TAS Alumni News Volume 12 Spring 2011

TAS Alumni News Volume 12 Spring 2011

TAIPEI AMERICAN SCHOOL Spring 2011 Volume 12 TAS Alumni News TAS Alumni Dance Crew Instant Noodles Feature Story on Page 14 Message From the Superintendent Change is in the Air As we send this 2011 edition of the TAS Alumni News to you, our esteemed alumni, I want to share some of the excitement we feel about the significant changes made at the school over the past four years and going forward. I hope to get a chance to share much more with you in person at school and at alumni gatherings. All the changes we are making are designed to bring our offerings into alignment with what the TAS community wants: excellence in American-style education with the highest quality faculty, programs, and place to deliver In the upper school, there will be two new departments: education that mirrors the very best of American public and the new Political Science & Forensics department with private schools today. new courses in International Relations, Law & Policy Debate, and Public Speaking, Rhetoric, & Debate; the new You all are aware of the amazing new facilities that are Computer Science department with advanced robotics being built on our campus – the new upper school building courses and more collaboration with National Taiwan with science and technology center, the new gym, and the University of Science and Technology. There will also be art and cafeteria expansion – as well as the renovation and new offerings in science, social studies, world languages, updating of existing facilities. We are working hard to make English, and the performing arts (including Stagecraft and the facilities as green as possible. Advanced Technical Theater) as well as more opportunities for engaging in scientific research. In the lower school: a new schedule with Mandarin nine days out of ten and longer blocks of instructional time; You would be proud to see the way current TAS students drama integration into the music program KA-5; the new are doing science experiments in lower school, feeling Mandarin heritage track curriculum; new social studies increasing confidence in classroom discussions and curriculum for 2011-2012, on the heels of new math as public speakers, studying physics first in grade curriculum in 2010, new science in 2009; and expansion nine, integrating technology so that they develop the of readers and writers workshops with TAS becoming a habits necessary to excel in the digital world they face, Columbia Teachers College project site. representing TAS at robotics competitions and IASAS events, contributing to community service projects, and so In the middle school: a new schedule so that more much