234 DOD HERTFORDSHIRE. [KELLY'S Dobson Miss, I2 College st. St.Albans Drage Lovell l'II.D. Bur1eigh :Mead, :Ourrant Geo. Reynolds, I Old Cross, Dcekrea The Misses, Colne cottage, Ha tfield Hertford London Colney, St. Albans Drake Rev. W. T. T. M.A. Vicara.gu DuttDn Rev. Alfred LL.B. Vicaxage, Dodd Charles James, Grange road, Gt. Gaddesdon, Hemel Hempstead West Hyde, Rickmansworth R.S.O Bishop's Stortford Drake Miss J. D. Tyrwhitt, Rose Dutton Thomas D. Springhall, Saw- Dodd' E. A. 6 ~ew rd. High Barnet mead, Lt. Heath, :Potter's Bar S.O. bridgeworth R.S.O Dodd Ernest, 2 Eveline viis. Leicester (~Iiddle'sex) Duvall Jn. Wm. The Grange, Ware road, New Barnet Drake Mrs. Piccott's End ha. Hemel Dwight Frederick, Fair view, 1'\orth- DodcL J osiah Eustace, Ventnor cott. Hempstead church, Berkhamsted Bulwer road, New Earnet Draper Henry Montague M. A. Lockers Dye Miss, 72 High st. Gt. Berkhamsted Dodd Miss, 1\fayfield, Station roHd. park, Hemel Hempstead Dyer Miss, South villa, Canterbury Watford Draper Hy. \-Vm. High st. HoddeOO.on road, Watford Dodd Thos. Belmont hill, St. Albans Draper J ex, 69 Sutton rood, Watford Dyer Mrs. The Howes, Ware road, Dodd' William, Heronsgate, Hickmans- Draper Miss, Bmh croft, Wormley, Hoddesdon worth R.S.O Broxbourne S.O Dyer Mrs. London road, Stevenage Duddridge Jn. W. 4 Ware rd. Hertford Drayson Walter B. H. Tudor house Dymock "\Yalter Charles, 3 The Lau- Dodwell H. I5 Lower Derby rd."\Va.tfrd High street, High Barnet rels, Station rd. Waltham Cross Doggett W. J. I3 L. Derby rd. Watfd Drew Edward Alexander, The Mount Dyton Jsph. Old London rd. St.Albns Dc-ggett "\Villiam John, 41 Paddudl. Braughing, Ware Eade Robert Tennant, 3 Hadley road, road, Bushey, Watford Drew Mrs. Alma road, St. Albans New Barnet Dolby Ernest Alfred, The Laurels, Drewitt "\V. Milton rd. Harpenden S.O Ea.don Rev. Jn. Eadon ~LA. Stevenage Little Hadham, Ware I Driscoll Rev. Jas. D.D., B.A. Ed- Earnes Henry, 3 Carnarvou villas, Dollamore John, r8 Loates la. Watfo::-d mund's College, Standon, Ware Strafford road, High Barnet Domvile Beauchamp Victor, Birchfield,,1 Drummond Chas. Bank house, Fore Earle Rev. Richard B. A. The Par- Verulam road, Hitchin street, Hertford sonage, Bourne end, Bovingdon, Don Misses, Sunnyside, East Barnet, Drummond 'rhos. 25 Vlest st. Hertfrd Hemel Hempstead road, New Barnet Dryden Char:es, I Hazlewood terrace, Earle Mrs. I Lyonsdown rd. Nw. Brut Done 1\Irs. Lewisham house, Bulwcr Verulam road, St. Albans Eason J. "\V. 129 Queen's rd. "\Vatird road, New Barnet J Duchess Ezra, 99 Gladstone rd. Wtfrd East Hev. David Jonathan, Calabar Donkin Thomas William,Vernon hou:>P, Dndding Rev. Horatio Nelson M.A. cottage, Wiggenhall road, Watford N orthaw,Potter's Bar S. 0. (~fddl~x) j St. Peter's vicarnge, St. Peter's East Cornelius, N orthchurch, Berk- lJonovan Robert, 2 Ramsay villas, 1 street, St. Albans hamsted Weymouth street, Watford Dudgeon Arthur C.E. ~orth Bank, East George, I New Eng:and street, Dorant "\Vm. Victoria st. St. Albans Clarendon road, Watford St. Albans Dare Frank, Heathside, Little Heath, Duffell Mrs. Vale cottage, Sawbridgc- East Joseph, Cowper house, Great Potter'S' Bar S. 0 worth R. S. 0 Berklmmsted Dorisfield Isaac George, Parsonage rd. Duffield George, The Common, Tot- East Mrs. Highfield hall, London Rickmansworth R. S.O teridge, Whetstone Colney, St. AI bans Dorman Mrs. Shakespeare road, Har-. Dugdale J ames Henry J.P. Rowney East "\\'alter, 28 George street, Hemel penden S.O I abbey, Dane End, Ware Hempstead Dcrricott Mrs. Constance villa, J.lden.l Dugdale Miss, Cro:xley grove, Croxley Eaton Rev. John Slatter B.A. Hock- ham road, "\Vatford : Green, Rickmansworth R.S.O erill street, Bishop's Stortford Dorrington Henry, High .Mead, Bengeo, Duke Rev. A. "\V. M.A. The Parson- Ea ton Ernest "\Vilfred, 20 .Mar~owes, Hertford 1 '<lge, Chapmore end, Tonwell, "\Vare Hemel Hempstead Dorrington Joseph, Spellbrook, Saw-: Duke Rev. Robt. Rd. LL.B. Skel- Eaton Wm. 26 Souldern st. "\Yatford bridgeworth RS.O _ i brook, G:oucester rd. :Kew Barnet Ebury Right Hon. Lord, Moor park, Dorrington Miss, High :Mead, Benge:J,'Dnkes J. Rd. 24 St. Mary's rd. "\Vtfrd Rickmansworth R.S.O.; & 37 Park Hertford I Dumhleton Mrs. Clephane villa, lane, & Turf & Travellers' clubs, Dorrington Mrs. Spellbrook, Saw-, Bnshey heath, Watford S W London bridgewerth R.S.O , Dmnbleton William, 2 Lower Paddock Eddy Chas. 9 Woodford rd. Watford Doughty Mrs. PhC€nix lodge, Hye I road, New Bushey, Watford Eden Edward :Frederick, Chalk Hill common, Roddesdon · Dumville Peter "\Villiamson, Belmont house, Bushey, "\Vatford Douglas Lady, St. 