AYRSHIRE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 3 DECEMBER 2019 AT 1300 HRS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON ROAD, KILMARNOCK PRESENT: Councillor Alex Gallagher, North Ayrshire Council; Councillors Douglas Reid, John McGhee and Tom Cook, all East Ayrshire Council; Councillors Douglas Campbell, Brian Connelly and Brian McGinley, all South Ayrshire Council; Fiona Lees, Chief Executive and Alex McPhee, Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer: Economy and Skills, both East Ayrshire Council; Craig Hatton, Chief Executive, Karen Yeomans, Executive Director of Economy and Communities and Neale McIlvanney, all North Ayrshire Council; Eileen Howat, Chief Executive, Donald Gillies, Director – Place and Theo Leijser, all South Ayrshire Council; Douglas Cowan, Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Simon Foster, Spirit Aerosystems; Craig Hume, Utopia Computers; Hisashi Kuboyama, Federation of Small Businesses; Laura Worku, Scottish Government; Mark Newlands, Scottish Enterprise; Val Russell, Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce; Adrian Gillespie, Chief Commercial Officer, University of Strathclyde; Carol Turnbull, Principal, Ayrshire College; and Ian Welsh, Third Sector Representative. ATTENDING: Sharon Hodgson, Head of Ayrshire Growth Deal; and Jennifer Morrison, Democratic Services Officer, both East Ayrshire Council. APOLOGIES: Councillors Joe Cullinane, Marie Burns and John Bell, North Ayrshire Council; Alison Irvine, Director of Transport, Strategy and Analysis, Transport Scotland; Katie Hutton, Skills Development Scotland; Alan McGregor, Glasgow University; Alistair Dobson, Managing Director, Taste of Arran; and Marcus Ross, University of the West of Scotland. CHAIR: Councillor Alex Gallagher, North Ayrshire Council. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1. The Chair welcomed Ian Welsh, Third Sector Representative to his first meeting. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 2. There were submitted and approved as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 September 2019 (circulated). DRAFT REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRATEGY 3. There was submitted a report by the Director for Growth and Investment, North Ayrshire Council (circulated) which updated the Board on the progress to develop a Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The Board received a presentation on the paper from Karen Yeomans on the prototype strategy which was appended to the report, and was a place and asset-based model to deliver inclusive growth. It focussed on a series of strategic priorities where Ayrshire had a sectoral, infrastructural or locational competitive advantage. The intent of the strategy was to ensure that by 2030, Ayrshire was more innovative, productive, inclusive, operated on international scale and was sustainable, by taking a strategic, action-based approach. Strategic priorities identified were:- advanced manufacturing; aerospace/space; blue economy; clean energy/decarbonisation; rural and islands economy; visitor economy; business growth; a skilled and dynamic workforce; digital ecosystem; connectivity; and thriving communities. The Board noted that a number of “Task and Finish” groups had been established and had already started to meet and would continue until January. The groups would revise the content of the prototype strategy, with a draft version of the strategy to be produced by February 2020 for wider engagement with interest groups and community partnerships, following which the final document would be submitted to a future Board meeting seeking agreement to publish and launch the strategy. Following Karen’s presentation, there then followed an information/discussion session and in relation to particular matters raised in relation to the prototype strategy, the Board noted:- that whilst the strategy content was viewed as the baseline narrative, it would be adjusted as and when required to target specific audiences; the ‘green’ agenda was an important thread running through all strategic priorities; acknowledgement that improved transport links were required with the north of England; strategy was laid out until 2030, however, this could include shorter milestone dates; consideration be given to including some case studies to give the document more life; inclusion of a vision as to what an economy would look like in 2030; inclusive growth to come through more strongly in document; recognition that the three authorities already worked well together and were totally committed to working together going forward; narrative should include some context around the current Ayrshire economy; in terms of proposals, more recognition of communities and their wellbeing, the impact on poverty, and regeneration of high streets should be included; and recognition of investments made in Health and Wellbeing and in Housing should be included. Taking into account the aforementioned points, the Board agreed:- (i) to approve the prototype Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy for further content development with sector-based expertise through the “Task and Finish” groups; and (ii) that a final draft strategy and action plan would be brought to a future meeting for the Partnership for approval. AYRSHIRE GROWTH DEAL - PROGRAMME UPDATE 4. There was submitted a report (circulated) by the Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer: Economy and Skills which advised of the progress of the Ayrshire Growth Deal and the development of its component projects as at 21 November 2019, and provided the draft spend profile for the Deal over its lifetime. The board noted the following key points:- in terms of the overall Ayrshire Growth Deal programme, there are a number of pieces of work that will require to be concluded by individual Councils prior to projects being implemented to ensure adequate processes and procedures are in place to support the reporting requirements of governments and to maximise the benefits of this level of public sector investment into Ayrshire; these include partner agreements between East Ayrshire Council, as lead authority for the Deal and North and South Ayrshire Councils; staff resource for the Programme Management Office (PMO); software systems procured and operational to monitor project activities and ensure robust reporting; risk management arrangements and communications plans in place. Work is underway with regard to all of these work streams and the PMO is being supported by colleagues in each of the Councils in this regard; partners have all provided details to the PMO in terms of financial profiling and phasing of project activity. On an individual project basis, project leads have also provided details of key milestones, outputs and outcomes and key risks and this information has been collated into draft Deal documents, specifically a draft Financial Plan and draft Implementation Plan. These will now be shared with UK and Scottish Government colleagues for discussion and negotiation. Projected spend in 2020/21 is £8.3m with the projects expected to start next year including i3 and investment in commercial property and road infrastructure at Prestwick; The Halo Kilmarnock, on the former Johnnie Walker site in Kilmarnock, was the first project to commence with contractors on site in October 2019. A first expenditure claim by this project will be submitted to the Scottish Government in January 2020 and will provide the lead authority with a clearer understanding of what is required in terms of reporting. the draft documents currently demonstrate a high degree of ambition for the Ayrshire Growth Deal delivery and business cases are being updated by project leads to reflect this. Sign off of the Deal documents is likely to be underpinned by the submission of these business cases to government and once agreed, the Deal documents will then be subject to annual review to take account of project variances. The final draft documents will also be subject to sign off by the Regional Partnership Board in due course; and there have been delays in the updating of project business cases, reflecting the complexity of the projects in the Deal and the level of developmental work underway. It will be important to ensure that new deadlines are adhered to given the importance of these documents to achieve sign off by the two governments. Monitoring of performances is therefore an essential component of the work of partners. It was agreed: (i) to note the updates provided in the report; (ii) to note the progress across the Ayrshire Growth Deal Programme; (iii) to note the ambitions of partners in terms of spend projections for the Ayrshire Growth Deals; (iv) to note the key elements of work which should be included prior to Growth Deal implementation; and (v) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. PRESENTATION ON PRESTWICK PROGRAMME 5. The Board was then introduced to Theo Leisjer, South Ayrshire Council’s new Service Lead, Economy and Regeneration by Donald Gillies. Donald handed over to Theo for a presentation on the Prestwick Proposition which: would build on a major asset and opportunity; would develop projects in collaboration with industry, Scottish Enterprise and academia; aimed to Sustain, Grow and Invest in the Aerospace and Space sectors at Prestwick; and established Prestwick as the Centre of Excellence for Aerospace and Space Development in Scotland and in the UK. Theo, as part of the presentation, covered the following areas:- projects for the Aerospace and Space Programme totalled £80m to cover road infrastructure, commercial space, spaceport infrastructure
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