Merverdiavg.Nrorganisasjonsnrbeløp 100

Merverdiavg.Nrorganisasjonsnrbeløp 100

Kostart Kostart(T) Kostfunk Merverdiavg.nrOrganisasjonsnrBeløp 100 Kontormateriell 385 ABM-MEDIA AS C/O HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS 990863970 300 100 Kontormateriell 120 ADLIBRIS V/ NORDEA FINANS 990335214 670 100 Kontormateriell 201 ADLIBRIS V/ NORDEA FINANS 990335214 2113,6 100 Kontormateriell 202 ADLIBRIS V/ NORDEA FINANS 990335214 20945 100 Kontormateriell 243 ADLIBRIS V/ NORDEA FINANS 990335214 326 100 Kontormateriell 252 ADLIBRIS V/ NORDEA FINANS 990335214 388 100 Kontormateriell 254 ADLIBRIS V/ NORDEA FINANS 990335214 3108 100 Kontormateriell 100 AFTENPOSTEN AS 890412882MVA890412882 5952 100 Kontormateriell 202 AFTENPOSTEN AS 890412882MVA890412882 44143,2 100 Kontormateriell 213 AFTENPOSTEN AS 890412882MVA890412882 6004 100 Kontormateriell 325 AFTENPOSTEN AS 890412882MVA890412882 6004 100 Kontormateriell 385 AFTENPOSTEN AS 890412882MVA890412882 5952 100 Kontormateriell 253 ALLERS KUNDESERVICE 953319306 953319306 1528 100 Kontormateriell 385 AMEDIA SALG OG MARKED A S C/O AMEDIA TJENESTESENTER A S 881637642 1400 100 Kontormateriell 202 ANVORD GRAFISK 910235915 645 100 Kontormateriell 253 ANVORD GRAFISK 910235915 200 100 Kontormateriell 201 APOTEK 1 HOVENGA 247,2 100 Kontormateriell 202 ARBEID MED ORD DA 971650095 971650095 3540 100 Kontormateriell 120 ARBEIDSMILJØSENTERET 971033584MVA971033584 339,75 100 Kontormateriell 120 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 9700,92 100 Kontormateriell 201 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 45039,77 100 Kontormateriell 202 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 36355,91 100 Kontormateriell 211 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 4552 100 Kontormateriell 215 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 480 100 Kontormateriell 232 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 1962,32 100 Kontormateriell 233 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 305,37 100 Kontormateriell 242 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 5070,03 100 Kontormateriell 243 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 155,72 100 Kontormateriell 244 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 5126,08 100 Kontormateriell 252 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 351,52 100 Kontormateriell 253 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 129,53 100 Kontormateriell 254 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 363,32 100 Kontormateriell 290 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 1194 100 Kontormateriell 301 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 798 100 Kontormateriell 302 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 3164,12 100 Kontormateriell 370 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 207,57 100 Kontormateriell 383 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 11521,12 100 Kontormateriell 385 ARK BOKHANDEL 911100797MVA911100797 1765,24 100 Kontormateriell 201 Arkivprodukter as 988189049 1652,8 100 Kontormateriell 253 Arkivprodukter as 988189049 952,8 100 Kontormateriell 254 Arkivprodukter as 988189049 2873,6 100 Kontormateriell 202 ASPBERGERBEDRIFTENE 995904365 842 100 Kontormateriell 120 ATEA AS 976239997MVA976239997 5626,5 100 Kontormateriell 201 ATEA AS 976239997MVA976239997 242 100 Kontormateriell 202 ATEA AS 976239997MVA976239997 5752 100 Kontormateriell 234 ATEA AS 976239997MVA976239997 1570 100 Kontormateriell 254 ATEA AS 976239997MVA976239997 10323 100 Kontormateriell 242 ATLES TRYKKERI AS 950497564MVA950497564 5467,5 100 Kontormateriell 120 AURALIGHT AS 926086340MVA926086340 304 100 Kontormateriell 381 AUTOMATISERING & INDUSTRIDATA V/ ASK MEDIA AS 990684219 990684219 1200 100 Kontormateriell 202 BARNEVAKTEN 992337125MVA992337125 719,2 100 Kontormateriell 202 BATTERIEXPERTEN 995239396 99,2 100 Kontormateriell 244 Bell Media , Norsk Fosterhjemsforening 914450454 11162,5 100 Kontormateriell 120 BIBLIOTEKSERVICE AS 974541122MVA974541122 8092 100 Kontormateriell 370 BIBLIOTEK-SYSTEMER A/S EHF 946944483 7398,69 100 Kontormateriell 332 BJØRGU AS 935563194 935563194 970 100 Kontormateriell 201 BLÅKORS NORGE 962323855 3968,8 100 Kontormateriell 370 BOK OG BIBLIOTEK 980393860 980393860 630 100 Kontormateriell 202 BOKKILDEN.NO 911167905MVA911167905 1037 100 Kontormateriell 241 BOKKILDEN.NO 911167905MVA911167905 379 100 Kontormateriell 290 BOKKILDEN.NO 911167905MVA911167905 1305 100 Kontormateriell 202 BREVIK HANDEL OG INDUSTRIFRENING V/ LIV EVJU 979635036 4000 100 Kontormateriell 202 BRYNS BLOMSTER 971212659MVA971212659 128 100 Kontormateriell 370 BS EUROBIB AS 982754542MVA982754542 7975 100 Kontormateriell 120 BS UNDERVISNING 989639722MVA989639722 431,2 100 Kontormateriell 202 BS UNDERVISNING 989639722MVA989639722 127747,88 100 Kontormateriell 215 BS UNDERVISNING 989639722MVA989639722 207,2 100 Kontormateriell 130 BYGGDRIFTEREN V/SKARLAND PRESS AS 915903037MVA915903037 1092 100 Kontormateriell 254 BYRÅSERVICE AS 