£ 'Jo. 34 25 cents__________ l«tabil«hed In 1844: America’» Old—* Catholic Newspaper In Continuous Publication Friday, November 17, 1989 uj 1,1 > 00 M -I _______ z o — — m Z3 U X 0 O I- uj us or Reforms Bishop ► * p 1 at v t ® —I *T IL. l/» « 0 ( 3 3 ^ « OJ U t - ds o f sweeping U M J U M praises u J o j i heard it th e C e n te r E. Europe a c h ild re n By BILL PRITCHARD senators and their mothers WASHINGTON (CNS) — The gather for violin lessons. Berlin Wall, or at least pieces of it, Legislation to limit crumbled during the second week ....................... P a g e 7 of November, signifying one more abortions in state step in the political, social, PITTSBURGH — Bishop Wuerl economic and religious reforms praised Pennsylvania senators sweeping communist Eastern E u rop e. who passed Nov. 14 the toughest law limiting abortion in the Millions of East Germans co u n try. poured through the gaps in the The action came after the wall on Nov. 9. Some were in Senate Rules Committee Nov. 13 search of freedom and family; voted 11-5 to send the bill to the some were in search of a good floor for action, where it passed bargain in West Berlin’s well- 33-17. The House had approved stocked stores. the legislation Oct. 24. The bishops of East Germany Bishop Wuerl released the urged their flock to visit, not stay, following stalement after Senate in the West. passage of the bill. "I ask the Catholic Christians “All persons concerned with not to simply abandon" the coun­ the right to life, especially for un­ try, Bishop Joachim Wanke, born children, are heartened by apostolic administrator of Erfurt- this vote in the Pennsylvania Meiningen, East Germany, said Senate. The senators who voted the day the border was opened. to stem abortion on demand in Bishop Wanke. who is also vice I his commonwealth show a president of the Berlin bishops’ remarkable sensitivity to the Judge conference, urged Catholics to many human values at slake, stay and help reform the nation. great courage in the face of vocal The Berlin bishops' conference in­ Judge Walter Little is and organized opposition and a cludes the bishops of East Ger­ on the Allegheny Coun­ clear witness to the fundamental many and West Berlin. fact in the right-to-life debate — ty Court of Common In other signs of the reforms in Pleas and is a member that every time an abortion takes Eastern Europe, the Vatican and of St. Benedict the Moor place, a child dies. the Russian OrthodoX Church Church in Pittsburgh. "We thank God that these opened talks on the outlaw status He calls the Church “a Processin g self-study form s lawmakers of Pennsylvania have of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. guiding force.” had the vision to see where abor­ The Ukrainian church has been Thousands of Parish Self-Study forms have puter operator. and Father Robert G. Duch, direc­ tion for convenience sake is banned in the Soviet Union since ........................ P a g e 3 already been received and are being processed tor of the diocesan self-study project (see story leading our nation and have had 1946. on an electronic scanner by Martha Braun, data below). Parishioners are reminded I he forms are the courage to say “no" to the In a joint communique released automation office secretary. Working with her due Nov. 20. cheapening of human life in our (Continued on page 2) are, standing from left, W illiam Fenimore, com ­ — Photo by John C. Keenan (Continued on page 2) PITTSBURGH — Thousands Forms should be filled out 300,000 names on the mailing A. The surveys are complete­ of completed Parish Self-Study with a No. 2 pencil, Fr. Duch list, 42,000 households were ly anonymous. The diocese Family forms are pouring in daily from said, noting that some have mailed a survey. For I he sam pl­ does not even know who Catholics in all parts of the been completed in Ink, ing to give an accurate picture received the surveys. The T h e Pittsburgh Diocese of Pittsburgh for necessitating additional pro­ of what people Lhink about number in the upper left hand Catholic introduces a processing. cessing in the diocesan Data parish life in the diocese, corner of the survey only keeps new column on family Parish “We are gratified by the Automation Office. He also ask­ everyone who received a track of the parish of which the by Loretta Dillner, direc­ cooperation shown by ed those sending in forms to be s u rv e y n eed