more. academically oriented electives are part of all students’ experiences (including critical reading, robotics and Thank you for your continued interest in making TAS the advanced robotics, drama, public speaking, classics, best it can be for our current and future students. We journalism, global issues, expository writing, confidence welcome you back to see for yourself. course, dance, and economics); new history curriculum; new components to our character education program including a “character code” for all students; and new math courses that respond to student performance level, interest, and needs so that more students will be more well prepared to achieve higher levels of success in math. Sharon Hennessy From the Spring 2011 VOL. 12 $GYDQFHPHQW2IÀFH CONTENTSTAS Alumni News 0HVVDJHIURPWKH6XSHULQWHQGHQW )URPWKH$GYDQFHPHQW2IILFH $URXQGWKH7$6&DPSXV $OXPQLDQG&ROOHJH(YHQWV $OXPQL9LVLWV )HDWXUH6WRULHV :DUPJUHHWLQJVWRWKHDOXPQLFRPPXQLW\ 5HXQLRQ5HIOHFWLRQV The TAS experience: past, present, and future.6RPHDVSHFWVRI )RUPHU)DFXOW\9LVLWV WKH7$6H[SHULHQFHZHUHWKHVDPHIRUHDFKRI\RXKRPHZRUN ILQDOVDQGSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQFRFXUULFXODUDFWLYLWLHV7KHEHOOVWXGHQW )ULHQGVRI7$6 QHZVSDSHUVDQGWLJHUVSLULWDOVRXQLWHVWXGHQWV%XWZKHQ\RX ZHUHKHUHDW7$6\RXUFRXUVHRIVWXG\\RXURZQJRDOV\RXU 3URIHVVLRQDO&RUQHU LQWHUDFWLRQVZLWKIDFXOW\DQG\RXUFKRLFHRIIULHQGVGHILQHG\RXU SHUVRQDOH[SHULHQFH,NQRZEDVHGRQFRQYHUVDWLRQVZLWKPDQ\ 7$6&RQQHFWLRQV ,QVLGHEDFN DOXPQLWKDWWKLVXQLTXH7$6H[SHULHQFHUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHOHQJWKRI WLPHVSHQWDW7$6NHHSV\RXFRQQHFWHGWRRQHDQRWKHUORQJDIWHU \RXKDYHGHSDUWHG$OXPQLJHWWRJHWKHUVRIDQ\VL]HDOZD\VLQYROYH DORWRIUHPLQLVFLQJDERXWERWK\RXUVKDUHGDQGXQLTXHH[SHULHQFHV RIWKHSDVW Taipei American School &KXQJ6KDQ1RUWK5RDG6HFWLRQ 7KHUHDUHPDQ\H[FLWLQJWKLQJVKDSSHQLQJDW7$6QRZLQWKH 7DLSHL7DLZDQ52& presentDQGSODQQHGIRUWKHfuture<RXZLOOKDYHDQRSSRUWXQLW\WR 7HO H[W OHDUQDERXWVRPHRIWKHPLQ'U+HQQHVV\¶VPHVVDJHDQGLQWKH www.tas.edu.tw ³$URXQG&DPSXV´VHFWLRQRIWKLVPDJD]LQH<RXFDQDOVRNHHSXSWR DOXPQL#WDVHGXWZ GDWHE\YLVLWLQJRXUZHEVLWHDQGIROORZLQJQHZVRQRXURIILFLDODOXPQL )DFHERRNJURXS,HQFRXUDJH\RXWRWDNHDQLQWHUHVWLQWKHSUHVHQW 6XSHULQWHQGHQW 7$6H[SHULHQFH:HLQYLWH\RXWREHDSDUWRILWIURPZKHUHYHU\RX 'U6KDURQ+HQQHVV\ DUHLQWKHZRUOG $VVLVWDQW6XSHULQWHQGHQWIRU$GYDQFHPHQW <RXFDQDOVREHSDUWRIRXUfuture<RXFDQVWHSIRUZDUGWRHQVXUH 3DLJH6XPPHUV WKHFRQWLQXHGVXFFHVVRI7$6$V\RXUHPLQLVFHDERXWWKHSDVW WKLQNDERXWZKDW7$6KDVGRQHIRU\RX7KHQWKLQNDERXWWKH futureZKDWFDQ\RXGRIRU7$6"$V7$6DOXPQL\RXEHQHILWIRUOLIH IURP\RXU7$6HGXFDWLRQ7KHUHDUHPDQ\GLIIHUHQWZD\V\RXFDQ EHDSDUWRIWKHIXWXUHRI7$6(QJDJH&RQQHFW$GYRFDWH,QVSLUH *LYH2XUFXUUHQWSDUHQWVDQGIDFXOW\DUHFRQWULEXWLQJILQDQFLDOO\WR $OXPQL2IILFHU