www.geni-uv.com Genicom Co., Ltd. Daehan Building 5F, #1018 Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302-120, Korea Tel :+82-42-862-3982 Fax :+82-42-862-2982 E-mail :[email protected] http://www.geni-uv.com Total Solutions of UV Sensing Company Introduction ModelModel Numbering Numbering of of Component the Probe Greetings from CEO “We walk the path together!” Since its foundation, Genicom Co., Ltd. has grown into a total solution specialist in ultraviolet ray detection technology and products on the back of specialized GaN-based technology and is doing its utmost to emerge as a global sensor specialist by developing various detection and application technologies related to environment. In particular, it aims to create a beautiful company by continuously improving technologies and services and giving back to the society so that human beings can lead a pleasant life in harmony with the TOTAL environment and both customers and business partners can feel happy. SOLUTIONS Thank you. OF UV SENSING Solutions of UV Sensing Total Company History G UVA - T1 1 G D - L 2010 2006 May 2010 | Supplier for Samsung Electronics May 2006 | Development of InGaN-based UVA Sensor ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ Feb. 2006 | Acquisition of ISO14001 Certificate 03 ① Manufacture ④ Characteristics - G : Genicom Co., Ltd. - from 0 to 9 2009 2005 - or from A to Z Sep. 2009 | Development portable UV radiometer Oct. 2005 | Development of AlGaN-based UVC Sensor ② Detection Range (CE Certificate) May 2005 | Supplier for LG Electronics - VGR : ~ 510 ㎚ ⑤ Window Type Mar. 2009 | Development of AlGaN-based Filter - VBL : ~ 470 ㎚ - G : Quartz Glass - UVV : ~ 395 ㎚ - S : Si-encapsulant - UVA : ~ 370 ㎚ - E : Epoxy 2008 2004 - UVB : ~ 320 ㎚ Dec. 2008 | Development of UVC Probe Nov. 2004 | Acquisition of ISO9001 Certificate - UVC : ~ 280 ㎚ ⑥ Product Type - D : Discrete May 2004 | Initiation of Sensor Business ③ Package Form - H : Hybrid - S1 : SMD3528 - S2 : SMD1608 ⑦ Chip Size - S3 : SMD3020 - Skip : 0.4 × 0.4 ㎟ 2007 2000 - T1 : TO-46 - L : 1.4 1.4 Dec. 2007 | Development of UV Radiometer Jul. 2000 | Establishment × ㎟ - T2 : TO-39 & TO5 - U : 3.4 × 3.4 ㎟ (CE Certificate) May 2007 | Acquisition of CE Certificate (Outdoor UVI meter) Package Dimension Operation Information Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Remark S1 (SMD3528 ) Storage Temperature Tst -40 90 ℃ Operating Temperature Top -30 85 ℃ Reverse Voltage Vr, max. 5 V Forward Current If,max. 1 ㎃ Soldering Temperature Tsol 260 ℃ within 10 sec. S2 (SMD1608 ) Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total Application Circuit S3 (SMD3020) 04 05 T1 (TO-46) Name Part No. Function Model or Value Remark Supply Voltage MCP6241 MCP6241 : 1.8 ~ 5.5 V OP-Amp OP-Amp Amplification LMC6081 LMC6081 : 4.5 ~ 15 V OPA237 OPA237 : 2.7 ~ 36 V T2 (TO39) Capacitor controls response time. Decreasing the input Capacitor C 10 ㎋ If you want fast response, reduce the noise capacitor like 1 ㎋ or 10 ㎊. Resistor R Gain control few ㏁ Vout (V)= Iph (A) × R T2 (TO5) Visible Sensor UVA Sensor GVGR-S10SD GUVV-S10SD Features SMD3528 with Si-encapsulant Features Indium Gallium Nitride Based Material Indium Gallium Nitride Based Material Schottky-type Photodiode Photovoltaic Mode Operation Photovoltaic Mode Operation High Responsivity & Low Dark Current High Responsivity & Low Dark Current Applications UV LED Monitoring (385, 405nm, etc.) Applications UV-A