Diabetes Month, 11/1986, 11/13/1986 (1877) Home Health Care Week, 11/30-12/6/1986, 11/18/1986 (1878) Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, 11/1986, 11/18/1986 (1879) Toastmasters Week, 11/2-8/1986, 10/28/1986 Slovak Heritage Week, 11/2-8/1986, 10/28/1986 Hospice Month, 11/1986, 11/18/1986 (1880) Adoption Week, 11/24-29/1986, 11/24/1986 (1881) Civil Air Patrol Week, 11/30-12/6/1986, 11/28/1986 (1882) National Guard Day, 12/13/1986, 12/9/1986 (1883) Financial Aid Awareness Month, January, 12/8/1986 Volunteer Blood Donor Month, January, 12/9/1986 School Food Week, 1/11-16/1987, 12/13/1986 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 19, 1987, 1/9/1987 Gubernatorial Papers of Governor Dick Thornburgh 1979-1987 ROBERT C. WILBURN, SECRETARY OF BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION 4-2882 Box 340 Space Needs/Reallocation (folder 1) Welfare Reform (folder 2) Welfare Reform (continued) (folder 3) Block Grants 1981 (folder 4) Block Grants 1982 (folder 5) Escheats (folder 6) New Federalism (folder 7) CORRESPONDENCE AND SUBJECT FILES 4-2883 Box 400 AAA Central Pennsylvania Automobile Club ARA Services, Inc. ASG Industries Ab Abe Aben Abr Ac Academy of Music Access Access Sabbath ACE Ackerman 4-2884 box 401 Act Ad Adams (A-L) Adams County Adams (M-Z) Adc Ade Adi ADIO Institute of Straight Chiropractic Administration, Office of (1983) Ado Adolescent Family Life Demonstration Projects Adolescent Family Life Demonstration Projects 4-2885 box 402 Adult Day Care Center Adv Advanced Technology Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Advocate for Better Care Ae Aet Af The Africas Affirmative Action Ag Aging Department, 1979-1982 Aging, Budget Cut – H.B. 2794 4-2886 box 403 Agriculture Department, releases, books, pamphlets, 1979-1981 Agriculture Department, 1979-1982 Agriculture Department, Washington, DC, 1979-1984 Agriculture Department, Washington, DC, Correspondence, 1984-1985 Agriculture Department, Washington, DC, Correspondence, 1983 Agriculture Department, Washington, DC, Correspondence, 1980-1982 Agriculture Department, Washington, DC, Correspondence, 1979 Ah Ai Ail Air Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Aj Al Albe Alberg 4-2887 box 404 Albri Ald Ale Alexander, A-L Alexander, Governor Lamar, Tennessee Alexander, M-Z Als Ail Allegations Allegheny Allegheny Airlines Allegheny Conference on Community Development Allegheny County 4-2888 box 405 Allegheny County Commissioners Allegheny Ludlum Industries, Inc. Allen, A-L Allen, Secretary Ethel (State) Allen, Dr. Ethel, Dismissal Letters (Con) Allen, Dr. Ethel, Dismissal Letters for Correction (Pro) Allen, M-Z Allena Allentown Alli Allin Allm Alm Alp 4-2889 box 406 Alt Alto Am Amb American, A-Z American Association American Association of Retired Persons, Inc. 4-2890 Box 407 American Bank and Trust Company American Business Women’s Association American, C-D-E American Cancer Society American Civil Liberties Union American Correctional Association American Diabetes Association, 1986 American, F-G-H American Federal of Labor-Congress Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) American Federation, State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) American, I American, J 4-2891 box 