North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date : 2 July, 2002 AGENDA ITEM NO. .........1 ............. Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 2 JULY 2002 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 3 C/02/00386/FUL Antonio Quintiliani Alterations and Extension to Existing Hot Grant Food Take-Away to form Second Hot Food Ta ke-Away 36 Bellsdyke Road, Airdrie 9 C/02/00531/FUL Mrs Myra Morton Erection of Fence (in retrospect) Grant 4 Golfview Place, Coatbridge 12 C/02/00566/FUL Turnberry Homes Ltd Erection of 4 Flats and 6 Dwellinghouses Grant Land South West of 59-67 Gartlea Road, Airdrie 19 C/02/00655/FUL Mr R Haggarty Erection of Extension Grant 64 Lochearn Crescent, Airdrie 23 S/02/00393/FUL IN1 Enterprises Change of Use from Shop to Hot Food Grant Carry Out Shop 152 Main Street, Holytown, Motherwell 28 S/02/00428/ADV Andrail Ltd Erection of Hoarding (1-96 sheet) Refuse Gates Bar 274 Main Street, Bellshill 31 S/02/00457/FUL Securicor Omega Installation of Dock Shelters and Platform Grant Express Limited to South Elevation of Building Securicor Distribution 4 Rosehall Road, Bellshill Industrial Estate, Bellshill 34 S/02/00578/0 UT Philip Stevens Construction of Dwellinghouse Refuse 11 Southfield Road, Shotts 39 S/02/00609/FUL Charles Mallon Construction of Two Storey Side Grant Extension to Dwellinghouse 132 Calderbraes Avenue, Uddingston 43 S/02/00612/FUL Taylor Homes Erection of Stable Boxes and Horse Grant (Scotland) Ltd Training Arena Land S.E. of 220 North and South Road, Cleland, Motherwell 46 S/02/00641/FUL Mr Arthur Littlejohn Change of use from Paint Spray Booth to Grant Ice Manufacturing and Hot Food Takeaway Unit 2 544 Windmillhill Street, Motherwell 49 S/02/00666/FUL Christina P Taylor Construction of Bungalow and Detached Refuse Domestic Garage Land south of Bankhead Cottage Edinburgh Road, Harthill, Shotts C:\TEMPP-JULY.doc Application No: C/02/00386/F UL Date Registered: 10th April 2002 Applicant : Antonio Quintiliani 36 Bellsdyke Road Airdrie Lanarkshire ML6 9DU Agent Premier Design Associates 26 Howard Court Nerston East Kilbride G74 4QZ Development: Alterations and Extension to Existing Hot Food Take-Away to form Second Hot Food Take-Away Location: 36 Bellsdyke Road Airdrie Lanarkshire ML6 9DU Ward: 47: North Cairnhill And Coatdyke Grid Reference: 276058.664741. File Reference: AIB2880361DBILR Site History: C/9800792FUL Use of Shop as Hot Food Shop, Erection of Ventilation Flues and Installation of New Shop Front 4th September 1998 Development Plan: The site is covered by residential policies in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991. Contrary to Development Plan: No Consultations: Representations: 5 Letters of Representation Newspaper Advertisement: 24th April 2002 Comments: This application relates to the extension of a fish and chip shop on the corner of Bellsdyke Road and Cairnhill Road, Airdrie to form a separate Chinese Take-a-way. The unit has an associated car park accessed from Bellsdyke Road. On the opposite corners of this junction there is a licensed grocer and business premises. The site is zoned HG9 in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991 although it is on the boundary with an area zoned ECON2 Existing General Industrial Area. Following the normal consultation procedure there have been 5 letters of objection received from neighbouring residents and the local Member, details of which are set out in the attached report. Following discussion with the Transportation Section revised plans have been submitted that demonstrate the ability to provide sufficient parking and manoeuvring area. Protective Services has requested further information on the internal layout and the provision of a carbon filtration unit to reduce the potential for smell nuisance. The The existing take-a-way introduced the principle that a hot food use is acceptable at this location and its operation has resulted in very few complaints. I consider that the provision of an additional unit should not significantly impact on the nearby residential properties and therefore propose that the application be approved. Recommendation: Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building. Reason: To ensure continuity of development in the interest of visual amenity 3. That before the development hereby permitted starts a plan including full details of the internal layout of the proposed units shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required. Reason: To enable further consideration of the proposal with respect to the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations. 