Odonatological Abstracts 1997 mation Lanthus and abundance on sp. Cordulegastersp. and biomass is included. (14416) ALFRED, J.R.B. & A. KUMAR, 1997. Fauna 1998 ofDelhi: faunal analysis (basedon available data). Slate Fauna Ser. zool. Surv. India 6: 891-903. — (Second Author: Northern Regional Stn, Zool. Surv. India, (14420) ALFRED, A.K. DAS & A.K. Dehra Dun-248195,India). SANYAL, [Eds], 1998. [Faunal diversity in India:] Odonata. In\ J.R.B. Alfred Faunal A tabelar review of animal spp. recorded from Delhi, et al., [Eds], diversity fam. The odon. in India: commemorative volume in the 50th India;no species lists, numbers per only. a year of 172-178, ENVIS Centre, are represented by 47 spp. India’s independence,pp. Zool. Surv. India, Calcutta. — (First Author: Director, (14417) KUMAR, A., 1997. Fauna of Delhi: Odonata, Zool. Surv. India, 234/4, A.J.C. Bose Rd, Calcutta- imagos. State Fauna Ser. zool. Surv. India 6: 147-159. -700020, India). in — (Northern Regional Stn, Zool. Surv. India, Dehra The earliest reference to Indian dragonflies appears Dun-248195,India). the Sangam literature, dated prior to the 8th century and known from the A revised and updatedchecklist (47 spp.) ofthe odon. AD. At present, 449 spp. sspp. are inch 4 for the first Indian 23% of which endemic. A review fauna ofDelhi, India, spp. published territory, are and is ofthe numbers of known from various time. Precise locality data, descriptive notes presented spp. for 21 remarks onbionomy are presented spp. regions, and some considerations on conservation future studies strategies and are provided. (14418) KUMAR, A., 1997. Fauna of Delhi: Odonata, larval stages. State Fauna Ser. zool. Surv. India 6: 161- (14421) DER MOUW,J.A., 1998. Schomm’lendweeg- K. -172, 4 pis (76 figs) incl. — (Northern Regional Stn, schaaltje, ritselt de libel. In\ G. van Rijnsbergen, Zool. Surv. India, Dehra Dun-248195,India). Verbeek & B. Verbeek, [Eds], Dichterbij: Betuwe in 90- An illustrated key to the families and genera known to poezie, p. 38, Boekhandel B.O.S., Zetten, ISBN - Hoofdstraat occur in Delhi, India. -9011558-7. (Dutch). (Publishers: 84, NL-6671 CC Zetten). Author’s (14419) WALLACE, J.B.,S.L. EGGERT, J.L. MEYER A dragonfly poem, reprinted from (1863- collected in & J.R. WEBSTER, 1997. Multiple trophic levels ofa -1919) works, published 1986. forest stream linked to terrestrial litter inputs. Science 277(5322): 102-104. - (First Author: Dept Ent.. & (14422) KUMAR, P., 1998. Dragon and damselflies in Inst. Ecol., Univ. Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA). Lucknow University Campus. Newsl. Invert. Gr„ CBSG The of detrital 2(2): 1. — Zool., Lucknow Univ., Lucknow, ecosystem-level consequences excluding (Dept demonstrated inputs to an ecosystem are experimen- India). without tally. Inputs of riparian detritus are essential for con- General; a species list. food The servation orrestoration of diverse webs. infor- 184 Odonatological Abstracts (14423) MAGIDI-SHILASAR, F., A. KHARRAZI- 2000 -PAKDEL, P. AZMAYESH FARD, A. PAZUKI & H. HEIDARI, 1998. The fauna ofOdonata in Bandar- (14427) BELZ,A. & M. FUHRMANN, 2000. Beitrdge I3th Plant und -Anzali. [Proc.] iron. Prot. Congr., Karaj zur Tier- Pflanzenweltdes Kreises Siegen-Wittgen- — Plant Biol. & Ver. 1 ; 23-27. (Persian, with Engl. s.). (Last Author: stein. Bd. 6. Libellen. Stn Rothaargebirge Pests & Diseases Res. Inst., Chamran Park Way, z. Förderung zwischen NatSchutz u. Landwirtschaft, Tehran-19395, Iran). Siegen-Wittgenstein& Naturschutzbund Dtl., Siegen. 14 listed from various habitats this vi+82 16.5x23.3 ISBN Price; spp. are at locality, pp. Paperback ( cm). none. — NW Iran. Lestes sponsa, L. viridis, Aeshna isosceles, € 15.- net. (Available from: NABU, In der Hütten- Libellula quadrimaculataand Orthetrumalbistylum are wiese 30, D-57072 Siegen). for the first time recorded from Iran. The 35 spp. of the Siegen-Wittgenstein distr. in S Westphalia,Germany are described. Their occurrence 1999 in the district is mapped, and information is provided habitats and each on local biology for sp. Col. field BOWLER, L, I. BULLOCK, J. included of33 — also OA (14424) CADBURY, portraits are spp. (See 8036). J. GERLACH & J. HUNTER, 1999. The ecology and conservation of Aride island, Seychelles. Phelsuma 7: (14428) KUMAR, A., 2000. Fauna ofRenuka Wetland: 37-55. — (First Author: Sheperd’s Cottage, Heylipol, Odonata (adults). Wetland Ecosysl. Ser. zool. Surv. Isle ofTiree, Argyll, PA77 6TY, UK). India2:45-53. — (Northern Regional Stn., Zool. Surv. The history and ecosystems ofthe Aride Island Special India, Dehra Dun-248195,India). Reserve are described, and its flora and fauna (inch 13 With reference to the papers listed in OA 1718 and odon. spp.) are listed. 