WILTON HILL (FORMER ERSKINE BARRACKS), WILTON RESERVED MATTERS FOR ACCESS ROAD AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACE WITHIN THE COMMUNITY CIVIC CORE PLANNING STATEMENT FEBRUARY 2015 WILTON HILL (FORMER ERSKINE BARRACKS), WILTON RESERVED MATTERS FOR ACCESS ROAD AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACE WITHIN THE COMMUNITY CIVIC CORE PLANNING STATEMENT FEBRUARY 2015 Issue / revision Prepared by Sarah Pullen Reference Signature This document is issued for Date 6th February 2015 [ ] Information [ ] Approval Checked by Nick Guildford [ ] Comment [ x ] Submission Signature Comments Date 6th February 2015 Authorised by Nick Guildford Signature Date 6th February 2015 Please return by OS Copyright disclaimer here as required All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Wilton Hill (former Erskine Barracks), Wilton Reserved Matters for Access Road and Public Open Space within the Community Civic Core Planning Statement Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 The proposal and compliance with the hybrid planning permission 2 3 Compliance with local planning policy 4 4 Conclusion 6 Appendix 1 Site location plan Appendix 2 Proposed site layout plan Appendix 3 Illustrative aerial sketch view of community civic core Terence O’Rourke Ltd February 2015 1 Introduction The Wilton Hill site (formerly Erskine Barracks) is located at the corner of Wilton Road (A36 trunk road) and The Avenue, Wilton. It is divided into two parts by a railway line and covers a total area of 13.5 hectares (ha). Wiltshire Council granted permission on 24 October 2014 for a hybrid planning application (ref: 13/04870/OUT) for the redevelopment of the site subject to a number of conditions that control the way in which the development may be implemented. The hybrid planning permission (HPP) comprises full planning permission (FPP) for the demolition of existing buildings and development of 292 residential dwellings and outline planning permission (OPP) on part of the site to ensure the wider delivery of a mixed use community comprising residential, employment and commercial facilities including an enterprise hub, service veterans accommodation, a care home and retirement accommodation. Drawing RM-LP01 (included within appendix 1) illustrates the parts of the site to which the full planning permission relates, which are being developed by Redrow Homes, and those areas that were subject to OPP. While the principle of the development and details of access to these parts of the site has been approved through the hybrid consent, further details (reserved matters) need to be submitted for approval by the Council in relation to layout, landscaping, appearance and scale, in accordance with condition 3 of the hybrid consent. These details will also include access arrangements within those parts of the site. The area of land south of the railway line for which OPP has been granted is to be brought forward for the development of retirement accommodation. The land north of the railway line includes an area to be referred to as the ‘community civic core’, which is being progressed by Our Enterprise and Wilton Community Land Trust (WCLT) and a parcel of land for general employment development. Terence O’Rourke Ltd 1 February 2015 2 The proposal and compliance with the hybrid planning permission This reserved matters submission relates to part of the community civic core, as shown on drawing RM-LP01 (site location plan), and is concerned specifically with the detailed proposals for the main access road, footpath and cycleway through, and the area of public open space within this part of the site which will serve it and the wider development (refer to drawing RM-SL04 - site layout plan, within appendix 2). Separate reserved matters submissions will be made in due course with respect to the proposals for the buildings and external spaces within the land parcels that the access road will serve, which, in accordance with the terms of the planning permission will include an enterprise hub, service veterans accommodation, a care home and employment development. This submission includes the junctions that will serve the veterans accommodation and enterprise hub within the community civic core. It will not prejudice the future proposals for these areas, the designs for which are being progressed in parallel by Our Enterprise and the social legacy company Our Wilton, and are shown indicatively on the site layout plan. It is important to bring this submission forward in order to enable the access road and POS to be implemented at the earliest opportunity. Conditions attached to the HPP relevant to this reserved matters submission include numbers 3 (reserved matters), 4 (accordance with illustrative site layout) and 27 (approved details). Condition 3 (reserved matters) The details submitted for approval are concerned with the accessibility within the site for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians, and with the provision of public open space (POS) within the area identified, in accordance with condition 3 of the HPP. The drawings submitted for