
Vot. XXXVII, No. I amevaser "You return to me; i . I will return to you.. ''. Edhcwt,in,CflltL't Rachel D. u:i5tl' • Yaisi lif(cr : ( --:.:-.:_- ·.-·/<.?/. < .. EicilOUthtt Edito~ Beniamin Balint • Oov Srigmau 3 'fa~ar Wad1er • Tz$ Zitrer AIIICICllale EdltOrt Human Dignity & Self Respect In Jewish Law Aton Holzer• Y.itd:ena Osband 5 l.ayoi.it Editors Ben Sandler ; Josh Yuter Repentance Man: Idealizing Our Teshuva ArU:dltor 8 Stephanie Ives EcAtcr E,mtrttu1 10 Toenet Beit Din: Resting Our Case Stephen M. 1blany Cot:i,"rl&III O 1197 H•-••-AII rigtu rtNnld, · · 1tma. Pllblish,d quar- 'The Rav' & 'HaRav': On Repentance V.¥1;.,a and Ills Torah 12 '.' naiiuoo- the faeufty, oc th1> llli!ini'ltratl\'.ln of '¥8sh"" urw,r111y,_1;~0- Maimonides on the Ultimate Goal of Human life rili pol!1is dtl9tn'lirtl0d bit• majllrty vot~ of iM m,n'lbllra of 16 the •o:t1oA11f boil~. Ccwer •rt by Sl41fl/11JIW 1*5 -----~---·--------------..,.--------- -----~--- ----~--------- _________ , ________________ _ Letter to the Editor The Jc,vish yearly cycle is comprised trated that our voices went seemingly they would scorn those who taught His of several difterent themes During this unheard, our kavanot misjudged, and words.,. Whoever disgraces the sages time l)f the year, we focus on cheshlum our desire tu be more active in our has no portion in the world to come hane{csh, introspection, both on an in­ kiyum hamitzvot denigrated. and is included in the category 'these dividual and comrnun;i.l len:1. While we However, m1fr)rtunateiy the discus­ who scorn the world of God' (Num­ are part of Kial Yisra,d as a whole, we sion some.times ieft the realm of healthy bers 15:31 )!' It is sad to see how we must also ex;tmine our role in our im­ debate over hashkafa, where the notion \Vho devote a large portion of our day mediate tzibbur, Yeshiva University. of "du va\:fa divrei elokhim chayim'' is to the iearning of Torah can so easily Last year there were many contro­ honored. In its place, we began to hear forget the central principle of "morah versies on canipus, Women'~ tefila personal atrncks against gedolci Torah. rabach kemortrh shema:rim,,, groups, Megilah readings, Daat Torah, Instead of speaking about Roshei Yewi11a While we still believe that healthy and pluralism '>Vere hot topics of t:on­ with the respect due to talmidei disagreement over hashkafa is an impor­ versation nor just in dass ur shiur, hut chachamim, students dismissed tant vehicle fi.)r voicing our thoughts, in the libraries, batei ,,mlrash, ·and caf­ Rabba,iim in a giib and flippant man­ the ,vay we engage in such discussion eterias, It was good to sec complex is - ner_ Sometimes the discussion beame is critical, Dissatisfaction can be ex­ sues becoming central topics of discus· both vituperative and hostile The pressed in a tespectfol manner. 'We hope sfon, a.s. it shows a thinking ,md ;ictivdy Rainbam (Hitchot Tu/mud Torah 6:11) that the coming year will bring with it matutini community; ·the debate ,vas s,iys, ·'I.i:-is_a great sin to disgrace Torah increased sensitivity and respect for rhe ctten intense and. emotionally diargcd, 1,.ages or r;o hate them, Jerusalem wasn'.t religious strivings of students, bm more As much of d~ coovcri::ation centered dt:~trovcd until Uts inhabitants) dis­ importantly, a greater emphasis and ~ound feminisrn. at Stern Coilege in gra,.;d its sage~, as implied bj; 'and they dedication to treating our Ra./Jbanim parti1;ular students felt and reacted would mode the messengers of God, -.virh the proper respect. stl'ongiy. We ar1d many othet Yeshiva despise his words and scoff at His Kctiva v\:hatima toYa, .Uniw::'S.i;ty ·'AAJmen felt hurt and frus- pmph1t-ts' (Chronicles 2 36:16) i.e. -- S!Joni Mfrvis, Tzippy Rw SCW '98 Editorial A New Beginning Y~ssi Zlffer Contrast these two familiar scenes. full well that more hurdles await. to a related but different image. On one side, New Year's Eve in Times Once passed, however, a given hurdle Imagine a marathon runner in train~ Square, a chaotic hybrid ofscream­ will never be revisited. So too in ing, traveling the same long route ing, drinking, and reveling. On the Times Square, hordes count down the time after time. He or she certainly · other side, a shul on Rosh Hashana, seconds until they can dose the book .feels accomplished at the end of the packed with familks, defined by the on the year just completed, washing run, but not' for merely completing .. el~ctidc. ,tmosphere of awe;jqy; ,at:1d their _hands from the challenges it the course. HQpefuUy, the runner has kavana. Both settings celebrate mo­ presented:.:,The year· ahead stretches learned about both the route and the ments of