Species Season Species Season Locations of great birding places: Mimids £ Lincoln’s Sparrow . Sp,F £ Gray Catbird . Sp,S*,F £ Swamp Sparrow . Sp,S*,F Copper Culture State Park £ Brown Thrasher . Sp,S*,F £ White - throated . Sparrow . .. Sp,F 260 Copper Culture Way, Oconto WI Starling £ White - crowned Sparrow . Sp,F Home to one of Oconto’s Bluebird Trails and the £ European Starling . P* £ Dark-eyed Junco . F,W Bald Eagles that visit regularly . Here you can see £ Pipit £ Lapland Longspur . ,W,Sp a lot of different wildlife and can find trails with £ American Pipit . Sp,F £ Snow Bunting . W,Sp nature and historical signs on 45 acres . The Kiosk Waxwings Cardinals and Allies at the park has 2 sites full of information about £ Bohemian Waxwing . W(Occ) £ Northern Cardinal . P* birds and events planned by Bird City Oconto . £ Cedar Waxwing . W,Sp,S* £ Rose-breasted Grosbeak . Sp,S*,F Oconto Marsh State Game Refuge Warblers £ Indigo Bunting . Sp,S,F County Hwy Y, Oconto WI £ Blue-winged Warbler . Sp,F Blackbirds Part of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature BIRD WATCHING £ Golden-winged Warbler . Sp,F £ Bobolink . .. Sp Trail . £ Tennessee Warbler . Sp,F £ Red-winged Blackbird . Sp,S*,F,W(Occ) You will find a dike for hiking and a viewing £ Orange-crowned Warble . Sp,F £ Eastern Meadowlark . Sp,S,F platform with benches . It is located just north of CHECKLIST £ Nashville Warbler . Sp,F £ Yellow-headed Blackbird . Sp,S,F the City of Oconto on the west shore of Green £ Yellow Warbler . Sp,S*,F £ Rusty Blackbird . Sp Bay . Covering more then 800 acres, the marsh £ Magnolia Warbler . Sp,F £ Brewer’s Blackbird . Sp is an area rich in birdlife . It also encompasses a £ Cape May Warbler . Sp,F £ Common Grackle . Sp,S*,F state waterfowl sanctuary and a breeding ground £ Black - throated Blue Warbler . F £ Brown-headed Cowbird . Sp,S*,F for the “yellow-headed blackbird” . £ Yellow - rumped Warbler . Sp,F £ Orchard Oriole . Sp,S,F http://cityofoconto .com/Oconto_Marsh .html £ Black - throated Green Warbler . Sp,F £ Baltimore Oriole . Sp,S*,F £ Blackburnian Warbler . Sp,F Finches City Park £ Pine Warbler . Sp,S*,F £ Pine Grosbeak . W County Hwy N, Oconto WI £ Palm Warbler . Sp,F £ Purple Finch . W,Sp With access to the lake you can see many birds £ Bay-breasted Warbler . Sp,F £ House Finch . P* during their migration . A special treat is the £ Blackpoll Warbler . Sp,F £ Red Crossbill . W,Sp Redheaded Woodpecker who calls this park of 24 £ Cerulean Warbler . Sp(occ) £ White-wing Crossbill . W (Occ) acres its home . £ Black&white Warbler . Sp,S,F £ Common Redpoll . F,W £ American Redstart . Sp,S*,F £ Pine Siskin . F,W,Sp Breakwater Park £ Ovenbird . Sp,S*,F £ American Goldfinch . P 1301 Harbor Rd, Oconto WI £ Northern Waterthrush . Sp,S,F £ Evening Grosbeak . W,Sp(Occ) Part of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature £ Mourning Warbler . Sp,S, Old World Sparrow Trail . This is a one-acre park located at the mouth £ Connecticut Warbler . Sp,F not since 97 £ House Sparrow . P* of the Oconto River . Offering a pavilion, great £ Common Yellowthroat . Sp,S*,F fishing areas, boat-launching and boat slip rentals, £ Wilson’s Warbler . Sp,F This list includes species that are of regular to this is a park you don’t want to miss! £ Canada Warbler . Sp,F casual occurrence . Species on this list have Tanager been recorded over a 26-year period and can Sharp Park £ Scarlet Tanager . Sp,F be found within the City of Oconto boundaries in 7th Street, Oconto WI Towhee appropriate habitats and seasons . This is a park with a substantial amount of wooded £ Eastern Towhee . Sp,S,F acreage with walking and biking trails . The Sparrows Sp = Spring cleared area has a picnic area, restrooms, and £ American Tree Sparrow . W,Sp S =Summer lots of open space . F =Fall £ Chipping Sparrow . Sp,S*,F Feel free to contact us via: W =Winter £ Clay-colored Sparrow . Sp,S,*F Dropbox at City Hall counter P =Permanent Resident £ Field Sparrow . Sp,F E-mail: birdcityoconto@gmail .com Occ =Occasional £ Vesper Sparrow . Sp,S,F Facebook @ birdcityoconto Rare = once every 10 yrs . £ Savannah Sparrow . Sp,S*,F P .O . Box 405 A checklist of the bird species that can be viewed * = nesting record £ Fox Sparrow . Sp,F Oconto, WI 54153 in Oconto and the surrounding area. £ Song Sparrow . Sp,S*,F http://cityofoconto .com Species Season Species Season Species Season Species Season Waterfowl £ Green Heron . Sp,S*,F £ Short-billed Dowitcher . Sp £ Great-crested Flycatcher . Sp,S*,F £ Snow Goose . F £ Black-crowned Night Heron . Sp,S,F £ Wilson’s Snipe . Sp,S*,F £ Eastern Kingbird . Sp,S*,F £ Canada Goose . P* Vultures £ American Woodcock . Sp,S*,F Shrikes £ Trumpeter Swan . Sp,S,F £ Turkey Vulture . Sp,S,F £ Wilson’s Phalarope . Sp £ Loggerhead Shrike . Sp,S rare £ Tundra Swan . Sp,F Hawks & Eagles Gulls £ Northern Shrike . W £ Wood Duck . Sp,S*,F £ Osprey . Sp,S*,F £ Bonaparte’s Gull . Sp,F Vireos £ Gadwall . Sp,F £ Bald Eagle . P* £ Little Gull . S,F rare £ Yellow-throated Vireo . Sp,S*,F £ American Wigeon . Sp,F £ Northern Harrier . Sp,S*,F £ Ring-billed Gull . Sp,S*,F £ Blue-headed Vireo . Sp,F £ Mallard . P* £ Sharp-shinned Hawk . Sp, W £ Herring Gull . Sp,S*,F £ Warbling Vireo . Sp,S*,F £ Blue-winged Teal . Sp,S*,F £ Cooper’s Hawk . P* £ Glaucous Gull . .. W £ Philadelphia Vireo . Sp,F £ Northern Shoveler . Sp,F £ Broad-wing Hawk . Sp,S,F Terns £ Red-eyed Vireo . Sp,S,F £ Northern Pintail . Sp,F £ Red-tailed Hawk . P* £ Caspian Tern . Sp,S,F Corvids £ Green-winged Teal . Sp,F £ Rough-legged Hawk . W £ Black Tern . Sp,S*,F rare since 04 £ Blue Jay . P* £ Canvasback . Sp,F £ Golden Eagle . F,W £ Common Tern . .. Sp,F £ American Crow . P* £ Redhead . Sp,F £ Merlin . Sp,F £ Forster’s Tern . Sp,S,F £ Common Raven . P £ Ring-necked Duck . Sp,F £ Peregrine Falcon . Sp,F Doves Lark £ Greater Scaup . Sp,F,W Rails £ Rock Pigeon . P* £ Horned Lark . W,Sp £ Lesser Scaup . Sp,S,F £ Yellow Rail . Sp, S rare £ Mourning Dove . P* Swallows £ Surf Scoter . F rare £ King Rail . Sp rare Cuckoos £ Purple Martin . Sp,S*,F £ White-winged Scoter . F rare £ Virginia Rail . Sp,S*,F £ Black-billed Cuckoo . Sp,S £ Tree Swallow . Sp,S*,F £ Black Scoter . S,F rare £ Sora . Sp,S*,F Owls £ N . Rough-winged Swallow . Sp,S,F £ Long-tailed Duck . Sp, rare Coots & Gallinules £ Eastern Screech Owl . P* £ Bank Swallow . Sp £ Bufflehead . Sp,F £ Common Gallinule . Sp,S rare now £ Great-horned Owl . P £ Cliff Swallow . Sp,S*,F £ Common Goldeneye . Sp,F,W £ American Coot . Sp,S*,F £ Snowy Owl . W £ Barn Swallow . Sp,S*,F £ Hooded Merganser . Sp,S*,F,W Cranes £ Barred Owl . P Chickadees £ Common Merganser . Sp,S,F,W £ Sandhill Cranes . Sp .S*,F Nightjars £ Black-capped Chickadee . P* £ Red-breasted Merganser . Sp Plovers £ Common Nighthawk . Sp,S Nuthatches Upland Game Birds £ Black-bellied Plover . Sp,F Swifts £ Red-breasted Nuthatch . Sp,S,F £ Ring-necked Pheasant . P* £ Semipalmated Plover . Sp,F £ Chimney Swift . .. Sp,S*,F £ White-breasted Nuthatch . P* £ Wild Turkey . P* £ Killdeer . .. Sp,S*,F Hummingbirds Creeper Loons Sandpipers £ Ruby - throated Hummingbird . Sp,S*,F £ Brown Creeper . W,Sp £ Red-throated Loon . F £ Spotted Sandpiper . Sp,S*,F Kingfisher Wrens £ Common Loon . Sp,F £ Solitary Sandpiper . Sp,F £ Belted Kingfisher . Sp,S*,F, W(Occ) £ House Wren . .. Sp,S*,F Grebes £ Greater Yellowlegs . .. Sp,F Woodpeckers £ Winter Wren . Sp £ Pied-billed Grebe . Sp,S*,F,W(Occ) £ Willet . Sp (Occ) £ Red-headed Woodpecker . Sp,S*,F,W(Occ) £ Sedge Wren . Sp,S*,F £ Horned Grebe . Sp,F £ Lesser Yellowlegs . Sp,F £ Red-bellied Woodpecker . P* £ Marsh Wren . Sp .S*,F £ Red-necked Grebe . Sp rare £ Whimbrel . Sp £ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker . Sp,F Kinglets £ Eared Grebe . Sp rare £ Hudsonian Godwit . Sp (Occ) £ Downy Woodpecker . P* £ Golden-crowned Kinglet . Sp,F Pelicans £ Marbled Godwit . Sp £ Hairy Woodpecker . P* £ Ruby-crowned Kinglet . Sp,F £ American White Pelican . Sp,S,F £ Ruddy Turnstone . Sp £ Northern Flicker . Sp,S*,F,W(Occ) Gnatcatcher Cormorants £ Red Knot . ..
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