![1888-01-13 [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE PIONEER HflTPlMMfl bPnblliM JOB DEPARTMENT. EVBBY FBIDAY MOBNIKQ, MX rcmu, D. T. THE PIONEER EXPRESS WAIiDWELL & THOMPSON, fubllilirra JOB DEPARTMENT Subscription, $2 Per Annua, in Advwce. Is complote, and well supplied-with latest styl4 of typo. Our priccs are as low as are con­ The Plonwr ExpraM etrcuUt«« snmaroiulr is sistent with a legitimate business. mry nolchtorhood In PeoabinA ooutr. and to • distance of ow 60 miles wcetof Bed titer. Kit « o keep constantly on hand a large and wttft Independent In politic*. tbonfh rapportlur Be* stock of letter head*, not© heads, trill htadfc poblfesn principles. Beplir oommuntofttlou monthly uUtments, flat caps, foolscap, busln from ittMtts of the oooaty pabUsbed weekly. cords, shipping tags. labels, envelopes, ball pt*> JMUB BO grammes, etc., which enables tui to do all kinds A wlwittrtng medium tibM oqaal fa VOLUME IX. of commercial printing, both plain and oraa* PEMBINA, PEMBINA COUNTY/DAKOTA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. 1888 mental, on short notice NUMBER 25. We keep on hand a full line of Lecal questions ate believed to be the subjects to PITH OF THE HEWS. THS 8ACREDOTAL JUBILEE. Disastrous Railroad Aooldonts* which he alluded. The pope gives the jubi* of this question of law to the courts, aud Wonderful Railroad Building. les gift money to St. Peter s treasury to be The win ter season lias oj>ened with sev­ in order to effect this result tho tact* FIFTIETH C8HQRESS. The Chicago Railway Age says: The DAKOTA NEWS ITEMS. expended inpropogandUm. Theartisticar- eral very serious railroad accidents, should belaid beforo tho grand iury, and News from Washington. ticles will be placed in the museum of the The Church of Rome Celebrated if proven an indictment found and.tricd. year 1887 has surpassed all othur The public debt reduced, in round num­ Vatican and tho objects of worship in tho the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Or­ though without great loss of life. On Sat­ Abstract of the Proceedings ot the yeara in the extent ol railway mileage bers, $14,584,000 in December* vestry of St. Peters. All the rest will be urday Dee. 31, two trains collided ion the Senate and House. construction iu the United States. North Dakota Teacher's As­ dination of Leo XIII. New York, Pennsylvania tfe Ohio railway given to the hospitals. The Weather of the Departed Year. HKXATK. Our returns show that during 1S87 no sociation. Delegate Gilford of Dakota introduces five miles west of Mead ville, Pa. /. less than 12.72-1 miles of new main line all hie bills in the house in a lump. P. F. Lyons, observer of tho signal corps, Both trains were over two hou|p late, U. S. A., has prepared tho annual review Upon the assembling ot the senate atter track wero added to the railway system of The North Dakota Educational as­ The coinage at the mint* during Decern* The Reoord of casualties. and the express being entitled to tb* right ot the weather as observed at the St. Paul the holiday recess. Senator Sherman tho United States, no account being taken sociation opened at Fargo with an at­ ber, 1887, was $5,762,605, of which $2,* of way. The freight was running without station for tho year 1SS7, which will indi­ made a speech moro carefully prepared of the odd hundreds of miles of side tracks 785,200 were standard dollars. The steamer William Porter was burn* tendance of about a hundred teachers ed at the mouth of the Salt river, twenty- orders, simply taking it lor granted that cate gonerally tho weather of the North­ than is his custom, every word of it hav­ built, nor of the thousands of miles <>? Naval circles have been thrown into a eight miles belotr Louisville, Ky. The vcs< the express was in. Both engineers and west. Tho mean temperature of tho yea ing been reduced to writiug. It is to bo main line tracks relaid. and county superintendents. Prof. state of consternation by report*from Cal­ sel and cargo was valued at $25,000. firemen of the two colliding engines were just ended was 42 degrees. The annual considered • many respects as tho plat- When in LSS2, during a period of cxt ru John Ogden of Mcintosh county was crushed botween the iron ruins, the man­ ifornia relative to the discovery of grave normal for this vicinity is 43 deg. Last •orinoftaK^O,^ ••al candidate. He was fo 1- ordinary activity, 11,5(>S miles of new m.