EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL Earth Sci. Res. J. Vol. 9, No. 2 (Dec. 2005): 110-122 SIMULATION OF NEAR-SURFACE LAYER OF THE COLOMBIAN PACIFIC OCEAN Lev Karlin1 and Nancy Villegas2 1 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, San Petersburg, Russia, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Departamento de geociencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá, e-mail:[email protected] RESUMEN Este artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de la estructura fina termohalina de la capa sub-superficial realizado en la Cuenca del Pacífico colombiano. Se formularon modelos matemáticos para diferentes regímenes de capas sub-superficiales. Basado en tres estaciones se realizó un análisis horario de información meteorológica, variación de espesor, temperatura y salinidad de la capa fina. Las leyes de formación de la estructura fina termohalina para la capa sub-superficial en la Cuenca del Pacífico colombiano están relacionadas con convección nocturna, mezcla viento-ondas, absorción de energía radiante y precipitación. Palabras clave: Capa sub-superficial, estructura termohalina fina, termoclina, haloclina, mezcla viento- ondas, mezcla convectiva. ABSTRACT This paper presents the results provided by the fine-scale thermohaline structure of near-surface layer (NSL) study done in the Colombian Pacific Ocean (CPO). Mathematical models for different regimes of the near- surface layer are formulated. Based on three stations, an hourly analysis of meteorological data, thickness change, temperature and salinity of this layer was done. The principles of formation of the thermohaline structure for NSL over CPO are related to night convection, wind-wave mixing, volume absorption of radiant energy and precipitation. Key words: Near-surface layer, fine-scale thermohaline structure, thermocline, halocline, wind-wave mixing, convective mixing. © 2005 ESRJ - Unibiblos INTRODUCTION 8 m/s), intensive convection (night, autumn-winter, Fedorov and Ginsburg (1988) found for thermohaline during the cooling or rise of salinity in ocean), structure formation in the Ocean-NSL, the following Langmuir circulation (wind speed between 3 and regimes: intensive wind-wave mixing (wind speed > 10 m/s) and desalt due to precipitation. Manuscript received August 2004, Paper accepted June 2005 110 Simulation of near-surface layer of the Colombian Pacific Ocean First, Karlin et al. (1988) and later Rodhe (1991) Wind-wave mixing regime found another regime related to horizontal advection. Finally, the regime connected to special features The quasi-homogeneity in temperature and salinity of the offshore thermohaline structure in polar and vertical distribution of the mixed layer in diurnal circumpolar regions was determined (Timokhov, time, simplify the differential simulation without loss 1989; Timokhov et.al, 1993). of accuracy, using integral methods. It is assumed We described four mathematical models used the presence of mixed layer during the calculation for NSL regimes over CPO provided by data period. The simplified expression of NSL thickness analysis in 3 stations. Hourly weather data and is: vertical thermohaline profiles at these stations were 3 2mU* examined in detail, obtaining NSL thickness values, h = T (1) g q0 top and bottom boundaries and the corresponding a p temperature and salinity (Villegas, 2003). In where, m is an empirical constant of proportion- conclusion, the predominant NSL regimes of ality; h is the upper mixed layer thickness, m; CPO are night convection, wind-wave mixing, the tac p uv U* = c volume absorption of radiant energy and regime t is the dynamic speed, m/s; p is the with precipitation. resistance coefficient; uv is the wind speed, m/s; a p T is the thermal expansion coefficient, 1/°C; q0 is the METHODOLOGY heat flux through water-air boundary, °Cm/s. The equation to calculate temperature evolution with The former data was obtained at hydrometeorological constant heat flux is: stations 14 (4° N , 78° W), 49 (2° N, 80° W) and 111(3° N, 84° W), in August and September, 2001 T q0 = (Otero and Pineda, 2001), recording data during 24 dT0 h dt (2) hours, trying to verify the models that describe the different NSL regimes, see Figure 1. These stations where, dT0 is the change of upper mixed layer tem- covered the coastal (station 14), the offshore (station perature for the calculated step on the time dt, °C. 111) and the mixing water zone (station 49), being Equation (1) determines the upper mixed layer thick- selected according to the quasi-homogeneous ness in wind-wave mixing regime, in the case of its classification zones (Villegas, 2002). decrease. This happens until maximum heat flux is observed, when diurnal thermocline is formed. Thickness remain constant until the heat flux in air- water boundary decreases, then thickness increases and expansion of diurnal mixing layer is observed. In this case, the temperature and thickness evolution formulas of mixed layer must consider the formed T diurnal thermocline thickness and heat flux qh on mixed layer bottom boundary. In accordance with the Similarity Theory of profile T in the thermocline (Kitaygorodskiy, 1970; Miropolskiy, 1970 and Gar- nich and Kitaygorodskiy, 1978), we have: 3 T 2h 2mU* q0 = - 2t gap h TT0 - H at TT0 - H aT ^ h ^ h (3) T 3 2q0 2mU* H-- h 1 aT -- 2 ] g] g ; d h gh a p n TT0 - HTa ^ h T 3 2T0 2q0 2mU* = - 2 (4) 2t h gh a p Figure 1. CPO hydrometeorological station locations. 