CaP CURE 2002 Review Contents From the Chairman 4 From the CEO 6 Year in Review 8 Funding Research 12 Collaboration 22 Raising Money 25 and Awareness Research Awards 32 Leadership 38 Dr.Ward “Trip” Casscells Professor Gerald Haslam Diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 48. Diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 60. Patient profile on page 10. Patient profile on page 30. William Clapp Diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 63. Patient profile on page 20. Prostate cancer affects everyone, not just men. Whe n a man gets pros t a t e cancer, it cha n ge s his life. And that affects everyone close to him — friends and family, men and women. That’s why on our cover we have shown the faces of many people — fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, physicians, scientists, and others. They are as committed as we are to finding better treat- ments and, eventually, a cure. Family histories and genes may hold the key to solving part of the prostate cancer puzzle. When a man gets prostate cancer, it affects everyone close to him. A man is one-third more likely to get pros t a t e cancer than a woman is to get breast cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in America, striking 220,000 new men each year. There is one new case every 2 ½ minutes. As baby boomer men reach the target zone for prostate cancer, beginning at age 50, the number of new cases is projected to increase dramatically. By 2015, there will be more than 300,000 new prostate cancer cases each year, a 50% increase. Stua r t Hol d en ,M . D. , PCF medical direc tor , is surrounded by PCF competitive awards applications.The PCF originated a “fast-track” grant-application process Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, director of so researchers could devote their time to the National Cancer Institute,is the only advancing science rather than pleading cancer survivor ever to hold this office. for funds and completing seemingly Dr. von Eschenbach has contributed to the endless forms. PCF’s scientific mission since its inception. Since 1993, the Prostate Increasing Public Awareness Cancer Foundation has: Recent scientific advances, •Raised approximately $200 million. many driven by Prostate Cancer Foundation-funded researchers, •Funded more than 1,100 critical are more promising than ever. research projects in 100 research centers around the world. We changed our name from CaP CURE to the Prostate Cancer •Recruited talented scientists. Foundation to increase public •Helped to increase annual govern- awareness of our role in harnessing ment funding from $25 million to society’s resources to defeat this more than $500 million. deadly disease. •Greatly increased public awareness, The need remains great. Your help which encouraged millions more has never been more important. men to be tested. •Helped to increase the number of prostate cancer drugs under development by 50%. The PCF hosted its 2001 New York Dinner, From left: Debbie Black, Ann Tenenbaum, a star-studded, fund-raising event at the Tom Lee, Rupert Murdoch, Whoopi Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Hosted by Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Torre, Mickey Tarnopol, Goldberg, the dinner honored the Mack Mike Milken and David Foster. brothers: Bill, David, Earle and Fred. 3 A Passionate Pursuit If you’re old enough to remember reasons my brother and I formalized the day President Kennedy was our philanthropy in 1982 by estab- assassinated, you’ll never forget lishing the Milken Family Medical where you were and what you were Foundation with a commitment to doing.Six years later, you were advancing medical research. We proba b ly watching TV and remem b er established a program of awards who watched with you when men for young cancer researchers so first landed on the Moon. More they could afford to continue their Cancer isn’t something I think recently, the tragedy of September laboratory investigations. about once in a while — it’s very 11th is undoubtedly seared in your Twenty-one years separated my immediate, very personal, and memory. And if you, like nearly mother-in-law’s diagnosis from the one and a half million Americans in my thoughts constantly. day in 1993 when my doctor told me, each year, ever heard the words “You have prostate cancer.” Over “You have cancer,” you’ll always those two decades, my conversations remember the moment. with hundreds of doctors — both as Few families avoid cancer. Thirty- a philanthropist and as a patient one years ago, my mother-in-law advocate — made me feel about as learned she had breast cancer. A few well informed as a layman can be on years later, my father was told he the complex topic of cancer. So the had melanoma. Eventually, this shock of learning I had cancer was disease claimed 10 members of my compounded by learning how little family. So cancer isn’t something I information was available about think about once in a while — it’s prostate cancer. Not only was my very immediate, very personal, prognosis poor — the cancer had and in my thoughts constantly. It escaped my prostate and was too changed the course of my life long advanced for surgery — but informa- before I was diagno s ed . It’s one of th e tion about my medical options was Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf joined Mike Milken in 1998 to address several hundred tho usand marche rs on the Mal l in Was h i n g t on D.C . at THE MARCH: Coming Together to Conquer Cancer. Mike and PCF honorary board member Sydney Kimmel hel p ed organ i z e the event . Gen .S chwar z k opf is a prostate cancer survivor. 4 scarce. In 1993,most experts documented in this Annual Report. support for prostate cancer studies. thought the prostate cancer death But the most important change is We ensure that the scientists rate would rise sharply over the in the number of prostate cancer working at the very edge of science next decade as baby boomers aged. deaths, which have been kept well have the resources they need. They Yet with little financial support or below the pessimistic projections of share our sense of urgency, racing public interest, prostate cancer 1993. Also, because of better treat- against time to eliminate a disease res e a r ch was cons i d ered a backw a t er ments, survivors enjoy an improved that currently takes an American life of medicine. quality of life. Everyone who has every 18 minutes. worked so hard in this effort can The Prostate Cancer Foundation We need your support to fast- take a large measure of satisfaction (f orme rly CaP CURE) was establi s h e d forwa r d this que s t . I beli e ve fervent l y from the results. But despite all that with more in mind than accelerating that the goal is attainable when has been achieved, there’s concern a cure for prostate cancer. From the brilliant, dedicated researchers and about the future. Some 70 million beginning, we aspired to change passionate advocates come together Americans are reaching the age the face of cancer research and to with the rig ht res o u r ces . We just want when the rate of cancers begins to produc e res ults that could help peopl e to get there sooner rather than later. rise quickly. As Prostate Cancer suffering from a broad range of Thank you for helping.Thank you Foundation Vice Cha i r man and serious diseases. We never saw the for expressing your passion for life! CEO Leslie Mich el s o n explains process as a zero-sum game where on pages 6–7,the number of new increased funding for one disease prostate cancer diagnoses will soon diminished support for others. grow by as much as 50% if nothing Rather, it has always been one of else changes. our key goals to increase the size of Michael Milken the research pie in ways that would This Annual Report is both a Founder and Chairman bene fit the grea t est num b er of peopl e . review of past progress and an appeal for your involvement in our The changes that the Prostate continuing effort. The Prostate Cancer Foundation has helped Cancer Foundation is the world’s bring about over the past decade are largest philanthropic source of Houston Astros owner Drayton McLane joined Mike Milken in the fight against pros t a t e cancer dur ing the Pros t a t e Cancer Foundation’s CaP CURE Home Run Challenge. Each year,Major League Baseball,the Major League Baseball PCF founder and chairman Mike Milken Washington, D.C. Both the Prostate Cancer Players Association,the Prostate Cancer (left) and Richard Pazdur, M.D.,director of Foundation and von Eschenbach advocated Foundation,and fans nationwide raise the FDA’s division of oncology drug products, a systems approach to cancer research and money to fund prostate cancer research listen to Andrew von Eschenbach,M.D., the search for a cure, requiring a close based on home runs hit in 60 ball games director of the National Cancer Institute working relationship between the NCI during the week before Father’s Day. (NCI), during the Prostate Cancer and academic and private researchers. Foundation’s 2002 Scientific Retreat in 5 Letter from the CEO The National Cancer Institute’s 2003 and a cure to prevent this tragedy. projections unfortunately confirm When we began, efforts to find a what our epidemiologists predict. cure were at a standstill.
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