RIHA Journal 0076 | 30 October 2013 A Viennese Project in Valpovo (Croatia) Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Valpovo and Baroque Churches with T o"Bay Naves $atarina %orvat"&evaj and Margareta !ur'alj Podmanic'i A slightly altered version of the article originally published as) "Župna crkva Bez rešno začeća Bla$ene %&ev'ce (ar'&e u )alpovu * po+r'&etlo ar,'tektonsko t'pa ' kontekst". 'n/ Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti / Journal of the Institute of Art History 30 120112. 10731764 !ranslation initiated by) Inst'tute o5 Art H'stor6. 7a reb A(stract The Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Valpovo (1733– 1736 ! e"ceptional #oth in its spatial organi$ation an% the %esign of its e"terior! &as constructe% in specific circumstances in the aftermath of the li#eration of 'lavonia from the (ttoman occupation) The ol% lan%s of Valpovo! &ith the me%ieval fort of Morovi*! &ere! in accor%ance &ith the +a#s#urg politics! given as a feu% to ,aron +illepran% #y Charles VI) The #aron initiate% the construction of a monumental parish church on his estate #y commissioning its %esign in Vienna! as evi%ence% #y the rich archival material on +illepran%-s property house% at the 'tate .rchive in (si/e0) In 0eeping &ith the provenance of its %esign! the church &as #uilt as a monumental structure consisting of a t&o1#ay nave covere% &ith %omical vaults an% flan0e% #y a narro&er semicircular groin1vaulte% sanctuary an% a faca%e #elfry) The type represente% #y the church in Valpovo – single1 aisle% structure &ith t&o #ays – &as a sort of innovation #y 2ohann 3ucas von +il%e#ran%t! inspire% #y the famous church of 'an 4e%ele in Milan (1566 an% often use% #y +il%e#ran%t in his o&n church pro/ects #uilt un%er the patronage of high .ustrian no#ility! such as the parish church in 'eelo&it$ in Moravia (1777–77 &ith an integrate% faca%e #elfry! or the parish churches in .spers%orf (1738 ! 'tran$en%orf (1733 an% 9ro:stel$en%orf (1735– 37 ) This architectural type &as a%opte% an% further %evelope% #y +il%e#ran%t-s contemporaries! especially his imme%iate follo&er 4ran$ .nton Pilgram! a Viennese architect &hose %esign for the parish church in M;nchen%orf (17<8 sho&s great similarity &ith the Valpovo church! #oth in its proportions an% in the treatment of %etails) .ll this is har%ly surprising if one 0eeps in min% the Viennese origin an% the courtly status of the commissioner an% %onor of the parish church in Valpovo) It too0 more than t&o %eca%es for the spatial features of this church to #ecome popular in 'lavonia! &hile its proportions an% monumentality remaine% almost unsurpasse%! &ith only fe& e"ceptions) Contents Intro+uct'on 8'rcu9-tances an+ sta es o5 construct'on :rban +'-po-'t'on an+ -pat'al or an'sat'on o5 t,e church ;,e arc,'tectural t6pe o5 t,e c,urch 'n t,e 8entral <uropean conte=t >' n'5'cance o5 t,e churc, 5or 8roat'an Baro?ue arc,'tecture Introduction =1> The Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Valpovo! &hose construction in the 1738s &as initiate% #y the feu%al lor% Peter .nton +illepran% von Pran%au from Vienna!1 is a valua#le architectural accomplishment! e"ceptional #oth in its spatial %isposition an% e"terior %esign) The church is an innovative single1aisle% #uil%ing of 1 Vilim Čuržik! Valpovačka župa! Valpovo 1665? @amir 'tani*! A,aro0na Bupna cr0va u Valpovu"! in: Valpovački godišnjak < (1666 ! 51<7) License: The text of this article is provided under the ter9s o5 the Creative Co9mons License CC-BY3NC-ND 3.0 RIHA Journal 0076 | 30 October 2013 monumental %imensions &hose t&o1#ay nave is flan0e% #y a narro&er semicircular sanctuary an% a faca%e #elfry) In a%%ition to the peculiar t&o1#ay concept of the nave! &hich originate% in Italian mannerist architecture an% &as later revive% in .ustrian +igh ,aroDue architecture! the church o&es its e"ceptional status &ithin the 'lavonian an%! generally! Croatian architectural conte"t! to a ne& structural treatment of #ays an% vaulting! an% most pro#a#ly to the originally planne%! an% innovative! %esign of the #elfry) It is therefore necessary to agree &ith the canonical visitor &ho claime% imme%iately after the completion of the #uil%ing in 173E that Athe church hol%s the first place in the architecture of the entire 'lavonian region in terms of structure an% interior %ecorationA)7 @espite this proof of a%miration! its AstructureA has not #een sufficiently e"plore% in professional literature)3 'till! a recent research into the Ainterior %ecorationA of the church has le% Mir/ana Fepani*1,raun to attri#ute the altar paintings to the esteeme% Viennese painter .nton +er$og an% place the entire church into the conte"t of .ustrian architecture) That is! she suggests the church forms part of the architectural oeuvre of 2ohann 3ucas von +il%e#ran%t! one of the most prominent architects of the perio%)< =7> The Duestion &hether the church is really a &or0 of this great .ustrian architect! an% perhaps more importantly! &hat is its significance in the Croatian an% Central Guropean conte"t! may #est #e answere% #y an analysis of its architecture an% #y research of rich archival material on the history of the church construction) Hhile only a small part of the recor%s have hitherto #een pu#lishe%!5 the information on the church containe% in the Fecor%s of +illepran%1Pran%au-s manorial estate has remaine% almost completely un0no&n to the pu#lic.6 7 'tjepan 'rIan, e%)! Kanonske vizitacije, Valpovačko-miholjačko područje (1 !"