Pau Hana Koa - The Warriors’ Newsletter - Hawaii State Chapter Military Officers Association of America Vol. 25 No. 8 WEBSITE http://www.moaa-hawaii.org August 2010 ANNUAL PICNIC AT BELLOWS SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 !! U.S.S. Barb: The Sub That Sank A Train Eight sailors conducted the ONLY GROUND COMBAT OPERATION on the Japanese "homeland" of World War II. In 1973 an Italian submarine named Enri- Nimitz replied. "You surely pulled him enemy ships. In only 5 fathoms (30 feet) que Tazzoli was sold for a paltry from command after he received it?" of water his crew had unleashed the sub's $100,000 as scrap metal. The submarine, July 18, 1945 (Patience Bay, Off the forward torpedoes, then turned and fired given to the Italian Navy in 1953 was coast of Karafuto, Japan) four from the stern. As he pushed the actually an incredible veteran of World It was after 4 A.M. and Commander Barb to the full limit of its speed through War II service with a heritage that never Fluckey rubbed his eyes as he the dangerous waters in a daring with- should have passed so unnoticed into the peered over the map spread before him. drawal to the open sea, he recorded eight graveyards of the metal recyclers. The It was the twelfth war patrol of the Barb, direct hits on six enemy ships. Then, on U.S.S. Barb was a pioneer, paving the the fifth under Commander Fluckey. He the return home he added yet another way for the first submarine launched mis- should have turned command over to an- Japanese freighter to the tally for the siles and flying a battle flag unlike that of other skipper after four patrols, but had Barb's eleventh patrol, a score that ex- any other ship. In addition to the Medal managed to strike a deal with Admiral ceeded even the number of that patrol. of Honor ribbon at the top of the flag Lockwood to make one more trip with the What could possibly be left for the Com- identifying the heroism of its captain, men he cared for like a father, should his mander to accomplish who, just three Commander Eugene "Lucky" Fluckey, the bottom border of the flag bore the fourth patrol be successful. Of course, months earlier had been in Washing- image of a Japanese locomotive. The no one suspected when he had struck that ton, DC to receive the Medal of Honor? U.S.S. Barb was indeed, the submarine deal prior to his fourth and what should He smiled to himself as he looked again that "SANK A TRAIN". have been his final war patrol on the at the map showing the rail line that ran July, 1945 (Guam) Barb, that Commander Fluckey would be along the enemy coastline. This final pa- Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz looked so great he would be awarded the Medal trol had been promised as the Barb's across the desk at Admiral Lockwood as of Honor. "graduation patrol" and he and his crew he finished the personal briefing Commander Fluckey smiled as he re- had cooked up an unusual finale. Since on U.S. war ships in the vicinity of the membered that patrol. "Lucky" the 8th of June they had harassed northern coastal areas of Hokkaido, Ja- Fluckey they called him. On January 8th the enemy, destroying the enemy supplies pan. "Well, Chester, there's only the Barb the Barb had emerged victorious from and coastal fortifications with the first there, and probably no word until the pa- a running two-hour night battle after sink- submarine launched rocket attacks. Now trol is finished. You remember Gene ing a large enemy ammunition ship. Two his crew was buzzing excitedly about Fluckey?" "Of course. I recommended weeks later in Mamkwan Harbor he bagging a train. him for the Medal of Honor," Admiral found the "mother-lode"...more than 30 (continued on page 5) Coming Events August Coming Events September 2 Sep (Thu) 65th Anniversary - The End of 7 Aug (Sat) The Users Group (TUG) 1000 OVC World War II 0800 USS Missouri 4 Sep (Sat) The Users Group (TUG) 1000 OVC 8 Aug (Sun) Annual Picnic 1200 Bellows AFS Pavilion 5A 13 Sep (tentative) Pac Meeting 1100 Sam Snead’s PAC Meeting at Picnic 16 Sep (Thu) Luncheon 1130 Maple Garden Rest. Speaker: Vice Admiral Robert K. U. Kihune (Ret) 20 Aug (Fri) EXCOM Meeting 1115 MCBH O’Club 17 Sep (Fri) EXCOM Meeting 1115 MCBH O’Club Page 2 August 2010 Newsletter of Hawaii State Chapter MOAA President’s Perspective by LtCol Tom Smyth USMC (Ret) Aloha! As you may have read in the July 15th Star Advertiser, lawyers and fund raising compa- nies working for the United States Navy Veterans Association have walked away, so it should no longer be trying to raise money on the backs of veterans. We have followed this story be- cause it does put all military and veteran organizations under a cloud when one of them operates illegally. I hope you have taken the opportunity to see the Lost Heroes Art Quilt on display in the Hale Koa lobby from 22 -28 July. It is truly a remarkable work of art that shows 82 fallen military men and women killed in Iraq and Af- ghanistan. A local soldier, Cpl. Kyle