approval, which address reserved matters related to access (within the site), appearance, landscaping and layout are as follows: Table 1 – details submitted for approval Drawing no. / document title Drawing title Scale RM-LP01 Site location plan 1:1250 @ A1 RM-SL04 Site layout plan 1:500 @ A1 RM-BML01 Boundary materials layout 1:250 @ A1 B/OEWilton.1/03 Swept Path Analysis 1:500 @ A3 B/OEWilton.1/04 Visibility Splays 1:500 @ A3 Arboricultural Impact Appraisal and Method Statement Details of scale are not relevant to this submission as no buildings are proposed within the area to which it relates. In accordance with pre-application discussions, it is envisaged that an approval with respect to this reserved matters submission would be conditioned with respect to the provision of more detailed information of the hard and soft landscape proposals (eg planting plans, details of play equipment etc). Further details will also be submitted for approval as appropriate to ensure compliance with other conditions attached to the HPP, including condition 11 (earthworks details), 12 (lighting), 13 (foul drainage), 14 (surface water drainage), 15 (contamination), 24 (construction method statement), 25 (waste audit), 26 (archaeology) and 28 (ground floor slab levels). Condition 4 (accordance with illustrative site layout) Terence O’Rourke Ltd 2 February 2015 The site is accessed from The Avenue, in accordance with the HPP. As shown on drawing RM-SL04 (site layout plan) the proposed access road through the community civic core leads from The Avenue at the west of the site, along the northern edge of the area (following the alignment of that already approved as part of the HPP), down through the centre of the area, to serve the employment land on the eastern edge of the site. The proposed access road is in line with that shown in the illustrative site layout included within the design and access statement submitted in relation to the hybrid application. The proposed access road respects the relationship between the individual uses of the site (e.g. the enterprise hub, service veterans accommodation and care home – to be the subject of separate future reserved matters submissions), the approved residential development to the north and foot / cycle connectivity through the site. An illustrative sketch aerial view of the community civic core is included within appendix 3. The location of the POS is as per that shown on the original illustrative site layout plan. The area of POS covers 0.17 ha, in accordance with the terms of the section 106 agreement attached to the HPP. Condition 27 (approved details) The proposals are in accordance with the approved details listed within condition 27 of the HPP. An updated Arboricultural Impact Appraisal and Method Statement, which for this part of the site was based on the original illustrative site layout plan, has been prepared and submitted in support of the proposals. Further details are included below. Terence O’Rourke Ltd 3 February 2015 3 Compliance with local planning policy Wiltshire Council has inherited the local plans produced by the former district councils in Wiltshire. The policies contained within these documents remain in place until they are replaced by policies in the new Development Plan Documents (DPDs), particularly the Wiltshire Core Strategy, which was adopted on 20 January 2015 and replaced the South Wiltshire Core Strategy. As referred to above the principle of the development has been approved through the HPP, which addressed the development template for the site (previously known as the UK Land Forces Head Quarters) within the WCS. The more detailed development management policies are however relevant to the consideration of this reserved matters submission and are addressed below. At the time of writing, the development plan for the site comprises the: • Adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy January 2015 (WCS) • Saved policies of the Salisbury District Local Plan 2003 (SDLP). Access The access and movement strategy for the wider development has been devised to exploit the sustainable location of the site by promoting walking, cycling and the use of public transport. The proposed layout of the access road, POS and foot / cycle way will provide a safe and direct connection between the new residential areas of the wider development, nearby settlements and the existing transport network, in accordance with core policy 61 (Transport and New Development) of the WCS. Cycle access, which takes the form of a 3 metre wide combined foot / cycle way through from the north of the site enhances the local green infrastructure network, consistent with the requirements of core policy 52 (Green Infrastructure) of the WCS. This provides a legible link between the residential parts of the site, the community civic core and the employment area, forming a seamless connection between the various parts of the development, and between the development and other parts of Wilton, in accordance with core policy 57 (Ensuring High Quality Design and Place Shaping) of the WCS.
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