408 American, K-L American Legion, 1979-1984 American, M American, N-R American Oil and Gas Reporter American Philosophical Society American Red Cross American, S American Society of Public Administration American Sterilizer Company (Amsco) American, T-Z 4-2892 box 409 American Voters Association Americans Amerid Ames Amo Ams Amtrak An Anaya, Governor Toney And Anderson, A,B,C Anderson, D,E,F Anderson, G,H,I Anderson, J,K,L Anderson, John B. Anderson, N-Z Andr 4-2893 box 410 Andree Andri Ang Angl Ann Ans Ant Anti Anti-Defamation League Ara Archi Are Ari Ariyoshi, Governor George R. Arm Armi Arhn Arns Arr 4-2894 box 411 Appalachian Regional Commission Appleb Ar Aragb Archi Are Ari Ariyoshi, Governor of Hawaii Arm Armi Arn Arns Arr 4-2895 box 412 Art Arte Atri Art Exchange As Ash Ashcroft, Governor John Ashl Asi Askew, Ruben Asian Ass Association Faculties Association for Retarded Citizens Ast At Atiyeh, Governor Victor Atkinso Atlantic Atlantic Richfield Company ATT Attorney General Avo Ay Ays-Az B Bab Babi Babbitt, Governor Bruce E. Bac Baci Baco Bad Bae Baer Bag 4-2896 box 413 Association of Pennsylvania State College & University Faculties Association Retarded Citizens ASP AT Atiyeh, Governor Victor, Oregon Atkinso Atlantic At Richfield Co. ATT Attorney General Au Auditor General Au Auditor General Aue Aug Aul Aulisio 4-2897 box 414 Aur Aut Autom Automo Av Aver Avian Auo Ay Ays Az B Bab Babi Babbott, Governor, Arizona Bac Baci Baco Bad Bae Baer Ba 4-2898 box 415 Bah Bail-Bailey, H Bailey, I - Bailz Bain Bais Baker, A-L Baker, Senator Howard H. Baker, M-Z Bal Bald Bale 4-2899 box 416 Baliles, Governor Gerald Lee Ball Balla Balo Balt Bam Ban Bangerter, Governor Norman H. Bank Banks, I – Banks, Z Joseph Banks Bank Banking Department, 1979-1981 Bann Bar Baran, Walter Barbi Romero-Barcelo, Governor Carlos Bard Barg 4-2900 box 417 Barkh Barn Barnes – Barnes, J Barnes, K – Barnes, Z Barnet Barnh Barr Barre Barri Barry Bart Barte Barth Bartho 4-2901 box 418 Bartle III, Harvey Bartle III, Harvey, Insurance Commission Barto Bartos Bas Bask Bass Bassi Bat Bath Batt Batti Bau Bauerl Baum Bauma Baumb Baumh Bax Bay Bayless, Kenneth R. Bayli Be Beacha Beal 4-2902 box 491 Bear Beas Beau Beav Bec Beck, A-Z Becket Beckr Bed Bedford, G. – Bedz Bee Beec Beem 4-2903 box 420 Beggs, Charlotte Beh Behr Behrend College Bei Bel Belf Bell, A-D Bell, E-L Bell, M-Z Bell Telephone, 1979 Bella Bello Bels Belu Ben Bene Benes Beng Benj 4-2904 box 421 Benk Benni Benson, F. – Bensz Bent Bento Ber Berd Berga Bergm Bergs Berk Berkl Berks County 4-2905 box 422 Berl Bern Bernb Bernh Berno Bert Bertr Bes Best Best of Friends, 1985 Bet Bethel Township Sewage Plough Bethlehem Bethlehem Steel Corporation 4-2906 box 423 Bett Betts Beu Bev Bey Bi Bic Bid Bie Biel Biester, Attorney General Edward G. Big Bigg Bil Bille Billm Bin BingBink Bint Bir Birm Biro 4-2907 box 424 Bis Bisi Bit Biv Black, A-L Black, Gorham L. Black Jr., Gorham L., Secretary of Aging Black Lung, Rate Changes Black, M-Z Blacka Blackm Blag Blai Blair County Blak Blakea 4-2908 box 425 Blan Blanchard, James J., Governor of Michigan Blank Blas Blat Blatt, Genevieve Blaw Ble Bles Bli Blo Block Grants Information Forum Blod Bloo Bloom, Robert K. Bloom, B. Bloomsburg State College Blue