Ht-1 --s MAY 22, 1952 TORRANCE HERALD Siven DOUBLE RUINS RAMS NO HIT SHUTOUT 500 See YMCA Lou Novikoff fo Spark Play hy Innings R H E .001 00ft 011-3 6 1 Benefit Fray As Nighthawks Meet l_6cals IT HOO 001 000- 1 1 1 It'll he outstanding softbnll Iflfil. .This squad look- WATCH roil let ion tomorrow night as the onge thai At Local Park :,ong Beach Nlghthawks invade claiming. ] THIS MAN! It. was a great night tor tlv Lo take on the Torrance Dia­ Featured with the Long B«"u:l\ kids-especially those, with ante monds at the Torrance Park outfit Is Lou "The Ma.I Rus­ graph books -- Tuesday night starting at 8:15 p.m sian" NovlkcT, Ton. or Chicn-.ii when the Los Angeles Rai . Boasting the niniil Cub and Los Angeles' Angel." out. onto the Torran ord In the west during tl out fielder. The Mad Russian firs marched years, tho Nighthawks Ball Park diainond. gained fame while i itching soft- runners-up for the Nation til for the old T( rrance crow Boys and girls of all ag< al Invitational Championship In This grid groat >i.k In the mid-thirties. flocked all over irii' will be a boated ho; (llenn Davis, Verle Lillywhll <niing i'o, ?; ,! :i.c-ri. Frank (;irford, .Ilin Hard mul a handful i ""ie locals I lasted away a 2-0 Tom Tears Less Pheasants th.. league-leal other notables. irlhivaU. i- .o were such K Whittier cnw last week, . And in the stands t' now i'.asl their big obstacle citizens as his honor. .Judge John to push theii Smith, presi­ Raised But More em detour. iii:..l Shidler; Or, Kollin >y up li'o suoii f ladder. A rr AT dent of the Y!tfCA board of LAST SEEN imped linkup for the .Diamonds 2475 TORRANCE BLVD. managers; Al C. Turner, general predict c.l. chairman of "Y" functions; High Now for Hunters Where He IK a Real .......... .... -J The Dow crew bopped out a . Estate Broker for School pri ncipal John Stoin- from the Bellfl. Ibaugh. and a host of others. There'll be less pheasants i nifty 3-1 run Rntnn In Action ased, but more blrcfc) baggi outfit out Bellflower way HOME LOAN REALTY ! And on the field was a base- lesday night after pitchei He Specializes In the FRED GEIIKKK lets one go jail game. ' California hunters this sea Into the hands of catcher lion m, If a new Fish and G usty Brooks"handed strike- Sale of Real I'roperty Tlic limns' snfthall nine, 20 host batters. In! He has a Gift foi Guy In the top of the seventh clmekoY immlssion program of stocking Come mostly resting while line farm pheasants works Lou Briganti hold the lime you. His name Is at Tuesday night's Rany.S-M llm Foley did Hie dirty work, benefit clash for the IW'ii'l Until now state -game f; light for the frpy by .slamming HARRY PETERSON! came through with a.>0 win 'd birds in two batch °»t a double an ving in tw> YMCA. Fred decided torblte over the local S-M outfit from on the next pitch and Masted it being set out in Midland Rubber In an benefit and th. out a triple. After a bobble mix held to ' raise '.funds for in the Infield, Gehrke (center oup hitting coyer shortly bo home plute the Torrance YMCA. ore hunting season. photo) streaked for into a no and narrowly ecked in a run. Foley was working Of (lie first set free, about 40 Frank Glfford-watches the ac­ hitter right down until the sixth >or cent of the total production, . USE THE tion at home plute. Glffonl when catcher Don Guj 10 per cent found their way into (bottom picture) took n pow­ blasted out. a two-sacker, tin ho hunters' bags. The rest just FAMED GAS erhouse cut at the pill hut >nly bingle of the evening foi nellcd away bfrforu the season chipped off only a piece as It he local lads. iponed. OF TH6 lilt the ground, rolled Into But don't underestimate thi But of the birds released in No­ fair territory and he was out ilaying of tho 3-Ms. A Stella vember, just before hunting-sea­ ECONOMY at first. The Rams blasted a lattery combo of brothers .Dicl son, up to 70 per cent were 5-0 victory from the local 3- \nd Don fluy was tough to beat lagged. And the total annual held scoix fo RUN ' Mobilgas Ms. ind the Rams wore slate game farm production oss until the fourth frame. Hor< he past three years has avel Mm Hardy scooted to first on .god 300,000 birds. 