Advice on Qualification Equivalencies 2018-2019 University of Cambridge – Graduate Admissions Office This document is advisory only and is designed to give Departments a guide for the minimum entry requirements for each country. It is worth noting that there can be great variation in the education systems between countries, and Departments should, as always, consider each application on the strength of the references and other supporting materials in addition to the academic qualification. The document has been compiled from a variety of sources including: UK NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom) www.naric.org.uk; The International Office; and views from individuals in several Faculties. Please note that this table lists the University’s minimum requirements. Departments and Degree Committees differ in how they regard qualifications, and may therefore require a higher grade or qualification than that specified below. An academic case will be considered with relevant supporting information for applicants who do not meet these guidelines. Comments and views from colleagues on this document are very welcome. Please contact Clare Impey at the Graduate Admissions Office if you wish to comment on or add to any advice – [email protected] . When requesting more information about a specific case, it is helpful if you can send copies of the applicant’s academic transcripts where possible. ****NOTE: Where multiple grading schemes are listed on one transcript, whichever requirement is the highest should be applied. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z COUNTRY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED 2:1 EQUIVALENT FIRST EQUIVALENT COMMENTS Afganistan Master’s 85% Last updated 21/09/2017 COUNTRY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED 2:1 EQUIVALENT FIRST EQUIVALENT COMMENTS Albania Kandidat I Shkencave (Candidate of Sciences), the 8/10 9/10 Note: University Diploma (post Master I nivelit te pare (First Level Master’s 2007) = Dip HE, not sufficient. degree) or the Master I nivelit te dyte (Second Level Master’s degree) (course started pre-2007, post 2007 equivalent to UK Master’s degree) Diploma e nivelit te pare (First Level [University] 9/10 Diploma) (course started post-2007) Algeria Magister, Licence; Diplome d'Etude Superieures, 15/20; très bien, very 17/20; très bien, very Diplome de (subject area),d'Ingenieur/d'Architecte good good d'Etat Argentina Título/Grado de Licenciado/a, Título de [subject 8/10 from top University 9.1 or above (Distinguido Please see appendix A for a list of area] (at least four years) from top University as listed to Sobresaliente) top Universities. 9/10 from other 9.5/10 recognised institution Maestria/Magister 8/10 Armenia Master’s Degree (Diplom Magistrosi) (course GPA 3.5/4, 80%, 4 out of 90% Note: Aspirantura (Candidate of started pre-2004) 5, 17/20 or Good Sciences) is equivalent to a UK PhD Bachelor Degree (awarded after 2004) Bakalavr when completed at the American GPA 3.5/4, 80%, 4 out of 90% University of Armenia 5, 17/20 or Good3.5/4.0 Last updated 21/09/2017 COUNTRY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED 2:1 EQUIVALENT FIRST EQUIVALENT COMMENTS Australia Bachelor’s (Hons) degree (four years) Second Class Division First Class Note: The degree must be awarded A/Second Class Division High distinction on the basis of independent 1 80% research and completion of a Distinction70% thesis. Must be 4 yrs and state Honours on Transcript Academic year runs from late January till December Austria Diplomstudium or Magister (pre 2002) 1.9 1.3 1.0 is highest mark. Distinction may be awarded for average better than 1.5 Bachelor’s (Bologna) ( post 2002) 1.9 1.3 Azerbaijan Specialist Diploma (post-1991) 4/5 or 9/10 or 90% 4.5/5 or 9.5/10 or 95% Magistr (post-2004) comparable to British Master’s Degree Baklavr (post-2004) 4/5 or 9/10 or 90% 4.5/5 or 9.5/10 or 95% Magister (pre-2004) 4/5 or 9/10 or 90% 4.5/5 or 9.5/10 or 95% Bahamas Bachelor’s Degree from the University of the West First Class Honours or Indies GPA 3.6/4 Bahrain Bachelor’s (at least four years) (post-2005) from a GPA 3.5/4 or 85% GPA 3.7/4 or 90% Recognised institutions include: recognised institution University of Bahrain Arabian Gulf University Note: Arabian Gulf University does not appear on Naric’s list because although accredited by the Ministry of Education, they have not registered with the Higher Education Council. Last updated 21/09/2017 COUNTRY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED 2:1 EQUIVALENT FIRST EQUIVALENT COMMENTS Bangladesh Master’s when following a 3 or 4 year Bachelor 1st class, 75%, GPA See Appendix A for a list of public Degree from a recognised public University 3.75/4 or Grade A Universities. Master’s Degree from BUET Pass There isn’t enough information