Cross 4-2909 box 426 Bluma B’nai B’rith Bo Boarding Homes Board of Pardons, 1979 Boards and Commissions Bobi Boc Bod Bodi Bodine, James F., Department of Commerce Bodn Boe Boehme Boes Bog Bog Bohn Bohr Boil Bol Bole Boll Bolt Boltz Bom 4-2910 box 427 Bon Bond, Governor Christopher S. Bonda Bone Bonn Bonni Boo Boog Bor Bord Borg Bori Borm Borough Borr Bos Bost 4-2911 box 428 Bot Bou Boul Bour Bout Bow Bowen, Governor Otis R. Bower Bowers Bowes Bowm Bown Boy Boya Boyde Boyer, A-Z Boyl 4-2912 box 429 Boyle, Joseph F. Boyn Br Brad Bradford, A-Z Bradford County Bradt Brady, Donald Brae Brai Brak Bran Brande Brann Branstad, Governor Carey E. Bras 4-2193 box 430 Brau Brav Bre Bree Brei Bren Brennan, Governor Joseph Brenne Bres Bret Brew Brews Bri Brickl Brid Brigh Bril Brin Brinn 4-2914 box 431 Brit Bro Brob Brod Broe Brog Brom Broo Brooks, E – Brook, Z Broom Brot Brou Brown, A-Z, Brown, D-G 4-2915 box 432 Brown, H-L, Brown Jr., Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor John Y. Brown – Brown, T Brown, G-R Brown, S Brown, T-Z Brown, E Brown, L Brou Brugh Brue Brug Brum Brun 4-2916 box 433 Brunn Brus Bry Bryan, Governor Richard H. Bryant Bryt Bu Buc Buche Buck Bucks Bucknell University Bucks County Bug 4-2917 box 434 Budget, 1983-1984 Budget crisis Budget and Administration, releases, books, pamphlets, etc. Budget and Administration, Correspondence, 1979-1982 Budget in Brief, 1981-1982 Budget In Brief, Thank you letter, 1980-1981 Budget Materiel, 1979-1980 Budget, Washington, DC, 1984 Budget, Correspondence, Washington, DC, 1979-1983 Budget Cuts (pro) Budget Surplus, 1985 Budi Buel Buef Buf Bui Bul Bull Bun Bunn 4-2918 box 435 Bur Burd Burdo Bureau of Bureau of Employment Security Burg Burges Burgi Burke Burkh Burkhe Burl Burn Burns, A-Z Burr Burro Burs Burts 4-2919 box 436 Bus Bush, George, Vice President Busbee, Governor George, Georgia Busha Busi Bussi Butler Butler County Butt Bux By Byr 4-2920 box 437 Byrne, Governor Brendan T., New Jersey C CETA Cabinent Cabrini College Cad Caf Cai Caine Cal Cale California State College Caliguiri, Richard S., Mayor of Pittsburgh Caliguiri, Mayor, Occupational Tax Raise Call Call the Governor 4-2921 box 438 Calle Calv Calvo, Paul M., Governor of Guan Cam Camacho, Governor Carlos S., Northern Mariana Islands Cambria County Cameron County Cami Campbell, E-E Campbell, F-L Campbell, M-Z Campe Campership Program Funding, Title 20 Funds Can Canada 4-2922 box 439 Canf Cann Cant Cap Capital Capitol Capitol Rededication, 10/19/1981 Capo Car Carb Care Carey, Ervin Carey, Governor Hugh L., New York Carl 4-2923 box 440 Carli Carlin, Governor John W., Kansas Carlisle (M.E.) Carmen Carn Carnegie Carnegie Corporation of New York Caro Carpenter, A-Z Carpenters, A-Z Carr Carra Carroll, Governor Julian M., Kentucky Cars 42924 box 441 Carter Carter, President James Earl Carter, Mrs. Rosalynn Carti Carv Casel Casah Cass Cassi Cast Catel, Michael N. Governor of Delaware Cat Cat Scanner Hamot Medical Center Letters Cath Catholic, A-Z 4-2925 box 442 Cau Cav Cave Ce Ced Celeste, Governor Richard F., Governor of Ohio Cen Center Central, A-P Central, P-Z Centralia Centre County Cer Cern 4-2926 box 443 Cerr Certification of Employment
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