Fernandez, represents our state. To me the notion of using a childhood photo of each warrior gives a very different perspective to the usual way we honor fallen heroes. This is how they looked to their parents, siblings and friends before they joined the military and how many are remembered even now. Thanks to the Hawaii National Guard for coordinating the quilt’s showing here and a special Mahalo to Ha- waiian Airlines for transporting the quilt to and from Hawaii. On an administrative note: we hope to put your Executive Committee agenda and approved minutes, with finan- cial and other information, on the chapter website in the near future. This will allow us all to see just how we are doing and what issues we are discussing. Finally, please continue to send those cards, letters and emails to our congressional delegates as they ponder a wide variety of issues of interest to all MOAA members and friends. Will the DOD budget be approved before the current money runs out? Will there be a pay raise for our active duty colleagues? Will the inappropriate off sets against retired pay be finally resolved? What will happen to TRICARE rates? All these and more are still on the table. MOAA has been very effective in supporting or opposing bills that we care about, and your input certainly weighs in as the national staff goes to the Hill. See you all at Bellows on 8 August. Be sure to send in your chit, the price is right! HAWAII STATE CHAPTER of the MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA New Membership Application and/or Current Member Dues Payment Name: ___________________________________________ Male □ Female □ Last First MI New Member Application □ Currently a Regular Member □ Currently an Auxiliary Member □ New members: Complete next items and Regular or Auxiliary Member section. Enter remittance at bottom. Current members: Complete any items that have changed and enter your remittance amount at bottom of form. Address:_________________________________________________________ Email:____________________ Date of birth:_________________________ National MOAA membership No. _________________________ Home Phone:____________________ Office Phone: _____________________ Fax ____________________ Regular Members: Active duty, retired, or former military officers are eligible for regular membership. Regular Members: Active duty, retired, or former military officers are eligible for regular membership. Service ______ Rank _______ Active Duty Retired Reserve National Guard Former Officer Service ______ Rank _______ Active Duty□□ Retired□□ Reserve□□ National Guard□□ Former Officer□□ Dues: $18 per year; 5 years for $72. Life membership: Age 50 and under, $360; 51-60 $300; 61-70 $270; Dues: $18 per year; 5 years for $72. Life membership: Age 50 and under, $360; 51-60 $300; 61-70 $270; 71Auxiliary-89 $120; Members: 90 and older Widows is free. or widowers are eligible for membership whose spouses were regular mem- bers or were eligible for regular membership. Rank of spouse: _______ Service of spouse: ________ Dues: $12 per year; 5 years for $48; Life membership: Age 50 and under, $180; 51-60 $150; 61-70 $120; 71-89 $60; 90 and older is free. If married, spouse’s first name:___________________ Last name, if different than yours:____________________________________ Indicate interest in any of the following Chapter activities or Committees: Personal Affairs LAVA Public Affairs Program/Social Newsletter Membership Finance Fund Raising J/ROTC Scholarships and Awards Community Service TUG(Computers) Party Bridge Golf Tennis Dues Enclosed $ __________ Optional Donation: Scholarships $ __________ Community Services $_________ Total Remittance: $__________ Check to Hawaii State Chapter MOAA, PO Box 1185, Kailua HI 96734-1185 Newsletter of Hawaii State Chapter MOAA August 2010 Page 3 - - CHAPTER SOCIAL EVENTS - - Executive Committee - -THIS MONTH - - Elected Officers AUGUST 8 @1200 ANNUAL MOAA PICNIC - BELLOWS BEACH President Chair Personal Affairs LtCol Tom Smyth USMC CDR Bill Moore USN SEPTEMBER 16 at 1130 MAPLE GARDEN REST. 531-2829 261-4071 Former Trustee Kamehameha Schools [email protected] [email protected] VADM Robert K. U. Kihune USN (Ret.) 1st Vice President Chaplain Capt Glen Van Ingen USAF CH(COL) Ron Bezanson USA October 292-6844 292-6095 TBD [email protected] [email protected] NOVEMBER 13 @1030 2d Vice President Chair Public Affairs CDR Bill Moore USN VACANT Annual Meeting at Oahu Veterans Center 261-4071 Official Photographer [email protected] DECEMBER 9 @1800 VACANT Annual Christmas Dinner - Hale Koa 3d Vice President Chair ROTC Scholarships LCDR Phillip Rother USN COL Ralph JWK Hiatt USA Welcome Aboard 471-0091, ext 204 261-3301 [email protected] [email protected] No new members in July!! Appointed Officers Chair Community Affairs Kathy Delong Thinning of the Ranks Secretary - Helen Baker 486-0439 Captain Emery Grant Story USN (Ret) died 753-7793 [email protected] 2 July.
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