Lamp Monitoring Blue LED Monitoring UVA Lamp Monitoring Characteristics (at 25℃) Characteristics (at 25℃) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions ㎁ Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Dark Current Id 1 Vr = 0.1 V ㎁ ㎽ ㎠ Photo Current Iph 28 ㎁ LED (405㎚), 1㎽/㎠ Photo Current Iph 181 UVA Lamp, 1 / ℃ Temperature Coefficient Itc 0.1 %/℃ UVA Lamp Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total Temperature Coefficient Tc -0.08 %/ Solutions of UV Sensing Total Responsivity R 0.08 A/W λ= 405 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Responsivity R 0.18 A/W λ = 350 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Detection Range λ 300 510 ㎚ 10% of R Detection Range λ 240 395 ㎚ 10% of R GVBL-S11SD GUVV-T10GD Features SMD3528 with Si-encapsulant 06 Indium Gallium Nitride Based Material 07 Photovoltaic Mode Operation Features Indium Gallium Nitride Based Material High Responsivity & Low Dark Current Schottky-type Photodiode Photovoltaic Mode Operation Applications UV LED Monitoring (385, 405nm, etc.) High Responsivity & Low Dark Current Blue LED Monitoring UVA Lamp Monitoring Applications Full UV Band Monitoring UV-A Lamp Monitoring Sterilization Lamp Monitoring Characteristics (at 25℃) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Characteristics (at 25℃) Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Photo Current Iph 48 ㎁ LED (405㎚), 1㎽/㎠ Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Temperature Coefficient Tc -0.09 %/℃ Photo Current Iph 163 ㎁ UVA Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ Responsivity R 0.11 A/W λ = 405 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Temperature Coefficient Itc 0.1 %/℃ UVA Lamp Detection Range λ 300 470 ㎚ 10% of R Responsivity R 0.12 A/W λ = 350 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Detection Range λ 230 395 ㎚ 10% of R UVA Sensor UVB Sensor GUVA-S12SD GUVB-S11SD Features Gallium Nitride Based Material Features Aluminium Gallium Nitride Based Material Schottky-type Photodiode Schottky-type Photodiode Photovoltaic Mode Operation Photovoltaic Mode Operation Good Visible Blindness Good Visible Blindness High Responsivity & Low Dark Current High Responsivity & Low Dark Current Applications UV Index Monitoring UV-A Lamp Monitoring Applications UV Index Monitoring Characteristics (at 25℃) Characteristics (at 25℃) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V 113 ㎁ UVA Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ 69 ㎁ UVB Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ Photo Current Iph Photo Current Iph 26 ㎁ 1 UVI 1.4 ㎁ 1 UVI Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total Temperature Coefficient Itc 0.08 %/℃ UVA Lamp Temperature Coefficient Itc 0.1 %/℃ UVB Lamp Responsivity R 0.14 A/W λ = 350 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Responsivity R 0.14 A/W λ = 300 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Detection Range λ 240 370 ㎚ 10% of R Detection Range λ 235 320 ㎚ 10% of R GUVA-T11GD GUVB-T11GD 08 09 Features Gallium Nitride Based Material Features Aluminium Gallium Nitride Based Material Schottky-type Photodiode Schottky-type Photodiode Photovoltaic Mode Operation Photovoltaic Mode Operation Good Visible Blindness Good Visible Blindness High Responsivity & Low Dark Current High Responsivity & Low Dark Current Applications Full UV Band Monitoring Applications UV-B Lamp Monitoring UV-A Lamp Monitoring Sterilization Lamp