INDEX to OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records Are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept

INDEX to OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records Are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept

INDEX TO OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries by Application Number Only Authored by: Larry W. Dobbs, Edited by: Tina Calloway Pension Application Reel Last Name First Name Middle Spouse Death Date Number Number Number A(u)ldridge James A 28 1966 5 Aaron Alice John 4338 11 Abbott (Snyder) Jennie Waddy T Abbott 12/05/1928 4938 6084 16 Abercrombie Andrew Jackson 12/14/1920 1013 2929 8 Abercrombie William T J 06/02/1930 2738 3726 9 Abercrombie Nancy E Andrew J 12/08/1938 3599 4440 11 Abercrombie Elizabeth William T J 06/02/1934 5898 7176 Abernathy John W 03/06/1929 3011 1 1 Abernathy Leona Sterling Masterson 08/08/1939 5046 6175 16 Abernathy Sallie A John W 5654 6898 17 Ables Andrew J 2 1 Ables Andrew J 02/12/1926 3875 4710 12 Ables Icy Ann Andrew Jackson 06/15/1928 5133 6313 16 Abney Thomas William 06/15/1929 4248 5158 13 Adair John B 3 1 Adair R W 01/13/1927 1 4 1 Adair Oscar F 03/14/1922 3303 4178 10 Adair (Rogers) Susan M William Penn Adair 04/04/1939 4702 5795 15 Adam James 02/24/1934 6145 7432 19 Adams Francis M 12/11/1922 2 5 1 Adams J H Nancy Mahala 6 1 Adams Sarah E Garnett A 02/22/1927 3 7 1 Adams Nancy Mahala John Hartey 05/29/1926 2258 1998 6 Adams Jacob 04/12/1920 2361 2365 6 Adams Louvinia James M 09/09/1936 3405 2936 8 Adams James 03/28/1917 1053 2938 8 Adams Mary James 11/16/1923 1801 3436 9 Adams John P 04/30/1921 2658 3661 9 Adams William M 08/13/1934 3175 4058 10 Adams Sarah Jane William A 02/07/1927 3455 4307 11 Adams Eveline Wesley Soul 08/13/1931 5033 5978 16 Adams David W 11/27/1927 5244 6188 16 Adams Mary B George W 10/03/1932 6040 7309 18 Adcock Benjamin F 09/19/1920 4 8 1 Adcock James A 02/06/1929 2707 9 1 Addington Andrew Jackson 12/07/1938 5573 6795 21 Addison Nancy Robert Harrison 12/16/1928 4123 10 1 Aderholt Mary Jane Daniel 07/24/1942 6111 7335 18 Adkins John W 2109 6 Adkis(s)on Sophia W 01/20/1920 1742 3300 9 Adkisson Thomas Y 08/01/1916 5 16 1 Agee Isaac N 3226 9 Agnew Walter S 06/22/1930 3670 4508 11 Agnew Mary W S 11/13/1940 5900 7182 18 Aker Johnson B 07/29/1935 6 11 1 Aker Mary R 6381 Akers Hugh H 05/02/1924 7 12 1 Akers Mollie 05/16/1926 4704 5811 15 Page 1 of 164 INDEX TO OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries by Application Number Only Pension Application Reel Last Name First Name Middle Spouse Death Date Number Number Number Akin Sidney 00/00/1918 1131 13 1 Akin W M 14 1 Akins Nancy Caroline William Alexander 05/20/1932 1788 15 1 Akins Amanda E Abijah 09/20/1937 4584 3357 9 Albertson Emma Jane George Washington 12/24/1932 2773 2897 8 Alberty Andrew J 04/13/1933 8 17 1 Alberty Louvenia J Ephriam Marion 07/30/1938 6367 7655 19 Albright (Moore) Mary C John Albright 12/19/1937 6334 7630 19 Albritton Mathew L 06/22/1926 3943 4774 12 Aldridge Wadie Emmaline Martin Spencer 06/25/1934 4925 6060 16 Alewine James M 