MAY 11, 1958 Elev,.n Miss Pat Kimble Is Named Final Church Hilton-Belvin Deputy Pays TORRANCE HtiiALJ Presentation Student Secretary of 1958 Wedding Is Visit To Moms Feted Pat Kimble, North High This Evening Announced Local OES School senior, continues to win This evening will be the fin­ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hilton, Deputy Grand Matron Her- By Bluebirds awards and honors as she was al presentation of the "Nep­ tha tune's Neighborhood" 3404 W. 189th St., are announc­ Hartely made her official named "South Bay Area Stu- given by ing the marriage of their visit to the Torrance Eastern Honey Bluebirds entertained the Neighborhood Church at Star Chapter at a Mothers' Tea at the home Icnt-Secretary of the Year. the Malaga Cove daughter, Colleen Faye, to on May 1. School audi­ Dewey DeRoin Belvin, son of The guest was given special of their leader', Mrs. Robert 1058" by the National Secre­ torium at 8 p.m. Tan, 4212 W. 173rd St. taries' Assn. recently. Skin Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brindlee, escort to the east and was in­ divers, tennis players 21330 S. Vermont Ave. troduced by Worthy Matron The girls presented ' their In competition witli eight and riders will sing and dance mothers with corsages The wedding was solemnized Marguerite Morgan. Visitors which other students representing in a production number, "Sun­ were Marguerite McDonald, they had made. Refreshments day Afternoon in Palos Ver- April 28, at 8 p.m. at the Cren- were served South Bay area schools, Pat shaw Baptist Church. Carnation chapter, Gladys Kub- from a beautifully des" in the show that gaily de­ ler, La Paz; Evelyn Jacobelly, decorated tea table. was selected as one of the four picts life on the Palos Verdes Mr. Hilton escorted his Mothers attending were finalists on the basis of an­ Wilmington; 01 g a Guratovich Peninsula. daughter to the altar. She wore and Elmer Halverson, San Mmes. Adam Hcfnider, T. R. swers to written questions. Another of the original mu­ a white illusion net gown. Her Pedro Harbor; Marie Baptiste, Jackson,' Dirk Rademaker, The four finalists were quizzed sical numbers written for the short veil was held by a tiara. Playa Linda. Other guests on Steve Alvarez, Harry Barela, orally, and judging was based production by Jeanne Fuller She carried a white Bible this special occasion were 28 John N. Hopkins, Samuel on intelligence of answers to is "Realtors of Distinction," topped with a white orchid. past matrons and 11 past pa­ Freedman, Leslie Rapscher,. questions, poise and neatness. which will feature Rocky Miss Gladys Moye Hilton, trons of the Torrance chapter. Richard J. Benton and Horst twin sister of the bride, was As a part of National Secre- Wood, E. S. Breneman, John Joyce Miller, Junior Past Rutzke. Gill, Art Webb and Barbara the maid of honor. She wore a Matron, sang a solo and the tarieg' Week activities, she vis­ Merritt. yellow lace dress and hat and ited one day with the execu­ MISS PAT KIMBLE Worthy Matron presented a SENIOR CITIZENS . Wins Scholarship "You TOO Can Take It With carried a bouquet of white car­ GREETING THE GUESTS . Hundreds of prominent gift in the form of a May Bas­ tive secretary to the president You" is the name of a riotious nations. TO HEAR SPEAKER and chairman of the board of Goodwin, secretary of the Tor­ women of the area attended a fashion show and tea given ket to the Deputy Grand Ma­ Mrs. Marjorie Borchardt, skit about Portugese Bend that Little Minnie Lou Shackel- tron. Associate Matron Doro­ trustees of the Inglewood Park rance City Council. has been written for the show ford served as flower girl. She at the new Ralphs Store, Rosecrans Blvd. and Van Ness, president of the Senior Citi­ Cemetery. She was also invited wore a white and aqua dress Thursday afternoon. Here, Herbert Richardson, manager thy Hedrick made a blue and zens Assn. of Los Angeles to North American Aviation Miss Kimble is also the by Nancy Yewell. white May Pole presentation to Daughters of the American "Rolling Hills Tour" by Cliff and carried a basket of mixed of the ne wstore welcomes Mrs. A. F. R. Ewalt of Torrance County will speak to the for luncheon and a tour, and the guest, from the chapter Friendship Club of Gardena Revolution "Good Citizen," * Graham and Evans Ward, flowers. and shows her the up-to-date produce department, one of officers. she attended a National Secre­ "Wolling Hills Wabbits" by H. R. Hilton Jr., of Mather next Thursday afternoon at 2 taries' Assn. luncheon. The as­ finalist in the district Bank of the morenistic phases of the fabulous new market. The guest speaker was intro­ p.m. The meeting will be held America