Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Trust Board Meeting Held In Public Thursday 18 June 2020 2.00pm – 4.30pm Held via video conference Appointment details issued by Carla Ramsay, Trust Secretary Agenda 1 Apologies and welcome verbal Terry Moran - Chair 2 Declarations of Interest verbal Terry Moran - Chair 2.1 Changes to Directors’ interests since the last meeting 2.2 To consider any conflicts of interest verbal Terry Moran - Chair arising from this agenda 3 Minutes of the previous meeting 3.1 Minutes of the meeting held 12 May attached Terry Moran - Chair 2020 4 Matters Arising 4.1 Action Tracker attached Carla Ramsay – Director of Corporate Affairs 4.2 Any other matters arising verbal Terry Moran – Chair 5 Audited Accounts 2019/20 5.1 Annual Accounts 2019/20 to follow Chief Financial Officer 5.2 Letter of Representation to follow Chief Financial Officer 5.3 Annual Report attached Director of Corporate Affairs 5.4 NHS Improvement Self-Assessments attached Director of Corporate Affairs 6 Our Patient Impacts 6.1 Performance Summary attached Teresa Cope – Chief Operating Officer 6.2 Covid-19 Recovery Planning attached Jacqueline Myers – Director of Strategy and Planning 6.3 Quality Summary attached Beverley Geary – Chief Nurse 7 Our People Impacts 7.1 Staff Overview attached Carla Ramsay – Director of Corporate Affairs 8 Our Finance Impacts 8.1 Finance Summary Report attached Lee Bond – Chief Financial Officer 8.2 Capital Plan 2020/21 attached Lee Bond – Chief Financial Officer 9 Questions from the public relating to verbal Terry Moran – Chair today’s agenda 10 Chairman’s Summary of the Meeting verbal Terry Moran – Chair 11 Any Other Business verbal Terry Moran – Chair 12 Date and time of the next meeting: Tuesday 14 July 2020, 10.00am – 12.00pm Video-conference Attendance 2020/21 Name 14/4 12/5 18/6 14/7 8/9 10/11 TBC TBC Total T Moran 2/2 S Hall 2/2 T Christmas 2/2 M Veysey Apols 1/2 T Curry 2/2 U MacLeod Apols Apols 0/2 M Robson 2/2 L Jackson 2/2 C Long 2/2 L Bond 2/2 T Cope 2/2 M Purva 2/2 B Geary 2/2 J Myers 2/2 S Nearney 2/2 C Ramsay 2/2 Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Trust Board in Public Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2020 via Webex Present: Mr T Moran CB Chairman Mr S Hall Vice Chair Mrs T Christmas Non-Executive Director Mr M Robson Non-Executive Director Prof M Veysey Non-Executive Director Mr T Curry Non-Executive Director Mrs L Jackson Associate Non-Executive Director Mr C Long Chief Executive Officer Mrs T Cope Chief Operating Officer Mrs B Geary Chief Nurse Dr M Purva Chief Medical Officer Mr L Bond Chief Financial Officer In Attendance: Ms C Ramsay Director of Corporate Affairs Ms J Myers Director of Strategy and Planning Mr S Nearney Director of Workforce and OD Mrs R Thompson Corporate Affairs Manager (Minutes) No Item Action 1 Apologies and welcome Apologies were received by Prof U Macleod, Non-Executive Director Mr Moran opened the meeting and welcomed the Board, staff and members of the public to the video conference. He reported that it was International Nurses Day and paid tribute to all nurses, sincerely thanking them for all that they do. He encouraged all attendees to ‘shine a light’ at 8.30pm to show appreciation for their work. Mr Moran advised that the Board meeting items had been modified to ensure that urgent business only was discussed in light of the Covid-19 situation. He added that the agenda would cover the Trust’s response to Covid-19 and the plans for the recovery of services in the coming months. 2 Declarations of Interest 2.1 Changes to Directors’ interests since the last meeting Mr Hall reported that his role of Associate Non-Executive Director at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHSs Foundation Trust had been confirmed. 2.2 To consider any conflicts of interest arising from this agenda There were no declarations made. 3 Minutes of the meeting held 14 April 2020 The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting. 4 Matters Arising Mr Bond asked for an update regarding the Child Sexual Assault Unit following the recent CQC visit. Mrs Geary advised that an updated action plan had been submitted to the CQC and the Trust was awaiting their 1 response on how assurance would be gained without a visit. Mrs Geary added that the Police forensic inspection had been carried out and the unit was compliant. 4.1 Action Tracker All items on the tracker were not yet due an update. 4.2 Any other matters arising There were no other matters discussed. 