Vol. IX. NOVEMBER, 1907. No. 27- BRISANE GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAGAZINE. lrtakrnr: OUTRIDGE PKINTING CO., LTID. .j9 yIEN STREET'. S907. OUTRIDGE PRINTINO 00. Ltd. Priaters, Bookbiders, Statioersn meet Maebleery. ittee e phi. | l Itee. ulin. PtentBoxes. Foldin c c, and are costantly adin. to thea '11 f3i8 QUEEN ST., BRISBANE. NNMiru hWit FHS|m Plan see ftdll Ad wrtiuments. Morrows Limited, WNII I III~lII "__ .. Confectioners IPee S**., @.emes. a •-**'"---. )Biscuit Baker s, lube.. ParNee. eII. k -: >; +- . -sada" s e. ,..BISBANE. Igamee I. e S111.Y0SB ~s b m~ Agst GeVin a. km v el IAs. hobe ahaed - a Branch Fa~corle: Towvilke and Sydney. -~ A. HERGA, tbronaomcer, Ulatcb, ain Clock fUllaer. Chronographs, Repeaters, Perpetual Calendars a Speciality. Chronometers kept Rated. Importer of btandard Harometers and Electric Clocks. Correct Time daily by electric signals from the Observatory, by permission of the surveyor-General. eIII.Uee IWat m .. .. 11 '- V1eens' sa esMe's Sdve, Webes .. Ut 1/-, 48 II-, 14/-t Ladies' OeM Levere WShes .... 1 1/ M8 II/- WAKEFIELD'S BUILDINGS. EDWARD STREFT. 4 .4 dvertiserments. 'Waton, erguson 6eo. f J rters ofo 6 ceha and Sttrionery, Qoa h.t, " a.-----. \'. F. & Co. toc'k all Ei.1ucational \\,rk used in Private, State and (ramnmar Schools and also all iooks used in connection with the Sydney (University Exain;ations and supply them at special prices to pupils. MURRBL &BBEKER 90 QUEEN STREET NEXT IPAIIN ' MI AN I'ACTUL HEiS Ladis' Ha& Cariers lr Home auld Travel. 89o asnd 40/-. NONE BUT THE B11'f ISADDLRY AiD LARNESS f every deulptlion. SO Queen Sitr et (Next Palings). A4 dvertisement. 5 F. V. RYLATT'S IJI lnn , THIn Oenerator is workilg 4l light at Tivoli Gi rdnh. Hi- 1hn4e, for staKg anlldgrl'loulld lichtln purjxitws for aix h or' with o charg off tol of c arlide (':Ipi run 50 light. it requird, Di , - iolns f (ilernt,r D)oije .t. ;i. x Bft.: \\ater 'l'antik 'ft. t ii. x ift. Thi lelirator cui Ii. 'i hargi'.! whilt wiorkiing without aff' ti'Ig ihi lighti. Theu ,iuriitcn r ois ? lf- ii I g andc containls one tap only,\ whwhII) i4 the sulply tap. Will no mt kl. :a bmwdwigs gues sy ese F.I. ITLATT, isui ! a 0/. US. RVLAT, BRISBANE. e BRISBANE Granmmatr Schxftaoa3inc. l Index to No. 27, 'ol. iX. I I.Al I- Sch tol Itstitutio i... ... 6 T'he Cad!et ... ... ... 24 lditorial ... ... ......7 Roioi 25 \nnual Sports Gathering .. q ( ma,,iu n .. 26 School n::tertainment ... I 'ennis ... 26 Tour of First ()Oueensland I oarde s Note ... .. 28 S<'ho ols' Cugb,y Footlall H.G.S O.B.A ... .. 3' Team, I;7 ... ... 15 Jotting ....... 33 & ricket ... ... ... x I eath ... .. 33 School Committee. HON. TREASURER ... ... ... MR. T. E. JONES CRICKET CAPTAIN ... ... G. C. WILLCOCKS FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ... L. G. BROWN COMMITTEE MR. A. E. GILI., A. D. FORBES, C. A. POWELL, C. E. WASSEI.I.. Other Captains. 2ND CRICKET CAPTAIN ... A. HERGA 3RD CRICKET CAPTAIN ... ... R. SHIRI.:Y ARDERS' CRICKET CAPTAIN ... ... G. RIECHELMANN TENNIS CAPTAIN ... .. ... C. A. POWELI. Librarian. R. RIcE. B.G.S. Magazine. MANAGER ... ... ...... MR. A. J. MASON EDITOR ... ... N. A. LLOVI Cadet Corps. OFFICER COMMANDING ... ... MAJOR R. H. RoE, V.1). CAPTAIN ... .. ... CAPTAIN G. GROSS, V.). H. F. LIEUTENANTS ... C. E. \\ASSELI., L. G. BROWN, PLANT. COLOUR-SERGTS.: E. MACIN'I'TOSH AND H. JOPP. SERGTS.: H. DENHAM, A. S. KENNEDY, C. LILLEY, \V. J. NEWELL, G. W. LOVE, H. J. ARMSTRONG. CORPORALS: G. RIECHELMANN, M. G. SUTTON, H. CASEY, \\. M. SNELLING, T. W\ATTS, S. K. SMITH. LANCE-CORPORAL : B. MOLESWORTH. BUGLERS: J. W. HALSTEAD, L. SINCLAIR. risrbane Grammar School - /-MAG AZINE. Published Three 7'imes a Year. Vol IX. NOVEMBER, 1907. No. 27. Subscriptions, is. 6d. per annum, or is. 9 d. posted, are payable to the Business Manager, A. J. MAsoN, Boys' Grammar School. The Editor will welcome contributions or correspondence from present or past members of the School. Subscribers are requested to inform the Business Manager of any change of Address. TIME has swept swiftly on and we now find ourselves looking forward to the midsummer holidays in the near future. The Sydney Senior is about to commence, and all the candidates are accompanied to the examination room by our good wishes. For the rest of the school the Christmas examinations are close at hand, and the struggle for a prize on Speech Day. Since our last issue the school has been busy in all departments of its work. On Thursday, September 2()th, the School Sports took place ,*nd went off as well as usual, the fields being large and most of the 'vents keenly