High school cadets. Philadelphia: Harry Coleman (228 N. 9th St.), 1890 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/NYCG233QXK7CM8L http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu EEE TC cS Jo Pop LAR Alo oo og | _WIUC MICMEZ NEN ODIO IO i | ep; “3(* OM FO) CIN elle | =u in al a ls ec jo | i> — laun PHILIPS aLISA: ne | OOUrN TA eNO | ptm I“AYN Waevuver Olay | poe anos ‘DIRECTOR :MARINE : BAND: CONST] «6+ OUR FLIRTATION MARCH... ...... 40 TASS __+THE.HIGH-SGHOOL. CADETS MARCH... 40 sn! oN i +THE OCCIDENTAL MARCH. .........40 ee + THE WASHINGTON POST MARCH... ... 40 : CYT XIN YY «+ THE BELLE OF CHICAGO MARCH... .... 40 ON NN ) mn A | | ZEW A LX Faw \/'S a7) i Pas a Tm Al) : fh ag i a ui) ih \ ) Hy, f App Ad , he. : Ry Sy, <8 Co A; ; ; ~ Se LE M Pieces marked ~ published for Four Hands 60 Cts. ok ony a N \ | \ * v i ) ) FOR MOICE AND PIANO. : By JOHN PHILIP SOUSA Containing Nearly Two Hundred and Fifty Airs of Different Countries and Tribes. Many have the Original ‘Words and Translations. Bound in Cloth, 83.00 CouNTRY OR TRIBE. Arr. ‘Tite. Form or GOVERNMENT OB “ Counrey or TRIBE. Ar. : Location. ‘Trix. Form OF GOVERNMENT OB . te United States of America} Patriotic | Hail a Locarion, : Columbia - - | Republic - - ~- Cuba- - - = | Typical Zapateo Cubano - Spanish colonial possession i United States of America} ‘Patriotic The Star-Spangled Banner] Republic - - Cuba - - - Typical La Territorial = - : Spanish colonial possession United States of America} Patriotic Yankee Doodle - ; Republic - - - Cuba - - - - Typical El Mondonguito - Spanish colonial possession United 5 States of America| ui Patriotic ee {oe Columbia, the Gem o! i Ocean } oe. ete Dakota Indians’ - | Typical | Shice-Shice-Shante - | Located in Dakota - United States of America|. Patriotic My country, ’tis of thee Republic . - - - Dacca. i = Pekiohe oo othe end at Province of Swadea Abyssinia Abyssinia - - - - + | | Typical Typical | = AirofthekingdomofShoa} = 3+ 4 Kingdom Kingdom - Sat - - || Denmark- cece National 5 | { King 78 Tae Christian the mast stood be- }| Kingdom . a se * Abyssinia = - - Typical Air of Southern Gallas Kingdom eae Denmark = 5° - Patriotic The Dannebrog - - Kingdom Be a Afghanistan -- — - Typical | Takhmi - - ~~ | Feudal Monarchy - Denmark- = - + Patriotic suai oe Sper : Kingdom - + = Algeria. - + =. | Typical Salem, Salem - - French Colonial Possession || Denmark - + ~- | Patriotic { tase ee ay Kingdom < : Algeria - ais ree, Typical Ye men K’ta Djebal - French Colonial Possession |! Denmark - - ‘Patriotic A Soldier Brave - - Kingdom - : . Algeria - - ~- | Typical El Dani ihabou Kalbi French Colonial Possession Algeria - - - Typical Yatirennouba - - | FrenchColonial Possession |] East Indies <a Typical Pukhto - + - Part of British Empire Algeria - - - | Typical Dani! Dan - - French Colonial Possession || East Indies .- + Typical Mand - + + | Part of British Empire % f ¢ i Located in Mexico, New Fast Indies * 2 Typical Apache Indians - Typical Ma-Ma-Ma-Mine Ga-Ga Mocks and Acirana’ Gut Tillana ss - - Part of British Empire (2 Hast ladies <2 : ee at Haas R 3 - Paper Bacah Arabia. - - ~~ | Typical Sie Fe bel ncn AL Dymastioald ds. See ; Empire = a ‘ YPEe oe uy ss : Arabia - - - Typical} - - - - - Dynastical - - - East Indies 8 - | Typical The Gazelle - . - Part of z British Empire . i Z : ‘ Ecuador - = + National | Salve, oh Patria - - Republic Arabia - - - Typical Mizmouna - : - Dynastical - - . x - - : Arventi li National ; ai c Egypt - - + = | National | { Cid, mortales, el grito,] poublic - - - : | Salaam Effendina - Kingdom - - ; gentine Republic - ps { sagrado e Eskimo Indians = - Typical Summer Song - - i America and Green- g Soa 3 “|§ Divided between Russia, 2 S > a e t land - = - Ee Armenia - - - | Patriotic | Nor Oghchion - — - ; Persia and Turkey - LOS eas Typical pee Repo Hunts Arctic America and Green- Australia-. - - Patriotic | ‘The Song of Australia British Colonies - = - Eskimo Indians. - Typical Song of the Tornit - M iand SA enna : Z : = God preserve our noble Reece 2 ss i gees Nee ms { h er i I ea Austria - - + Payal’ Gee a: Nemonm a 954 cece Portuguese possession - Patriotic Oh! thou my Austria os fog oe? 5 € Fiji Islands - - Typical Autiko maina - : British possession ~ f x s i ‘ -1,|{ Kingdom, part of Ger- Finland =- + — - | National! Ourland- - + rao part of Bavaria - eae National | Heil, unserm Konig, Heil! { ae aie pata ee Visindi he Patriotic «| Savolaisentionia: ©0118 Russia ENE NS Belgium - - - | National | La Brabanconne- - Kingdom ee Finland - - = | Patriotic | Bjarneborgarnes March Grand-Duchy, part of Bengal - - - Typical Kutch Kewhana- ‘| Division of British India Finland - 3 % Typical Tho’ from Poets - * Reece - = : Berar- - =- = | Typical Air of the Deccan - Province of British a - Boa Vista Island - India Fogo Island - = | Typical Manche - - - Portuguese possession - Typical ChaBai- - - Portuguese oe = Byance cet ee National | The Marseillaise- . - Robles See Bohemia - - - |. National | War-song of the Hussites ' Erovinceand nominal king: France - - =~] Patriotic The Parisian - a Republic - Ais Bolivia - - . « National | Bolivia nos el = Sreihe Republic on 8 eee oe ey a Brance (ie. cays ee. _ Patriotic ‘oth { The Departure pe of the } Rebs. ee : . Mountains bathed in Territory of Europe admin- : . x ec Bosnia tice" eh Pay pial { morning light } (melts Mens tae France - ae Patriotic iS die cone 4 a Republic - : = ae Brava Island - - Typical Cheraben >= - - Tate aor Ge a Fence. ese Typical Partant pour la Syrie - | Republic- - «© 2 Bene oe Pi ee |e nares Lacie >>) = jl German Empire - - | National | Heil dir im Siergerkranz | Empire - - = j Bulgaria- - = National : | Maritza o-. 9 =. A tributary to || German Empire - Patriotic | Die Wacht am Rhein - | Empire - = = : Turkey : : > Ge Empi Patriotic ‘Was ist des Deutscher a eC Burmah - - oe National | Kayah Than - : Empire - - - rman Empire - : al { Vaterland Empire °° + 5 ‘ aS “Canada - - + Patriotic | The Maple-leaf forever |( Federal union of Provinces || German Empire = - Patriotic fea itscher Freihei et - | Empire . «> - : Canada = - - ~~ | Typical | Vive la Canadienne - jane Territories belonging |! Great Britain and Ireland| National | God saye the Queen - | Kingdom - - . to Great - Cape Verde Islands Britain = - | Great Britian and Ireland| Patriotic | Rule Britannia - Kingdom - - Typical Lundum- - - Portuguese possession Gace eh DELLS eee Sah err eke oa pias ce ee Cape Verde Islands - Typical Trenéné - - - Portuguese possession - Greek 3 . Patriotic Sons of Greece, Come, ‘ a i Carinthia - - Typical Our Valley = - - Duchy of Austria~Hungary = : { Arisel Kingdom e Carniola - - - | Typical ; My eee te o . Ee i Duchy of Austria-Hungary || Guatemala - - - | National ee aie Republic < - = ¢ Cashmere - - Typical - : . - 2 Under British supervision gor Federal & republican com- || Hanover- = + National + 5 + *s | Province of Prussia - Celebes'Islands - + | Typical |- - - + = jis with the monarch- |} Hawaii - - ‘+ | National | Hawaii Ponoi - - Kingdom : - -. + g ‘ ical and elective principles Hindoostan ~~ iy Typical 2 a 5 2 3 Part of British Empire Cherokee cpa - pest igeniyate 4 Yowida. {ieee in Indian Terzi- Holland + - = ~~ | National | Wien Nierlansch |) Cherokee Indians» - Kingdom - - | ‘Typical { Danuwe } tory and N. C, Holland - - - Patriotic | Flanders - - - | Kingdom - = = * Chili : - : National | Dulce Patria - - Republic - - - -|| Holland - +. = | Patriotic William of Nassau - Kingdom : : Chili - - - - ‘| Typical The Cueca”s- - Republic - - Holland - - - Patriotic The Tithe - .- : Kingdom - - - : China - - - | National The World’s Delight - Empire a 5 Sj Honduras - - - National Dios Salve a Honduras Republic © - 4 China-~ - - = | Typical Moo-lee-wha - - Empress Hungay- - - Pes National | { Swear, Hungarian, ge Kinga ingdom Sate - Chippewa Indians - | Typical Scalp Dance - = {oe a ee and : { thy, eouatey Gotta Ries 6 SSE ational bela Pam oS Republic: ier Towa Indians - - | Typical |- Djade wi dje - | Located in Indian Ter. Reena en ets < . : Titular kingdom, its crown |} Ireland - = + Patriotic | The Minstrel-Boy - f ens atone Eo eel omayine belonging to the Emperor frelaid - se e Patriotic Let Erin remember the Part of the United King- Croatia - + + | Typical Nekse hrusti » + of Austria - - = days of old ‘ dom of Great Britain and cs Guba - Typical | La Bayamesa + - - Spanish colonial possession || Ireland - = - Patriotic (ee Hall a } Treland- 2 + * 3 | : TEE | eee OOO UeECOIEV PULA ENN Oooo OOO nooo ep aC OM POTN aso 8 = _IWel A Sao MDDS 06 ar : rnEPUIHPE:S “pul ntp: Anca DIOILIOLIOI Chai NCC ELECT CAN Adaya Clade) “DIRECTOR :MARINE : BAND: aaa AAT OT) «6+ OUR FLIRTATION MARCH... ...... 40 TMNT ae +THE HIGH SCHOOL CADETS MARCH... .40 A eee : aaa LSS NN Id faa Wa «6 THE WASHINGTON : POST MARCH... ... 40 TYTXIWNII 77 49* THE BELLE OF CHICAGO MARCH... 40 TENA Fabry +SOUND OFF MARCH. 2. 2 i eo 40 OT, LA REINE DE LA MER WALTZES..-.. 275 BAU aN a +GLADIATOR MARCH... 2... 2... 6. + 40 ng Ane +NATIONAL FENCIBLES MARCH. >... ..40 pe +SEMPER FIDELIS
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