#$1%!"#&! vol) III! (sije0 7885! 6) 3 The parish church in Valpovo is once mentione% in a footnote (p) 76< in: .nđela +orvat! A,aro0 u 0ontinentalno/ +rvats0o/A! in: .nđela +orvat! Fa%mila Mate/Ki*! Lruno Prijatel/! 'arok u (rvatskoj! Magre# 16E7) The architectural history of the church and its furnishing &as only recently publishe% in: 'tani*! A,aro0na Bupna cr0va u ValpovuA! 51<7! and the church &as also inlcude% in the overvie& of ,aroDue sacral architecture in 'lavonia publishe% in: Latarina +orvat13eva/! A,aro0na sakralna arhite0tura – tragom Eugenove cr0veA! in: Vesna Lusin and ,ranka Nulc! e%s)! )lavonija! 'aranja i )rijem! vrela europske civilizacije! e"h. cat)! vol) II! Magre# 7886! 3371336) < Mirjana Fepani*1,raun, A@jela #eK0og sli0ara .ntona +er$oga u Valpovu i Vu0ovaruA! in: *adovi +nstituta za povijest umjetnosti 7E (788< ! 17611E7) 5 'tjepan 'rIan, Katoličke župe u istočnoj (rvatskoj 1 !!#,!-# godine! (sije0 1665! 76177? 2osip ,rüs$tle! .ovijest katoličkih župa u istočnoj (rvatskoj do 1%%"# godine! (sije0 1666? 'rIan, Kanonske vizitacije, Valpovačko-miholjačko područje, 3! 6! <3! 55! 171! 757! 585) 6 Fesearch of the archival %ocuments on the Manorial Estate of Valpovo (/cta Viennensia! /rchivium dominale! .rotocollum der (errschaft Valpovo at the Croatian 'tate .rchives in (sije0 (further in the notesC @.(' &as conducte% #y Margareta Tur0al/ Po%manic0i in collaboration &ith 't/epan 'rIan (788E–7886 ) Part of the archival material &as ad%itionally researche% and publishe% in: Ljer0a PerKi! AValpovaK0a Bupna cr0va i %vors0a 0apelica i$meJu 1777) i 1736)A! in: )crinia slavonica, 1odišnjak .odružnice za povijest )lavonije! )rijema i 'aranje (rvatskog instituta za povijest 6 (7886 ! 66117<) @ocuments on the Valpovo manor &ere also e"amine% #y historians! including Igor Laraman &ho &rote a PhD thesis on the topic) +istorians &ere! ho&ever! more intereste% in the economic and political issues relating to the manor) Igor Laraman, Valpovačko vlastelinstvo, ekonomsko-historijska analiza! Magre# 1667) Laraman publishe% a short report #y estate caretakers on the construction costs of the parish church in the perio% 1733–36) Laraman, License: The text of this article is provided under the ter9s o5 the Creative Co9mons License CC-BY3NC-ND 3.0 RIHA Journal 0076 | 30 October 2013 CtopD Circumstances and stages of construction =3> The parish church in Valpovo &as constructe% in the mi%st of efforts to regenerate the region of 'lavonia after a century1an%1a1half long (ttoman occupation) The 16E7 %efeat of 9ran% Vi$ier 'uleiman Pasha near the hill of +arsany in Mohacs, follo&e% #y the entry of the victorious +absburg army in (si/e0! also #rought free%om to Valpovo)7 'u#/ect to the +absburg politics, the ol% estate of Valpovo &ith a me%ieval fort (#earing the coat1of1arms of the Morovi* family E came first un%er the /urisdiction of the Imperial Court Cham#er! an% then! on 31 @ecem#er 1771! it &as infeu%ate%! together &ith the manorial estate of Mihol/ac, to ,aron +illepran% von Pran%au in return for his longstan%ing service at the Cham#er)6 .lthough he 0ept living in Vienna, the #aron &as actively engage% in the renovation an% management of the Valpovo manor &hich he regularly visite% each spring an% autumn (1777–67 18 an% &as, conseDuently! investe% in the care of the e"isting structures an% ne& #uil%ing pro/ects envisage% for the estate) The renovation of the 9othic castle chapel an% the Fenaissance castle11 &ith a facade to&er im#ue% the entire me%ieval fort &ith ,aroDue characteristics, &hile the construction of a ne& monumental church in the centre of the estate inspire%! accor%ing to the #aron-s o&n &or%s, admiration of #oth canons an% car%inals &ho came to Valpovo to see it) =<> Contrary to the previous claims of certain authors,17 the construction of the parish church occurre% neither in the year &hen +illepran% &as initiate% into the estate (1777 Valpovačko vlastelinstvo, 78) 7 Ive Mažuran, Valpovo, sedam stolje2a znakovite prošlosti! Valpovo 788<! 55–56) E Mažuran, Valpovo,1E) Ivan
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