5718 15 Alexander George A 10/01/1921 9 25 1 Alexander James W 04/16/1924 4146 26 1 Alexander John R 09/12/1925 3612 27 1 Alexander James S 03/15/1917 10 28 1 Alexander Margaret A E Pleasant Jasper 04/12/1941 1919 29 1 Alexander W A 05/02/1930 11 30 1 Alexander J A 10/17/1928 1117 2413 7 Alexander Lucinda Jasper N 00/00/1927 2997 3824 10 Alexander Laura J William 04/14/1936 3877 4712 12 Alexander Amanda M Amos M 4001 4827 12 Alexander Mary J Thomas Crawford 02/00/1932 4851 5967 16 Alexander Rhoda Priscilla Thomas Anderson 03/13/1931 5566 6227 16 Alexander Mary Jesse 06/26/1934 5196 6387 17 Alexander Mary S James A 02/10/1929 5603 6850 17 Alexander Permelia Bartley M 5694 6948 17 Alexander Margaret A William A 11/28/1931 5874 7156 18 Alexander (Caldwell) John 1999 6 Alford James Franklin 05/08/1931 5999 7232 18 Allen Mrs W J William J 09/03/1936 1133 18 1 Allen Edmond 11/15/1927 1132 19 1 Allen Henry Harison 11/06/1923 2980 20 1 Allen James A 08/31/1924 1949 21 1 Allen Lucy James Thompson 22 1 Allen Samuel D 06/11/1922 2013 23 1 Allen Tabitha David 13 2284 6 Allen Addie William 2472 7 Allen Mrs Henry C Henry Clay 03/00/1937 1069 2491 7 Allen Levi 04/13/1930 12 2564 7 Allen Mrs S F William J 01/13/1927 2393 2603 7 Allen Flora C David Elder 11/06/1931 2333 3285 9 Allen Maggie C William 02/20/1934 2581 3550 9 Allen William J 03/09/1926 4043 3838 10 Allen Charles Alford 08/21/1928 2978 3911 10 Allen William S 05/05/1925 3124 3984 10 Allen Andrew B 12/29/1922 3074 3990 10 Allen George Washington 06/15/1921 3363 4229 10 Allen Sarah Elizabeth Abraham B 05/28/1940 3639 4481 11 Allen Martha Jane George Washington 3751 4599 11 Page 2 of 164 INDEX TO OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries by Application Number Only Pension Application Reel Last Name First Name Middle Spouse Death Date Number Number Number Allen Lucy J Samuel D 09/17/1922 4104 4980 12 Allen Andrew J 01/03/1927 4140 5002 12 Allen Laura F Daniel Parker 01/16/1934 4149 5009 12 Allen John 02/03/1937 4254 5157 13 Allen Harrett H Andrew B 07/01/1927 4250 5171 13 Allen John H 5782 15 Allen Rebecca Charles G 5039 6127 16 Allen Elizabeth William 11/30/1929 5062 6201 16 Allen Stephen B 6260 16 Allen Elizabeth Jane Andrew Jackson 09/01/1927 5284 6486 20 Allen John W 04/18/1930 5475 6583 20 Allen Maggie Donia Edmond 03/00/1932 5398 6646 20 Allen Reubin Benjamin 6707 20 Allen Mary Levi 5872 7153 18 Allen Mary Emma John 6448 7715 19 Allen William 08/25/1925 3774 4623 11 Alley Nancy Ann Thomas Jefferson 2050 6 Allison John Rufus 06/00/1917 2014 24 1 Allison William W 03/20/1925 4664 5523 14 Alred Dora Rachel Elisha Turner 02/03/1931 4726 5763 15 Alston Mattie A Peter B 12/14/1924 980 31 1 Alsup Samuel M 09/30/1928 3929 4750 12 Alsup William Pinkney 5584 14 Amacker Julius H 04/11/1924 3642 4484 Amason C O 32 1 Amason Tabitha William T 33 1 Ammons Benjamin Franklin 03/27/1925 3486 4155 Ammons Mary Ellen Benjamin Franklin 02/14/1927 4945 6101 16 Anderson T F 16 35 1 Anderson H G 36 1 Anderson Marcus C 11/28/1915 14 37 1 Anderson Napoleon B 08/06/1920 15 38 1 Anderson W C Sr 05/17/1917 17 39 