Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2019 to March 2020 Page| 18 Initialled Eathorpe, Hunningham, Offchurch & Wappenbury Joint Parish Councils Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7:30pm, 19th November 2019, Offchurch Village Hall, Offchurch Present: Councillor M Burgun Councillor W Redford Councillor M Brooks Councillor Mrs J Seaton Councillor Mrs M Green (Chairman) Councillor S Shackleton Councillor J Hammond Councillor D Wray Councillor N Palmer In Attendance: Jane Chatterton Clerk & RFO Warwick District Councillor: Councillor Valerie Leigh-Hunt Public: 0 140. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Denis MacDaid and Stephen Palmer. 141. Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest. 142. Councillor Resignation Councillor Wallace Redford resigned as Eathorpe Councillor with immediate effect. He would still be attending the meetings as WCC Councillor. The Parish Council thanked Cllr Redford for all his hard work and commitment to the JPC and would miss his support and hard work. ACTION: Clerk to liaise with Councillor Wray for new councillor recruitment for Eathorpe. 143. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2019 were discussed. RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2019 were approved. 144. Matters Arising 133. Highways – Hunningham Road signs have been repaired – C/O 135.2 Eathorpe Children’s Play area Work had been completed C/O 145. Public participation There were no members of the public present. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2019 to March 2020 Page| 19 Initialled 146. Councillor’s reports Councillor Leigh-Hunt - WDC It was reported that the rumours that the Town Hall was being converted into a cinema were not true. Electric vehicles - The provision of providing electric vehicles would be looked at, however, this could prove cost prohibitive. 2 The Stables at Eathorpe – Planning Application Description of development: Conversion of workshop to residential dwelling (resubmission of planning refusal W18/1755) Application Reference: W/19/0450 Appeal reference: APP/T3725/W/19/3236148 Appeal start date: 12/11/2019 It was noted that an appeal had been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Warwick District Council to refuse planning permission (Ref. W/19/0450). Planning Committee It was reported that if Parish Council’s Objected to any planning applications it was expected that a representative from the Parish Council attended the Planning Committee Meeting if the planning application was to be discussed. Councillor Redford - WCC Road Safety It was reported that a meeting had taken place with Debbie Birch, Road Safety Officer, to discuss road safety in Offchurch. ACTION: Councillor Stephen Palmer to discuss further with Debbie Birch. 147. Correspondence 147.1 Refuse and recycling over Christmas Notification had been received detailing the refuse and recycling collections that would change over Christmas. It was noted that there would be no refuse or recycling collections on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day. All collections would be affected by the following changes: Normal collection date New collection date over Christmas Mon 23 Dec 2019 Sat 21 Dec 2019 Tue 24 Dec 2019 Mon 23 Dec 2019 Wed 25 Dec 2019 Tue 24 Dec 2019 Thurs 26 Dec 2019 Fri 27 Dec 2019 Fri 27 Dec 2019 Sat 28 Dec 2019 Mon 30 Dec 2019 No change Tue 31 Dec 2019 No change Wed 1 Jan 2020 Thurs 2 Jan 2020 Thurs 2 Jan 2020 Fri 3 Jan 2020 Fri 3 Jan 2020 Sat 4 Jan 2020 Normal collections would resume on Monday 6th January 2020. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2019 to March 2020 Page| 20 Initialled Further information was available at - warwickdc.gov.uk/christmasrecycling RESOLVED THAT the update be noted. 147.2 What3words It was noted that information had been received in relation to What3words. What3words is a really simple way to talk about location. It has divided the world into 3m x 3m squares, each with a unique 3 word address. It means that now everyone, everywhere can refer to any precise location – from a specific building entrance to a point on a hiking trail or a remote spot in a field – using just three words. what3words is available as a free mobile app for iOS and Android and works offline. It is also available at map.what3words.com. RESOLVED THAT the update be noted. 147.3 CSW Broadband Update Notification had been received from CSW Broadband in relation to completed upgrades. CSW Broadband had already completed these upgrades to communities within Eathorpe, Hunningham, Offchurch & Wappenbury parish: ACTION: Clerk to contact CSW Broadband for an update/further discussion in relation to Wappenbury. 