VXSSRUWWKH+RSH1)3KLOOLSV6FKRODUVKLS)XQGDQGWKHEXLOGLQJ +HOHQ&KHQ SURIHVVLRQDODQGSURJUDPH[FHOOHQFHLQLWLDWLYHVRIWKH$QQXDO)XQG TAS Alumni NewsLVSXEOLVKHGE\WKH7$6 $VDOXPQL\RXFDQSOD\DYLWDOUROH:HLQYLWH\RXWRFRQWULEXWHDQG $GYDQFHPHQW2IILFHDQGLVFLUFXODWHGIUHH WRSOD\DSDUWDQGXQLWHWKHpastpresentDQGfutureRI7$6 RIFKDUJHWRDOXPQLIDFXOW\DQGIRUPHU IDFXOW\ 7RPDNHVXUH\RXFRQWLQXHWRUHFHLYH WKHTAS Alumni NewsSOHDVHNHHSXV LQIRUPHGRIDQ\FKDQJHVLQ\RXUDGGUHVV E\XSGDWLQJ\RXUSURILOHXQGHU$OXPQLRQ 3DLJH6XPPHUV WKH7$6ZHEVLWHwww.tas.edu.tw Assistant Superintendent for Advancement 7KH TAS Alumni News LVSULQWHGRQ)RUHVW 9RO6SULQJ TAS ALUMNI NEWS 1 6WHZDUGVKLS&RXQFLO )6& FHUWLILHGSDSHU Around the TAS Campus TAS graduate Michelle Kao ’03 UHWXUQVWR7$6LQ$XJXVWDVD PHPEHURIWKHXSSHUVFKRRODUWGHSDUWPHQW What was your TAS experience RSHQLWXSWRDUHDOPRIHQGOHVV like? LPDJLQDWLRQ7KHIDFXOW\PHPEHUV, 0\7$6H[SHULHQFHZDV PHWWKHIULHQGV,PDGHWKHGUDPD IDEXORXVDEUHDWKRIIUHVKDLU WKDWZHQWGRZQLQKLJKVFKRRO²DOO ,FDPHWR7$6IURPDORFDO VKDSHGPHLQWRWKHDGXOW,DPWRGD\ SXEOLFPLGGOHVFKRROZKHUHVWULFW GUHVVFRGHVZHUHHQIRUFHG When did you realize you liked H[WUDFXUULFXODUVZHUHORRNHGGRZQ art and might like to be a teacher, RQDQG\RXFRXOGHDVLO\KDYHVL[ even an art teacher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hich TAS teachers inspired (QJOLVKVSHDNLQJDUWWHDFKHUVEXW UHEHOEXWDW7$6,ZDVJLYHQLQILQLWH you? +H\VLQFH\RXVSHDN(QJOLVK\RX RXWOHWVWRH[SUHVVP\VHOI 'RXJ%LVKRS/DUU\DQG.LUVWHQ FDQWHDFK(QJOLVK6R,WDXJKW /RYH'HE)OHPPLQJ5RVV2OVRQ /DQJXDJH$UWV0DWKDQG6FLHQFH What impact did TAS have on DQG/LQGD+DUWHU DWDELOLQJXDOVFKRRO4XLFNO\ you? UHDOL]LQJWKDWWHDFKLQJDUWZDVVWLOO ,FDPHRXWRI7$6ZLWKD How is teaching art different from P\SDVVLRQ,NQHZWKDWLI,ZDQWHG GHHSHUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIP\ being an artist and creating your WRWHDFKDUWLQ7DLZDQLWZRXOGQHHG RZQFDSDELOLWLHVDQGYDOXHV)RU own art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hat do you think it will be like to come back to TAS to work Random Facts: When and why did you decide alongside your former teachers? I was Maria in West Side Story to apply to be a teacher back at ,WZLOOEHDQH[FLWLQJH[SHULHQFH back in 2003. TAS? ,KDYHJDLQHGDPXFKGHHSHU When I first became Student ,FDPHEDFNWRZRUNLQ7DLZDQ UHVSHFWIRUP\IRUPHUWHDFKHUV Government Secretary, I was DIWHUFROOHJHPDLQO\EHFDXVH, VLQFHEHFRPLQJDWHDFKHUP\VHOI probably the slowest typist in PLVVHGKRPH7KHVFKRROVWKDWILUVW $OVR,ORRNIRUZDUGWRUHDOO\JHWWLQJ my grade. RIIHUHGPHSRVLWLRQVGLGQRWQHHG WRNQRZWKHPDQGEHFRPLQJIULHQGV &KHFNRXWWKHBlue & GoldRQOLQH <RXFDQUHDGWKHPRVWUHFHQWHGLWLRQRIWKHXSSHUVFKRROVWXGHQWQHZVSDSHUDW http://blueandgoldonline.org/wp/ 2 TAS ALUMNI NEWS 9RO6SULQJ Around the TAS Campus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