St. Scholastica’s Priory 27 Magallanes Drive, Silang MANILA PRIORY Crossing West, Tagaytay City PHILIPPINES NEWSLETTER Vol. V No. 4 Oct. - Nov. 2016 We are called to be faithful to the commitment that renewalists with her input: “Centered in Christ.” She we have professed for the mission entrusted to us as shared with the group how St. Paul embraced his mission spiritual leaders and/or community superiors. It is with a strong heart of a disciple - “What does it mean to important that we undergo continuous formation and have a sparkling faith, in his Christian identity, in his renewal to be able to go the right direction, strike the commitment and in his martyr’s courage to stand up to its balance, re-ignite our passion for our mission and keep the demand ?” Mother Irene’s sharing further challenged us, fire of our love for our Lord Jesus Christ burning. the renewalists, to introspect and look into our hearts and The Renewal 2016 for school administrators and discover our love for Christ and to ask ourselves: “What superiors had three parts. Part I was scheduled October 17- conversion in my life would be needed to fan the flame of 28, 2016 at the Priory House, Tagaytay City. It was an ardent love for Christ, such as that which burned in the facilitated by the On-going Formation (OGF) Team. Part II heart of Paul?” focused on the Study of the Rule of Benedict from October Mother Irene Dabalus, OSB gave four very 28 – November 12, 2016 at St. Scholastica’s Center for important points: 1. Christ- The Sun of the Rule of St. Spirituality, also in Tagaytay City. The Resource Person Benedict. 2. The Monastic Instinct in the Surrender to was Sister Colleen Maura McGrane, OSB. November 12- Unceasing Prayer – “The Way of the Pilgrim.” 3. Pope 14, 2016 was Part III. The group had the Integration and the Francis’ Year of Mercy and Compassion. 4. Giving Jesus Evaluation of the Renewal month facilitated by the OGF in our Cenobial Culture. Team. She summed up her sharing with a very practical Part I of Renewal 2016 started with the opening question, “Concretely, how do we superior/spiritual conference with the theme: “Focusing on Christ” which leaders give Jesus to others?” She emphasized four useful inspired us to focus our gaze on Christ as the true model of points for the life of superiors and spiritual leaders: “1.The missionaries. This was presented by our Prioress Mother first task of superiors in today’s confusing world is to Adelaida Ygrubay,OSB. “sustain hope.” 2. Tend your relationships with the sisters. 3. Gather the community together and write down your Mother Irene Dabalus, OSB guided the 2016 Middle Front: L-R Sr. Melanie, Sr. Ida, Sr. Jessica, Sr. Adela 2nd Row: L-R Sr. Catalina, Sr. Ma. Ezechiel, Sr. Pauline, Sr. Rebecca, Sr. Ma. Teresita, Sr. Mary Ignatius, Sr. Michaela, Sr. Maureen, Sr. Alexis, Sr. Agnella, Sr. Mary Frances, Sr. Julia Page 2 MANILA PRIORY vision of the future. 4. Live humbly as Jesus did.” In speaking of Formation and the Lifelong Process Sr. Lydia, OSB gave her input on “Centering of Transformation in Christ, she stressed that this process Prayer.” She focused her sharing on the importance of cannot be achieved after the Initial Formation stage nor “Prayer Without Ceasing” from The Way of the Pilgrim after the Jubilees of Religious Profession. This attitude of (God’s Call to the Pilgrim).” Remember: 1) Look for unconditional readiness to change has to be developed, God’s “signals” and persevere in prayer. 2)Never give built up through years of fidelity to our Monastic Calling. up praying. “God’s grace is sufficient for us. He will Growth in this attitude demands a “kenosis”, a self- make sure we can continue to pray and grow spiritually empting. This is freedom from being self-seeking, self- if we do not give up.” 3) Jesus Prayer – “Lord Jesus regarding, and self-opinionated. In so doing, we try to Christ, have mercy on me” can also be a quiet prayer free ourselves in order to find Him who, as the RB says, which is perhaps more useful in our modern world.” is the “source of all our desires”. Input on “Transformation in Christ” was Sr. Pauline completed her sharing by including the presented by Sr. Pauline, OSB. She emphasized that this area of “On-going Formation”. This provided us with transformation is a lifelong process. 1) It begins with the opportunities for sharing (in dyads) our personal reflection renewal of one’s mind. 2) It demands a realization that on our development of attitude of “unconditional readiness we cannot transform ourselves; but we can be to change” and our growing in the spirit of Recollection as transformed by God’s Power. 