s to c o m p le te it respondent is a member. tor of the Office of Fam i­ members of the diocese in com ­ certain that they are complete­ correctly and return it to the Q. How will the results of ly Life. It will appear Self-Study pleting the questionnaires. It ly filled out. d iocese. this survey be used? once a month on page 5. displays their commitment to John Flaherty, director of the 9- What does “complete it A. This survey is the first the processof spiritual renewal Office for Research and Plann­ correctly” mean? step in a year long process of deadline set forth in the recent pastoral ing, responded to the following A. The only practical way to self-study in every parish in the P a g e 5 from Bishop W uerl," said Rev. questions that have been asked tabulate the results of so many Diocese of Pittsburgh. No deci­ Robert G. Duch, director of the by parishioners on the Parish surveys is by computer. And sions or recommendations will approaches the only way for the computer be made solely on the basis of self-study project. Self-Study: Fr. Duch urged those people Q. W hy should I fill out the to tabulate the results is if peo­ the results of the self-study who received one of the almost survey I received? ple complete the survey cor­ survey. Rather, the results of 50,000 forms sent out but who A. The Parish Self-Study rectly - namely, by using a No. t hese surveys will provide have not yet completed them Survey was mailed to a ran­ 2 lead pencil and by complete­ valuable information to the to do so immediately and mail dom sampling of households in ly filling in their answer. diocese and its parishes as them to meet the Nov. 20 each of the 309 parishes in the Q. Will the diocese know together the Church plans for d e a d lin e . Diocese of Pittsburgh. Of the who completed the survey? the future. B ishop W uerl blesses , d e d i c a t e s C ardinal W right O ratory Crypts By WILLIAM FODIAK Wright ordered numerous gifts Inside PITTSBURGH — The late Car­ and then looked at the young dinal John Wright, former bishop priest and said, “ Lad, take care of Editorials Page 4 of Pittsburgh, was a man who en­ th a t.” L e t t e r s ............ P a g e 5 joyed and celebrated life, said Bishop Wuerl noted he only had Entertainment Page 6 Bishop Donald W. Wuerl during $7 in his pocket and had to make Catholic Life. Page 7 the blessing and dedication of the arrangements with the clerk to Classified P a g e 8 Cardinal Wright Oratory Crypts take care of the bill on the follow­ Around Diocese on Nov. 12. in g day. ...................P a g e s 9 -1 0 B is h o p W u e rl m a d e h is re m a rk s During the service. Bishop Schools Page 11-12 at St. Rosalia Church in the city's Wuerl noted that death “no Greenfield section. Afterwards, longer has the last word" for the bishop blessed the Cardinal those who are baptized in Jesus W right Oratory Crypts at Calvary Christ and receive the Eucharist. Cemetery, also in Greenfield. A He said that for Catholics, specially commissioned painting cemeteries hold “ the remains of of Cardinal Wright, done by Pitt­ our saints” and “ is testimony of sburgh artist Jamie Adams, was our own faith. It is a triumph of on display during the com­ Christ over death itself." memorative service and later was Deacon during the com­ hung in the crypt. memorative service was Charles Appeal m ade Bishop Wuerl recalled Cardinal O’Keefe, director of the Catholic W right’s enthusiasm for life and Cemeteries Association. Bishop in E l Salvador care for others. Bishop Wuerl Wuerl was introduced by Father remembered his early days as a Paul B. Conroy, pastor of St. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador priest who was serving as an Rosalia Church. (CNS) —- Archbishop Arturo assistant at St. Rosalia Church. Bishop Wuerl said Cardinal Rivera Damas of San Salvador The then Bishop Wright con­ Wright lived a life in faith and has called for an end to violence tacted Fr. Wuerl and instructed noted that today, we are that left at least 300 dead and the young priest to pick him up at celebrating the crypt that bears hundreds of others wounded over another church after Fr. Wuerl his name. Cardinal Wright had Presentation of painting a three-day period in some of the become bishop of Pittsburgh in had finished saying his Masses at The painting of Cardinal John Wright was Adams.
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