LA-1VSI-PR Progress Report UC~4 Issued: May 1988 LA-- 11 : Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Annual Report FY1987 October 198$-Septemberl98? DonaldW. Barr,Division Leader JodyHHeiken, Editor OF H!! ayclHwmi is JNL Los Alamos National Laboratory |_os Alamos,New Mexico 87545 Acknowledgments Many skilled und knowledgeable individuals contributed to the production of this report the authors, te ihnical reviewers, illustrator, designer, photographers, word processors, and secretaries. The Division Office extends its thanks. Staff members who served as reviewers were Jere Knight (Overview), Alexander J, Gancarz (Sec. 1), P. Gary Eller (Sec. 2), David C. Moody (Sec. 3), Janet Mercer- Smith and Pat J. Unkefer (Sec. 4), Robert W. Charles (Sec. 5). Robert R. Ryan (Sec. 6). William H. Woodruff (Sec. 7), Jerry B. Wilhelmy (Sec. 8), Merle E. Bunker (Sec. 9), Charles M. Miller (Sec. 10), and Eugene J. Mroz 'Sec. 11). The publication team included Lia M. Mitchell, who interpreted the design, created many of the T^X macros and document files, and produced the final typeset, copy; Garth L. Tietjen (Group IS-12), the illustrator responsible for all final artwork; Gail E. Flower (Group IS-12), the designer; and Janey Headstream, who corrected documents and pasted up the report. The following individuals prepared original drafts: Kay L. Coen, Marielle S. Fenstermacher, Carla E. Gallegos, Janey Headstream, Lillian M. Hinsley, Lia M. Mitchell, C. Elaine Roybal, Cathy J. Schuch, and Sharon L. Sutherland. Photos for the cover ami inside front cover were taken by Henry F. Ortega of G roup IS-9, Portraits of INC personnel are the work of Leroy N. Sanchez (PAO) and John A. Flower (Group IS-9). Jimmy E. Lovafco and Guadalupe D. Archuteta (Group IS-10) coordinated the printing. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Annual Report 1987 Abstract This report describes progress in the major research and development program* carried out in FY 1987 In- the Lsotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division. The report includes articles on radiocheuiical weapons diagnostics and research and development; other unclassified weapons research; stable and radioactive isotope production and separation; chemical biology ami nuclear medicine; element and isotope transport and fixation; actinide and transition metal chemistry, structural chemistry, speetroscopy, and applications; nuclear structure and reactions; irradiation facilities; advanced concepts and technology; and atmospheric chemistry. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared us an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom- mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Annual Report 1987 Acronyms CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research CSDP Continental Scientific Drilling Program DCE double-charge exchange DNC delayed neutron counting DOE United States Department of Energy ERG Experimental Review Group FOOF dinuorine dioxide FWHM full width half maximum HPLC high-pressure liquid ehromotography ICON Isotopes of Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen program ILWOG Interlaboratory Working Group ISRD Institutional Supporting Research and Development LAMPF Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory LEAP Large Einsteinium Activation Program LLNL Lawrence Livenuore National Laboratory NAA neutron activation analysis MBS National Bureau of Standards NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NNWSI Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations NTS Nevada Test Site ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory OWR Omega West Reactor rR resonance Raman RIMS resonance ionization mass spectrometry SNL Sandia National Laboratories TOFI time-of-flight isochronous spectrometer TR^ time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy USGS United States Geological Survey UV ultraviolet light WWG Weapons Working Group XRD x-ray diffraction Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Annual Report 1987 Contents Overview 1 1 Radiochemical Weapons Diagnostics and Research and Development 25 2 Other Unclassified Weapons Research 29 3 Stable and Radioactive Isotope Production and Separation 57 4 Chemical Biology and Nuclear Medicine 75 5 Element and Isotope Transport and Fixation 101 6 Actinide and Transition Metal Chemistry 125 7 Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy, and Applications . 