1 Anderson Mrs H R Henry Richard 2011 6 Anderson George Washington 2040 6 Anderson P D 08/05/1928 1118 2073 6 Anderson Margaret E Samuel A 01/10/1941 2286 2178 6 Anderson Sarah Marcus Calhoun 05/09/1924 1009 3072 8 Anderson Lowvenia William C 12/28/1936 1816 3479 9 Anderson Outlaw V 10/09/1922 3980 4808 12 Anderson Fannie O 4251 5172 13 Anderson John H 10/13/1924 4469 5323 14 Anderson Susan A Zachariah Harris 12/22/1931 4758 5802 15 Anderson Martha E John H 05/19/1934 4844 5966 16 Anderson A M 01/02/1926 4865 5985 15 Anderson Mary E Peter D 05/01/1943 5596 6828 21 Anderson William W 11/07/1931 5932 7209 18 Anderson Elsie J William Riley 7280 18 Anderson Doyle John Benjamin 6019 7295 18 Page 3 of 164 INDEX TO OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries by Application Number Only Pension Application Reel Last Name First Name Middle Spouse Death Date Number Number Number Anderson Amanda W Marion Frances 07/27/1933 6114 7393 18 Anderson Margaret Elizabeth Hugh Thomas 11/09/1933 6257 7552 19 Anderson Martha A Thomas W 08/05/1947 6458 7766 19 Anderton James 1134 40 1 Andes Susan Ann Edward 01/03/1933 18 34 1 Andrews Alvin 06/29/1935 19 41 1 Andrews Robert W 04/11/1935 20 42 1 Andrews Annie L John Bell 02/23/1924 4372 5277 13 Andrews Julius A 12/28/1928 4379 5366 14 Andrews Tommie T Julius A 04/00/1934 5620 6863 17 Angell Anderson R 07/02/1917 1135 2873 8 Anglin W T 12/21/1930 1136 43 1 Anglin John W 4958 12 Ansley Lem L 05/30/1926 4869 5971 16 Anson Amos 12/07/1931 3284 4141 10 Anthony Amanda E John T 3320 4191 Anthony John T 07/14/1919 1137 44 1 Appleby James B 04/27/1923 4180 45 1 Appleby Augustus M 06/02/1916 21 2581 7 Appleby Martha M Augustus M 02/17/1928 1750 3337 9 Applewhite Benjamin L 05/15/1931 4583 5539 14 Archer George B 08/30/1925 2547 46 1 Archer Joseph Franklin 04/19/1931 5509 47 1 Archer Benjamin 1967 5 Archer Thomas Jefferson 09/20/1922 3416 4275 11 Archer William M 5801 15 Arden Lue E William Cordelius 04/01/1927 4730 5817 15 Argo Henry D 07/25/1926 3185 3813 10 Argo Hattie A Henry Davis 07/11/1942 5202 6396 17 Argo William Crockett 6940 17 Armby Besty Charles M 2017 6 Armentrout Amanda A John Benjamin 5484 6483 20 Armontrout Manerva A Jacob W 09/20/1925 2015 48 1 Armstrong G W 01/26/1937 2016 49 1 Armstrong J A 04/02/1920 1929 50 1 Armstrong John C 11/04/1924 1138 51 1 Armstrong John Wesley 06/08/1924 3067 52 1 Armstrong Nathaniel Washington 53 1 Armstrong W T 54 1 Armstrong Thomas Haynes 07/01/1921 22 2163 6 Armstrong Sarah James Alexander 01/21/1921 2488 3114 8 Armstrong Andrew J 07/21/1919 2758 3754 9 Armstrong Lucinda Elizabeth James A 3358 4224 10 Armstrong Mary M James B 03/13/1923 4212 5068 13 Armstrong Isaac H 06/07/1930 4941 6096 16 Armstrong Martha A Isaac H 09/00/1936 5891 7175 18 Armstrong Margaret Ward Joseph 03/26/1940 6171 7458 19 Armstrong Eliza Jane Nataniel 7781 19 Armstrong J M 05/14/1924 2832 Page 4 of 164 INDEX TO OKLAHOMA CONFEDERATE PENSION RECORDS Records are Available at the Oklahoma Historical Society by Reel Number and the Oklahoma Dept.

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