111 Lev Karlin and Nancy Villegas T where, T0 is the water temperature in upper mixed bottom boundary of convective layer, °Cm/s; q0R layer, °C; TH is the water temperature in bottom is the heat flux through ocean surface caused by boundary of mixed layer, °C; aT is the dimension- evaporation, turbulent heat exchange and long-wave less coefficient of Self-Similarity determined ac- radiation, °Cm/s. cording to observed data and H is the thermocline Equation (7) requires the expression of turbulent depth, m. energy balance integrated in limits of convective Formulas (1), (2), (3) and (4) calculate the thickness layer. The production of energy (generated due to and temperature evolution of mixed layer in wind- forces of Archimedes) is made until z depth with wave mixing regime. the Bouguer’s law (radiation flux determined expo- nentially) and considering dissipation according to Convective mixing regime works of Zilitinkevich and Dearfor (1974); Dearfor et al. (1980); Dearfor and Willis (1985); Kofi (1985) This type of convection, in absence of dynamic fac- and Zilitinkevich (1987), it is possible to write the tors on water-air boundary, is also called free con- energy balance turbulence equation integrated in the vection. In this work, convective-wind mixing took limits of convective layer as follows: place at night, when heat flux on water-air boundary is negative, the mixed layer descends and heat flux T T q0R + qh h -rh 1 -rh h+ qS 1 + e --1 e 8) through mixed layer bottom boundary becomes de- 2: 2 ]]g r gD fined by the involvement hypothesis (Karlin, 1988). T The equations of thickness h ad temperature T evlu- = 0. 4 q0R h tion of NSL in convective mixing regime are: where, qS is the short wave emission flux to ocean T 3 2h kq q0 2mU* surface, °Cm/s; r is the effective coefficient of weak- =- + ; 5) -1 2t TT0 - H ga p h TT0 - H ening solar energy in sea water, m . ^ h T In expression (8), qh is undetermined doing neces- T 3 2T q0 U* =1. 2 - 2m 2 . 6) sary to analyze two stages of NSL evolution, in 2t h ga p h the first one, layer thickness increases when solar energy flux decreases or decreases when heat loss where, kq is dimensionless coefficient for free con- vection (Woods and Barkmann, 1986, Varfolomeyev increases; causing heat exchange (involvement), the T and Sutyrin, 1981). previous processes make necessary to estimate qh . Convective mixing regime is characterized by In the second stage, when solar energy flux increases layer mixed deepening even for weak wind, due to or heat loss decreases, the mixed layer thickness negative heat flux in water-air boundary. These two decreases, i.e., a new convective mixing layer takes factors together (intensive refreshing and strong place with a thickness smaller than previous one. T wind) contribute to the deepening of layer, causing When h decreases qh =0 then: the diurnal thermocline vanish. 2 1 - e-rh rh = 9) ] gqT Sunny and weak wind weather regime 1+e-rh + 0.2 0R c qS m If in the ocean surface exists a convective mixed Because rh is dimensionless, it is necessary to use the layer and the mixture of this layer is so strong that the expression h* = 1/ r in order to calculate it. Defining temperature vertical gradient is zeroed, then we use hr =h/ h* = h as the thickness of the mixed con- U heat equation in vertical direction, integrating from vective layer, so h= h/r. From (9), h is depending T U U surface to inferior boundary of convective layer h: on q0 /; qSSq has important role because its value is maximum at noon and practically zero at night. In 2T0 T T consequence h* decreases in sunrise to noon interval, h= q0 + qSo -- qh qh 7) 2t R producing a minimum convective layer thickness. After noon, mixed convective layer thickness in- here, qSo is the radiation flux through ocean-atmo- T creases and qh ! 0, which is defined as: sphere boundary, °Cm/s; qh is the radiation flux on 112 Simulation of near-surface layer of the Colombian Pacific Ocean T 2h after rain. When rain stops, salt flux through surface qh =TT0 - Z 10) 2t ^ h is equal to zero and thickness of freshened layer increases. Then, its characteristic can be defined as where, TT0 - Z – is the difference between water ^ h follows (Karlin et.
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