![Link 3 Details of Teaching Hospitals](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College Kulasekharam, Kanniyakumari Dist., Tamil Nadu DETAILS OF TEACHING HOSPITALS S.No. Name of Hospital Address Year of Facilities Establishment I Collegiate Hospital Sarada Krishna Sarada Krishna 2001 NABH accredited Homoeopathic Homoeopathio Hospital, OPD, I 00 Medical college Medical College, Bedded IPD, Speciality Kulaselharam-629 I 6l ClinicsNABL I accredited Laboratory, Radiology, Physiotherapy Unit etc. II TIE UP HOSPITALS Got.head quarters I 00 bedded hospital, Thuckalay hospital, NH 66 OPD,lPD,Operation I 2004 Govemment Hospital, Padmanabhapuram, theaters,Diagnostic Thuckalay.629l75 facilities I Multispeciality Vettumi madam, Hospital, oPD, IPD, :2. Bensarn hospital Nagercoil, Near PSI 1972 1 50 bed, laboratory church.629003 facility. 3 Kanyakumari Go\t. Kanyakumari medical 2004 500 bedded multi- hospital college hospital, speciality govemment Asa pallam hospital .OPD's and Nagercoil.62900 I IPD's of valious specialities, operation theaters, along with the 24-hour laboratory. The CT and MRI scar ,X-Ray, USG, ECHO, Bronchoscopy, EEG etc are the diagnostic facilities Children speciality and GerdicutperleAgasthi matemity care hospital Gerdi Gutperle yar Muni children and The facilities includes Agasthiyar Muni matemity hospital 4 2006 24x7 NICU,24X7PICU, children and matemity ,4/23C,Thazhakudy Rehabilitation c€nter,2 hospital road,VellamadamNag major and I minor ercoil.629305 operation theater Sarada Krishtra Homoeopathic Medical College Kulasekharam, Kanniyakumari Dist., Tamil Nadu DETAILS OF TEACIIING HOSPITA],S RURAL CENTERS Year of Day of Sl.No Name of the center Address Establishment ConsultatioD Peripheral Health Certre, Melemukku, OPD on Every 1. Kadayalumoodu, Kadayalumoodu 28-0t-2002 Monday Pin:62910l 9.00 a.m - 2.00 p.m OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, Manj alumoodu 2. t5-07 -2002 Wednesday Manjalumoodu Pin:629151 9.00 a.m - 1.00 p.m OPD on Every Kadampanmoodu, Peripheral Healti Centre, Saturday 3.: Pechipparai 06-02-2003 Iechipparai 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pin:629101 D.m OPD on Every Peripheral Health Cente, Amsi,Thengapaftinam Thursday 4.: 08-05-2003 Amsi Pi 629173 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, Melpuram,Pacode Wednesday 5-!/ l3-06-2003 Melpuram Pin:629168 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, Peruvilai,Nagercoil, 6. l8-11-2005 Friday Peruvilai Pin:629003 i0.a.m to 1.00 p.m OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, Peyankuzhi,Mottavilai Friday 7. 18-l l-2005 Mottavilai Pin:629809 9.00 a.m to 1.30 p.m OPD on Every Malar social seNice Peripheral Health Cenhe, Friday 8. center,Colachel, 18-11-2005 Colachel 9.00 a.m to 1.30 Pin:.629251 p,m P€ripheral Health Centre, Kalayamkonamvelimali OPD on Altemative Perinchilambu (p.o) 9. 05-07 -2007 Tuesday from 9.00 (mentally retarded and Perinchilambu, a.m to 1.00 p.m physicallv challenged) Pin:629164 Ramanathapuam, OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, 10. Soorapallam, t7-07 -2009 Friday 10.00 a.m to Soorappallam (Saral) Pir:629203 1.00 p.m Bishop OPD on Altemative Peripheral Health Centre, Gnanadhasanar uillarn, 11. l8-08-2009 Tuesday Chithiramcode Chithiramcode,Kotticode 2.00 p.m to 3.30 p.m Manalivilai.Pini629 I 64 Good vision seva OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, trust,5/2358,Paloor, t2. 