- I N D E X - A HISTORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF OAK BAY compiled by GEORGE MURDOCH 1968 "A" Adams, W. E. 55 Advisory Planning Commission 126,130,140 Air raid precautions 90 Alderman, title formerly Councillor 161 Aliens registered 1914 42 Amalgamation 55,58,60,81,94,97,123,128,133,146 Ambulance and rescue vehicle 137,185,186 Anglican clergy 166 Anglican diocese 164 Angus, Richard, Councillor 103 Annett, C.C., Councillor 143 Anscomb, Herbert 94 Applewaite, E.H.H. 38 "Archaeology of the Gulf of Georgia & Puget Sound", H.Smith 4 Assessments 54,59,89,121,134,135,146 Assessment roll 32 Assessor 114 Assets & Liabilities 1906 31 Astor, John Jacob 9 "B" Baby Clinic 106, 123 Bailey, Dr. D .M. 21 Baillie (Bayley?) Mr. 11 Ball park 18,46,52 Bank loans Appendix 2(a), 3(a) Bank of North America 40 Baseball club 193 Bates residence 20 Beaven, Mrs. Ada, Native Plant Park 85 Beaven, Mrs. Ada, Rose Garden 83 Beaven, Mrs. Ada, playground equipment Willows Park 100 Beaven Estate 129,134,164,162 Beaven, H.R. 22 Beaver Lake 150 Becbvith, Mrs. H.A., summer playground 91, 152 Bennett, Premier W.A.C. 156 Benning House, for branch library 153 Berrill, Ralph, architect 51 Bicyle by-law 36 Billboard by-law 54 Blackstock residence 20 Blandy, R. F. 53,104,128 "Blandyville" 61 Blanshard, R. 10 Blue Line Transportation Co. 70,71,92 Board of Trade "Tea Party" 149,152 Boat Club 188 Boathouse 12,20,188,189,191 Boats, speed of 122 Bodwell & Lawson, solicitors 41 Boulevard potato patches 92 Boulevard underground sprinkler system 126,147 Boundaries of Municipality 13,73,140 Bowker Creek 5,84 Bowker Farm 4,17 Bowker, John Sylvester 12,20 Bowker, Johnny (son of J.S.) 12 Bowling greens 47,93,97,119,122,127 Boy Scout Hall 119 Boys' Central School 16 Breakwater 51,142 B.C. Agricultural Association 68,86,101,102,105 B.C. Cattle Co. 18 B.C. Electric Co.-- Accounts cancelled November-December 1943 93 Land purchase, Oak Bay Ball Park 46,49,52 Public ownership 92,94,95 Rates, power & light 91 Streetcars 1891 19 " 1909 34 " 1912 38 " 1922 54 Uplands electrical system 67 Veterans' Sightseeing & Transport Co. 68,69 B.C. Hydro-- Bus service 155 Wiring, underground 158,160 B.C. Soldier Resettlement Act 49,51,60 B.C. Telephone Co. Uplands 71,110 Wirin& underground 158 Brooks, Charles, retired 136 Brotchie, Captain 11 Brotchie Ledge 11 Brown residence 17 Building boom 1910-1912 38 Building code 121 Building permits 72 Burridge residence 19 Burton, Mrs. E.A. (nee Rattenbury) 21 Bus fares 1930 71 By-law, special re bank loan 43 - 3 - "C" Cadboro Bay Ratepayers' Association 110 Cadboro Bay Road 11 "Cairns of British Columbia and Washington", Smith & Fowke 1 Calhoun residence 18 Cameron Report re schools 105 Campbell, Harold Lane, Deputy Minister of Education 16 Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. 