:---------~-------- -- - l Irish Extra - page 11 VOL XIX, NO. 20 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 Corby Tavern reopens after nearly $13,000 in back taxes are paid By MARGARET FOSMOE Jr.'s house, at 2609 York Road, to f:xecuttve lidt.lor pick up some files. "He (Rowley Jr.) was going to Some of the uncertainties cloud­ meet me at Corby's a little after ing the future of Corby Tavern were eight. When 1 didn't return, he came cleared up yesterday, when nearly looking for me," said Eichorst. S I 3,000 in past emplt)yment taxes "I went over to his house and ap­ wen:: paid to the Internal Revenue parently surprised (the assailants)," Service. he said. "They had a gun and put it to lbe popular student bar my head and told me to lay on the reopened last night, 28 days after floor. They put two pillowcases over 1. R.S. officials seized the bar and my head and tied me to a chair in the threatened to sell it within 30 days dining room." for non-payment of taxes. Eichorst said approximately two "Our goal was to get it opened and half hours later he was moved hdore the first home football and tied to a chair in a bedroom. He weekend, and we've apparently ac­ estimates he was In the bedroom for complished that," said Michael an hour and a half. Scope: litis, attorney for Rose Rowley. Eichorst said there was definitely Rose Rowley, of Orland Park, 111., is "more than one" assailant, but he the administrator of C.T.l., Inc., the could not determine how many corporation which owns the bar. people were present. "During the The Oboervtr/C...ol Gala She is the widow of Harold Rowley whole night there was somebody Hands om Jr., the owner of the corporation, checking me all the time," he said. This boom-boom girl bad to fight off several The Dillon pep ral~y, a campus tradttion, also who was killed in an execution-style "Conversation was muffied and it ardent admirers at last night's pep rally in front of featured a stirring rendttion of the Dillon Hall shooting in his home Aug. I. was hard to hear what they were Dillon Hall. (S)he was one of a group of lovely song by a group of toga· wearing freshmen. More than seven weeks after the saying. I didn't really hear anything ladies dancing on stage during tbe annual event. shooting, uncertainties continue to until the shots were fired," he said. cloud the murder investigation. Rowley Jr. was shot at close range Captain Charles Mabank of the South once in the chest and twice in the Bend Police Detective Bureau said back of the head, according .to yesterday that there was "no prog­ police. Area businesses to sponsor festival ress to report" on the investigation. "When the first shots were fired, I No motive or suspects in the started to break loose," said Eic­ ByJEFF NIEKELSKI owner of a nearby laundromat. The Festival will be in the parking slaying have been released. horst. "I didn't know it was him NewsSUl/J The Shamrock Business Associa­ lot of the Goodwill Store and will in­ James Eichorst, operations (Rowley Jr.) until I broke loose and tion is a group of local business dude a Mexican food booth and a manager of the tavern under Rowley went out and saw him lying on the The Northeast Fall Festival '84 owners working together for the barbecue pig roast booth. Also, all Jr., told Tbe Obseroer that Rowley Jr. floor," he said. He said he freed him­ will be held Sunday from noon to 6 neighborhood. "We try to get a used merchandise at Goodwill will had never mentioned any threats self by breaking the arms of the p.m. at the Goodwill Plaza at the cor­ forum for businesses in the area and be half-priced. against his life. Eichorst was in chair. ner of Howard and Eddy Streets. The solve the mutual problems we In addition to fundraislng, festival Rowley Jr.'s house when the bar Eichorst estimates he broke loose Festival, coordinated by the Sham­ have," Slatt said. Goals of the group coordinators hope to "bridge the owner was murdered. "30 to 4 5 seconds after they (the as­ rock Business Association, will in­ include street and sidewalk im­ gap between the Notre Dame and Rowley Jr. and Eichorst had gone sailants) left." After seeing Rowley clude food, pop, beer, a bake sale, provements, Increased police South Bend communities." Working to dinner with another businessman Jr.'s body, Eichorst said, he ran out of and a dunk tank featuring Notre protection for the public, and under the motto "Where Notre from the Five Points area on the the house and flagged down a police Dame and South Bend celebrities. housing renovations. Dame Meets South Bend," Slatt and night of the shooting. said Eichorst. squad car several blocks away. Raising money for improvements his Shamrock partners hope for a Eichorst would not reveal