$HUR$H HgUS AN INDEPENDENTPUBLICATION OF ORTHODOX CHURCH OPINION JANUARY-FEBRUARY,2OOO Vol.12, No, 1 (83) Supportedby the voluntarycontributions of its readers.Republication permitted upon acknowtedgment of source. The staff of "ChurchNews" greets our readerson the Feastof the Nativityof Christ '- '/ and wishesall the best for the coming year:A BLESSEDNATIVITY AND A HAPPYNEW YEARI CONTENTS NATVIry GREETING- Vl. Vitaly NATIVITYEPISTLE * Vl. Valentin CONTINUATIONOF THESTORY OF A PARISHIN OTTAWA ABOUTTHE MAGMINE'VOZIIRASHCHENIYE'' WHICH DEFINED ITSELF FLOODIN DORMITIONOF THE HOLYTHEOTOKOS CHURCH IN JERUSALEM AN IMPORTANTADMISSION BY THE ABBESS OF MT.OF OLIVESCONVENT ANXIOUSCHRISTMAS OF THE 2ND MILLENNIUM THEFIGHT AGAINST ORTHODOXY A FEWWORDS ABOUT THE CONSCIENCE by Archpriest Michaet Ardov REGARDING"SUZDAL SKETCHES'' ABOUTTHE PARISH OF RIGHTEOUSNEW MARTYR ST. ELISABETH IN ST,PETERSBURG ABOUTTHELATVIAN AUTONOMOUS ORTHODOX CHURCH A COMPULSORYREORGANIZATION WITHIN THE ADMINISTRATION OF ''THEORTHODOX CHURCH IN AMERICA' THEPOPE AND THE MOSCOW PATRIARCH WORDSAND ACTIONS OF THE MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE ICONOF THE HOLY VIRGIN CF VLADIMIRAGAIN IS NOTIN CHURCH HOWLUZHKOV WAS''BAPTIZED" "LIBERAL"CHRISTIANITY HEADED FOR THE GRAVEYARD DEACONESSESINTHE ALBANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH? ECUMENICALAWARDTO SUPPORTERSOF HOMOSEXUALS A NEWSTYLE OF MONASTICISMIN RUSSIA ONEMORE BLASPHEMOUS OUTRAGE /lEW THEOLOGICALBOOKS lN FRENCH CHURCHNEWS 639 Center Street Oradell,NJ, 07679-2003USA Tel: 201-9S7-7684 f A wordfrom the staff: we are enclosingan envelope withour eddressand askour readersto kindlysupport the publicationof ,,church News'"As before,w? €re notsetting any requiredsubscription fee for our publication,but in the futurewe will be ableto sendit to Russia}only you {excluding if respondin somemanner, or in casesof insufficientmeans to makea donation, you notifyus thatyou would like to receive',ChurchNews." We also ask that anyonewho -unnecessary no longerwants to receive"Church News" let us know,so that we be sparedany expensesand so theywiil not get any unwantedmair. Ourpublication has existed for 12 yearsnow exclusively funded by the donationsof our readers.Each indiviciual copycosts us $.60,not countingpostage and envelopes. we are especiallygratefui ta thoseof our readerswho can helpus notonly in repfyto our annuaiappeal, but whoof theirown good will sendus donationsduring the restof the yeai. NATIVITYGREETING frcm MetropolitanVitaly, the FirstHierarch cf the Russianorthodox church Abroad Christis born! GlorifyHim! I greetyou all on this ioyousand greatfestival. ThL RtmigntyGod Himselfbecomes a maR- the God-man.in orderto consoleus withHis Divinecompassion in the oftengrievous lot of our earthlylife. In the Old Testamentwe were givensimple commandrnents: not to kill, not to steal,not tJ indulgeour passionsof ttreflesh, and so on. In the New Testamentthe Lordgives us the commandmentsof Beatitudes,which we proclaimwhen we singthem at everyLiturgy: "Blessedare the poorinspirit..." Finaily,in the FirstEpistle to the Thessalonians,the HolyAposfle paul puts before us further new commandmerrts relatingto our daily spiritualconduct: "Rejoice evermore. pray withoutceasing. everythinggive For thanks- For this is the will of God in ChristJesus conceining you" (5: 16-1g). ',Withoutceasing,,can have no other meaning 'to than pray withoutever stopping." We are left wiin-tne question:how oan we pray without ceasing?With the mind? No,becaus+ our mindsoon becomes tired and stops praying. However, it is preciselywith the mindthat this real labour mustbegin. Seeingour labors,the Lordin miraculousrainion draws this prayerdown into the heart,which is the ssurceof man'sspiritual energy, and then the whole man prays. The HolyFathers a*irm tnat the Lard JesusChrist Himself prays togetherwith us to His HeavenlyFather, "Who L gieaterthan 1." This is the real schoolof prayer' I wishfor all of i/outo enterthis GreatSchool, wheie through prayer rs tie LordHimself will teachall things. This the HighestSchool of all schoolsand admission to it is alwaysopen to everyone. I ghouldalso greet you all withthe secondmillennium of the existenceof the Churchof Christon earth. Our Lord JesusChrist never founded any such thing as "Christianity,"but He establishedHis Church,and He promisedthat it wauldremain unassailable and invincibleuntil His dreadSlcond Coming, In otherwords, the membersof this Church are the true Christians. Andthis meansthat the wholespiritual meaning Lf our earthlylife is this,ihat we shouldbe and abidein thischurch of christ,which is my heartfeltwish to all of you. Amen. MetropotitanVitaty Nativityof Chrisi1999-2000 NOTEFROM CHURCH NEWS: We received the textof the Metropolitan'saddrees from one of the parishpriests of the ROCOR.Since it had na letterheador