semper Jloreat... the ne>3o^spaper of the u nWersity of cjueensland students' union Vol. XIX.-N0, 19 Thursday, August 3, 1950 «eg:i.siere(1 at G.P.O., Brisbane, for [ran.''n)l33ion hy post as a periodical. Day Vice-Presidents and Councillors COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS. Counting of all Day Students has been completed, and the The Union Council Meeting fuial results are printed below. All other results involve Even­ ing Student votes, and will not be known imtil next term. of Tuesday, 18th of July, pro­ The down-town Press relishes any mention of Communists, vided an interesting debate on so we add for their benefit that, to the best of our knowledge, the admission of the Peace Some alarm over future world none have been .so far elected. development apparent in Psycho­ Society as an Associated Body logy Department. Latest group Any person v^ho wishes to of the. Union, experiment has been an investi­ gation into the production of challenge the following results The Liberal faction, if we may call should Inform the IJnion Office brass arrow heads. • . For them so, 'hotly opposed the Peace survivors of the next war? in ^vriting before 5 p.m., Wed­ Interstate Travel Society, tlie Australian Peace o « « «• nesday, 9th August. Council, the North Koreans, and the Votes for the positions influence of Communism in the Hope the Men's Club chooses a challenged will subsequently be During Long Vacation world today, it having been admitted better time for its A.G.M. this year counted under the scrutiny of that a large proportion of the than lunch hour at George Street, the challenger. I hasten to add, A letter is to hand from Hobart It's quite impossible for students in asking any student who is in­ members are in the Radical Club, other areas to get to it, unless it however, that preferential vot­ terested in visiting Tasmania dur­ Fortunately the Chairman curtailed ing is a long and arduous process their references to the inter­ is held during the evening. ing the long vac. to contact the 0 « * • and that though we must accept Local T. and B. Officer, giving the national situation, The Peace all such clmllenges, we suggest following details:—(1) Name, Society constitution was then con­ Who has young blond hand­ that no such procedure should foe address, sex; (2) type of employ­ sidered section by section, and some by the withers—ah mee! undertaken lightly, approved conditionally upon certain m ^1 * * concerning' the validity of nomina­ ment required; (3) district in which employment required J (4) type of amendments being made; In Rather disturbed by a few of tions. However, all nominations re­ particular Council objected to the the election notices round the Var­ ceived were valid, though in some accommodation—hostel, Hotel or private (dannot guarantee exact finance of the Society being handled sity. I refer in particular to those cases, they may have appeared by the Committee without reference such as—Vote 1 for Bloggs. Our anomalous. These anomalies are type)—also give some idea how much you are prepared to spend; to the Society. elections are not yet descended to inevitable with the present distri­ The Committee on Tram and bution of students in the various (5) date of arrival and length of the level of political party bicker­ stay. , Bus Fares reported to Coxmcil ing, and such propaganda should areas. In all cases provisions which that they had interviewed the seemed most satisfactory were put Deposit of £1 must be en­ well be scorned in a thinking uiu- Tramwa^ys General Manager re versity community. into operation. closed {or accommodation. If Students. possible, write before October * * * • RESULTS FOR. 1951 U.Q.U. DAY 30th as the Commomvealth Student's concessions on trams University Thespians go* to­ VICE-PRESIDENTS AND REPRE­ Employment Bureau and Tourist and buses; he had advised them gether again after the performaaice SENTATIVES to seek a State Government sub­ of "The Wei Oof The Saints" to Bureau keep a number of open­ sidy on St. Lucia buses, as being Detailed resultis may be had on ings for students until then. celehraie its success and to toast application to the Union Office. the only way of reducing fares. their comfaig trip to Sydney. It The address is: Miss G. M. Cox, It was therefore decided to send was a small affair with much VICE PRESroENTS NUAUS. Local Travel & Exchange a deputation consisting of the highbrow talk the consuming oC 1. ST. LUCIA (DAY), A. K. Officer, University of Tasmania, Union Executive and of the niomerous bottles of lemonade. McCracken. If you are interested in visiting Committee, to the State Govern­ Afterwards a certain Thespian got 2. GEORGE ST. (DAY), D. C, other States there are T, and E, ment, to seek such a subsidy. a fixation on travelling home in Stewart, officers at all Universities (includ­ 3. HERSTON, B. Kynaston. Damage to Union premises on the the boot of a car. Ilie talk had 4. TURBOT ST., K. H, Baldwin. ing Armidale) and a full list of night of the Men's Club Smoko was gone to his head. 5. YERONGPILLY, L. Laws, their addresses will be found in the next discussed. It was decided that * * « « next copy of "Australaise," the Men's Club should be held re­ BeUeve the'Womens College gate UNION COUNCILLORS :o: sponsible for the breakage of both is returned once again, this time 1. ARCHITECTURE, G. F. Walker. WANTED — AN EDITOR the refectory showcase and the painted red and green! 