.The Oldeat College ~~w~pap ~.r h. tile United Stntes' . 'fucsduy, .Nov . 23, 1976 Miami University, Oxford Ohio Est .. 11126 Phones : 529-2210, 211 f , 6726 I I 'Dissatisfied students eye .possible union• . Dy sn:VEN P. KLEIN lie added thll t Montgomery hud told him Stllte, Kent Sta te and Youngstown State Dissatisfied student "murmut'lngs " on thut the minority student Increuse Ilt Ilrc holding pickets lind rallies protesting . University policy may be leading to a Miami from 1970 was 1501 was 14. the hike." 'student union. For ~he past severo I weeks, a group of "In 1972, Ohio University had less McMilla n said the OSA which includes students have been meeting In the minor ity students than we did, but since all twelve state university student body 'University Center to discuss the present then, they ha ve actively tried til muke presidents, urged students to write their ,and past sltllation of the student attending t hell' scholll appealing to minorities. state representatives regarding the tuition Miami. hikes. The rock groups who have played a t '\ TI1IIy divided themselves intll reseurch Milictillre geured to white audlenceR . Why "!commlttces, In un attempt to find out why not hrlng In AWB 0 1' Ftllberta Flack?" O'I'II E R 1I "~ I'On'l'S a t the meeting ,students and faculty hllve IInly all advisory McCullough remllrked. conce rned themselves with proposed capacity In the running of the University; consll'uctions li nd razings around the . why t.here arc not more minority students ImUlY MeMll.l.l\N repOl'lcd hi s at­ campus ; spons('ring a bill with the Black attending Miami; why Associated Student tendance at sta Lewide "student lobby" Si udent Act ion Association to increalle Government Is only lin "dvlsory meeting lost weekend. "Olive Hart and 1 black enrollment Il t Miami; a nd one organization to the President and the drove up to Columbus tn find out wh uL can student cited Ohio luw Sllccifying student 'Trustees; and why buildings are I'Uzed and be done," advi sory ca pacity al slate unlversilill8 . buill without student or faculty input. "TllIJ group is call ed the Ohio Student Smce the group is opposed to thc current 1\'1' TIIEm 'ruesdaY meeting those Association ~ OSA l. It's mostly a lobby syslern 01 domncrllcy at. Miami, they silid committees began their reports. "I spok(! organizll t Ion 10 the stute cupilnl," Ihe only olher n!ternntive is a student with Mike Montgomery frOlI\ the Affir­ McMilla n said . "We wcre supposed to Union . By meeting wit.h administrators as mutiv\! Action. He suggested we put meet with one of tho I' cgents but he sent equ a ls, the group Haid they felt student together a comprehensive study, com­ one of his lackles Instead." fcellngs w011\d hnve more bearing. A winning combination ... paring Miami's minority enrollment with Mc Millan said he WHS able to find out Plans fOI' next week's meeting include 'l'AVI,on's vitality waH fUl'lImr ,Imhllllced when that of other state Universities, from 1970 morc of whnt was ha ppening at other state more rese!ll'ch into the student union Audlhn'lUlII, See Chris Clegg's review, page five, John Lull' photo, whore student paid monies go, the ef: hlK Klstlll' Klltll In Satul'dllY night's cOllem'! In lIuli 10 date," said Mike McCullough, in at­ unlvel'sllies. "ou had a tuition hike - they lendance at the meeting. plun 10 pay Ihe incrense In nickels. Oh io foci iv ol\ ess [II MnlOci a Led Stude nt GOVOI'nrn cnt Hnd chnnging the democratic SYStllll1 111 lhe University . Th e gl'oup said It encoul'ages interested nl tcnduTl ce. The next meeting will be held one seeks 5 % black enrollment by '79 Ht \I p.llI . Tuesday, in t.h e third floo r lobby in tho East wing of the University Center. lIy ,IIIII N ALEXANUEH Concerning his program'a funding, 'rhe reerultel' cited the University's Affirmative Action program, responsible all but aile of numerous fedel'a l guidelines. Admissions Counselor Danny L. Doone Mid he did not think the University tough a cadcmic standard as II major for Increasing black employment on "The !lnly guidelin e IhAt Ih e University icizcd bolh Insufficient funding hus ulloll ed enough money for rceruitmcm barl'iel' to millorlty elll'oilment though he complls , with failing "very, very shOl'l of has not mel Is the setling up of ti metables y recrultmllnt efforts and of minority students into Ih e Educational said he would not support a lowering of , whlll It shOUld bo doing" at Mi a mI. of gnals ," he sH id, using Ihe securing of 50 coil ed "token support It by Opportunlly P rogram (EOP). 