5 Standing Orders and Governance 5.1 Trust Board Governance Ms Ramsay presented the report and advised that the Board Committees would be re-introduced in May and would focus on urgent matters only. The Committees would also map out their work schedules for the coming year to incorporate the Covid-19 situation. Ms Ramsay advised that each committee may not meet their allocated amount of meetings for the 2020/21 year, as required in their terms of reference, but risks would be mitigated. She added that the use of technology would carry on to ensure that the social distancing rules were followed. Resolved: The Board received and approved the recommendations set out in the report. 5.2 Board Assurance Framework 2019-20 Ms Ramsay presented the year-end report which highlighted the recommended risk ratings. Some ratings had seen a reduction due to the mitigating actions in place and the risk not materialising to the level first thought. Ms Ramsay added that the report only covered 11 ½ months of the year before the Covid-19 pandemic started. The risks being reduced related to BAF risk 1 (staff culture), 4 (constitutional standards), 7.1, 7.2 (finance) and 7.3 (capital). There was a discussion around BAF 5 (Partnerships) and Mr Bond asked for clarity around the impact rating of 3. Ms Myers advised that the risk should stay at the same rating due to some elements of Trust Strategy being achieved around partnerships, but some areas were still showing slow progress due to outside influences. Resolved: The Board approved the year-end Board Assurance Framework and the risk ratings recommended. 5.3 Draft Board Assurance Framework 2020/21 Ms Ramsay presented the report and advised that the long term strategic goals had remained unchanged and had crafted a risk in each area for 2020/21. The report had been challenging due to the Covid-19 situation and asked the Board to consider the report in principle but take more reflective time to review the risks further. Mr Long stated that the current situation was too uncertain to completely 2 sign off the document and it should be kept as work in progress for the coming months. Resolved: Mr Moran asked that the Board reflect on the report and give any comments to Ms Ramsay in the next two weeks. An updated version to be presented to the June 2020 Board Development meeting. CR 6 Our Patient Impacts 6.1 Performance Summary Mrs Cope presented the report and advised that the Emergency Department performance was improving and was 89% at the end of April 2020. Ambulance handover times had also improved. All Trusts had seen a reduction in ED attendances and therefore performance had improved across the Country. Outpatients had seen a reduction of 50% but the Trust had managed to maintain follow up activity of 66%. A number of innovations had been initiated since the lock down was announced and Mrs Cope wanted to keep up the exceptional work and make it part of normal practice. The Trust would also be working with GPs to review future referrals to ensure that capacity is used as effectively as possible. The Trust’s waiting list had been validated by an external company who had commended the data quality on it. 52 week waits had increased due to the cancellation of routine procedures. There had been 274 breaches in April and could possibly rise to 700 in May 2020. All patients were being assessed for harm and the impact of this would be discussed at the new Risk Management Committee and the Ethical Clinical Priority Policy Committee. Mrs Jackson stated that the majority of the 52 week waits were across 6 specialities and asked if the focus would be on these 6 to reduce the numbers. Mrs Cope advised that the backlogs relating to Ophthalmology and ENT would be the main focus and a deep dive of both would be presented to the Performance and Finance Committee for scrutiny. Mr Bond asked for clarity around patients who had been waiting 52 weeks or more and whether sicker patients would be prioritised. Mrs Cope assured him that all patients would be assessed by clinical appropriateness and the urgent cases would be seen first as part of the clinical harm review process. Patients were also being checked to make sure they remained clinically relevant. Breaches against the 6 week diagnostic standard increased to 20% in March, due to the cancellation of routine activity because of Covid-19 planning and preparations. The Trust achieved the Cancer Faster Diagnostic Standard in both February and March 2020. Performance against the 62-day Cancer Standard was 66.5% for February and is anticipated to be 68% for March. Prof. Veysey asked about the learning in the Emergency Department with numbers of patients being lower.
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