2. ENG. & SURV. (DAY), C. J. The Editor or Editors of pedestal in the men's wash room; e 0 * 0 Apelt; H. V. Greenfield, "Semper" for n'ext year ^vilI be The executive of the Men's Club Who was it arrived homo from 3, SCIENCE (DAY), p. S, Upton; elected at the Annual General were relieved to find that they were a house warming with several M. Inverarity (Miss). Council Meeting in the second not held personally responsible.. buttons missing, a bruise on his 4. PHYSIOTHERAPY, J. E. week of next term. ' Council disapproved strongly back from being sat on, and a Murray (Miss). If you are Interested, contact a the actions of unfortunately .5. ARTS (DAY, G, J. Price; M. anonymous persons who affixed large black button sewn securely G. Hislop (Miss). member of council, and prefer­ to his shirt with red cotton. ably also one of the present political propaganda, in the form o « « • 6. COMIMERCE (DAY), E. G, of posters and stickers, to the Cooke (Miss). Editors, before the mfteting, to entrance of the Main Building, The wet weather is showing ita 7. DENTISTRY, H. R, Withers: C. arrange for someone to nomin­ effect on the notices in the ate you. St. Lucia. Engineering department. The Jour­ a Hoey. nals to be read for July were: 1. VET, SCIENCE, L. L. Callow. DuQk Breeding, Rice Cultivation, i. MEDICINE, S, Shiel; G, A, Aquatic Sports, Pluvius (signed). H>cker; J. Hall (Miss), J. A. J. COME TO THE INTER-VARSlTY DEBATES! . Ert^ett. » • • • Semi-Finals on the nights of Tuesday, 16th, and Wednesday, The Revue "Red ot 'n' Blue" LABGE POLL 17th August in the Temperance Hall, Canberra Hotel Building, has turned out a good show. .,t A, surprisingly large number of Best acts were firstly the baUot Jstudents voted, the figures being:— Edward St., at 8 p.m. -~not enough of them—then the T St. Lucia, 152; George Street, 431; Grand Final on Friday, 18th, at 8 p.m., at Teachers' Confer­ Hipner songs and lyrics, and * Rerston, 343; Turbot Street, 160; thosp remarkable acrobats, Yerongpilly, 54 ence Hall, Elizabeth St., between George and Albert Sts. O'Connor and James. Bravol Total day voting 1,140, of a total of 1,800 day students. Come and cheer Queensland to Victory! "" FELIXT* SALE — SALE — SALE Starting MONDAY, 24th JULY, for two weclts only — • ««Brlsbonfl'8 Best Borikstorc."" SALE Books of all descriptions drastically reduced. 107 EliznbetJi Street, BRISBANE Page Two SEMPER FLOREAT Thursday, August. 3, 1950 We Eiljby the keviie m • •• To produce a Revue at all is a formidable task—but when P it is the first of its kind, with no tradition or precedent to point I iVie newspaper out the way and especially the pitfalls that prevail, the physical I of the university of and mental strain could easily demoralise the hardest. But I Queensland sludenLs' onton this week the vision of a few stalwarts has been realised, and Co-Edltora: ALAN WALKER. MALCOLM HAM. their faith in the possibilities of .such a venture has been justified. A8.sociate Editor: MURRAY WILLIAMS, Eleanor Cooke and Dugald Cameron are nursing incipient Snorting Editor: JOHN HABRIS, neurosis, but our sincerest pats on the back will, we hope, soothe Social Editress: MARGARET HISLOP, their overburdened shoulders. Congratulations, Doug and St. Lucia Sub-Editor: STEPH. HOCKINO, "Cookie," for a show that proved a great success; you can feel Staff: St, Lucia: lOSITH MORRISON, IAN HARRIS, PAT WALKER, LEONIB HAYNB. proud of your pioneering zeal, especially if Council sees fit to George St.: BRIAN LEDLEY, BILL RUDD. CHAS. THOMAS. put a Revue on the programme for next year—and, we hope, Herston: JOHN Q'DUPFY, JOHN EMMETT. BRYAN EMMERSON, in future years. .„i Business Manager: GEOFF, CLARKE. Vol, XIX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1950 No. 19 Bouquets, too, to Pam Harper, And then Fred Noon^—all that Nathan Kipner, Ian iVicKinley, could be desired as a compere as George Battey and all their v/illing Augy Thistlewhistle—a touch of aides, before and behind scenes.
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