 153 3110 1533 1171 28.95% 20609 6360 987 1183 41.39% 250 4379 2436 1538 41.74% Mayor Councillor Mike Max Matt Vishal Clinton Lloyd Becky George Location Poll Label Eligible Electors Participation % Particiaption % SAVAGE TAYLOR WHITMAN BHARDWAJ DESVEAUX JACKSON KENT MBAMALU 0301 A - CAR 1031 53 12 17 7.95% 5 26 18 29 4 7.95% 0301 CAS -EL 1080 68 13 11 8.52% 11 28 24 30 2 8.80% 0301 EM -HEA 976 60 14 12 8.81% 8 26 21 33 1 9.12% 0301 HEB -LAN 1014 57 3 15 7.40% 3 12 20 38 3 7.50% Tallahassee Recreation Centre 0301 LAP -MEL 1026 48 13 11 7.02% 4 18 17 27 9 7.31% 0301 MEM- POC 995 68 13 8 8.94% 9 15 21 42 5 9.25% 0301 POD-SOU 981 79 8 9 9.79% 4 20 24 43 7 9.99% 0301 SOV -Z 1087 93 18 19 11.96% 12 38 27 49 5 12.05% 0302 A-LOU 934 46 20 15 8.67% 5 5 13 50 8 8.67% South Woodside Community Centre 0302 LOV-Z 908 44 6 10 6.61% 3 5 6 42 4 6.61% 0303 A-CHO 1005 66 6 11 8.26% 24 11 11 31 6 8.26% 0303 CHP-FOO 1004 67 10 6 8.27% 18 12 9 41 9 8.86% 0303 FOP-JOL 988 72 4 12 8.91% 22 15 6 34 7 8.50% Woodlawn Public Library 0303 JOM-MAL 1004 93 9 10 11.16% 27 15 21 42 6 11.06% 0303 MAM-PIL 1009 69 4 2 7.43% 25 10 10 22 9 7.53% 0303 PIM-SUT 1005 79 6 4 8.86% 28 13 14 26 11 9.15% 0303 SUU-Z 726 49 5 1 7.58% 24 5 6 14 6 7.58% 0304 A-CON 986 47 8 5 6.09% 17 8 6 17 11 5.98% 0304 COO-HAM 980 68 11 12 9.29% 20 10 18 34 10 9.39% 0304 HAN-MACL 1081 79 7 16 9.44% 28 9 20 24 20 9.34% Iona Presbyterian Church 0304 MACM-PEAR 861 51 7 11 8.01% 23 9 7 18 15 8.36% 0304 PEAS-SYMS 953 67 15 13 9.97% 19 3 13 36 23 9.86% 0304 SYMT-Z 569 49 3 2 9.49% 14 5 8 17 10 9.49% Ocean View Manor 0305 A-Z 172 Less than 10 Less than 10 The Berkeley - Dartmouth 0306 A-Z 58 24 4 2 51.72% 7 0 3 14 1 43.10% Parkland At the Lakes (76 Baker Dr) 0307 A-Z 31 11 1 1 41.94% 2 1 1 8 1 41.94% Parkland At the Lakes (82 Baker Dr) 0308 A-Z 296 42 2 6 16.89% 4 6 1 37 1 16.55% Parkland At the Lakes (122 Baker Dr) 0309 A-Z 91 40 1 1 46.15% 8 2 5 21 2 41.76% Tallahassee Recreation Centre 03AP1 A-Z 8190 104 12 20 1.66% 3 27 28 75 3 1.66% 03AP2 A-L 7006 90 15 17 1.74% 17 3 21 68 15 1.77% Woodlawn Public Library 03AP2 M-Z 7006 106 9 26 2.01% 29 11 14 71 16 2.01% E-Vote E-Vote A-Z 22851 6176 562 732 32.69% 1395 915 1162 3276 704 32.61% 22851 8065 821 1037 43.42% 1818 1283 1575 4309 934 43.41% Mayor Councillor Mike Max Matt Ryan Marisa Kevin Darryl Jerome Jamie Tania Chris Trish Jessica John Caroline Location Poll Label Eligible Electors Participation % Participation % SAVAGE TAYLOR WHITMAN BURRIS DEMARCO FORAN JOHNSON LAGMAY MACNEIL MELONI MONT PURDY QUILLAN STEWART WILLISTON 0401 A- B 999 48 8 6 6.21% 1 3 6 7 2 3 3 9 17 10 3 1 6.51% 0401
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