contested. A. I). Forbes won both the school 'hampionshilps, vi/., 440 yards and oo yards, and by winning the latter he gained the Old Boys' Association's Cup. He also succeeded in coming second in the long jump. and in throwing the cricket ,all. W. Newell also distinguished himself, winning both the high and long jumps and coming second in the Ioo yards championship, and third in the Hurdle Race, in addition to which he came first in throwing the cricket hall and kicking the football. Then also there has been the School Entertainment, which proved as big a success as usual. The concert was again given in the Protestant Hall, and this year a charge of a shilling was made to assist the Sports Fund, which has had an unusually heavy strain put upon it thrcugh a coach having been engaged, and the pur hase of nets and new mattings for cricket. Since our last publication the football season has come to a *close and cricket is now in full swing. 8 Brisbaie Grammar School Magaztne The' 4th Football Team, under the leaderslli 1) :f A. B. (Collin. swept all before it, and won the premiership of its gralde, althogl, unfortunatolv the first XV. was dlefeatel in its final match The tirst cricket XI. has been doing well and showing that i! has derived great benefit from the services of the coach. Th annual cricket match has been laYdl against Ipswich (;1ranIa1Ii School and!resulted in a win for Brisbanel; . lThe of|herl I.'s ha,ve herI keepinr up their reputations and their wickets, 1although thiet do not seemll to have the intention of followig the examcphl, o, tl , team ,f last y'ear and winning the prelmie.rship. II Empire Essay Challenge Cup. Won by C. H. II. Jerrard, 11.1 S. Tc.nnis is also going well and the entries this \year fIr lh il I :n mnent were goo(. Most of the ti xttres ha \v been i)l:'e ( ,. we are now ap)roching the semi-finals when we h())(' o sf -' hardlv- won sets. (;ood work has beer, done by our rowers, who are on I ri\, nearly every evening getting into form for the M trin wl-rough j In the regatta held on Satur(lay, 16th N:\vemlber, the ,scu B,'isbanc Grammar School Magazinc. 9 with I).Butler taking the place of L.. Brown, won the " 'nder 20o " race. We hope to see them do likewise in the Maryborough battle. The Cadets, who are looking anxiously for the result of the Empire Match, f,'r which the School Team shot recently, have done a good deal of hard work. They have lately been inspected by Colonel Chauvel, who expressed himself pleased with their work. On the King's birthday, they turned out with the rest of the troops to the Domain, where they helped to fire the fen de ;oi,' in honour of His Majesty. ----- ^ -- --- As/ul Sprfs alferin,. The annual sports gathering of the Brisbane (;rammar School was successfully held at the Exhi!ition Grounds on September 26, in bright weather. There was a large attendance, including his Excellency the Governor. The various events provided an enioy- able afternoon's slrt, and some of the finishes were very close. Some time ago I ord Chelmsford presented three cups for comIletition among certain grammar schools. The first was for competition between Ipswich and Toowoomba, the second between Ipswich, Marvborough, and Brisbane, and the third between Mary- borough and Rockhampton. Points counted in athletics, tennis, shooting, and rowing. The records constituted in the L.ong and Hich J umps, and 4$o and 88o Yards Championships in \'ester- day's events &goin favour of the Brisbane Grammar School. )During the afternoon refreshments were served, and Rvlatt's band played selections. The otficials were : Re'eree, Mr 1"'.H. !o.": iudges, Messrs. F. S. N. Bousield, (;.( ross, B. Porter, I.('Co\an. A. J. Mason. WV.L. I). Walkeld (O.B.A. and Chelmsfor C('p events) : starter, Mr. T. E. Jones ; check starter, Mr. E A. (;ill ; timekeepers, Messrs. I.G ('ribb and I.A. Dakin ; committee, Messrs. .. ( . Brown (football captain). (;.C. Willcocks (cricket captain', A. I). Forbes (. A. Powell, C. F. W1assell ; Press stewards and s' orers, Messrs. \W. Reinhold and A. J. Murphy. Follo in are th detailed results. * I'NDF.IER I YEARS C('HAMPIO(NSHIP, loo vards. Waraker, I ; N. Sutton, 2 ; Holmes, 3. Time, o.11 4/5. UNDER 15 YEARS HANDICAP, 130o Yards. First heat J.1.Harriskill, 6 yards, i ; Urquhart, 13 yards, 2 ; Blake\, 12 yards, 3. Time, 0.15. Second heat : O()rd, 5 yards, I : Haynes, 8 yards. 2 ; Parkinson, xI yards, 3. Time, o.15 Third heat : N. G(. Sutton, s'ratch, i: J. Newell, 7 yards, 2; Park, It yards, 3. Time, 0.15. Iinal : Sutton, I ; Ord, 2 ; Barriskill, 3. Time, 0.14 2/5.
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