16 Canadian Highways Safety Award 152 Canadian Settlers Co. 19 C.P.R. boat service discontinued 132,136 Cape Fox Indians 5 Capital Improvement District Comm122,126,131,133,143,155,157 Capital Region Planning Board 113,129,133 Carley Riding Academy 105,108 Carlin residence 22 Carnarvon Park 117,118,119,122,123,127,150 Carnarvon Sub-division 112,116,132 Carnegie Library 79 Casanave, Alexis 15,25,46,171 Cattle grazing 50,60,75 Cattle Point 18,143,148 Cave, Mrs. Ruth, R.N.--Baby Clinic 106,151 Centennial, B.C. 1957 123 Centennial, Canada--funds 157 Chamber of Commerce 58 Chamber of Commerce, Junior 128 Chicken, Jimmie 5,6,12 Chinese Cemetery 69 Christmas decorations 145 Churches 163-169 Church union 169 Civil Defence 90,110,112,118,134,145 CJVI Radio Station 108 Clack, Roderick--Carnarvon Pavilion 117 Clayton cottage 18 Clayton & Phipps, Haynes Point 142 Colbert, G.H., Inspector 139 Collis, Albert 16 Colwood Park Racing Association 65 Community Centre 98,117 Cost-of-living bonuses 91 Council, Members of Appendix4(a)-7(a) Council remuneration 31,122,137,138,140,144 Court House 55 Court of Oak Bay 175 Cricket Club 136 Crown Colony of B.C. 10 Crown Colony of Vancouver Island 10 Crows, shooting permits 39,40 Cunningham, J.A. (son of R.A.) 20 Cunningham, P.K. 20,105,121,155 Cunningham, R.A. 20 - 4 - "D" Daylight saving time 47,98 Dean, George 16 Debenture by-law 71 Debentures, issuing of 35,40,78,98,110,117,120,127,129 Demolition fifteen dilapidated buildings 73 Dexter, F.G., Principal, Oak Bay High School 86,96 Dickson, W.P. 38 Dock, 1909 34 Dog by-law 36 Dogs at large 93,132 Douglas, Sir James 4,10 Duke and Duchess of York 19 Dupont, Major 18 "E" Eastman residence 21 Eaton, T. & Co. Ltd., payments, water accounts 115 Edwards, Thos. W. 16 Elections to be held in December 84 Electric Wiring by-law 42 Electrical Inspection by-law 3 Elford, Mrs. Frances H. 154 Elk Lake 150 Engineering records 82 Equipment - Works Dept. 1912 37 " " " 1939 85 Esplanade 93,126,155,157 Esquimalt Water Works Co. 60 Estates Ltd. 78,89,97 "F" Fairgrounds (Willows) Arsonist 86 Blue Line Transportation Co. 92 B.C. Agricultural Association 69,86,101,102,105 Building, first in 1887 17 Carley Riding Academy 105 Continuance of 97 Established 15 Fire, 1907 17 " 1948 107 Fire hazards (squatters,etc.) 89,90,97,98,102 Fire Protection Contract 68 Health hazards 89,97,98,102 Medical Health Officer (polio scare) 104 Purchase by-law 107 Randall racing interests 99,107 Residential Class "A" Transfer 102 Squatters 90 Taxes 68 Value of 95 Zoning by-law 100,102 - 5 - Family & Juvenile Court 161 Fence by-law 62,65 Fernie, Wm., property 22,160,161 Finances, Municipal problems 40,41,43 Findlay, A.D. 53,150 Finnerty, Mike' 16 Fire Arms by-law 47 Fire Department-- Ambulance 137,185,186 Agreement with City 183 Fire Limits By-law 95 Convention, 1943 93 Flag pole 86 General 183-187 Hall 35,86,183,184,186 Hours 98,186 Integration with Police 140 Mutual Aid Plan 135 Personne 186,187 Protection by-law 37,83,183 Wages 94,139,183 Fisher's Confectionery cat "Smokey" 139-140 Floods 108,119,125,128,160 Floyd, J.S. ? Fluoridation by-law 137 Forster, Ian B. 97,138,140 Fort Langley 9 Fort Street 11,16 Fort Victoria 9 Fraser, Simon 9 Fredericton, N.B., flood