'rhe EOP those standards. bl uck facull.y members within the next fiv e admlnl!ltrlltion lust '11 hu~8day . ncecpt.s only :iO minority studerltB each "Miami has a historical background of "It docs not evell meet lip to federal yenfB (IS 1111 cXf\lnple of !\11..:h u timetable, . Huid his pl'lmal'y I'esponsiblllt,y ye8l'. being Il private school and olle very few guidelines," he said, involves bolstering Miami's "I have 10 turn away many st.udel)ts," he can meet the admissions standards fOI'," University Affirmative Action Officer Mc)N'I'(iOMfo:HY said thai despile lhe em'ollment specially the black Huid. he said, adding that I,he mean black ACT Mi chaol'M(Illt.gomery r OR l>onded 'I'hursday a bsence or fo rma l limelllbles, ma ny pllpulntion , which stands at 350, or The way to change the present funding lest score WIlS dl'usticully lower than the by saying his office is in compliance with •• ~ee HECIWI'I'MENT (l age thl'ce-- .:1 PCI' cenl of the student body. situation, Boone said, would Involve average Miami student's. BEGINNERS .. See In-depth article Ii-II :II'COS fOI' f(Jcruitment are 50 pelitionlng the udmlnistraUon with plenty Othel' factors Boone said contributed to "boul Pr[\ l(i~ - how It sturtod und why it IItly bl ack Ohio high school s. of hard, concrete facts to cOllvlnce them of blacks ' reluclllnce to attend Miami In­ fell, Page lwo. of recruitment errorts, ac­ the fin a ncial need. He added thut he had no cluded a decrease In full -Ume bluck SINN EtlS ... J eff Pros Icy 0"[l lIIllIe8 the In Boone, will be to reach a five lI uthol'ity in this decisilln-maklllg process. fn culty members. bl ack population at Miami within 1,IIght or X-I'atoll movies IlIl d why Miami students hll ve n't scell lilly Oil campus this IllI'ee yea rs. I'ItESl[)lCN'f Phillip It. Shriver has "'fillS IS AN area we're trying to Im ­ year. Sec guest (:olumll, (lllge four. xpl'essed "token support" fnr the EOP prove," Boone said, , who joined the University In und his I'ecl'ultment efforts, Boone auld , noone attributed the decrease to GIlINNEHS . .. Livin gston Taylor cap­ , came fl'om II similar position but even less coopel'ation was found l'eslstance frQm departmental chairmen tUI'ed his audience with very llilpresslve Wesleyan University, where he among other University admlnlstl'ators. and ullegutions that not enough qualified (?) In cinl ex pesslon s. See review , pugll ior counselor for the Upward "I am constantly fighting the forces blacks ure available to fill the faculLy rive. under I' resldent Shriver," he said, positions. In Ilddltion, he charged the WINNER ... Mllrtha Shriver aod the bn sketbllll, root ball and hockey tell ms all hnve something In cOlllmon. Sec sports, ternity house fire alerts page six. • icials to code violations In city Expanded hours By SUE MACDONALD spections and stricter enforcement of the said, "but 'If theY're so concerned, with Friday at the Sigma Nu fraternity fire code, he suld. safety, why didn't they do anything for ice arena The fire code demands 75 square feet of before?" hns brought the need fQr en­ Because of the tremendous turnout an~ of fire code regulations to the space for the first occupant of eachrQom long lines at the ice Ilrenu, IIfficia ls have of city officials. and 50 square feet for each additional He said the fire code outlaws fourth·floor announced expanded hours (or free IICI\I!IUIH, Sigma Nu pr(Jsldent, said occupants , McKenna said. (atHc) I'ooms , overcrowded rooms and skating by Miami sludents only. morning fire was started by an "Right now we have people sleeping on rackrooms. The added hours, effective Monday, blanket 111 a, rack room - a the floor because we have to conform with "I'm sure a lot of them (fraternities) Nllv. 29, are 3:30-5:30 p.m. M(lnday, room in many fraternity the rules," he reported. "These rules COUld . don't have rackrooms, but they may be Wedn esday and Friday on the r ecreational sometimes housing up to 40 per· very well eliminate the numbers (I( people overcrowded," he added, sheel. within the houses." Jack Vivian, director of the ice arena, destroyed the ceiling, 12 mat-. "he biggest offshoot of the fire, he ad­ McKenna also noted that the University also noted that "moonlight skating" for bedding and some personal Items, ded, will be a restructuring of many is exempt from city fire code inspection. those 18 years of age a nd older is available reported. fraternity houses. "They don't have any jurisdiction over after hockey games.
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