153 8 Nuclear Structure and Reactions 169 9 Irradiation Facilities 193 10 Advanced Concepts and Technology 201 11 Atmospheric Chemistry 225 Appendix 237 References 293 Author Index 305 Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Annual Report 1987 Overview The year of 1987 has contained elements of both intense satisfaction Don's Corner ami some frustration fur IXC Division. I feel we have dealt well with the difficulties imposed by an uncertain Laboratory budget and we have made notable progress in .some of the many research projects we pursue. This year marked a change of leadership in the Isotope and Structural Chemistry Group (INC-4) as well as in the Isotope Geochemistry Croup (lNC-7^. Basil Swanson and Ernie Bryant are returning to research activities after serving as Group Leaders for four and seven years, respectively. The two groups have grown and flourished under their leadership during some very challenging times. We applaud them and welcome Boh Ryan and Bruce Crowe as the new leadership in INC-4 and INC-7. We are extremely proud of Greg Kubas. who was named a Laboratory Fellow on the basis of his technical accomplishments during the fifteen years he has been in the Isotope and Structural Chemistry Group (INC-4). The contributions of Jeff Hay (T-12) and Judith Biustoek (X-U) during their Internal Professional and Renewal Leave with INC-4 and INC-11, respectively, were noteworthy and mutually beneficial. Carol Burns began her appointment as a J. Robert Oppeuheimer fellow in November 1987. We welcome her. This Annual Report lists many significant technical accomplish- ments within the Division, and I also wish to cite a special achieve- ment by the ICON section of Group INC-4. On schedule and within budget, they met a unique need through dedicated effoits. The project was a prime Donald W. Barr example of the synergism between ongoing research efforts and ultimate INC Division Leader program needs. After many years, our plans for badly needed space and updated facilities at Site TA-48 are finally coining to fruition. Construction of the Advanced Radioehemistrv Weapons Diagnostic Facility is nearing completion. This 15 000-ft- building will be occupied in December 1987. The new 4000-ft2 Weapons Diagnostic Instrument Development Building will also be ready to occupy in that month. We are now ready to concentrate our efforts on plans for a new research reactor to replace the aging Omega West reactor built 30 years ago. Like Omega West, the future research reactor will serve the Laboratory and institutions from both the US and abroad. Funding decreases in the Nevada testing program and the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations necessitated a 4% cutback in our work force this yeir. We were able to keep this reduction to a minimum by implementing several cost-saving measures within the Division. On the positive side, we were able to assist in the placement of one-half of the affected employees.' I sincerely regret the necessity for this reduction-in-force. The FY 1987-88 planning- funding cycle has been an inconstant process throughout the Laboratory. Under the Director's guidance, the Laboratory has embarked on a comprehensive plan to ensure its pre-eminence for the next decade. Toward this end, the Laboratory's Senior Management has formulated a guideline for strategic planning titled LA-2000: many INC personnel will be contributing to this important plan in the coming year. To stress technical excellence and achievement as critical institutional values by more clearly defining the roles of the employees, the Senior Management made several decisions. A management title restructuring was implemented and a new job classification system for all structured series employees is progressing well. I view these initiatives optimistically as proactive moves to help ensure institutional stability during a time of rapid national change. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Annual Report 1987 Overview Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division Division Leader INC DOT D. W. Barr (ROTATING ASSIGNMENTS) Deputy Division Leader E. A. Bryant A. J. Gancarz P. G. Eller Technical Coordinator M. M Fowler B. R. Erdal INC 4 INC 5 Isotope and Research Reactor Structural Chemistry Group Leader-M. E. Bunker Group I eader-R. R. Ryan Deputy Group Le,ider-M. M. Minor Deputy Group Leader-W. H. Woodruff INC 11 INC-7 Nuclear and Radiochemistry Isotope Geochemistry Group Leader-W. R. Daniels Group Leader-B. M. Crowe Deputy Group Leader-G. F. Grisham Deputy Group Leader-D. B. Curtis Deputy Group Leader-D. C. Moody As may be
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