148. Planning To consider any Planning Applications since the last meeting between 07/10/2019 and 13/10/2019 Nothing to report between 21/10/2019 and 27/10/2019 Nothing to report Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2019 to March 2020 Page| 21 Initialled between 04/11/2019 and 11/11/2019 Nothing to report between 12/11/2019 and 18/11/2019 148.1 Appl. No: W/19/1787 Site: Rosedale, Main Street, Eathorpe Proposal: Erection of a new dwelling with detached garage. RESOLVED THAT: The Parish Council supports the application. 148.2 Appl. No: W/19/1889/TCA Site: Trees in CA St Gregorys Church, Village Street, Offchurch Proposal: T1 x Cherry - Removal of selected lower limbs. Remove branch with bud proliferation T2 x Pine - Remove large dead limbs T3 x Cherry - Remove to ground level T4 x Cherry - Crown raise to 4m to clear church building RESOLVED THAT: No comment. 148.3 Appl. No: W/19/1890/TCA Site: Trees in CA 3 New Cottages, Village Street, Offchurch Proposal: T1 x Cherry - Perform an overall crown reduction of up to 1.5m from branch tips RESOLVED THAT: No comment. 149. Highways Verge/Bank on the Welsh Road Councillor Mrs Seaton raised the issue with landslip onto the road on the Welsh Road. This had increased since the recent heavy rain and flooding. ACTION: Landowner to be contacted and request that they tidy up the verge. Road Closure – Wappenbury Residents had been informed of a road closure in Wappenbury next week, however, no details had been provided of how residents would be able to gain access to their properties. Road, Hunningham to Red Lion Issue had been raised previously. It was reported that the road was not wide enough to create a footpath. Drains, Hunningham Councillor Mrs Green had inspected the drains in Hunningham following the recent heavy rainfall. Drains were blocked and ditches overgrown. ACTION: Blocked drains need clearing. Councillor Mrs Green to email photographs to Councillor Redford. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2019 to March 2020 Page| 22 Initialled 150. Police Matters Updates included: Ram stolen in Hunningham - but later found. Bike theft from the Hunningham Road, Offchurch. ACTION: Clerk to contact Ed King and ask to be included in the monthly newsletter update. 151. Finance 151.1 to approve payments: - Payments (Current Account) Date Reference Payee Details Value 17.11.19 E37 J Chatterton Clerk Salary October (DPA) 17.11.19 E38 HMRC October Tax payment Clerk £72.20 17.11.19 E39 ROSPA Annual Playground inspections £177.00 17.11.19 E40 Wagstaff Invoice 3854 £246.00 17.11.19 E41 J Chatterton Expenses October-November £36.00 17.11.19 E43 J Chatterton Clerk Salary November (DPA) 17.11.19 E44 HMRC November Tax payment Clerk £72.20 17.11.19 Various Tree work carried out at the E42 TH Hardwoods Playground/Park area located in Eathorpe. All £1,280.00 green waste taken away Receipts (Current Account) Date Reference Payee Details Value 17.11.19 R WDC Half Yearly Precept £6,900.00 RESOLVED THAT the payments be approved. 151.2 Bank Reconciliation up to 30th September 2019 The Bank Reconciliation up to 30th September 2019 was received and discussed. RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation up to 30th September 2019 be approved. 151.3 Quarterly Report up to 30th September 2019 The Quarterly Report up to 30th September 2019 was received and discussed. RESOLVED THAT the Quarterly Report up to 30th September 2019 be approved. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2019 to March 2020 Page| 23 Initialled 152. Draft Budget and Precept Request 2020 21 The draft Budget and Precept Request 2020-21 was discussed. It was proposed to keep the Budget figures the same as 2019-20. This resulted in the Precept figures being as follows: 2019 20 Budget £13,800.00 2019 20 Precept £13,800.00 Tax Base £334.22 Band D £41.29 2020 21 Budget £13,742.96 2020 21 Precept £13,800.00 Tax Base £331.23 Band D £41.66 Proposed: Councillor Hammon Seconded: Councillor Redford Unanimous RESOLVED THAT the Precept request for 2020 21 be set at £13,800.00. 153. Update Bus Shelter Hunningham (repairs/demolition costs) It was confirmed that Hunningham Parish Council own the bus shelter. The update and repairs had been carried out by Councillor Hammon. The Parish Council thanked him for completing this work. The bus shelter was now sound and watertight. 154. ROSPA Reports It was reported that the annual ROSPA inspection had been carried out. The reports were discussed. ACTION: Clerk to contact Dave Moorcroft to request a quotation for the required repairs and updates. Offchurch Playground The question was raised as to why the Parish Council hadn’t included Offchurch Playground in the HS2 Grant Application. It had been decided at the time of the application that the play area at Offchurch didn’t require further equipment or updates, therefore only one play area was included. It was noted that the grant application for Eathorpe had stalled due to the Lease for the land had expired and no new Lease had been obtained.
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