• NEIL F: WILLIAMS • t the heart ofour physical edu­ thought, it has been decided that that point, the teacher decides that cation curricula is usually a the following games will be de­ the game might be dangerous and configuration ofactivities clared as "Charter Inductees," with stops it temporarily. Therefore, it is Aand games that we present to all ofthe rights and privileges per­ not surprising that dodgeball is a our students for the purpose of taining. They are presented in al­ PEHOS Charter Inductee. achieving the ultimate goals of phabetical order because it would physical (motor skills and fitness), be impossible to establish a hierar­ • Duck, Duck, Goose. This circle emotional, cognitive, and affective chy of "quality." chase game, usually played with pri­ development ofthe child. We are, as mary grade children, involves one a profession, attempting to assist our Hall of Shame Inductees student selecting another to chase students in the development ofthe him or her. While the "ducker" is unity oftheir minds and bodies to • DodgebaU. PEHOS is not the first making the selection for the enable them to live as healthy and to decry a game which has as its "goose," the other children are productive adults in our society. main focus the attempt to inflict forced to sit still while having their Over my 23 years in the field of pain, harm, injury, and embarrass­ heads "tapped." Once the goose is physical education, I've observed ment on one's opponents picked, he or she is faced with the that several ofthe most popular (Zakrajsek, 1986). It is unfortunately unlikely prospect ofjumping up and widely used activities and a staple, ifnot the backbone, of and trying to catch the duck who games at the heart ofour curricula many school programs and may has a running head start. The two have many features and traits which have done our profession more ofthem race around the perimeter are contrary to accepted practices harm than any other single factor. ofthe circle, with the duck trying to ofgood physical education teach­ Over the years it has been called get back to the goose's original spot ing-either they are patently dan­ more descriptive names, such as before being caught by the goose. gerous, have minimal participation "Bombardment," "Murderball," The task for the goose is nearly im­ by the majority ofthe students "Killerball," or "Poisonball." This is a possible, but usually the goose is (Klesius, 1988), have limited physi­ very popular game which some chil­ encouraged by the incessant high­ cal activity, require little training or dren (typically the highly skilled) decibel screaming ofthe other stu­ pedagogical skill to teach love to play. dents, who have little else to do. (Faucette, McKenzie, & Patterson, Generally speaking, the game is a The failing goose now becomes the 1990), barely promote any ofour litigation action waiting to happen. ducker, and the game continues in major goals, or single students out At most, about halfofthe students this pattern. for potential embarrassment in really play-the rest hide in the far­ In this game, it is entirely likely front oftheir classmates. It is in the thest reaches ofthe gym.There is that at least halfof the students in hope ofeliminating these types of no denying that the game involves the class will never be picked (and activities and games (and the inap­ throwing, catching, running, think­ consequently will never move from propriate and misguided thinking ing, teamwork, and strategy. How­ their spots on the floor, except to that goes with them) from our cur­ ever, there has to be a better way to spin in circles on their backsides ricula, that the Physical Education do it than to endanger the health during the entire game), and gen­ Hall ofShame (PEHOS) has been and well-being ofour students--not erally, about five students do all of established. to mention the security ofourjobs. the "playing." Friends usually pick After giving the matter and the This game is usually played until friends, but some students are occa­ potential candidates a great deal of someone gets hit in the head. At sionally picked by the duckersjust JOPERD/August 1992 57 to see them fail and be ridiculed. while, then at least choose a more students also can move in a particu­ With minimal student participation basic type of tag or chase activity lar locomotor pattern or practice a time, an almost impossible task to where the participation time factor sports skill (i.e., soccer dribbling) complete, and minimal activity for is somewhat closer to 50 percent while the music plays. The last stu­ those who do participate, Duck, and the students can actually un­ dent to find a hoop when the music Duck, Goose is a unanimous choice derstand all of the rules. stops is sent out of the game. for the PEHOS. What usually happens is that the I Kickball. Physical educators of­ least skilled or least attentive stu­ I Giants, Elves, and Wizards. A ten begin to play and teach this soc­ dents are the first to be eliminated, modern version of the more basic cer/baseball combination in their and then they spend the rest of the "Crows and Cranes" chase/capture classes as early as kindergarten. It time it takes to produce a "winner" scenario, this game is now quite helps reinforce many aspects of sitting on the floor as "losers" with widely played in physical education baseball (running to bases, fielding, little to do but watch their class­ classes. The concept is that in every throwing, batting) and soccer (kick­ mates. Elimination games are self­ round, each oftwo teams assumes ing a moving object strategically), defeating, because the students the role ofone of the three title and the students generally seem to who are in the greatest need of skill characters (each ofwhom has enjoy playing. They enjoy the game development are immediately ban­ "power" over one of the remaining so much, in fact, that as early as the ished, embarrassed, and punished, two characters and is also "overpow­ second grade, we can also observe and then given no opportunity to ered" by the remaining one of the them playing it by themselves, with­ improve. The next time they play, other two characters). The more out any adult supervision, during those students will be first out "powerful" group then chases its their recess periods. They seem to again. The average participation potential victims back to a safety be perfectly capable oforganizing time factor for students in this zone in an attempt to capture teams, establishing a field, and work­ game is about 50 percent (which is them. Captured players become ing their way through the game not bad), but for some students, part of their captors' team and suc­ without any help at all. Why, then, participation time is over 90 per­ cessive rounds are played, with play­ do we insist on teaching this game cent while for the students who ers changing groups as they are in our physical education classes all need the most practice, participa­ captured, until one team captures the way through secondary school? tion time is generally less than 10 all ofthe class members and "wins." Wilson (1976) observed that in a percent. While some elements of The game is supposed to teach typical kickball game, more than the game have merit, we must find students creative movement (in one third ofthe children never a way to increase the amount of their portrayal of the title charac­ caught the ball and more than one participation for everyone to ters), develop anaerobic fitness halfof the children never threw the higher levels. (from the sprinting), improve deci­ ball, and a highly disproportionate sion-making skills (in students' number of these uninvolved chil­ I Relay races. There are some choices to chase or be chased), and dren were females. If we consider teachers who believe that relay enhance group cooperation skills additional negative features such as races are a wise use of physical edu­ (through the groups' cooperative putting the batter on display for em­ cation time: they enable students to choice ofwhich characters to as­ barrassment in front ofall ofthe practice skills, promote teamwork, sume at what time). In fact, most of rest ofthe class, a participation time teach students to follow rules, and the time spent on this activity­ factor of5 percent for most of the the students "love" them. The about 98 percent-is spent explain­ players (a few strong players domi­ PEHOS Charter Induction Com­ ing all of the confusing rules and in nate the field and the rest ofthe mittee sees it differently. the huddles where students choose players bat about once every 15 min­ Usually, a relay race takes about their characters. In the course ofa utes), and the opportunity to get six to ten minutes to run when in­ typical game of 15 to 20 minutes, players "out" by hitting them as hard cluding the time it takes to make students get to play about eight to as possible with a thrown ball, this fair teams, set up the race and ten rounds. In each of those game surely qualifies for PEHOS. equipment, explain the task and rounds, students are anaerobically rules, actually do the race itself, calm active for about two seconds for an I Musical chairs. This is a classic the students down when it's over, active participation time factor of "elimination" game, not unlike and move on to the next activity. less than 2 percent. Simple Simon in concept, in which During that time, each student Is the game fun? Sure! Do the students supposedly develop their "goes" once with a turn that might students enjoy playing it? Yes, they listening abilities, thinking skills, last 30 seconds-ofthe average do! Is there a better way we could and quickness.
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