transition, but the partici­ before them with seemingly un­ art of running, noticing nuances that . pants in each represent opposing at- bounded promise. Although we can will enable him to grow stronger and . titudes towards the year that was, and admire ·the optimism that arrives · run better. The training never ends, the. year that is to be. punctually every January 1, rest as­ and the athlete cannot lapse into com­ Let's .put this distinction in. dif­ sured that come next December, the placency. Within a few days, he will ferent terms. The secular notion of same people will bid farewell to this be running again, always pursuing im­ the. new year might be symbolized by new year with a collective sigh of re· provement. Similarly, our celebration a line of hurdles, each one symboliz­ lief, happy in the knowledge that they of the new year cannot disregard the ing a year.. The athlete aims to clear have cleared another hurdle on their year just completed, for only ~ough each barrier cleanly and as effortlessly · track. the experiences of that year can we as possible,· because he or she knows Th~ Jewish approach lends itself Continued on next page No Immunity Rachel D. Leiser One of the tenets of.modern reli­ recent bombing of Ben Yehuda pentance will Israel be redeemed." If gious Zionist thought is. that God was Street, many gf us were unsure as to in fact we do repent, then "the Holy directly apd immediately involved in how to react: we felt .saturated with One blessed be He, has ... promised the historical process that led to the grief 'and disbelief, overwhelmed with us in the Torah that if we observe its creation of the State of .Israel. Al­ a haunting sense of repetition. People behests joyously and cheerfully, and though the Jewish people are .still fa were unwilling to· read. yet another continuously meditate on its wisdom, exile, we. rejoice in the fact that we article about Jewish lives lost, watch He will remove from JiS the obstad~s are once again in possession ofthe more television broadcasts froni a that hinder us in its observance such land that is intrinsically holy, land that · Jerusalem in mourning. There was an as ... war, famine, and other calami­ .eiilbles us to draw ever closer to God. intense· desire. to inure and insulate ties"(9:l ). It seems clear that personal If, however, we truly believe that God ours~lves from events that are beyond actions have ramifications extending is somehow more intiritately involved our control. far beyond the individual's immedi­ ·wiqi Israel, we are compelled to look Yet, as religious Jews, particularly ate surroundings. forHi.s presence in both the wonder­ as religious Zionists, we are obligated Many theologians assen that ful and the tragk. to remain emotionally engaged. Per­ one's experience 'with evil can be a Recently, violence seems to have haps inste.id of ex~mining Oslo, catalyst for further religious growth. inundated Israel, reverberating Arafat, or Netanyahu, the ·time has When one co01es into contact, even throughout the country. Riots, stab­ come for us to examine ourselves.· distantly, with evil in.the form of un­ bings, an<f oombs have begun to seem Maimonides states in - Hilchot timely death and needless suffering, routine, if not predictable. With the Teshuvah (7:5) that "only through re· Continued on next page 3 · A New Beginning, .. continued from previous page hope to improve in the ycJ.r ro come However, because the land "sinned," same destination, how they get there Further, although we nm the s;mic 'this did not occur.· Conscque11tly1 it's makes a tremendous difference. rmm; every time, it should never ap- left to us to recapture that original These messages ring with particu · pear quite tht:: same. The major land- lofty status, and Rav Avraham lady strong resonance for those ofus marks remain constant -- markers of Yitzchak HaKohen Kook zt>/ trans- in schooL Whether we are just begin­ both happiness and sadness - but latcs this mission into relevant terms. ning, or entering the last leg of the each new trip reveals more. We must Fruits are naturally sweet, and hence trek, we have a choice at the outset make ..:ertain that wt· take notice 6f people automatically focus on them. of every school year. \Ve can remain the new ,virhin the seeminglv old. They are the end. result, the climax, end-oriented, fot:using only on the The ·best paradigm of the Je,vish and their sweetn~ss is apparent to a!L diploma that hopefully awaits us: If· year and its cyclical nature is our an- The bark, on the other hand, seems this is our attitude, then the interim nua! journey through the Torah.
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