Turn your love for archaeology into action join the aia today! www.archaeological.org EXCAVATE, EDUCATE, ADVOCATE AIA Site Preservation Grant Awarded to Digital Preservation Project at Çatalhöyük, Turkey Join the AIA today, receive great benefits, and become a champion of archaeology! Share our passion for the Image of excavations (left) at Çatalhöyük taken from an unmanned drone; close-up (right) of a mudbrick structure at Çatalhöyük human past and support the he 9,000-year-old mud- soil. To help combat the deterioration models that conservators can use to work of archaeologists, preserve brick structures at the site of of the site, the AIA awarded its most create preventive on-site interventions. Çatalhöyük, located on the Konya recent Site Preservation Grant to the The CDPP believes that its models endangered sites, and celebrate plainT in Turkey, are threatened by their Çatalhöyük Digital Preservation Project will provide insights into problem areas own fragile composition and the region’s (CDPP). The CDPP, a collaboration that may otherwise have gone unnoticed our shared heritage. harsh climate. The site, a rare example of between Nicola Lercari from the Uni- and will also allow for the quantitative a well-preserved Neolithic settlement, versity of California, Merced’s World assessment of the success of earlier was home to between 3,500 and 8,000 Heritage program and Ashley Lingle, conservation efforts. In addition to its people from about 7100 to 6200 b.c. head of conservation at Çatalhöyük, technical work, the CDPP will train stu- The houses in the streetless settlement proposes to use the vast amount of dents from Selçuk University in Konya were built back to back and accessed digital survey data collected from the site and the Middle East Technical Univer- via the roofs. In 2012 the settlement to create a strategy for monitoring and sity in Ankara, as well as specialists from was declared a World Heritage site conserving the archaeological remains. the Konya Archaeological Museum, to because of its importance to under- The project will use digital technologies continue preservation work at the site standing human development and social and current monitoring strategies to after the CDPP wraps up in 2018. organization at a time when the first build a comprehensive view of the site in The AIA and the CDPP believe agricultural settlements were appearing its current state and create an informed that the methodology established at in southern Anatolia. The site has also conservation plan for the future. Çatalhöyük can serve as a model to be gained attention for its many symbolic By combining current non-digital emulated by projects at other sites that and ritual artifacts, including wall paint- site monitoring data with digital docu- are working to protect and preserve New Members: $70 for one year ARCHAEOLOGY subscribers: Join for a ings and reliefs. mentation from environmental data large archaeological sites and those that (includes award-winning Archaeology special reader rate of just $40 —go to The decay of the site’s mudbrick loggers, terrestrial laser scanning, micro contain earthen structures. To read buildings can be attributed mainly to the unmanned aerial vehicles, multispec- more about this project and the AIA magazine)—go to archaeological.org/join archaeological.org/join and enter region’s arid climate and erosion caused tral and thermal imaging, and GIS, Site Preservation Program, visit www and enter promo code NM916 promo code RS916 by high levels of soluble salts in the the CDPP plans to develop predictive .archaeological.org/sitepreservation. 64 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE of AMERICA Dispatches.ND.indd 64 3/9/17 12:08 PM ARky ad 2016-3.indd 1 9/14/16 8:22 AM Turn your love for archaeology into action join the aia today! Join the AIA today, receive great benefits, and become a champion of archaeology! Share our passion for the human past and support the work of archaeologists, preserve endangered sites, and celebrate our shared heritage. New Members: $70 for one year ARCHAEOLOGY subscribers: Join for a (includes award-winning Archaeology special reader rate of just $40 —go to magazine)—go to archaeological.org/join archaeological.org/join and enter and enter promo code NM916 promo code RS916 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE of AMERICA Dispatches.ND.indd 65 3/9/17 12:08 PM ARky ad 2016-3.indd 1 9/14/16 8:22 AM Alexis Jordan, Elizabeth Bartman Museum AIA Annual Internship Fund scholarship winner AIA 2017 Calendar, Meeting in “A Year of Toronto, Canada Archaeology,” e invite you to join us at the Now Available 118th Joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute he 2017 “ Ye a r of Archaeology” ofW America (AIA) and the Society for calendar, featuring photos from Classical Studies (SCS) in Toronto, the AIA Photo Contest, is now Ontario, Canada, from January 5 to available.T All proceeds from the sale 8, 2017. The Annual Meeting brings of the calendar go directly to the AIA Excavate, Educate, Advocate Educate, Excavate, ■ together more than 3,000 professional Site Preservation Program. Enjoy the and vocational archaeologists and beauty of archaeology all year long Scottish Isles and Norwegian Fjords classicists from around the world and while you help the AIA preserve nearly every state in the United States archaeological sites: Buy the calendar June 1-9, 2017 (9 days) with archaeologist Elizabeth Pierce to share the latest developments from at www.archaeological.org/calendar. aboard the 110-stateroom/suite Le Boréal the field. The conference, the largest Yiğit Helvaci, Elizabeth Bartman Museum and oldest established meeting of Internship Fund scholarship winner archaeologists and classical scholars in waukee, received her M.S. in anthropol- North America, has grown tremendously ogy from the same school and her B.S. over the past decade not only in terms of in anthropology from Loyola University attendance, but also in the scope of papers Chicago. The funds will allow her to spend Hiking Scotland’s Western Isles presented, demographics of attendees, eight weeks at the Royal Cornwall Muse- June 18-28, 2017 (11 days) Dispatches from the AIA Dispatches from the and focus on professional development, um in the United Kingdom conducting cultural heritage management, new archival research and skeletal analyses on with archaeologist Mary MacLeod Rivett technologies, and other topics of critical the remains from Harlyn Bay, the larg- importance to the field. To find out more est Iron Age cemetery in Cornwall. Her about the 2016 AIA-SCS Joint Annual work will focus on the construction of Meeting visit www.archaeological.org/ cultural identities in the pre-Roman and annualmeeting. Roman Iron Ages (800 b.c.–a.d. 400) in southwestern Britain through the analysis Become an AIA Hiking Scotland’s Orkney & Shetland Isles of mortuary ritual and human remains. Bartman Scholar- Helvaci completed his B.A. in clas- Member Today! July 1-11, 2017 (11 days) sics at Istanbul University. He received with archaeologist Val Turner ship Recipients his first M.A. degree in archaeology IA programs and activities and art history from Koç University, presented in “Dispatches from Announced Turkey, and his second in archaeologi- the AIA” are made possible cal materials sciences from the Univer- throughA membership dues and gifts he AIA Museums and Exhibi- sity of Évora, Portugal, and Sapienza from generous donors. The AIA uses tions Committee awarded Eliza- University of Rome, Italy. Helvaci will these resources to continue its mission beth Bartman Museum Internship intern at the Museum of Byzantine of supporting archaeological research, FundT scholarships to Alexis Jordan and Culture in Thessaloniki, Greece, where preserving sites around the world, pro- Yiğit Helvaci. Jordan and Helvaci are the he will create digital 3-D models of the moting outreach, and making the world second set of recipients of the scholarship, museum collection using photogram- of archaeology accessible through its which was established last year in honor metry. All models that are created dur- publications and websites. We urge you of AIA Past President Elizabeth Bart- ing his tenure will be made available on to join the AIA and support the Insti- © AAWT man to assist graduate students or those the museum website for public viewing. tute’s efforts to understand, protect, Ongoing excavations at the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland. who have recently completed a master’s The next deadline for applications and promote our cultural heritage. Join degree with the expenses associated with for the Elizabeth Bartman Museum today at www.archaeological.org/join. “ is trip surpassed all my expectations!” - Gail, New York participating in a museum internship Internship Fund is April 1, 2017. To Archaeology magazine subscribers either in the United States or abroad. read about this and other AIA fund- can upgrade their membership for " is was my fth trip with the AIA and one of the best ever...I loved every minute of the trip [and I] cannot recommend it Jordan, a Ph.D. candidate in anthropol- ing opportunities, please visit www just $40 at www.archaeological.org/ enough. No wonder it sells out each year." - Leslie, California ogy at the University of Wisconsin–Mil- .archaeological.org/grants. upgrade. 66 call: 8007486262 • web site: www.aiatours.org • email: [email protected] Dispatches.ND.indd 66 3/9/17 12:08 PM Scottish Isles and Norwegian Fjords June 1-9, 2017 (9 days) with archaeologist Elizabeth Pierce aboard the 110-stateroom/suite Le Boréal Hiking Scotland’s Western Isles June 18-28, 2017 (11 days) with archaeologist Mary MacLeod Rivett Hiking Scotland’s Orkney & Shetland Isles July 1-11, 2017 (11 days) with archaeologist Val Turner © AAWT Ongoing excavations at the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland. “ is trip surpassed all my expectations!” - Gail, New York " is was my fth trip with the AIA and one of the best ever...I loved every minute of the trip [and I] cannot recommend it enough.
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