-tdo temporary chairman, Prof. defects in the steel intended to be used in A broken joint in a gas pipe nearly gled bodies of Engineer Swan and Fireman lowed omKy Voorhecs and Teller. road were built, it was goneraliy believed »roves the death of a house full of tenants year was much colder tiiau 1872, '77, '78; Kennedy ot Hillstioro secretary, and the construction of the cruiser Charleston Humes pinned to death, just a* they were slightly colder than 1870, '80, *81, *82 Sever' .ess nominations wcrA, senfc to that these figures would not again be fn New York. Even tho watchman is over* on the point of leaping from their engines. tho sik.. including tW/seol the interstate equaled. Jud^e Ill-forty of Grand Forks editor. uow being built in that state. come, but Is awakened accidentally in the and '84; it differedibut slightly front 1871, 4 Tho scenes were very horrible, but very 73, '74, '76, '83, *84. 'N5 and '80, hut was commissioners and Euf.oe Semple as gov­ A recapitulation of the construction i;. The address of welcome was de- Washington Special: The new senator nick ol time. much like others with which every reader from West Virginia, Mr. Faulkner, is the Jecidediy warmer than 1875. that being ernor of Washington Territory. the different sections of tho country show* liviued by Mayor Edwards and ru* At Lima, Ohio, as C. P. Collins, fireman is familiar. The following is a list of the coldest year elnce 18t0. Its mean Senator Davis offered in tho senate a that the greater part- of this prodigious in­ sponded to by Prof. Ouden. Among youngist man in the body, being six on an engine on the Atlantic railroad, was killed. Engineer E. P. Swan. Meodvllle; en­ months the junior ol his colleague, Mr. temperature was 40 deg. The warmest memorial from the St. Paul chamber of crease of railways has taken place in those present were Territorial Super­ uuder his engine cleauing tho firebox, the gineer William Googe, Meadville; fireman year uinco 1870 was 1877, its mean being commerce, praying for the establishment A FEW Wi:STI-:UN STATUS. Kenna. and nine months younger than Mr. engineer, not knowing he was there, start* Arthur Irwin, Meadville; fireman Edward intendent Dye, Assistant; Wilson, He will be forty 40 deg. The maximum temperature last of^more collection districts for tho State of Spooner of Wisconsin. ed the engine and cut Collins1 body in two. Humes, Cambridge, Ohio; William H. 8te* Minnesota and various other memorials Now England and New York contribute President Ppnutue, of the Grand Forks years old in March. rear was 5)4 deg. and the minimum 36 be* scarcely anything to the grand tulal, tho A fatal collision occurred on the Cana­ phenson. Toledo, Ohio, passenger on the Jow zero. Tho dates were July 15 and and pctitioui. university, and President Crowe, ol Postmasters commissioned: Dakota: train. The list of wonnded is longVBut great Middle states a very little ami thead- the Jamestown college. A larpo nu'u* dian Pacific at Stewart Station between Jan, 18 respectively. Tho total precipita­ HOCSK. I ditions in tho .Southern si ales nut aslarae Virgil, II. J. Warren. Minnesota: North* two freight trains. It is reported that the nono are likely to result fatally. tion tor the the year was 25.85 inches; the ber of very intestine papers were read field, J. E. Kennedy; St. Paul, W. Lee; Two fast mail trains (Number 1 and 2) as many anticipated, although Alabama engineers and firemen of both trains have normal is 3.15 inches greater—that i». Among Minnesota privato bhls intro­ presents a lino record with over ."OO miles; and discussed. President de­ Maple Bay. E. M. Halleckson. Wisconsin: been killed and others injured. Railroad met whilst running at full speed Saturday, there was that much deficiencv for last duced in the house were tho following: Brown Deer, F. G. MUibrath; Rochester, Dec.Hlst, about twelve mile's below Somer­ fieorgiu adds 2-»0 miles, Florida nearly livered a very able oration upon Mil­ officials are very reticent, and it is impos* year. Tho wettest year since'1870 was - Bv.Mr. Rice, irrantlnir a pension ta Mary 200, and Kentucky aud North t'urolina each ton as an educator. W. K. ' Hoyt; St. Nathans, J. S. Chase; sible to get details. set, and caused a frightful casualty. Tho 1881, and thedryest 18S6, the totals be­ Monti; to r. W Travis, for services rendered in Stockholm, G. K. Hihbard. Fourth class accident was caused by conductor and en­ a little less than that. The Northwestern liesolutions were adopted settiua At Barnesville, an explosion of a kero­ ing 89.10 and 22.00 incites respectively. i^e wftr with the Florida Indians; to Frederick postmasters appointed—Dakota: Dales* gineer misreading their orders. They aro !»• ». ' to Albert Aehley; $1*2 per uiontiitob. states, including Michigan, Illinois, Iowa forth that some of the public lands sene lamp in the store of George Weaver, ,lc and Minnesota, hiivcfchown very consid­ burg, J. C. Westburg. lown: ReeJes, Km* both amongst the oldest employee.
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