awards in the field of Helen Karlberg and "This Is Air Force Base, brother of the duced by Worthy Patron Law­ sociation also honored Pat at a Livin?" by Fay Moore are oth­ bride, stood as best man. Ush­ at the Knights of Columbus dinner-dance. vocational arts, and an entrant rence Miller. hall in Gardena and all senior in the National Supply Co. Es­ er skits that wnl be Inter­ ers were Jack Belvin and A candlelight service was During the contest finals, polated in the main story. Larry Thatcher. Juniors To See Drama citizens of the area are invited held at El Catnino Junior Col­ say Contest. given by Past Matron Florence to attend. A limited number of tickets A reception followed at the Drama section of the Tor- Younken and E. Starr. Villeneve. lege, a panel was held concern­ Active in North High stu­ is available for tonight's per­ church for the 130 wedding ranee Junior Women's Club Mrs. Eugene Lenk will serve A pot luck luncheon will ing "The Secretary Past, dent affairs, Pat is a member Refreshments were served precede the speech. formance that will benefit the guests. Mrs. Ralph Shamlian, will present a short drama, as prompter; Mrs. Frank Kelly in the beautifully decorated Present and Future." Taking of the Girls' League Cabinet, building fund for a new din­ sister of the bride, was in "Just Another Saturday," at Jr., makeup; and Mrs. Robert part were Mrs. Mary Zaharis, Scholarship Society treasurer, dining room by Frances Buck- ing hall at Pilgrim Pines, charge of the guest book. the meeting next Wednesday Davis, stage crew chairman. ley, chairman of the evening, chairman; Mrs. Darline Axtell, and a member of the Girls' church mountain camp of the Following a honeymoon, the evening at the clubhouse. Mrs. moderator; Mr. C. E. Wilson; Athletic Assn. The committee assisting in­ and her committee, Aletha 50* Congregational Conference of couple's new address is 3404 Robert Kerber, chairman is di­ cludes, Mmes. George Post, W. Smith , Edna Bobcock, Nellie Mrs. Alice Huntley, "National Pat is the daughter of M.r. Southern California and the W. 189th St. recting the play. The cast in­ Secretary of the Year"; Mrs. E. Starr, Milton Younken, Haynes, Hazel Hyde, Rollve and Mrs. W. E. Kimble of Southwest. They may be pur­ A/2c Virgil Scarbrough, of cludes Mmes. William Sturgis, Douglas Horlander G .S. Honey, and Mrs. Bernice 17103 Wilkie Ave. in Torrance. and Wil­ Beaver, Jan« Stamper and chased at the box office. Mullinsburg, Va. was an out of Robert K. Schooley, Joseph liam Zappas. Hazel Fossum. CASH! state guest. Boylan, Jack C. Dean, Douglas Horlander, Wade White, THIS AD Milton WORTH 50< Fuchsia Unit ORACLES CLUB on any $2.00 LOCAL PTA ACTIVITIES MEETS MONDAY cleaning order Members of the South Bay Meets May 16 Oracles and Past Oracles will Bring ad with Halldale South High Riviera meet on Monday noon at the order void Lomita Branch of the Cali­ Western Club in Gardena, on after May 22, '58 Mrs. Frank Bowling Jr., The final meeting next Tues­ Riviera School kindergarten fornia National Fuchsia Socie­ May 12. A luncheon will be president and president-elect day, May 13, of South High round up comes on Tuesday, ty will hold its regular month­ served in the dining room of of Halldale Ave. PTA left May 13, and Wednesday May ly meeting Friday, May 16, in the club and following this, GIRLS \J JOIN NOW PTA, announced by Mrs. Rex the gardens at the home of Mr. SAV-ON Tuesday, May 6 to attend the Hayes, chairman, will have as 14, at 9 through 11 a.m. and 1 there will be a business meet­ and Mrs. Robert Eipper, 25338 ing and report of camps National Parent-Teacher con­ through 4 p.m., at the cafeto- under THURSDAYS its program a summarization by rium of Riviera School. These Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita, at the direction of the president, <49-98 vention in San Francisco. Also students of the school's activi­ dates have been set aside for 8 p.m. A pot luck dinner will Mrs. Ruby Rivers. attending from Halldale Is ties, entitled "One Year Com­ the registration and sign up precede the meeting at 6:30 Oracles and Past Oraclei of I P.M. Handicap DISCOUNT Mrs, Fred Harvey participating for the optional pre-school p.m. Those attending are asked the following camps are ex­ pleted." Robert Ellsworth, stu­ to bring their own table serv­ with the Mothersingers. dent activities advisor, has ar­ health check. By state law pected to be in attendance, San ice. A donation plant sale will Pedro, Culver City, Inglewood, STARTS MAY 15 GLEANERS The next meeting of the children who will be five years ranged the following student old before or on Dec.
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