to sensibly rank Universities, but care is needed with other Universities as standards are very variable. Barbados Bachelor’s Degree from The University of West First Class Honours or Indies, Cave Hill GPA 3.6/4 Belarus Master’s Degree or Specialist Diploma (post-1991) 4/5, Good or 8/10 9.5 Note: Belarus has been barred from the Bologna process and the EHEA for at least another three years (from April 2012) Belgium Ingenieur/Licence/Licenciaat/Maitrise 70% or met 80% or met grote onderscheiding / avec onderscheiding / avec distinction grande distinction Bachelor’s (post-2003) 70% or met 80% or met grote onderscheiding / avec onderscheiding / avec distinction grande distinction Bolivia Licenciado, Título de [subject area] (at least 5 77% or Distinguido 83% Prestigious Universities: years) from a prestigious institution Universidad Mayor de San Andres Universidad Catolica Boliviana Bosnia-Herzegovina Diplomirani (Bachelors) completed at a Public 4/5 or 9/10; B 5/5 or 10/10; A See Appendix A for a list of Public University (post 2008) Universities. 5/5 Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja (pre 2008) Last updated 21/09/2017 COUNTRY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED 2:1 EQUIVALENT FIRST EQUIVALENT COMMENTS Botswana Master’s from University of Botswana 70%; B; Very Good Brazil Título de Bacharel / Título de [subject area]/ Título 8/10 9/10 de Licenciado/a (when awarded after a minimum of four years) Brunei Bachelor (Honours) degree (four years) from Upper Second Class First Class Honours; 90, A Government Higher Institutions: Government Higher Institution Honours; 75, B Universiti Brunei Darussalam (University of Brunei) Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan Politeknik Brunei Universiti Teknologi Brunei Bulgaria Master’s (pre 2001) Grade 5/6 Grade 5.5/6 Bachelor’s (post 2002) Grades 5/6 Grade 5.5/6 Diploma of Completed Higher Education up to and Grades 5/6 including 1995 Burma (Myanmar) Postgraduate Master’s Degree Minimum overall grade of 75%, Excellent/Very Good, First Class or a numeric score ; GPA 4.5/5 Cambodia Master’s B+; 3.75/4; 83% Last updated 21/09/2017 COUNTRY QUALIFICATION REQUIRED 2:1 EQUIVALENT FIRST EQUIVALENT COMMENTS Cameroon Diplôme d'Ingénieur, Maîtrise or master's (without Très Bien, Very Good or thesis) 16 out of 20. Diplome d’Etudes de Commerse 16/20 Canada Bachelor degree (Honours) or four year Bachelor’s 3.3/4, 3.6/4.3, 10/12, B+ 3.7/4, 4/4.3, 8, 83%, A without honours or 78% overall (on a 1- 100 scale) Professional Degree B+ or 78% Bachelor’s (3 years, without Honours) from 3.3/4, 3.6/4.3, 10/12, B+ 3.7/4, 4/4.3, 8, 83%, A Quebec or 78% overall (on a 1- 100 scale) Chile Grado de Licenciado 4 years 5.5/7 (bueno) or 78% 6.5/7 (muy bueno) China Bachelor’s from a recognised institution 85% from prestigious 90% from prestigious See Appendix A for list of institutions; GPA 3.5 institutions ; GPA 3.8 prestigious or good institutions. 90% from good 95% from good institutions GPA 3.8 institutions GPA 3.9 Master’s from any other institution Pass Colombia Licenciatura Título Profesional (4 years) 4/5 4.5/5 Congo (Democratic Diplôme d'Études Approfondies, Diplôme d'Etudes 90% or La Plus Grande Although these qualifications are Republic of) Supérieures or Diplôme d'Études Spéciales from Distinction equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree Université de Kinshasa Ordinary – they normally take 7 years to complete. Congo (Republic of) Maîtrise or Diplôme des Études Supérieures 15/20 Last updated 21/09/2017 Costa Rica Licenciado (4 years) from a public higher education 8.5/10 9/10 Public Institutions: institution. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) Universidad de Costa Rica Universidad Estatal a Distancia – (UNED) Universidad Nacional When awarded by a private higher education institution, the programme must be approved by the Consejo National de Enseñanza Superior Universitaria Privada (CONSESUP). Croatia Magistar (Master’s Degree) (pre-2005) 4/5, vrlo dobar (very Visoko Obrazovanja/Level good) VII/1(Second level degree obtained on completion of 4-6 year course, Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea (Bachelor Degree) (post- 4/5, vrlo dobar (very pre-2005) may be considered with 2005) good) 5 out of 5 Diploma Visoko Obrazovanje (4-6 years) 5/5 (4-6 years of full Magistar post 2005 = UK Master. time) Last updated 21/09/2017 Cyprus Bachelor’s/Ptychion from a Public University 7.5/10 8/10 Recognised institutions: University of Cyprus Cyprus University of Technology Open University of Cyprus Degrees from some private institutions accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture can be accepted but programme must be approved by Evaluation Committee of Private Universities (ECPU).
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