-•sr k o »Y W i!fr r WEOME8DAT, FEBRUARY 25 ,1 9 4 8 ...... iOanrtrrBtfr £t>rnitt0 ll^rald A vtiaft Daily areatathm J . V , be Ika Maatk at Jaanafg. 1M8 | Luther Oiapia, of STS Middle Dr. Matthew Splnka, urofaasor Plan to Discuss TurepUM, east, has undargona a of (jhrUtlaa History at the Hart­ 9 ,4 5 2 Al>ont Town second o^ratkm at tbs U. 8. Ma­ ford Theological Seminary, win be rina hoi^tal at (3ifton. SUtan the speaker at the meeting tomor­ Parking Problem Island, New York. Hia prograsa row evening at i o’clock in On- CRAFTSMAN Mr. M i Mtm. John F. Ptcklos of has baen conalderaUy slower than ter church. This will be the third M anchetier-^A City o f Village Charm SOB Otnet rocolTad atwo of tbo in the series on "Our Faith, Our An open forum on the parking was expected. Mr. diapin wlahas P B K l f O I J i * Mrth yooUrdoy o f tbolr oocoimI to thank hla friends who aent FeUowshlp, Our Freedom." Dr. problem will b* held at the next (EIGHTEEN PAGES) grandchUO, • oon, bom at Aultman cards and letters to him at the Spinks's topic will be "Beginnings meeting of the Manchetser Im­ AUTO BOOT SHOP A4aartlMsg mm Fage 14) MANCHESTER, CONNn THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1948 bMiUl, duton, Ohio, to Mr. and of CongregationaUam in America." provement aasociatlon, acheduled yO L. LXV n., NO. 12S Mra. W im m Howard Plcklea. hoepital. DUEEWr BEOTHEE8 SS3-SS4 CHABTEB OAE ST. Mlaa Louise Lehr wUl be the aolo- to be held at Lithuanian hall on EXPEBT PAINTINO AND COLOB BLENOtMO lira. PlcklM waa the former Mlaa The second in the eeriea of Lenten iat Robert Llebe waa aoloist at Golway street at 8 p. m., Tuesday, E. Beaaellof Canton. Her COMPLETE BEFIN18HINU Quiet hours will take place this the Febniarj' 12 meeting and Mrs. March 2. AS Work Onaraatectf! Imasadlata Sanrteet Senate Begins buaband expecU to (raduate In William Steiner at the last meet­ Business men, professional men PhilsdelphiR School Boms May from Mount Union OoUefe, evening from 7:15 to 8:00 at Eman­ AH *>!»*••» Wraeka Conptotely BegUreg Uka Naw! WcMkigt Says Meyers Communists’ Control ing. and owners of business property Alliance, (Milo. Recently a uel Lutheran church. Pastor Ol- WBBdUCB SEBVICB — VDUEPHONB k-ISM * daughter, Pamela, was bora to Mr. aon will speak on "The Measage of are especially urged U> attend and (Par NIgkt Wraeker Sarvlaa C M W M ) Debate on Aid and Mrs. John F. Plcklea, Jr„ of the Croes.’ The choir under the A rehearsal of the officers and take part In the diacuaalon on the Got 818,000 17 Huntington street. -direction of Organist Clarence W. degree team of 81. Margaret's north end’s parking problems Helsiug will sing "God So Loved Chrcle, Daughters of Isabella, will which dally are becoming more Next Monday the World", by Gaul, and the take place tomorrow- evening at complex. Clears Way to ^ Mra. John J. Buckley of 41 Cone Lord’s Prayer by Malotte. The 7:30 In St. James's hall. In prepar­ It la the desire of the aasocia- Paid to Him street who underwent a major service will Include the singing of ation for the Institution o f the new tlon'a officials to secure a meeting operation in St. Francla hospital hjTnns, reading of the Passion circle In Westbrook, April 4. opinion on the beat manner In Vandenberg Is Leadoff yesterday, la getting along as well stor>’ and the LlUny, a Liturgical ' which to attempt to solve parking Lamarre Testifies Sal­ Man on $5,300,000,• as can be expected. service for Lent. A cordial welcome Center Church Co-Weds will ' difficulties. 1s extended to all. All members attending are Just Received! ary and Traveling Ex< Type of Government hold the next rehearsal for the 000 Recovery Plan; Gay Nineties revue. Saturday eve­ urged to bring guests. penses Went t o Gen­ The mid-week Lenten aervlce ning in WoodrulT hall. ITi'e en- A sides the business meeting and Another Shipment Eaton Backs Figure List With Us a'ill be held this evening at 7:30 at i tertalnment- is planned for Thurs- diacuasLon, a chicken and spaghetti eral; Pay $50 Weekly Csechofilovakia U k d y to the Concor>1ia Lutheran church. i day and Friday evenings, April 8 dinner will be served by CTief Rog­ Washington, Feb. 26—m —The All services are open to the public. —OF— H«ro Dog NOW! I and B, at the Hollister school audl- er Macalone with a dinner com­ W uhlngton. F«b. 26 — (F) — Senate will begin debate Monday Britain Must Be Tramformed Flroai ! torium, with Mr. and Mra. WUHam mittee headed by Charlea Lukas. We Have Waiting j Astley directing. Those planning to attend are Bleriot H. Lamarr* taouned today on the $5,300,000,000 