20-08-2009 Thursday Karungal karungal, 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m Pint629l57 NM Vidya Kendra, OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centue, t3. Chitharal 05-t2-2009 Wednesday Chitharal Pin:629151 9.00 a.m to l.00p.m GerdecutePerleA gasthiy OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, 14. armuni child care center, 23-0t-20t0 Saturday Vellamadam Vellamadam. Pin:629302 9.00 a.m to 1.00p.m Ummancode,Emmaus OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, Nagar, Wednesday 15. 08-09-2010 -idektamandapam Mekkamandapam. 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pin:62966 D.m Vivekanandhanagar, OPD on Every Peripheral Health Cente, Brahmapuram, 16. 06-08-2011 Satuday Brahmapuram Kumarakovil. 9.00 a.m to l.00p.m Pin:629180 OPD on Every Then perumalpuram, Peripheral Health Centre, Saturday 't7: Aralvaimozhi t5-12-20t1 Aralvaimozhi 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pint62930l D.m OPD on Every Pe pheral health Cente, Erachakulum 18. t5-t2-201t Saturday Erachakulum Pint62990l 9.00 a.m to 1.00D.m Annai tust, OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centue, Chithanthope, Saturday t9. 05-01-2013 KandanVilai Kandanvilai P.O 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pin:629810 D.m Peripheral Health Centre, SempilMlai,Sevabharath OPD on Every 20. Colachel iofiice,Colachel 25-07:2015 Thursday Palliative Care Cenlre Pini62925l 9.00 a.m 1.00 p.m Chithralaya children OPD on First Peripheral Health Centre, home,Chilhralayasevatru Sunday ofevery 21. Chitharal st,Vish[upuam, 24-07-2016 month (Chithlalaya) Chitharal post 9.00 a.m to 2.00p.m Pin:629151 OPD on Every St.Ignasius chuch, Pe pheral Health Centre, Wednesday 22. Kovalam,Kanyakumari I I -01-2017 Kovalam 9.00 a.m to 1.00 dist.Pini6297 02 p.m IV-5-7B, Ottamkonam, OPD on Every Peripheral Health Centre, Devicodu Wednesday 23. 05-03-2017 Devicode Cheruvalloor. 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pini629l52 p.m Thamarai,Keezhkaruppu OPD on Altemative kode, Peripheral Health Centre, Tuesday ftom 24. Chungankadai, 30-01-2018 Thottiyode 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Thottiyode. p.m Pir:629003 OPD on Every Keezhemanakudy, Pe pheral Health Centre, Wednesday 25. Manakudy, t4-02-2018 Manakkudy 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pin$29602 p.m OPD on 3' Devasahayamnalvazhvu Health Centle, Monday of every Peripheral Karode 04-07 -20t8 26. Nilayam, month ftom 9.00 Karode Pin:.629152 a.m to 1.00 p.m OPD on Every vivekananda Kendra, Peripheral Health Centre, Wednesday 27.' Kanyakumari 16-1 1-2018 Kanyakumari 9.00 a.m to 1.00 Pir,1629702 D.m .h\\z !t1 ' - PRlllciiAl .-" ' . ltll#.,f{i#dsllil"#,il1tr'liiltxr'. SARADA XRISHNA HO1|OTOPATHIC-|'IFDICAI COILECf HOSPIIAL KULASDKITAR {M, Kir\NIY I(UMARI DISTRICT, TAMII,NADIJ 629161 TIOS}ITAI, PROrN f seada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College Hospilal (sKHMc) wd established i. lhe year 2000, located i. the sylvo, srene envimns ol Kuldekhem tom in Kannirakuiai disdcr of Tamil Nadu, occupring an rca of l0 acr€s. Tbe Hospilal consisls of Out Pari.nt Depanment witb l9 units md ln Parienr DepaJrJnml with 100 beds equipped wi$ all n(e$ary basic diasnostic facilities including NABH certified