4. That before the proposed unit is brought into use a carbon filtration system should be installed to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority and thereafter maintained in line with the manufacturers recommendations. Reason: To ensure appropriate filtration of cooking odours in the interest of residential amenity. 5. That before development starts, details of a scheme, which provides sufficient space within the curtilage of the application site for:- (a) the parking and manoeuvring of 6 cars; (b) the loading and unloading of service vehicles, and (c) the provision of turning areas so that all vehicles enter and leave the site in forward gear shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects. 6. That before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use, all areas covered by the scheme, approved under the terms of condition 5 above, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing works, and clearly marked out and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking, unloading and manoeuvring areas. Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site. 7. That before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use, the existing vehicular access to the application site, marked GREEN on the approved plans, shall be closed off and the ground, within the area formerly occupied by the access, shall, thereafter, be reinstated as a Footway. Reason: In the interest of traffic and pedestrian safety. 8. That before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use I metre high bollards shall be erected, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, along the boundary marked ORANGE on the approved plans. Reason: In the interest of traffic and pedestrian safety. 9. That hours of operation shall be restricted to the following times:- Sunday to Thursday - 12.00 - 22.00 Friday 8t Saturday - 12.00 - MIDNIGHT Reason: To accord with the opening times of the existing premises. Background Papers: Application form and plans received 26'h March 2002, 17'h May 2002 and 6'h June 2002 Memo from the Transportation Section received on 14th June 2002 Memo from Protective Services Section received on 20th June 2002 Letter from Margaret McGuiness,l30 Cairnhill Road, Airdrie, ML6 9HF received 28th March 2002. Letter from Mr Bernard Dolan,34 Bellsdyke Road, Airdrie, ML6 9DU received 28th March 2002. Letter from Mrs Mary Black,128 Cairnhill Road, Airdrie, ML6 9HF received 28th March 2002. Letter from Councillor Peter Sullivan,P.O. Box 14, Civic Centre, Motherwell, ML1 1TW received 30th April 2002. Letter from John W. Love J.P,63 Bellsdyke Road, Airdrie, ML6 9DU received 8th May 2002. Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact David Baxter at 01236 812372. APPLICATION NO. C/02/00386/FUL REPORT 1. Description of Site and Proposal 1.I This application is for the erection of a 47sq.m. extension and internal alterations to 36 Bellsdyke Road, Airdrie to form an additional hot food take-a-way. The application site is currently used as a fish and chip shop and associated car park that was granted under planning consent C/98/007921FUL. The proposal will build in part of the car park and require its current entrance to be relocated. 2. Development Plan 2.1 The site is zoned HG9 Housing Policy for Existing Residential Areas in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991 3. Consultations and Representations 4.1 Following consultations and discussion with the applicant the Transportation Section have indicated no objection to the proposal subject to the provision of 6 parking spaces for patrons and sufficient unloading for delivery vans. Other requirements include the relocation of the existing car park entrance and the existing one reinstated as footway, and the provision of bollards along the side of Bellsdyke road to ensure that patrons do not park on the footway. 4.2 The Protective Services Section has indicated some concern regarding the internal layout of the food preparation areas and have requested further details. In addition they have indicated the need for a suitable filtration unit to be installed. 4.3 Following neigbour notification and advertisement in the local press 5 letters of objection were received including one from the local Member, Councillor Peter Sullivan. These letters referred to the following reasons: 1) impact on the residential amenity; 2) cooking smells from the current unit will only be increased; 3) there is inadequate parking provision and on street parking on Cairnhill Road and Bellsdyke Road is already a nuisance; 4) the shop across the road has a trailer van parked on site that attracts youths; 5) Hot food take-a-ways encourage young people to congregate in the area causing a nuisance; and 6) The proposal will increase the litter and problems of stored materials 4.
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