2778, the odon. fauna of Renuka Lake, Himachal is and Pradesh, India, keyed (37 spp.) field notes are (14425) LOGAN, J.A., 1999. Extraction, polymerase provided. chain reaction, and sequencing ofa 440 base pairregion ofthe mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene from (14429) KUMAR, A„ 2000. Fauna ofRenuka Wetland: two species ofacetone-preserved damselflies (Odonata: Odonata (larvae). Wetland Ecosyst. Ser. zool. Surv. Coenagrionidae,Agrionidae).Environ. Em. 28(2): 143- India 2: 55-62, 4 pis (86 figs) incl. — (Northern -147. - (DeptEvol. & Ecol., Univ. California,Davis, Regional Stn., Zool. Surv. India, Dehra Dun-248195, CA 95616, USA). India). The of in molecular The known in Ranuka Himachal use acetone-preserved specimens larvae, occurring Lake, DNA research is investigated, Enallagma civile and Pradesh, India, are keyed and their structural features Hetaerina americana were soaked in acetone before are illustrated. drying. Total genomicDNA was successfully extracted, amplified and sequenced from the acetone-preserved (14430) SRIVASTAVA, V.D. & C. SINHA, 2000. damselflies with no noticeable effect from either the [Fauna of Tripura, 2] Insecta: Odonata. State Fauna time. Nucleotide 7: acetoneor preservation sequences of Ser. zool. Surv. India 155-196, pis 1-4, maps 1-9, a 440 bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome tab. 1 incl. — (Zool. Surv. India, ‘M-Block’, New oxidase I for E. civile and H. gene are presented Alipore, Calcutta-700053, India). These have known americana. 2 spp. reached a saturated So far 35 spp. are from the state ofTripura, E level and it that the COI will India. All known records of these listed, of divergence seems gene are most not be useful for developing phylogenies at this them also mapped, the spp. are keyed and described, taxonomic level. and notes on their habitats are provided. (14426) WUST, E. & R. ALGE, 1999. Libellen und (14431) SZÄLLASSY, N., E. BÀRDOSI, D.Z. SZABÖ wirbelloseWassertiere des NaturschutzgebietesGsieg- & G. DÉVAI. 2000. Fluktuälö aszimmetria és pârzâsi -Obere Lustenau siker és Ischnura Mähder, (Vorarlberg). Vorarlberg. parzö nem parzö elegans (Odonata: Naturschau 6; 111-120. — (First Author: Elserweg 3a, Coenagrionidae)himeknél. — Fluctuating asymmetry A-6714 Niiziders), in pairedand unpaired males ofthe damselfly Ischnura A commented list of 35 odon. spp. from a Nature elegans (Odonata: Coenagrionidae).Hidrol. Kdzl. Reserve nr Lustenau, Vorarlberg prov., E Austria. 81(5/6): 514-516. (Hung., with Engl. s.). - (First Odonatological Abstracts 185 Author: DeptEcol. & Hydrobiol., Univ. Debrecen,P.O. 160, NL-2060 AD Bloemendaal). Box 71, HU-4010 Debrecen). This is a Dutch edn ofthe original Engl, work (2001, the Are directed at The hypothesis thatthe more symmetrical are wings, you a dragonfly?,Kingfisher, London), children. The life of Aeshna is the greater is the success the individuals achieve in primary school cyanea collected 3 and beautifully illustrated, and some general pairing was tested. 6 c? were times during described and information is — A the reproductive period, and separated as paired on dragonflies provided. highly recommended book for children at the of7-10 unpaired in the field. Body size was calculated, and age yr. the distance between arculus and the proximal measured in order determine ARNOLD, A., 2001. Neue Nachweise von pterostigma comerwas to (14434) im Leipzig the fluctuating asymmetry rate. Neither reproductive Gomphiden (Odonata) Regierungsbezirk und Bitterfelder success norbody size were correlated significantly with (Sachsen) am Muldestausee (Sachsen- - wing asymmetry. The inadequate determination of -Anhalt). Veroff. NaturkMus. Leipzig 20:62-65. (Zur schönen Aussicht D-04435 reproductivesuccess and contradictions between long- 25, Schkeuditz). records of and and short-term studies are discussed as a possible Various Gomphus vulgatissimus explanation ofthis result. Ophiogomphus cecilia are listed for the Leipzig distr. ofSachsen-Anhalt. The and for the state re-appearance of the 2 is due the 2001 spp. to recent water quality improvementof the large rivers in E Germany. (14432) AESCHNA, Osaka (ISSN 1341-1047), No. 38 BAL, D„ H.M. BE1JE, M. BELLINGER, R. (31 May 2001). (Jap., with Engl, titles, some papers (14435) with Engl. s’s). — (c/o K. Inoue, 5-9, Fuminosato 4- HAVEMAN, A.J.F.M. VAN OPSTAL & F.J. VAN -chome, Abeno-ku, Osaka, 545-0004, JA). ZADELHOFF, 2001. Handboek natuurdoeltypen. — in Rokko Kondoh, S.: Notes on dragonflies Island, an Handbook of nature target types. Expertisecentrum ISBN 90- artificial island in Kobe, Hyogo pref., Japan (pp. 1-7; LNV, Wageningen. 829 pp. Paperback. Kawashima, /. : A record of Somatochlora clavata -75789-09-2. Price • 30.- net. (Dutch, with Engl. s.). Ogumafrom Gifu city, Gifu pref. (p. 8); — Yokoyama, — (Publishers: P.O. Box 30, NL-6700 AA Wagenin- T: Notes on the durations
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