clinical laboorory. registned scM cenue ed X, b) unn with AERB regislration. In additio. to tbe gcneral Ou Palienl Depannenl Units, Slecill Unils under Commuily Medicine. Molher & Child Care, Paedialric. Dental, PhysiotheBpy,Lemins DGabilily, Yosa etc. sheE senices aE alailable at maBiml chtrgcs. It also mainlains a palliaive care cenler panicullrly lor cmcer palie.ts. Medicines aE given at The ln Palienr Depannent has six &nale pdds, five male sads, I paedialric *ard, I isolation ward, i Obse alion wdd, 16 specialoods, m Openlion lheatre, an Inrensive care Unil bd d Labor Donr . The aveBse daily Oul Palienl Depanmenr inrale is 365 parienrs md I. P.ricnr Deprnmenr sray is 65 padenrs. The Hospnal calers lo rhe healrb needs of rhe commmilri by conducing periodical sweys and cmps. There re 27 peripleral health cenlrcs covering thc lene6 and bead$ olthe Keniyakumdi Disfiict. The hospnal with rhe NABH rem membe^ siarted rhe Fiepaltion lor NABH lccedilaion on November l"'2016 md attained NAaH cenification for rhc clinical laboratory on april 24rh 2Ol7 dd NABH accreditation for the Hospital on J uary 8'h 2Ol8 from rhe Nario.at Amr€ditation Bodd ibr Hospitah and HeElthcae Proyides uder the Quality Council of Tne hospiLl is localed in &cessible dea ol the lou, silh adequale vehicle facililies. The hospilal naoagedent olersees b6ic standdds of rhe hospital sEh $ adequle supply of safe ivarer, bdic hygiene ed sannadon in lne OPD, IPD d envircmeot, adequale toanagenent of health-c@ wdte, and adequale lenlilalion. The hospilal also lrolides awdehe$ opponu.nies ro the palie.N, by srrndN dd egularly condut exlension acdrides at schools md comnmny to pmhote saae enviionments ed teEby conribuF to wellm ol lhe society Th. hospnal also conducls cmps lor supplyine prelcntive mcdicines during cpid.tuics. lhc hospirxlconducls ftgulnr canps vilh in the prnrises and dLso oftsidc dr cxnFus on aU mcdicaLly impond dats (hr.ughoul dre )ea,. 'lhe cnlire adminislration ol lhc hospilal smh as lhc lu.crioning ol oPDs. lPD. Didsnosric rircilities, Dispensarr elc. along wirh the Peripheral Heallh Cenlres (PIlCr. is contrcllcd and supervhed by lhe Dr. N.v Sugafidn, Medical Superintendent under the sovenance ol Dr.C.K.Mohm. Chaiman. Mcdical Supoi"rendenl is in chdge ol dutics of Hospnd shtl clini.al lo$ines of Mcdical Offi ccu, UG& PG sludenci lnlebms in rhc Hospilal. PHCS and Tie-up Hospirals od all other NABH Elarcd acdvilies. u is he who or8aniss medical md preventive cmps etc. b6ed on tbe Equirements oflhe colmurily. OTHER IXTENSIONACTTVITTNS There re 2? PeripheEl heallh cedres, visilod once in a w*k. School hcanh progimes conducted onen, tcatmenl for nentally cballenged children at lnen rehabililalion cenrr€s on lltemare vee*, Eellar AnsanNadi prosralme. peiodic health su(ey, time blsed pEvenrive dd nedhal cers. several scEening canps 1o identiiy lilesryle dhodqs. Health and honospalhic awmness progrmnes like nedical exhibnio.s, obsefldce of heallh ielaled days. blood do.oB lorum etc. de lhc olhoactivities. An Epidemic Conlrol CcU has bem set up b anend fie outbEak of epidemics in lhe K niyalumdi dislrict. qospilal runs several connunily lctivities in collaboration with the self-help Broups Non Govement Oreanhadons such Malai Kuzhu, Sevd Bhadbi , elc to incFase our conmulry reach.
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