'ioldor's choice which retire Pettit Credited Jack Banta. After swiping so( AS R H E nd nnd third bases, Hard; Kreil (Mirk", 3h iced homo on a hit by Tom Frank union!. ( ! With Fourth Win Biljiolfjiaoii.il') Paul Pettit, the ox-1 rboi atk-Bantu, o ... H. B. (Pat) HUFFIHE lad, got a double feath in hi! e Rams were turned bacl Mill Iv lli'fc c- .. bonnet Sunday when he h one-two*three In the next star V|-||. I.lllywli"''. 2 MOBILGAS SERVICE STATION Ills fourth win for tho Holly but the sixth, was a dill; Stars and also was the leat for thorn. ' hitter of the day, blasting Clulrker nick G'uy put Verle AT THE 3.P. CORNtR gles in each of his four trips to Llllywhlte on first base with a the plate. free pass. Two stolen 'base: Pettit Was given credit for. and an error on (iiiy latei ARLINGTON AND CARSON STS. 16-6 Walloping handed Portia Verle scooted across liom at an Oregon diamond. T plute to record the No. 1 rill lanky hurlor, who was rcliev And in the final frame, t In the eighth stanza, turn 3-M's were badly dishearten away four at tho plate, walked and virtually gave up two three and gave up nine hits. tho three runs tallied in f closer. Jim Foloy got a wa! Glonn Davis readied first on ; error, and Fred Ohrko blasted out a triple to bring In his two teammatos. Gohrke tagged up after a fly ball and came on home, ringing up the fifth nnd last counter for Dick (!uy did a crackerjack job of handling tho mound as­ signment for the Midland gang, turning back 11 batters at the platter. He issued six walks; Foley gave up none. So all-fired sure were the Rams in I lie waning innings of play Unit left fielder Hardy strolled off of the usual fly m shagging position to talk with a group of hall finis' while Fears and Frank (Jiff or d moved in to Infield position!) HO they could better herklc Fishermen's Tide Table TIDES AT LOS ANGELES 1IAK1IOK ilay Low High 22 .-...:.... 3:27 -0.9 0:48 3.6 23 .......... 4:07 -1.0 10:34 3.S OUR AMLEA6G 28% WHEN MAMA WAIK8 * ......... 4:47 -1.0 11 :!'.•> 3.4 ......... 6:27 -0.0 I'Mu ;i.:< ........ 6:00 -0.6 1:01 3.'i 1300 SABTOUI IN TOURAN1 K ......... 8:52 -0.4 2:00 3.2 >:: High lx»w 1 Till US - Fill - SAT - S .........12:31 4.5 7:38 -0.1 H:( Tides arc given in order of occurrence, mes and second column height in feet ; THBM'S AN IAJIIR WAV SPECIALS >wer water line. Light face typo shows 'lines are corrected to Pacific Daylight Ha 100% TOlMlANfl-: RITZ GRAIN HS Match VAN AND STORAGE CO. Get all the mileage NEUTRAL I59 :inals Near In IIHti llOlihMt AVi: SPIRITS £ 7 I'l'ii' A five High School tennis are Jerry Farrar, first singles; ypjr car can deliver, GIN iiirney will wind up tomorrow Dan Kohrdunz, second sin^ fteriioon on the El Camlno Col Jerry BenneH. third singles, ROBERTS QEuXAmY SWEET WINE courts with awards going get Mobilgas! the number one team ana Gene Davis, fourth singles. RED LABEL PORT RIMK. LABEL utstanding individual perform To High entry IFTH, £|I|C PROOF THAT YOU GET REAL ECONOM/ PROM MO8IL6AS WAS DeMONSTRATEO IN 1H» TOKAY LINCOLN SAVINGS INVITES YOUR ACCOUNT W6 PAX MOB/L8AS ECONOMV KM FROV, las ANfiELES TO SUM VAULEX. 25 AMiRiCAN CAM, HIGHEST Interest paid quarterly at our currant rate SAVE! EVERY DAY AT ROBERTS ol 3% per year. Each account insured up CERTIFIEP STRICTLV STOCK BY <Jg), OOViPlETeP THE I4I5.4-MIL6 BUN THROUGH MARKET PRICES to $10,000. You'll appreciate our con­ CiTiES, ACROSS THE PESERTAVAND O\EH. MOUNTAINS AT AH AVEtiApE O* HO For-RAGS WASTEPAPER venient downtown location. METALS MILES-PER-GAC.1.OI. DRIVERS USED BlTHtK Au i|Jii i.A'J OK AVOBll«AS bPeCiAL. rOO CAM Small or Large Quantitiei COFFEE OLEO 66T ALL.THE MlifMf yoi/R OH CAH PBLIVBR- JUST KEEP IT iM TOP CONOiTON, ( iilmvil X LINCOLN I Hi. Vin nun TORRANCE Pftive SANety, AND use MOBHGAS^. »|nurter.-d. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION I'uckeil I ib. i'KK». METAL PRODUCTS -(,15 SB. Spring Si,..I, lot Ang.ln, IKinily 6iO 17 1890 TORRANCE BLVD. 79 Torrance 2292 2293 OI'EN SKVKN KAVS A \VKKK-9 A.M. TO B I'.M. Nev. 6-2619.
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