'iVnlstan's lodge, road, St . .Albans Edgcornb Samuel Henry, 15 LPates Nascot road, "\Vatford Duncan Hev. John C. Kneesworth lane, "\Vatford Douglas Admiral the Hon. Geo. Henry road, Royston Edgell Rev. William Seymour 1\I.A. J.P. Newsells park, Barkway,Hoystn Duncan Jarnes IIarding, Stanhope rd. The Vicarage, Totteridge, ·whetstne Douglas Capt.Geo.S. J.P. "\Vhitebarns, St. Albans Edmonds Mrs. 2I Marriott road, Furne'lux Pelham,Buntingfrd.R.S.O · Duncombe James, 22 Kittsbury road, High Barnet Douglas C. D. High st. Harpenden S.O Great Berkharnsted Edwards Rev C. C. Ashwell, Baldock Douglas Miss, Hcathbourne, Bushey Dnncombe Miss, Lagley house, North- Edwards C. R. Grammar school, heath, vVatford church, Berkhamsted Stevenage Doult Thom:1s, jun. 7 Alexandra roarJ, Dunell Mrs. Upper Marlborough rd. Edwards Charles Alfred, I4 Prince Hemel Hempstead St . .A.lbans street, "\Vatford Dove Rev.Julian Llewelyn 1LA.H;,iley~)Dunford Capt. Chas. Corneiius, Carl- Edwards Charles Wm. Lilac cottage, bury college, Hertford ton villa, Hatton rd. Cheshunt, "\Val- Earl street, \-Vatford Dowling .T olm, Aim a villas, Cravells tham Cross Edwards Edward Arthnr, Bank ho. road, Harpenden S.O Dunham Francis William, Victoria High street, Rickmansworth R.S.O Dowling Joseph, Dane End house, street, St. Albans Edwards Fred, Risingholme, Clay hill, Little Munden, "\Vare Dnnlmm .Tames Beujamin, London Bushey, "\Vatford Dowling Wail er E. H. Heath Br•JW road, Hatfield Edwards Fredk C. Orwell house, I school, Hemel Hempstead Dunham John, The Mount, Saw- Hillside road, New Barnet Downer Frederick, Blake house,Loates bridgeworth R.S.O Edwards George H. Cambridge lodge, lane, Watfonl Dunham Mrs. Standon villa, Market Hatfield road, St. Albans Downer Geo. 14 ~Voodford rd. Watfr,rrl street, "\Vatford Edwards G. Lucien, Rlstree R.S.O Downes ~Irs. Colne Bridge house, Mill Dunn Geo. 67 Vicarage rd. vVatford Edwards Gcorge Hobertson, 'fhe End, Rickmansworth R.S. 0 Dunn Mrs. Orchard rd. Stevenage Doon, Luton rd. Harpenden S.O Downing Alfred Veale, 3 Adelaide viis. Dunn Philip Henry, High st. Stevnage Edwards Henry, 2 Grove villas, St. Estcourt road, "\Vatford Dunning Albert, 11 Derby rd. "\Vaftord John's road, Watford Downing Henry Bourne, Apna viiLl, Dupuis Gasper F. Heathfield, Hert- Eel wards Henry, St. Slephen's hill, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead ford Heath, Hertford St. Albaw; Downing Richard Charles,2 Edgbaston Dunlock W. I Holywe:I hl. St. Albans Edwards ::\Iiss, The Oaks, Boreham villas, St. Albans road, Watford Du~and Madame, Fairfield, Pucke- Wood, Elstree R.S. 0 Dowsett Miss, Ivy '\--ilia, Kneesworth ridge, Ware Edwards Miss, Old London road, road, Royston Durham Fredk. William, Glemham St. Albans Dowson Knox, 70 High street, Great lodge, Station rd. New Barnet Edwards Mrs. Cambridge lodge, Hat- Berkhamsted Durnford Lieut.-Col. Edward Con- field road, St. Albans Doxat Edmund Theodore J.P. Wood greve, Langley, Rotamsted lodge, Edwards Mrs. Heathfield lodge, Green prk. Cheshunt, \-Valtham Crss Harpenden S.O Richmond road, New Barnet Draffan Geo. A. Oakfld. Elstree R.S.O Durrant Frederick, New road, Ware Edwards Mrs. Hope villa, F...J.eanor Dradge Mrs. 2 Lawn villas, Verulam Durrant Geo. Bloomfield, 32 Sutton Cross road, Waltham Cross road, St. Albans road, Watford Edwards )!rs. IOI vValsworth road, Drage Chas. 1\LD. North rd. Hatfield Dntton Mrs. 21 Gladstone rd. Watford Hitchin .
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