Name HC Sp Su Fa Wi N Name HC Sp Su Fa Wi N Accidentals Vireos Finches (recorded, but not regularly observed) Mount Rainier National Park Solitary Vireo F o o o x Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch SA uc c uc r x Pied-billed Grebe Wood Duck National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Warbling Vireo F uc uc uc x Pine Grosbeak F o o o x Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Purple Finch F r r r r x American Wigeon Ring-necked Duck Warblers, Tanagers, White-winged Scoter Bufflehead Bird Checklist Sparrows, & Blackbirds Cassin’s Finch FS o uc uc x Red Crossbill FS o o o r x Hooded Merganser Turkey Vulture Orange-crowned Warbler F uc uc c x White-winged Crossbill F r r r r Ferruginous Hawk California Quail Nashville Warbler F r r Pine Siskin FS c c c uc x Virginia Rail Semipalmated Sandpiper Yellow Warbler F uc o uc x American Goldfinch F o o r Baird’s Sandpiper Common Snipe Yellow-rumped Warbler FS c c c x Evening Grosbeak FS o uc o r x Wilson’s Phalarope Red-necked Phalarope Black-throated F r r r Ring-billed Gull Caspian Tern Gray Warbler Old World Sparrows Marbled Murrelet Mourning Dove Townsend’s Warbler FS c c c x House Sparrow F r r r x Barn Owl Snowy Owl Clark’s Nutcracker Hermit Warbler F o o o x (introduced) Long-eared Owl Boreal Owl MacGillivray’s Warbler F uc uc uc x Williamson’s Sapsucker Northern Rough-winged (HC) Habitat Codes Common Yellow-throat F o o o x Swallow Notes F = forests Wilson’s Warbler FS c c uc x Black-billed Magpie Bushtit S = subalpine forests/meadows Western Tanager F uc uc uc x White-breasted Nuthatch Pygmy Nuthatch A = alpine areas Black-headed Grosbeak F r r r x Canyon Wren Northern Shrike R = rivers L = lakes/marshes Chipping Sparrow FS uc uc uc x Lazuli Bunting Spotted Towhee Savannah Sparrow FS r r x Vesper Sparrow Snow Bunting Abundance Fox Sparrow FS uc uc uc x Western Meadowlark Common Redpoll Abundance is based on the number of individuals of a Song Sparrow FS uc uc uc r x Hutton’s vireo species a competent observer might expect to find in a Lincoln’s Sparrow FS uc o uc x single day in suitable habitat. White-crowned Sparrow FS o o uc x Sp = Spring Su = Summer Fa = Fall Wi = Winter Notes a = abundant: easily observed in habitat Golden-crowned Sparrow FS o o uc c = common: high probability of observation Dark-eyed Junco FS a a a o x uc = uncommon: probability of observation low Red-winged Blackbird FL o o o x o = occasional: seldom observed Brewer’s Blackbird FL r r r = rare: zero to a low number observed annually Brown-headed Cowbird FS r r r x (N) Nesting x = indicates species known or believed to nest in Mount Rainier National Park The names and order of species follow the American Ornithologist’s Union Checklist (1983) and supplements through 1993. Please give a park ranger detailed descriptions of any observed species listed as occasional, rare, or not listed. 9/11 Name HC Sp Su Fa Wi N Name HC Sp Su Fa Wi N Name HC Sp Su Fa Wi N Name HC Sp Su Fa Wi N Loons Grouse Kingfisher Chickadees Common Loon L r r Blue Grouse S c c c c x Belted Kingfisher RL o uc o x Black-capped Chickadee F c c c c White-tailed Ptarmigan A uc uc uc uc x Mountain Chickadee FS uc uc uc uc x Grebes Woodpeckers Ruffed Grouse F c c c c x Chestnut-backed FS c c c c x Western Grebe L r Lewis’ Woodpecker F o o o o x Chickadee Plovers Red-breasted Sapsucker FS uc uc uc uc x Herons Nuthatches Killdeer L r r Downy Woodpecker F o o o r x Great Blue Heron L uc uc Hairy Woodpecker FS c c c c x Red-breasted Nuthatch FS c c c c x Sandpipers Waterfowl Three-toed Woodpecker F o o o o x Creepers Greater Yellowlegs L r r r Black-backed Woodpecker F r r r r x Canada Goose L r r Solitary Sandpiper L r r Brown Creeper F c c c c x Northern Flicker FS c c c o x Green-winged Teal L o Spotted Sandpiper L uc uc uc x Pileated Woodpecker F o o o o x Wrens Mallard L o o o Northern Pintail L r Gulls Flycatchers Winter Wren FS a a a a x California Gull LS r Harlequin Duck R r r x Olive-sided Flycatcher FS uc uc o x Dippers Barrow’s Goldeneye L o o x Pigeons Western Wood-Pewee FS r o o x American Dipper RL uc uc uc uc x Common Merganser L r r o x Willow Flycatcher FS r r r x Band-tailed Pigeon F uc uc uc x Kinglets & Thrushes Eagles & Hawks Hammond’s Flycatcher FS r r r x Owls Dusky Flycatcher FS r r r x Golden-crowned Kinglet FS c c c r x Osprey FL r r Western Screech-Owl F uc uc uc uc x Pacific-slope Flycatcher FS c c uc x Ruby-crowned Kinglet FS uc o c Bald Eagle S o o Great Horned Owl F uc uc uc uc x Western Bluebird S r r Northern Harrier S uc uc Larks Mountain Bluebird S o uc o x Northern Pygmy-Owl F uc uc uc uc x Sharp-shined Hawk S o o o o Horned Lark S o o o x Spotted Owl F o o r r x Townsend’s Solitaire F o uc uc x Cooper’s hawk S o uc uc o Barred Owl F o o o o x Swainson’s Thrush F c c uc x Northern Goshawk S o o o o x Swallows Northern Saw-whet Owl FS o o o o x Hermit Thrush FS c c uc x Swainson’s Hawk S r uc Tree Swallow F o o o x American Robin FS c c c x Red-tailed Hawk S uc c c x Violet-green Swallow FS c c c x Nighthawks Varied Thrush FS c c c o x Rough-legged Hawk S o Barn Swallow F c c c x Common Nighthawk F o Golden Eagle S uc uc x Pipits Crows & Jays Swifts American Pipit S uc c c x Falcons Gray Jay FS a a a a x Black Swift F o o o American Kestrel S o uc uc Steller’s Jay FS a a a a x Waxwings Vaux’s Swift F c c c x Merlin S o o Clark’s Nutcracker FS uc c c uc x Cedar Waxwing FS uc uc uc x Peregrine Falcon S r r r Hummingbirds American Crow F r r r Starlings Prairie Falcon S o o Calliope Hummingbird F r r r x Common Raven FSA c c c c x Rufous Hummingbird FSA c c c x European Starling F r r r x (introduced).
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