Sunday June 16, 2019 Pastoral Team: Душпастирі: Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji о. Янко Колошняї Residence tel: 306-244-2604 Резиденція тел: 306-244-2604 [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Myron Yamniuk Диякон Мирон Ямнюк DIVINE LITURGY БОЖЕСТВЕННА ЛІТУРГІЯ Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Неділя: 10 рано 10:00 a.m. Свята: 10:00 рано Daily: 8:00 a.m. Щодня: 8:00 рано CATECHETICAL PROGRAMS: See inside for specifics BAPTISM: By appointment (Pre-Baptismal preparation) CONFESSIONS - СПОВІДЬ: 30 minutes before Liturgy MATRIMONY: By appointment (one year in advance) FUNERALS: By arrangement VISITATION OF THE SICK: Call any time HOLY COMMUNION AT HOMES: First Friday of the month Вітаємо всіх гостей, приятелів та рідних, які зєдналися сьогодні разом брати участь в цій Службі Божій. Нехай наш Господь благословить Вас і Вашу родину! We extend our welcome to all guests, friends, visiting relatives and parishioners in celebrating this Divine Liturgy together. May our Lord bless you and your family! Місячний намір Святішого Отця Папи на Червень Schedule for Sundays SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) June 16th (Bilingual) Readers: Lesya Krushelnytskyy (Uk.47) Janine Johnston (Eng.47) Cantor: Curtis Hiebert Sacristan: David Orenchuk Ushers: Bernie & Pat Mazurkewich Altar Servers: Please Volunteer SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) June 23th (English) Readers: Anna Marko (Uk.51) Elizabeth Fay (Eng.51) CEMETERY SERVICES Cantor: Curtis Hiebert Services at : Sacristan: Mike Luczka Sunday, June 16th starting at 3:30p.m. Services at : Ushers: Bernie Bodnar & Bernie Vinnick Sunday, June 23rd, starting at 3:30 p.m. Altar Servers: Please Volunteer Individuals and organizations are encouraged to SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) June 30th(Bilingual) participate. We extend a cordial invitation to all. Readers: Anna Mycyk (Uk.58) ПОМИНАЛЬНІ ВІДПРАВИ Paige Hiebert (Eng.58) В неділю 16-го червня, в годині 3:30 Cantor: Curtis Hiebert пополудні будуть помінальні відправи на Sacristan: David Orenchuk міському кладовищі. Ushers: John Bomok & John Luby В неділю 23-го червня, в годині 3:30 пополудні будуть помінальні відправи на Altar Servers: Please Volunteer Hillcrest кладовищі. Просимо вірних брати SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) July 7th(Bilingual) участь, особисто і організаціи но. Readers: Iurii Kashuba (Uk.) Ivan Kolosnjaji (Eng.) Cantor: Curtis Hiebert Sacristan: David Nahachewsky Ushers: TBA Altar Servers: Please Volunteer НЕДІЛЯ / SUNDAY, June 16th: All Saints Sunday; Неділя Всіх Святих 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy /Свята Літургія (Bilingual) (Matt ПОНЕДІЛОК - MONDAY, June 17th 8:00 a.m. NO DIVINE LITURGY ВІВТОРОК - TUESDAY, June 18th 8:00 a.m. Birthday Blessings for Ana ……………………………………..……………..…..family СЕРЕДА - WEDNESDAY, June 19th 8 :00 a.m. +Kathleen Rose Logel ………………………………….………...Estate of K. R. Logel ЧЕТВЕР - THURSDAY, June 20th 8:00 a.m +Kathleen Rose Logel ……………………….…………………...Estate of K. R. Logel П’ЯТНИЦЯ / FRIDAY, June 21st 8:00 a.m. +Kathleen Rose Logel ………………………………….………...Estate of K. R. Logel 7:00 p.m. Moleben to Jesus the Lover of Mankind - Молебень до Христа Чоловіколюбця СУБОТА / SATURDAY, June 22nd 8:00 a.m. +Josephine & Peter Sirman ………………………………..…………...Sirman family НЕДІЛЯ / SUNDAY, June 23rd: Sunday of the Holy Eucharist; Неділя Пресвятої Євхаристії 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy /Свята Літургія (English) (John 6: 48-54) Moleben to the Christ Lover of Mankind, еvery Friday in June at 7:00 p.m. at Cathedral. Come to Church and join us in praise of the love of Jesus for us. Молебень до Христа Чоловіколюбця - кожнoї п’ятниці в червню. Запрошуємо усіх до спільної молитви! Приходьмо, щоб почитати Серце Христове, черпати у ньому спокій і радість душі, а також зростати в любові до Бога і ближнього. Your Return Gift to God : Last Sunday & Feast Days Collection .....................................…....................... $ 1083.00 Open Collection ……………………….……….....……...……….......................... $ 22.00 Automatic Debits ………………………………………………………………….. $ 95.00 Vigil Lights …………………………………...…………………............................ $ 8.75 Meetings & Events - Сходини та Події Jun 16 (Sun) Cemetery service at Woodlawn cemetery at 3:30p.m. Jun 20 (Thu) Parish Council Meeting at 7:00p.m.—Cathedral Auditorium Jun 23 (Sun) Cemetery service at Hillcrest cemetery at 3:30p.m. Jul 19 - 28 St. Volodymyr Camp at St. Volodymyr Eparchial Park Jul 28 (Sun) UCBC Bishop Roborecki Branch - St. Volodymyr Praznyk at Park Sep 9 (Mon) St. George’s Ukrainian Senior Citizen Centre Corp. Meeting at 7:00p.m. Sep 22 (Sun) Parish Fall Supper Oct 26-27 UCWLC, UCBC, UCY 37th Eparchial Convention ~ Job Announcement ~ St. George’s Cathedral Parish is seeking to fill a permanent part-time position for Parish Office Administrative Assistant Duties will include Bank deposits, preparing reports, working with QuickBooks Accounting, Publisher and other office duties as required, and will report directly to Parish Pastor. Must be fluent in Ukrainian and English. Send Resume to Parish office no later than 4:00p.m. Monday June 24, 2019. Email: [email protected] or 210 Ave M South, Saskatoon, SK, S7M 2K4. For more information contact: Fr. Janko Kolosnjaji at (306) 370-2866. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The Shrine of the Venerable Nun Martyrs Olympia Thursday, June 20, 2019 and Laurentia (215 Avenue M South) celebrates a weekly 7:00p.m. - Cathedral Auditorium Moleben Service every Sunday evening at 7:00p.m. DEEPEST SYMPATHY We express sympathy and prayers to family and friends on the death of + Peter Kostiuk ВІЧНАЯ ПАМ’ЯТЬ! GOD GRANT HIM ETERNAL REST! WE BEGIN TO TELL OUR STORIES After spending the past two years getting to know each other as neighbours and friends, the parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic (First Nations and Metis Nation) Church and the parishioners of St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral are continuing their important journey of getting to know each other as different Peoples with powerful stories to tell about their experiences surviving in this world. Please come to this first Evening of Storytelling: June 19, 2019 7-8:30 pm Guadalupe Parish Office at 426 Avenue J, South Opening Prayer and Smudge - Rev. Graham Hill and Elder Irene Sharp Master of Ceremonies - Deacon Paul Labelle St. George’s Speaker - Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji on the Ukrainian Catholic Experience in Serbia Small Group Discussions Guadalupe Speaker - Sheila LeDoux on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Small Group Discussions Closing Plenary - Deacon Paul Labelle Closing Prayers - Rev. Graham Hill and Elder Irene Sharp St. George’s and Guadalupe embarked on this journey of friendship three years ago agreeing that we felt led by the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit lead you to join us in this deeper journey together. Gerald Seniuk and Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert, Co-chairs of this Social Justice Committee Initiative Choir practice in preparation for Moleben to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the 60th Anniversary of the Priestly Ordination of His Excellency, Bishop Emeritus Michael Wiwchar, CSsR on Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 5:00 pm at St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Saskatoon. You are invited to be part of the choir that will sing for the service of the Moleben to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the direction of Paul Hnenny. To be part of this celebration . Practice will take place at Ss. Peter & Paul Church (10th St. East & Munroe Ave.), at 8:00 pm, on Monday, June 24th. Paul Hnenny at (306) 249-0196 or email: [email protected] MUSÉE UKRAINA MUSEUM INC. - May 2019 Calendar Winners $20.00 Winners: $50.00 Winners: Bozanna Simunovic, Regina; Rosa Hawryluk, Prince Albert; Fr. Methodius Kushko, Yorkton $100.00 Winners: Joe & Erica Harden, Yorkton $200.00 Winner: Linda Karakochuk, Wynyard & Lara Kammer mayer, Saskatoon Congratulations to all the winners! There are still 213 chances to win cash prizes in the 2019 Calendar Lottery! Lottery License #RR17-0035 Musée Ukraina Museum invites you to the new exhibition: " ." This solo exhibition features the work of the late 222 Avenue M South (Sr. Theodosia Lane). Principal Shelly Lord at Bishop Filevich School Ss. Peter & Paul Parish, Saskatoon - Vacation Bible School for Children Ages 4-12! -- "Roar! Life is Wild - God is Good!" July 2-5, 2019 - A jam-packed, fun-filled, intense 4 days -- Tuesday- Friday from 9 am - 12 noon at Bishop Pocock Elementary School (227 Avondale Road). Registration fee: $15; additional children - $10. For more information contact Andrea at 306-343-6516 [email protected]. Register online by printing forms off from our website www.sspp.ca and then email them to Andrea Swann at [email protected]. Registration Deadline is June 7. ST. MICHAEL'S SUMMER CAMPS 2019 AT MADGE LAKE 20TH ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE AT THE PRO-LIFE MILLENNIUM CROSS – Sunday, August 25, 2019 – 3:00 p.m. "Promoting the Culture of Life and Traditional Family Values". Praying for the Sanctity of Life – Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. A Living Rosary along with other prayers. Keynote Speaker: Mrs. Cathy LaFleche, Executive Director of the Saskatoon Pregnancy Options Centre. See: www.prolifemillenniumcross.ca. Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage to Mexico City - Star of the New Evangelization; February 6–15, 2020 with Bishop Bryan Bayda, C.Ss.R. Prices: Double Occupancy - $3100.00/person. Single $3400. Basic Price of Pilgrimage & Tour includes: Return airfare from Saskatoon to Mexico City, flight cancellation insurance, hotel (8 nights), breakfasts and suppers served at the hotel, the services of an experienced English-speaking local tour guide, transportation and day tours. $100.00 deposit required with registration (nonrefundable); $1,500.00 ($1650 single) required by September 16/19. Final payment of $1,500.00($1650 single) required by Nov 15/19. form/ further info, contact: Marlene @ 306-262-1647 or [email protected]. SIMPLE, SAFE, RELIABLE AND EASY …. Summer is approaching and with it comes the anticipation of vacations or weekends at the lake. For your convenience, St. George’s Cathedral Parish offers the simple, safe, and easy method of payment, simply fill out the Pre Authorization for Scheduled Donations form, attach a voided cheque, and place it in the collection basket.
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