the other Approximately a week after the in the five corners area is the pur­ "We have an undeserved bad turnout large enough to make an '85 man's identity, saying only that it murder, said Eichorst, three men pose of the festival, sponsored by the reputation in the area due to press version of the Northeast Fall Festival was "not one of the other bar came to his house and assaulted his Shamrock Business Association and coverage, and we want to develop a possible. owners" in the area. father. The men were looking for the Northeast Neighborhood Asso­ positive attitude toward the five "This is our first big effort to Im­ Eichorst said he left the two other him (Eichorst), said Eichorst. ciation. "We want to make the five. points," Slatt said. Members of Sham­ prove the corners," said Slatt. "It will men at a restaurant "a little after "I think after all the publicity points area a safe and clean place for rock Include owners of the bars, gas be a great opportunity for everyone seven" the evening of the shooting. students and our neighbors," said station, laundromat, and Goodwill to have some great beer and food He said he planned to stop at Rowley see CORBY'S, page 3 Phil Slatt, Shamrock member and store located at the five corners. and raise money for a worthy cause." Sidewalk to replace roadway near Le~ans, O'Laughlin By BETH WHELPLEY These changes are the result of NewsSUl/f · questions concerning pedestrian safety on the roadway. A committee Plans for the construction of a composed of representatives from sidewalk In lieu of the present road­ both the convent and the College way between O'Laughlin was formed in October 1983 and Auditorium and LeMans Hall at Saint hired the architectural firm of Mary's are well under way. Borger/Jones Associates to lnvesti· In October, while students are on gate alternatives to the potentially mldsemester break, the roadway hazardous situation. will be dosed. It will then be Anne Reed, director of public re­ • landscaped, and a turn-around area lations, called the current situation a for shuttle buses will be con­ "bottleneck", citing cars parked on structed. alternate sides of the road and con· According to Director of Adminis­ sistent parking lot traffic. Although trative Services, Bob Foldes!, Reed admits there Is no record of construction should end within 10 previous accidents, she says there days, after which the area will be have been "several near misses" and opened solely for pedestrian traffic. feels there Is "an accident waiting to Drivers using the LeMan.~ parking lot happen." 'lbc Obacrvcr/Carol Gales will turn from the main gate road­ "I think the most difficult thing Angela Strougel atzd Vivian Ostrowski cross tbe causes congestion and potential hazards, and the way on to the Madaleva street and go about this is having the driver get­ mad in front of LeMans Hall at Saint Mary's while area will be restructured during October break into around the north loop. Drivers will ting used to taking the alternate several cars also try to use the roadway. The con­ a pedestrian walkway and shuttle bus turnaround. then enter the Le Mans lot through route .. .it is a matter of re-training flict between cars a"d pedestrians on Ibis street Story at right. the road opposite McCandless Hail. ourselves," said Reed. ----------------------- The Observer Friday, September 21, 1984 - page 2 In Brief Sorry, Miss Preppy, but Notre Dame is not in Fort Wayne A dissimilar response to hormonesthat may have developed before birth may be the first clear evidence of a Let's get serious: biological di1ference between homosexual and heterosexual men, Notre Dame sophomores are allowed to have cars on Bob Vonderheide researchers say. In measuring rising and falling levels of hormones campus, and most definitely, Notre Dame is in South due to stimulation by other hormones, scientists found that the Bend, Ind. Editor-in-Chief responses of homosexual men fell in between those of heterosexual But not according to Lisa Birnbach, author of the men and women, says a report to be published Friday in the Journal newly published Lisa Bif"r!bacb's College Book, which Inside Friday of Science. In this latest work, scientists looked at the responses of gives an extensive but silly overview of American col­ hormone levels to certain stimulation and found measurable di1fer­ leges. ences between groups of men with di1ferent seJOJal orientation. --AP Birnbach, whose other book -- Tbe Official Preppy Handbook -- convinced rich collegiate males to flip up Birnbach did two nights ago on late Night with David their polo collars, seemed to forget the meaning of the Letterman) takes a little nerve.
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