Monitoring Characteristics (at 25℃) Characteristics (at 25℃) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V 161 ㎁ UVA Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ 76 ㎁ UVB Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ Photo Current Iph Photo Current Iph 93 ㎁ UVC Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ 1.7 ㎁ 1 UVI Temperature Coefficient Itc 0.05 %/℃ UVA Lamp Temperature Coefficient Itc 0.1 %/℃ UVB Lamp Responsivity R 0.18 A/W λ = 350 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Responsivity R 0.14 A/W λ = 300 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Detection Range λ 220 370 ㎚ 10% of R Detection Range λ 220 320 ㎚ 10% of R UVC Sensor UV Sensor with Large Chip Size GUVC-S30GD GUVx-T1xGD-L (TO46 package) Features Aluminium Gallium Nitride Based Material GUVA-T11GD-L GUVB-T11GD-L GUVC-T10GD-L Schottky-type Photodiode Photovoltaic Mode Operation Good Solar Blindness Applications Sterilization Lamp Monitoring Applications UV LED / Lamp Monitoring Characteristics (at 25℃) Parameter UVA UVB UVC Unit Test Conditions Characteristics (at 25℃) ㎁ Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Dark Current 20 20 20 Vr = 0.1 V Photo Current 3.1 1.5 0.55 ㎂ 1 ㎽/㎠ Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Temperature Coefficient 0.05 0.1 -0.07 %/℃ UV Lamp Photo Current Iph 34 ㎁ UVC Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ Responsivity 0.18 at 350 ㎚ 0.13 at 300 ㎚ 0.05 at 254 ㎚ A/W Vr = 0 V Temperature Coefficient Itc -0.07 %/℃ UVC Lamp Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total ㎚ Solutions of UV Sensing Total Responsivity R 0.06 A/W λ = 254 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Detection Range 220~370 220~320 210 ~280 10% of R Detection Range λ 210 280 ㎚ 10% of R GUVC-T10GD GUVx-T2xGD-U (TO39 package) 10 Features Aluminium Gallium Nitride Based Material 11 Schottky-type Photodiode GUVV-T20GD-U GUVA-T21GD-U GUVB-T21GD-U GUVC-T20GD-U Photovoltaic Mode Operation Good Solar Blindness Applications Pure UV-C Monitoring Applications UV LED / Lamp Monitoring Sterilization Lamp Monitoring Characteristics (at 25℃) Test Parameter UVV UVA UVB UVC. Unit Characteristics (at 25℃) Conditions Dark Current 90 90 90 90 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Photo Current 14.7 15.6 7.4 3.3 ㎂ 1 ㎽/㎠ Dark Current Id 1 ㎁ Vr = 0.1 V Temperature Coefficient 0.15 0.05 0.1 -0.07 %/℃ UV Lamp Photo Current Iph 34 ㎁ UVC Lamp, 1㎽/㎠ Responsivity 0.15 at 350 ㎚ 0.18 at 350 ㎚ 0.13 at 300 ㎚ 0.06 at 254 ㎚ A/W Vr = 0 V Temperature Coefficient Itc -0.07 %/℃ UVC Lamp Detection Range 230~395 220~370 220~320 210~280 ㎚ 10% of R Responsivity R 0.06 A/W λ = 254 ㎚, Vr = 0 V Detection Range λ 210 280 ㎚ 10% of R UV sensor with Amplified Voltage Output Model NumberingModel Numbering of Probe of and the MeterProbe GUVx-T2xGH (TO5 package) Features Single Supply Voltage & Voltage Output Applications UV LED / Lamp Monitoring TOTAL SOLUTIONS Common Condition Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark OF Storage Temperature -30 - 90 ℃ Total Solutions of UV Sensing Total Operation Temperature -25 - 85 ℃ UV SENSING Solutions of UV Sensing Total Supply Voltage 1.8 - 5.5 V DC Supply Current - 50 - ㎂ Response Time - 5 - ㎳ G UVC - T1 1 G C - 3 LW10 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ Characteristics (at 25℃) 12 13 Detection Detection Power Output Voltage Model No.
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