title' we it took upon ourselvesto call it "NativityGreeting from MetropolitanVitaly, First Hierarchof the ROCOR." NATIVITYEPISTLE of Archbishopof Vladimirand $uzdal to faithfulchildren of the RussianOrthodox Church "Christis born:glorify Him!..." - Nsthingcan measurethe ioveof Godfor u$, sinnerJ,from the verybeginning of our livesand to our lastbreath. God'slove toward us is alwaysclearly visible in Hiseonstant care for us, if we Jre attentiveto oursalvation. From the day of the Presentationinto the templeof the All HolyTheotokos, the HolyChurch in a festivemanner remindsus of the approachingfeasi of Christ'sNativity: "Christ is born- glorifyHim!...', And fromthat blessedday the Churchof Christunceasingly reminds us of theforthcol'ning holiday, callinj eve,ryoneof us to glorifythe DivineChild not onlywith the mouth. but alsowith the heartand all the mind,and especiatlywittr geod deeds, wf,icir are so necessaryin our hardtimes_ The holidayof the Presentationof Theotokosis especiallyprecious to us. Ten yearsago, during days of this holiday,our Churchbegan its departurefrom a Babyloniancaptivity to meetChrist the DivineChild. Two years lhousand have passedsince the world learnedthat for our sakes and our salvationGod the Father ent to fallen humanityHis Only BegottenSon, that everyone J, who believethin Him would not perish,but have -*_/,geflastlng ltle. Almosttwo thousand years have passed, since the worldlearned about the christianFaith through the preaching of the HolyApostles and the Martyrs,who sacrificedtheir livesfor the tr"iumphof Orthodoxy.And for just as manyyears the faith of the HolyApostles and Mariyrshas been opposedby the false iaith, aboutwhich the Holy Aposgeswarned. 2 "ButI fear,lest by any means,as the serpentbeguiled Eve, so yourminds should be corrupted... preachethanather For if he that cometh Jesus,whom we har.enot preached...,'i2 cor. t 1:3-4} With everyday we are nearingthe jubilee year. And moreand moreoften we put to ourselvesa question:what good deedshave we dene for the sake of our awn - ialvation as well as of our neighbors?fulore and morewe feel pain in our heartabout life spent without faith in God good and deeds. what willwe brini beforethe throneaf the Judge? what gill we answerto Godand what sentence will we hear? Yes, we were not faithfulDiscipies of Christ,we were not confessorsof Orthodoxy.We lived not for the sake of God,not for our salvaticn,but fcr ths sakeof tempoiaryhappiness, fargetting about the eternalKingdom of God,sGlory! Everyhour and everyminute our innervoice,- the'judge or or-irpoJr conscience,reminds us of howfar we fromthe saivificevangelic'*l Gommandments are whichhave bein broughtby the only Begotienson of God,Jesus christ. Almostail our lifewe fallownot ihe path of confessing.Chist,but tne'patnof compromise,justifying our actions and with this we celudeourselves and establish a lie. "lf he that comethpreacheth another Jesus, whom we havenct preached'"'ye mightwell bearwith him" Cor 11:34). Sucha differentiesus is beingpreached when it is allfaithshave the same i2 statedthat God,the sameChrisf. But ofthodoxChristians do not havethe sameGod with all those nor the sameChr-ist who do not preservechrist's_ and the Apostle'sfaith. The preachersof another nec€ssary christ insistthat it is to he unitedwith apostates from Christ's faith for the sakeof love. Butsuch "love,,always results. bringsthe opposite At alt times,over the span of thousandscf yearsthere were heard groans, tears were shed and Christianblood flowed'The twentiethcentury is especiallydistinguished by the mostcruei persecutionof Christiansfor the sake creatinghappiness on earth- of at the ordersof a God-opposinggovernment there pouredout the bloodof Martyrsand Holy New confessorsof Russia,who sacrificed their lives for the orthocioxfaith. the Tsarand the Fatherland. while remembering that the 20th centuryhas characterizeditself with apostasyand its accompanyingperfidy, hatred,cruelty, blood-ihirstiness and otherevil deeds, we haveno rightto be pacifiedby the realizaiionof our sinfulness afone' The realizationof ourown sinfulnessis onlythe first step toward repeniance, tnii is an innerascertaining of sinful deedswhich overpowered us and whiehinterfere with the awarenessof the depthof our fall and interferewith the raising of cur spiritualinsight to be ableto sayto ourselves:"Stopl,' Todayand anly today,if we seek salvationfor ourselvesas well as for our neighbors,we haveto offerto the Lordour repentanceand bring forththe fruitsof our repentanceso thatthe All MercifulLord would not be angrywith r,rs butwould disregard our sins. Buringthe days left of this 20th centurywe shouldstrengthen our prayersand praynot onlyfor prosperityand reacefullife, but alsoplead with the Lord.that He wouldforgive our children,who
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