934959477MVA934959477 600 100 Kontormateriell 370 BØ BLAD AS 842831032MVA842831032 1740 100 Kontormateriell 120 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 1185 100 Kontormateriell 201 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 23088,47 100 Kontormateriell 202 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 38694,27 100 Kontormateriell 213 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 305 100 Kontormateriell 232 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 410 100 Kontormateriell 234 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 10611,72 100 Kontormateriell 252 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 1345,99 100 Kontormateriell 253 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 3031,7 100 Kontormateriell 254 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 11336,75 100 Kontormateriell 290 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 4108,3 100 Kontormateriell 332 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 3035,34 100 Kontormateriell 339 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 3536,82 100 Kontormateriell 345 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 4341,33 100 Kontormateriell 353 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 3035,33 100 Kontormateriell 383 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 305 100 Kontormateriell 385 CANON BUSINESS CENTER VESTFOLD TELEMARK AS 945760222MVA945760222 9838,11 100 Kontormateriell 290 CAPPELEN DAMM AS TANUM.NO 948061937MVA948061937 408 100 Kontormateriell 202 CAPPELEN DAMM AS UNDERVISNING 948061937MVA948061937 7648,89 100 Kontormateriell 120 CARDTECH A S 885128882 5270,4 100 Kontormateriell 202 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 722,4 100 Kontormateriell 215 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 119,2 100 Kontormateriell 231 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 144 100 Kontormateriell 242 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 1573,2 100 Kontormateriell 253 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 314,4 100 Kontormateriell 254 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 1400,8 100 Kontormateriell 338 CLAS OHLSON AS 937402198MVA937402198 56 100 Kontormateriell 202 CONEXUS NORGE AS 996014436MVA996014436 5430,4 100 Kontormateriell 242 COOP VESTFOLD OG TELEMARK 947456415MVA947456415 143,7 100 Kontormateriell 241 DAGENS MEDISIN AS 979914253 MVA979914253 2000 100 Kontormateriell 120 DAGENS NÆRINGSLIV 960356071MVA960356071 7676 100 Kontormateriell 332 DAGENS NÆRINGSLIV 960356071MVA960356071 1288 100 Kontormateriell 345 DAGENS NÆRINGSLIV 960356071MVA960356071 1289 100 Kontormateriell 353 DAGENS NÆRINGSLIV 960356071MVA960356071 1289 100 Kontormateriell 385 DHL EXPRESS (NORWAY) AS 960709985 MVA960709985 115 100 Kontormateriell 253 DNB BANK ASA Autolease 984851006MVA984851006 12330,22 100 Kontormateriell 202 DNB CORPORATE MASTERCARD 982793386MVA982793386 798,24 100 Kontormateriell 370 DRANGEDALSPOSTEN 980627942 1085 100 Kontormateriell 202 DYSLEKSIFORBUNDET I NORGE 971015969 971015969 500 100 Kontormateriell 120 ECO-ONLINE A S 982263700 13019 100 Kontormateriell 120 EHF - COOP BEDRIFT V/ IKANO BANK SE 993417262MVA993417262 346,6 100 Kontormateriell 201 EHF - NB! ASCHEHOUG NETTHANDEL DS-KUNDERSERVICE 910292005 MVA910292005 1047 100 Kontormateriell 202 EHF - NB! ASCHEHOUG NETTHANDEL DS-KUNDERSERVICE 910292005 MVA910292005 9640,2 100 Kontormateriell 215 EHF - NB! ASCHEHOUG NETTHANDEL DS-KUNDERSERVICE 910292005 MVA910292005 255,2 100 Kontormateriell 253 EHF - NB! ASCHEHOUG NETTHANDEL DS-KUNDERSERVICE 910292005 MVA910292005 263,2 100 Kontormateriell 254 EHF!! - TELEMARKSAVISA A/S 952108573MVA952108573 42279,95 100 Kontormateriell 120 EHF-NB!SJEKK BANKKONTO POSTEN NORGE AS 984661185MVA984661185 1896 100 Kontormateriell 202 ELEKTRONISK UNDERV.FORLAG A/S 979947577MVA979947577 680 100 Kontormateriell 121 ELKJØP NORGE AS 947054600MVA947054600 639,2 100 Kontormateriell 338 ELKJØP NORGE AS 947054600MVA947054600 -2137 100 Kontormateriell 253 ER NORWAY AS AVD. RAHMQVIST DELECTUM 921666187MVA921666187 1800 100 Kontormateriell 100 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 3062,22 100 Kontormateriell 120 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 85472,84 100 Kontormateriell 121 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 20829,77 100 Kontormateriell 130 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 504,05 100 Kontormateriell 201 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 44437,3 100 Kontormateriell 202 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 301707,21 100 Kontormateriell 213 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 14581,43 100 Kontormateriell 215 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 2581,49 100 Kontormateriell 231 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 4028,78 100 Kontormateriell 232 ERIK TANCHE NILSSEN AS 819075832MVA819075832 48751,49 100 Kontormateriell

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