SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n Engine ECM (Engine Control Module) √ √ √ √ TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ √ Module) ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ √ ACM (Airbag Control Module) √ √ √ √ AHM/PHM (Additional/Park √ √ √ √ Heater Module) BCM (Body Control Module) √ √ √ √ DDM (Driver Door Module) √ √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ √ PDM (Passenger Door Moudle) √ √ √ √ REC (Rear Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ RLDM (Rear Left Door Module) √ √ √ √ RRDM (Rear Right Door Module) √ √ √ √ SAAB 9-3 SLM (Shift Lever Module) √ √ √ √ 2012 SPORT(9 SPA (Saab Parking Assistance) √ √ √ √ 440) Body SRM (Sun Roof Module) √ √ √ √ STC (Soft Top Control) √ √ √ √ TPMM (Tire Pressure Monitoring √ √ √ √ Module) UEC (Underhood Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ CIM (Column Integration Module) √ √ √ √ SDAR (Digital Radio) √ √ √ AHL (Automatic Headlamp √ √ √ √ Leveling) OnStar √√√ √ EHPS (Electro Hydraulic Power √ √ √ √ Steering) SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n EHU(Enter) √ √ √ √ Chassis ABS,TCS,ESP √ √ √ √ Engine ECM (Engine Control Module) √ √ √ √ TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ √ Module) ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ √ ACM (Airbag Control Module) √ √ √ √ AHM/PHM (Additional/Park √ √ √ √ Heater Module) BCM (Body Control Module) √ √ √ √ DDM (Driver Door Module) √ √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ √ PDM (Passenger Door Moudle) √ √ √ √ REC (Rear Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ RLDM (Rear Left Door Module) √ √ √ √ RRDM (Rear Right Door Module) √ √ √ √ SAAB 9-3 SLM (Shift Lever Module) √ √ √ √ SPORT(9 SPA (Saab Parking Assistance) √ √ √ √ 440) Body SRM (Sun Roof Module) √ √ √ √ STC (Soft Top Control) √ √ √ √ TPMM (Tire Pressure Monitoring √ √ √ √ Module) UEC (Underhood Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ CIM (Column Integration Module) √ √ √ √ SDAR (Digital Radio) √ √ √ AHL (Automatic Headlamp √ √ √ √ Leveling) 2011 OnStar √√ √ SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n EHPS (Electro Hydraulic Power √ √ √ √ Steering) EHU(Enter) √ √ √ √ Chassis ABS,TCS,ESP √ √ √ √ 1.6L(LLU) √ √ √ 2.0L(LBS) √ √ √ engine 2.0L(LBY) √ √ √ 2.0L(LHU) √ √ √ 2.8L(LAU) √ √ √ Transmission Control √ √ √ Module(AF40 M36) Transmission Transmission Control √ √ √ SAAB 9- Module(AF40 GenII MDK) 5 BCM (Body Control Module)(T4A √ √ √ TT4) BCM (Body Control Module)(T4F √ √ √ Body TT2 TT6 TT7 TT8) Instrument Cluster √ √ √ Inflatable Restraint Sensing and √ √ √ Diagnostic Module Electronic Brake Control Module √ √ √ Chassis Parking Brake Control Module √ √ √ SAAB 9- 2.8L(LAU) √ √ √ engine 4X 3.0L(LF1) √ √ √ Trionic √√ √ EDC 16 (1.9 TiD) √ √ √ Engine ECD (V6 TiD) √ √ √ PSG 16 (TiD) √ √ √ SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ Module) Airbag √√ √ ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ SID (SAAB Information Display) √ √ √ SAAB 9-5 DICE (Dashboard Integrator √ √ √ Central Electronic) Body TWICE (Theft Warning ICE) √ √ √ Audio System Premium/Prestige √ √ √ Audio System Popular √ √ √ CDC (Compact Disc Changer) √ √ √ PMM (Power Mirror Memory) √ √ √ PSM (Power Seat Memory) √ √ √ SPA (SAAB Parking Assistance) √ √ √ DAH (Diesel Additional Heater) √ √ √ Chassis ESP (Electronic Stability Program) √ √ √ 1.6L(LLU) √ √ √ √ 2.0L(LBS) √ √ √ √ Engine 2.0L(LBY) √ √ √ √ SAAB 9-5 2.0L(LDK) √ √ √ √ Second 2.8L(LAU) √ √ √ √ generati TCM (Transmission Control TCM √ √ √ √ on Module) Chassis Electronic Brake Control Module √ √ √ √ Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Body √ √ √ √ Diagnostic Module SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n Engine ECM (Engine Control Module) √ √ √ √ TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ √ Module) ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ √ 2010 ACM (Airbag Control Module) √ √ √ √ AHM/PHM (Additional/Park √ √ √ √ Heater Module) BCM (Body Control Module) √ √ √ √ DDM (Driver Door Module) √ √ √ √ DSM (Driver Seat Memory) √ √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ √ PDM (Passenger Door Moudle) √ √ √ √ PSM (Peassenger Seat Memory) √ √ √ √ REC (Rear Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ RLDM (Rear Left Door Module) √ √ √ √ RRDM (Rear Right Door Module) √ √ √ √ SLM (Shift Lever Module) √ √ √ √ SPA (Saab Parking Assistance) √ √ √ √ SRM (Sun Roof Module) √ √ √ √ SAAB 9-3 STC (Soft Top Control) √ √ √ √ SPORT(9 TPMM (Tire Pressure Monitoring √ √ √ √ 440) Body Module) UEC (Underhood Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ CIM (Column Integration Module) √ √ √ √ SDAR (Digital Radio) √ √ √ AHL (Automatic Headlamp √ √ √ √ Leveling) AMP1 (Amplifier 1) √ √ √ SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n AMP2 (Amplifier 2) √ √ √ CDCR (CD Changer Rear) √ √ √ √ CDF/CDCF (CD Front/CD Changer √ √ √ Front) CU/PU (Communication √ √ √ √ Unit/Positioning Unit) DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) √ √ √ √ EHPS (Electro Hydraulic Power √ √ √ √ Steering) EHU (Entertainment Head Unit) √ √ √ √ ICM (Infotainment Control √ √ √ √ Module) Chassis ABS,TCS,ESP √ √ √ 4.2L L6 LL8 √ √ √ Engine 5.3L V8 LH6 √ √ √ 6.0L V8 LS2 √ √ √ Disc Player and Video Display √ √ √ Supplemental Inflatable Restraint √ √ √ Passenger Door Module √ √ √ Driver Door Module √ √ √ Driver Seat Module √ √ √ SAAB 9- Radio √√√ 7X Body Control Module √ √ √ Body Instrument Panel Cluster √ √ √ Theft Deterrent Module √ √ √ Generator Battery Control Module √ √ √ Digital Radio Receiver √ √ √ Rear Seat Audio √ √ √ SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n HVAC Control Module √ √ √ Liftgate Module √ √ √ Trionic √√ √ EDC 16 (1.9 TiD) √ √ √ Engine ECD (V6 TiD) √ √ √ PSG 16 (TiD) √ √ √ TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ Module) Airbag √√ √ ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ SID (SAAB Information Display) √ √ √ SAAB 9-5 DICE (Dashboard Integrator √ √ √ Central Electronic) Body TWICE (Theft Warning ICE) √ √ √ Audio System Premium/Prestige √ √ √ Audio System Popular √ √ √ CDC (Compact Disc Changer) √ √ √ PMM (Power Mirror Memory) √ √ √ PSM (Power Seat Memory) √ √ √ SPA (SAAB Parking Assistance) √ √ √ DAH (Diesel Additional Heater) √ √ √ Chassis ESP (Electronic Stability Program) √ √ √ Engine ECM (Engine Control Module) √ √ √ √ 2009 TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ √ Module) ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ √ SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n ACM (Airbag Control Module) √ √ √ √ AHM/PHM (Additional/Park √ √ √ √ Heater Module) BCM (Body Control Module) √ √ √ √ DDM (Driver Door Module) √ √ √ √ DSM (Driver Seat Memory) √ √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ √ PDM (Passenger Door Moudle) √ √ √ √ PSM (Peassenger Seat Memory) √ √ √ √ REC (Rear Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ RLDM (Rear Left Door Module) √ √ √ √ RRDM (Rear Right Door Module) √ √ √ √ SLM (Shift Lever Module) √ √ √ √ SPA (Saab Parking Assistance) √ √ √ √ SRM (Sun Roof Module) √ √ √ √ SAAB 9-3 STC (Soft Top Control) √ √ √ √ SPORT(9 TPMM (Tire Pressure Monitoring √ √ √ √ 440) Body Module) UEC (Underhood Electrical Center) √ √ √ √ CIM (Column Integration Module) √ √ √ √ SDAR (Digital Radio) √ √ √ AHL (Automatic Headlamp √ √ √ √ Leveling) AMP1 (Amplifier 1) √ √ √ AMP2 (Amplifier 2) √ √ √ CDCR (CD Changer Rear) √ √ √ √ CDF/CDCF (CD Front/CD Changer √ √ √ Front) SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n CU/PU (Communication √ √ √ √ Unit/Positioning Unit) DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) √ √ √ √ EHPS (Electro Hydraulic Power √ √ √ √ Steering) EHU (Entertainment Head Unit) √ √ √ √ ICM (Infotainment Control √ √ √ √ Module) Chassis ABS,TCS,ESP √ √ √ 4.2L L6 LL8 √ √ √ Engine 5.3L V8 LH6 √ √ √ 6.0L V8 LS2 √ √ √ Chassis Electronic Brake Control Module √ √ √ Disc Player and Video Display √ √ √ Supplemental Inflatable Restraint √ √ √ Passenger Door Module √ √ √ Driver Door Module √ √ √ SAAB 9- Driver Seat Module √ √ √ 7X Radio √√√ Body Control Module √ √ √ Body Instrument Panel Cluster √ √ √ Theft Deterrent Module √ √ √ Generator Battery Control Module √ √ √ Digital Radio Receiver √ √ √ Rear Seat Audio √ √ √ HVAC Control Module √ √ √ Liftgate Module √ √ √ Trionic √√ √ SAAB V11.37 Diagnostics List(Note:For reference only) Menu Functions Sys. Read Clear Data Actuatio YEARTYPE Module SYSTEM Special Functions Others Info. DTC DTC Stream n EDC 16 (1.9 TiD) √ √ √ Engine ECD (V6 TiD) √ √ √ PSG 16 (TiD) √ √ √ TCM (Transmission Control Transmission √ √ √ Module) Airbag √√ √ ACC (Automatic Climate Control) √ √ √ MIU (Main Instrument Unit) √ √ √ SID (SAAB Information Display) √ √ √ SAAB 9-5 DICE (Dashboard Integrator Central √ √ √ Electronic) TWICE (Theft Warning ICE) √ √ √ Body Audio System Premium/Prestige √ √ √ Audio System Popular √ √ √ CDC (Compact Disc
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