European RepabHc Into Cop J We have a large selec­ asked to notify either of the above that 118,000 ha draw as aalary recovery plan, with Senator Van­ Ponder Issue O f Soviet Rnfifiia; Con­ Prospects I Past presidents of Mary Bush- or George Snow by this coming and traval expanaaa from a Day- denberg (R.. Mich.) as the lead- tion of properties I nell Cheney Auxiliary, No. 13, U. Thursday so that arrangements ton, O . plana parta plant In 1041, off man. spiracy Qiarge Weap­ Wa eenU use a lot o f apaee ten* S. W. V., will meet Friday at 1 :30 can be made. A small expense fee lag yon about the antes records Singles, Doubles, 4 Families actually want to Maj. Gan. Ben- Vandenberg, chairman of the Of Czech Nod I p. m., with Mrs. Joseph Behrend will be charged. Foreign Relations committee, an­ on Ready to Purge wa hava made and how fast we Also Ixits and Business I of 411 Center street, for business nat E Myera. Speaker for the occasion will be The 86-yaar-old Lamarre aaid nounced the arrangements today hSTO sold certain ladlvtdnal : and a social time. announced at a later date. Minority Partiea in prapwtlee Hated with ns. Bat we Properties ha only got a $50 weekly aalary as after the committee turned over i 'Undemocratic Means’ daat tbinli yon are Intereoted For Information Call president of the firm. Aviation the aid mexaure to the Senate. Nation; Control Preaa hi ladHIdnal eases unless it Is THE ALLEN REALTY SHOES Elactric company. Drafted *jy the committee, the ] Used by Communists year ewa! However, we would Ha said the.company waa own­ bill auUiorixee spending the $5.- n n to present this one fact to COMPANY FOR ed and directed by Meyara, war­ 3()0,000,000 in the 12 months start­ In Forcing Change; Prague. Feb. 26— (ff>— Czechoslovakia is completriy yM for year eonslderatlaa. REALTORS time depjty purchasing chle. of ing April 1 to help 16 western Consults With France Doriiif the past several 180 O u ter Street CHILDREN the Army Air Forces. Meyara, he European nationa under Communist control to­ ■MNiUiB we have been sell* Mancbeater, Connecticut Clearance said, B.a^a the "major declalona. Tblaka Flgnre “Fair and Soond day and the way is clear for MISSES Meyara U being Jrisd in Feder­ Bullelin! !■ ( homes as fast and fast* Phone Manchester 5105 Chairman Eaton (R-; N. J.) of transforming the republic, AND SMALL BOYS TEXTRON* al court on chargea that he in­ the House Foreign Affairs commit- | Loodoa, Feb. Xfi— Brtt- er than we have been able duced Lanarre to lie last summer tee said, meanUme, that he ala aanounced today obe baa modelled at birth after the to list them. And right Of All rayon crepe... to a Senate committee inquiring thought that figure was "fair and exchanged views with the United States, into a copy of Into Mejrera’ bualnasa deala. United States and France ou today wo have a long wait­ joft as snow... routing hnn- : sound.” This is the first time thst ^ ^viet Russia. The pattern ing list o f prospective boy- Mailed Cheeks t* Meyer, Flremea fight a blaie which swept the Abrams 8. Jenka Hementary Eaton has expressed vie** on the the Commualst coup la Cteeb- for the minority parties will On Inatnictiona from the gen­ dr«ds from aearby homes. The OS-ycar-eld straetMe, laclndlag XI cli afiratadotrallve eSIces,' oslox-akta. .% Joint tbree-nntlon ora. Wo can sell almost any Winter Dress and Sport amount of aid. be to purge their ranks of all per­ Atlantic molded with fluid eral, Lamarre aaib, he drew S18.- w-as wrecked by the fiamea. <AP wirepboto) _____ He told a reporter ji^s commit­ protest la possible. dosirable home immedi- sons who have fallen Into CkHn- grace to fit you 000 oftanalbly ass salary and ex­ tee probably will agree that the I mimlst disfavor. Oommunlst ayni- atoly. penses. He said he bought caah- I Marshall plan be handled by an London. Feb. 26 — — The Patrlda Faz. alae. hags BnMer, pathlzera now are in control o f Flad oat for yoareell before yoa Range and Fuel C X H O llSE&SON in this new, ie n checks at a bank and mailed ! independent organisation headed Foreign Office aaid today that feur-year-oM dag wUek the Anwi- tiMMM parties **it year areperty for eale. them to Meyers in Washington, Anti-Lynching Finance Group Ends I by a man of cabinet rank. Such a BrlUin will have to consider the leaa Hnmaae assorlattoa wUI hon­ The waapon la ready — the ' set up alao would parallel the Sen- question of recognizing the new “8 M US FIRST” W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS longer length slip.
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