3) It demands a indispensable for the lifelong process of transformation in willingness to relinquish control in order to fully Christ. surrender to God. 4) It needs the capacity to embrace To conclude, she gave the group a very dynamic spiritual disciplines to make ourselves available for the question, an invitation for action for all of us. “What work that only God can do. 5) And it needs Community, community structures could be worked out so that each for spiritual transformation takes place over time with sister could personally deepen her process of others and we need each other to grow. transformation in Christ?” In the process of transformation, S. Pauline The Renewalists experienced the Psycho-Spiritual identified the needed factors: 1) Personal Involvement – Integration (PSI) Process. PSI is a program which initiates We need to exert our effort and be transformed in the participants into systematic psycho-spiritual approach feeling, thought and action because God wants us to be to self-awareness. It aims to develop in the individual a like Jesus Christ. 2) Three catalysts - God uses three discerning disposition in the context of life’s call. The catalysts to transform us into His image: people, Individiual Processing Sessions were facilitated by circumstances and spiritual discipline. 3) Christian Francisca Gloria C. Bustamante, Maria Elisa “Lissie” F. Attitude – This will develop in us an attitude of Esguerra-Bermino, Rizalina “Rina” T. Simpas, and unconditional readiness to change that involves Lourdes “Ditsy” Sumpaico. continuous dying to oneself and being reformed by Christ. Before we can change, we must be ready to change. At the Core of our Adequate Personal Response to the Call of Transformation in Christ is this Christian Attitude of unconditional readiness to change. It is readiness to be someone different, to abandon everything and to make ourselves available for the Christian call. It is to “Let go, let Him and allow the power of God to work in me.” “What is hard to put aside in myself, to become a new person?” Ultimately, we shall be able to respond positively to what Jesus wants to know, “Are you ready to change. not in your terms but in mine?” Sr. Pauline, OSB deepened her sharing by accentuating that “Recollection is indispensable for our transformation in Christ.” In recollection we recover our The facilitators guided us, the renewalists, to identify our deepest orientation toward God. Here there is “an needs through the use of the Edwards Personal Preference awakening to the essential.” There is “a recourse to the Schedule (EPPS). This important exercise guided us to absolute which never ceases to be important and in know our needs so that we may have the awareness of our whose light alone everything else discloses its true personality dynamics, to understand our own driving force meaning.” in relating with other people and to help us identify our Vol. V No. 4 Oct. - Nov. 2016 Page 3 needs which affect our life as Benedictine Sisters. We Spirituality in Tagaytay and participated by monks, nuns, reflected on the results of our EPPS by contemplating on and sisters from various Benedictine communities in the the questions: 1. How do my extreme needs affect the Philippines. way I live my life as an OSB sister? 2. How do my After the RB Study Weeks, as the third part of extreme needs affect the way I live out the ideals of my the Renewal Program, we, the Renewalists gathered congregation? 3. How do my extreme needs affect the again on November 12-14 at St.Benedict’s Resource way I live out my vows? 4. How do my extreme needs Center of SSCS, Tagaytay for our Integration and affect my relation with others: superior, my sisters in Evaluation of the Renewal Month. community, my co-workers, my God? It also provided us The topic on “Balance of the Monastic and the the space for prayer and reflection. Missionary,” was shared by Mother Adelaida Ygrubay. At the end of the PSI, we, the participants were She reviewed first what a Spiritual Renewal is and able to appreciate and to grasp, to a certain degree, our defined it as the “process of growth and transformation personal history, giftedness, desires, and capacities for into the image of God.” She pointed out that if we are growth. It also gave us an appreciation of God’s abiding “deeply rooted in Christ through our faithful living of our presence and healing and accepting presence in our life. monastic life, our missionary encounters with people and Sr. Josefina Nepomuceno OSB’s input was on: all our endeavors will be blessed and truly speak of “Maturing in Crisis.” In her sharing she accentuated the Christ to them.” need to request for God’s help to be able to see crisis as Mother Adelaida also shared how our late the opportunity for us to grow and to become mature Mother Angelica Leviste, OSB faithfully kept her leaders.
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