relief 143 French's Menagerie 16 Friendly Help Association 77 Fuel Committee 93 Fuel, trees for 92 Futcher, Ralph, Works Supt. 120 "G" Garbage Collection by-law 37 Garbage Collector purchased 88,110,151 Garbage dumps 38,41,48,55,62,67 Garbage fee 114,128 Garbage incinerator 115 Gavin residence 18 German war equipment 49 Gibbs, Reeve P.A. 108,110,139 Girls' Central School 17 Girl Guides 123,128,133 Glenlyon School 21,147 Golf 193 Gonzales Hill 7,13,58,88 Gonzales Point 7 Goodacre Lake 20 Goodacre, Lawrence 20 Gordon Head Ratepayers' Association 110 Government of Canada 15,51 Grandstand 86 Grant house 21 Greater Victoria Centennial 126 Greater Victoria Water District 54,104,105,106,108 Guest houses 162 Gunter, Sam, Supt. of Works 78 "H" Hall, Magistrate 81 Hallowe'en bonfires 84 Hamilton, Mrs. Madge 12 Haro Strait 7 Hart, E.H. 96,134,136,138,140,144 Haynes, A.E., residence 17 Haynes Point 18,142,188 Hayward, Charles 22 Health, Public 47 Hedges, height of 93 Henderson, Wm., residence 20 Hepburn, Mrs. G., Windsor Park Rose Garden 84 Heron Street, 2564 11 Hewitt residence 17 Hockey, grass 195 Hockey, ice 194-195 Hong Yuen & Co. 36,47 Horse racing 15,53,54,55,96,99,100,101,102,103,105,195 Hosie, John 14 Hospital District proposed 74 Housing shortage 1912 37 Howell residence 21 Hudson's Bay Company-- Apartments 129 Assessment 48 Boundaries of land 11 Carley Riding Academy 108 Carnarvon sub-division 112 Charter rights 9,15 Lee Hop 40 Master Plan for development 96 Recreation (22 acres) 147 Residential development 102,134,135,136,138 " 94 lots 131 " 4th Unit 119 9th Unit 136,148 Uplands Golf Club 48,96 Victoria College 121,122,126 Water accounts, payment of 115 Zoning by-law 108 Hunting permits 33 Hydrants 74,80,116 - 7 - "I" Imperial Oil Co. 68,117 Indemnity for reeves and councillors 137,138,140,144 Indians, language 4 Indian tribes--Cape Fox 5 Salish 4 Songhese 5 Intermunicipal Committee 39,146 Ismay, Boiston, Holden & Co., auditors 55 "J" Jameson, W.A. 22 Jay, George, City Magistrate 38,81 Joint Relief Association 77 Joint Transportation Committee 100 Jones, Griffith, Assessor 116 Jones, Dr. O.M. 46,49 Juvenile Court 56,84,140,138 Juvenile Detention Home 103,142,147 "K" King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 85,86 Kitty's Islet 5 Kiwanis Club-- Ambulance and rescue vehicle Boy 137 Scout Hall 119 Girl Guide Hall 123,128 School Safety Patrols 108 Willows Park Pavilion 103 Windsor Park floodlights 106 Knox Presbyterian Church 168,169 "L" Laburnum Gardens, Tod Road 128 Lattimer residence 22 Leaves, Burning by-law 144 Lee Hop, market gardener 40 Legislative buildings 10,21 Leiser, Max 20 Letters Patent 30 Liability insurance 105 Library branch 132 Library Commissioners of Victoria 41 Licence Inspector 43 Lighting, street 39,71,74,106,133 Liquor profits 54 Local Improvement Construction by-law 118 Local Improvement Debenture by-law 111,131 Lokier, Thos.--donations 115,117,119 Lopez Island 7 Lots, price of in 1937 83 Louden, Wm.
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